Legislation authored by Charles Alfred Murphy, Sr.

Includes legislation with Charles Alfred Murphy, Sr. as the primary author for the 35th through 39th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

39th Regular Session
SB 5 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation out of the State Treasury of the State's portion of the compensation to be paid by the State and the United States Government to owners of live stock destroyed to eradicate and prevent disease among live stock in this State.
SB 8 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute of the Penal Code of the State of Texas by providing punishment for attempted theft from the person to be not more than six months in the county jail and not more than three years in the penitetniary.
SB 9 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute of the Penal Code of the State of Texas by providing that the punishment for the theft of property worth $50 or more shall be by confinement in the county jail not more than twelve months or by confinement in the penitentiary not more than ten years.
SB 10 Caption: Relating to the suspension of the sentence of convictions for misdemeanors and providing for the procedure therein.
SB 11 Caption: Relating amending certain statute of the Penal Code of the State of Texas by providing that the punishment for the crime of theft from the person shall be by confinement in the county jail not more than twelve months or by confinement in the penitentiary for a period of not less than one year or more than seven years.
SB 12 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute of the Penal Code of the State of Texas by providing that the punishment for attempted burglary shall be by confinement in the county jail not more than twelve months or by confinement in the penitentiary for a period of time not less than one year or more than four years.
SB 13 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute of the Penal Code of the State of Texas relating to the punishment of the offense of burglary by providing that the punishment shall be imprisonment in the county jail not more than twelve months or by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a period of time not less than one year or more than twelve years.
SB 20 Caption: Relating to providing that the fees received by all officers for services in tax matters earned pursuant to the provisions of certain statute shall be accounted for as fees of office, where earned and collected subsequent to December 31, 1925.
SB 21 Caption: Relating to adding to certain section of the Harris County Road Law, authorizing the commissioners' court of Harris County, Texas, for the purpose of properly laying out all roads and superintending their maintenance, to purchase automobiles for the use of commissioners when acting a road supervisors, under appropriate regulations of said court, and providing for reports thereon to the auditor, and limiting the amount to be expended therefor, and providing for the marking of said car and a penalty for failure to mark.
SB 22 Caption: Relating to providing for a fiscal year for Fee Bill reports and date that such reports should be made.
SB 23 Caption: Relating to the compensation of the Tax Collector for administering oaths, furnishing certified lists of qualified voters and issuing poll tax receipts, and method of payment by the State and county therefor.
SB 24 Caption: Relating to providing procedure in the preparation and conduct of budgets of counties in which there is a county auditor.
SB 25 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to requiring monthly report of State Taxes by county clerks so as to require that in counties having a county auditor, the duties prescribed for the county clerk shall be performed by said auditor, and providing that before allowance of delinquent and insolvent lists the roll shall be audited by the county auditor.
SB 26 Caption: Relating to requiring the handling of the accounts of Sheriffs and other officers in all counties having a County Auditor.
SB 27 Caption: Relating to the keeping of money in the custody of an officer or in the County Depository during the progress of litigation or dispute.
SB 29 Caption: Relating to permitting applicants for writs of habeas corpus in criminal cases, when the relief prayer for is denied by the judge of the court to whom the application is made and who prosecutes an appeal form the order of said judge or court to the Court of Criminal Appeals to be released on bail pending the appeal in all save capital cases, the amount of bail to be fixed by the judge trying the case and the order entered upon the minute of the court, the bail bond to be executed and approved, under the same provisions of law criminal cases after verdict of conviction as provided for by the existing law.
SB 30 Caption: Relating to providing that all trial courts in this State before being authorized and empowered to impose any punishment or fine against another party for any alleged constructive contempt of said courts covering any alleged acts or conduct of said party, arising outside of and not in the presence of said courts, shall submit the issues of fact in such alleged constructive contempt to a jury of said courts as in civil cases, and the findings of said jury shall adjudge the party guilty of contempt as alleged.
SB 81 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the prospecting for and the development of minerals and other substances in the public lands, islands, waters, river beds, and channels owned by the State.
SB 88 Caption: Relating to the appointment and compensation of deputies and assistants of certain district and county officers and providing for appointment and compensation from county funds of special deputy district clerks in counties of two hundred thousand population or more and containing a city of over one hundred and sixty thousand inhabitants and in which counties there are more than one district court, so as to provide additional compensation upon approval of the commissioners' court upon certain conditions and after certain length of service and providing for payment from fees of office only and repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
SB 94 Caption: Relating to authorizing legislative bodies of incorporated cities and towns to provide for the promotion of health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community; regulating and restricting the size, kind and character of buildings; the dimensions of lots, yards, etc.
SB 95 Caption: Relating to regulating the platting and subdivision of land and the sales of small lots of land in cities and towns and within three miles thereof; providing a penalty for the ale of land without such approval; prohibiting the recording by the county clerk of deeds and plats without the approval by city or town, and prescribing penalties therefor.
SB 100 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the salary of district attorneys in counties having an excess of 100,000 population.
SB 115 Caption: Relating to providing that no evidence obtained by any officer or person by the violation of any provision of the Constitution or laws of the State of Texas, or of the United States, shall be admitted in evidence against the accused on the trial of any criminal case.
SB 180 Caption: Relating to providing that any foreign corporation not having a permit to do business in Texas, and lawfully owning stock of a corporation organized under the laws of Texas, may vote said stock and participate in the management and control of such corporation as other stockholders, subject to all laws, rules and regulations governing Texas corporations.
SB 207 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners Court of a county to employ one or more nurses for the purpose of assisting in the promotion of public health and visiting and inspecting the pupils of public schools.
SB 231 Caption: Relating to creating a district court for Harris County, Texas, to be known as the District Court 103, Judicial District of Texas, and defining the jurisdiction of said court.
SB 325 Caption: Relating to authorizing the establishment of a co-operative credit association for the purpose of promoting thrift among their members, of providing the members with loans for productive or remedial purposes at reasonable rates of interest, of fostering the co-operative spirit.
SB 353 Caption: Relating to propagating and protecting wild fox and wild raccoon; preventing shooting and trapping wild fox and wild raccoon within the limits of Harris County, State of Texas, for a period of five years from and after the passage of this Act; and providing a penalty therefor.
SB 383 Caption: Related to increasing and fixing the salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Harris County, Texas.
SB 400 Caption: Relating to permitting the issuance of bonds by Liberty County for the purpose of funding or refunding indebtedness incurred for road and bridge purposes.
SB 401 Caption: Relating to conferring upon counties the right of eminent domain, where land, right of way or easements are necessary to be secured for the construction of jails, courthouses, hospitals, delinquent and dependent schools, poor farms, libraries or for other public purposes, and providing for the institution of such proceedings in the name of the county, and that the assessing of damages shall be in conformity to the statutes of the State of Texas for condemning and acquiring right of way by railroads, and providing that no appeal shall cause suspension of work, and that counties shall not be required to give appeal bond or bond for costs.
SB 432 Caption: Relating to creating and establishing the West University Place Independent School District, in Harris County, Texas, defining and describing it by metes and bounds, providing for the government thereof, providing for the election of trustees therefor, providing for the government thereof as under the General Laws in all matters not otherwise specially provided therein, providing for the extension of boundaries thereof.
SCR 29 Caption: Relating to salary within the Ranger workforce.
SJR 6 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing for a State Tax to pay pensions to persons who have served as much as thirty years as a teacher or instructor in the public schools or educational institutions under governmental authority; providing for the publication and submission of said amendment to the qualified voters of the state.
SJR 14 Caption: Proposing an amendment increasing the authorized rater of taxation for state purposes to one ($1.00) dollar on the one hundred ($100.00) dollar valuation.
SJR 15 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing that all cities may increase the tenure of officers of their city to four years by vote of the inhabitants of such cities; making an appropriation.
SR 21 Caption: Requesting that the Governor furnish expiration dates of various university regents.
SR 25 Caption: Requesting the Attorney General for information regarding expiration of terms of office of members of board of regents for the University.
SR 33 Caption: Requesting House to return S.B. 175.
SR 37 Caption: Requesting that Governor Miriam Ferguson veto S.B. 175, commonly known as the free pass bill.
39th 1st Called Session
SB 3 Caption: Relating to ratifying and confirming commissioners' court orders concerning road bonds in Harris County.
SB 4 Caption: Relating to ratifying and confirming commissioners' court orders concerning road bonds in Harris County.
SB 5 Caption: Relating to general validation for Harris County Texas. Submitted by the Governor.
SB 6 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number One (1), in Harris County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
38th Regular Session
SB 4 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient Prison System for the State of Texas.
SB 5 Caption: Relating to providing that the punishment for the crime of theft from the person shall be by confinement in the county jail for not more than six months or by confinement in the penitentiary for not more than seven years.
SB 6 Caption: Relating to providing that the punishment for the theft of property of the value of $50 or more shall be by confinement in the county jail not more than six months or by confinement in the penitentiary not more than ten years.
SB 7 Caption: Relating to providing for the suspension of the sentence in convictions for misdemeanors and providing for the procedure therein.
SB 8 Caption: Relating to providing that if any sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, deputy constable, ranger, city marshal, chief of police, policeman, or any other public officer in this State, having under arrest or in his custody as prisoner any person, shall torture, torment, or punish any such person by inflicting on him any mental or physical pain for the purpose of making such person or attempting to make such person confess any knowledge of the commission of any crime, such officer shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as hereinafter provided.
SB 16 Caption: Relating to providing that the punishment for forgery shall be by confinement in the county jail for a period of not more than six months or by confinement in the state penitentiary not more than seven years.
SB 17 Caption: Relating to providing that whenever any person shall have been sentenced by any court of the State of Texas to pay a fine or fine and cost, whether with or without imprisonment, and shall have been confined in prison for 30 days.
SB 18 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article of the Penal Code of the State of Texas relating to the punishment of the offense of burglary.
SB 19 Caption: Relating to providing the punishment for the offense of an attempt to commit theft from the person to be not more than six months in the county jail and not more than three years in the penitentiary.
SB 20 Caption: Relating to providing that the punishment for attempt at burglary shall be by confinement in the county jail not more than six months or in the state penitentiary not more than seven years.
SB 21 Caption: Relating to permitting defendants in cases in which requisitions have been issued for them by the Governor and where they appeal their cases to the Court of Criminal Appeals, to give bond the same as defendants in other felony cases.
SB 22 Caption: Relating to making appropriation to pay a certain judgment in the District Court of Harris county, Texas, in the case of Houston National Exchange Bank vs. the Prison Commission, et al.
SB 41 Caption: Relating to providing that all trial courts in this State before being authorized and empowered to impose any punishment or fine against another party for any alleged constructive contempt of said courts covering any alleged acts or conduct of said party, arising outside of and not in the presence of said courts, shall submit the issues of fact involved in such alleged constructive contempt to a jury of said courts as in civil cases, and the findings of said jury hall adjudge the party guilty of contempt as alleged.
SB 47 Caption: Relating to the writ for the apprehension of persons who are lunatics or non compos mentis and their detention, prohibiting the incarceration of such persons in county jails in counties where city or county hospitals exist, providing that they shall be detained in such county or city hospitals.
SB 59 Caption: Relating to regulating the employment of women and minors and establishing a Minimum Wage Commission to investigate and deal with such employment, including the fixing of a minimum wage.
SB 95 Caption: Relating to limiting and regulating the length of freight trains which may be run or operated over railroads in the State of Texas, prescribing a penalty for the violation thereof.
SB 114 Caption: Relating to creating pilot boards in navigation districts containing cities of 100,000 population or more, and owning, operating or controlling docks, wharves or other facilities for utilizing navigable streams therein.
SB 210 Caption: Relating to providing that any corporation formed under certain statutes may increase the number of its directors or trustees to not more than seventy-five, instead of not more than twenty-five, as now provided.
SB 211 Caption: Relating to fixing in counties having a population in excess of one hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, the compensation of District Attorneys.
SB 216 Caption: Relating to providing a means by which candidates may get their names on the official ballots in elections to fill vacancies in the Senate or House of Representatives of this State.
SB 217 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to do away with the appointment of an attorney ad litem in suits where defendant has been cited by publication.
SB 218 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners Court of the counties of a certain population to employ one or more nurses for the purpose of assisting in the promotion of public health.
SB 228 Caption: Relating to providing more fully for placing common and independent school district accounts and funds under the supervision and control of the County Auditor in counties having a County Auditor.
SB 238 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to provide that the Attorney General shall, in every conviction of offense against the penal laws in cases of misdemeanors, when the judgment of the court below is affirmed by the Court of Criminal Appeals, or the appeal is dismissed by said court, receive the sum of Ten Dollars, which shall be collected, remitted and disbursed.
SB 239 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office to issue certain oil and gas leases.
SB 269 Caption: Relating to procedure in civil district courts in certain counties and whose terms continue three months or longer.
SB 270 Caption: Relating to the district courts of the 11th, 55th, 61st and 80th Judicial Districts of Texas, and fixing the terms and prescribing the jurisdiction and administration of the business of said courts.
SB 402 Caption: Relating to creating and incorporating the Houston Independent School District, and defining its boundaries.
SJR 12 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 26 of Article 4 of the State Constitution providing that the Governor may appoint notaries public for a term of six years with authority to perform official acts in the county in their residence and in any adjoining county.
SJR 13 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 9 of Article 8 of the Constitution of the State of Texas providing that the Legislature may authorize an annual ad valorem tax to be levied and collected for the further maintenance of the public roads.
SR 48 Caption: Inviting former State Senator Hart Willis to address the Senate.
SR 49 Caption: Inviting former Governor William P. Hobby to address the Senate.
SR 71 Caption: Setting a time for the consideration of certain bills.
SR 78 Caption: Inviting former Lieutenant Governor Lynch Davidson to address the Senate.
38th 2nd Called Session
SB 56 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act creating and incorporating the Humble Independent School District in Harris County, out of the territory now composing Common School District No. 50.
SB 57 Caption: Relating to extending for a period of five years from the passage of this Act, Oil and Gas Permit No. 2609, issued June 11th, 1918, in San Jacinto Bay, Harris County, Texas, said extension to be upon the same terms and conditions on which the original permit was issued.
SB 75 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization of corporations for the purpose of borrowing and loaning money to their members only and for the discount and re-discount of notes, or other evidences of indebtedness, for their members.
SB 76 Caption: Relating to enabling the citizens of the State of Texas to avail themselves of the provisions of the Act of Congress of the United States of America approved March 4, 1923, and known as the Agricultural Credits Act of 1923, and providing for the creation of private cooperative credit associations by citizens of the State of Texas engaged in the production or marketing of staple agricultural products or the raising, breeding, feeding, fattening or marketing of live stock.
SB 77 Caption: Relating to providing that liabilities incurred under the provisions of the Federal "Agricultural Credits Act of 1923" shall not be taken into account in determining the amount of indebtedness or liability of banking corporations incorporated under the laws of this State.
SB 79 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to be used for the erection of a monument in the City of Houston in memory of Sam Houston, who headed the military forces in Texas' struggle for freedom and who was President of the Republic of Texas and later Governor of Texas.
SCR 1 Caption: Accepting the invitation of the City of Houston and others to visit the San Jacinto Battlefield.
SCR 2 Caption: Inviting Governor E. Lee Tinkle of Virginia to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 17 Caption: Directing the Penitentiary Commission to investigate certain allegations of physical punishment towards the convicts in the State Prison System.
SJR 2 Caption: Proposing a resolution protesting the convict lease system.
SJR 3 Caption: Proposing that the celebration of the centennial of the Independence of Texas to be in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas.
38th 3rd Called Session
SB 16 Caption: Relating to granting permission to Dan A. Japhet to bring suit against the Board of Prison Commissioners of the State of Texas, in the district court of Harris County, Texas, for the purpose of clearing the title and perfecting the same in himself, to that certain tract of land lying partly in Harris and party in Liberty County, Texas, known as the Kokernot League, against which the Board of Prison Commissioners has a lien to secure a judgment in the sum of seven hundred eighty-six and thirty-five dollars ($786.35).
SCR 10 Caption: Authorizing Dan A. Japhet to make the State a party in a certain lawsuit.
SR 15 Caption: Inviting former Lieutenant Governor Lynch Davidson to address the Senate.
SR 16 Caption: Inviting former State Sen. Harry Hertzberg to address the Senate.
SR 25 Caption: Expressing the sense of the Senate the the Texas Legislature should not criticize the acts of other State Legislatures.
37th Regular Session
SB 42 Caption: Relating to contempt proceedings where offense occurs outside of presence of courts: providing for issues of fact to be presented to a jury.
SB 43 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act regarding criminal statutes on bonds in felony cases, so as to extend the time for 30 days after overruling of motion for a new trail.
SB 46 Caption: Relating to amend the Minimum Wage Act, creating the Industrial Welfare Commission, supervising the minimum wage paid to women and minors by certain industries.
SB 58 Caption: Relating to amending the present statutes relating to the incorporation and powers of railroad companies.
SB 59 Caption: Relating to suspending all judgments for pecuniary fines in misdemeanor cases for thirty days after the date of said judgment.
SB 85 Caption: Relating to providing for the suspended sentence in misdemeanor cases.
SB 87 Caption: Relating to governing, controlling and providing for regulation and supervision of warehouses for storage of agricultural products.
SB 88 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act changing the time of holding the terms of the District Court of the Sixty-first Judicial District of Texas.
SB 89 Caption: Relating to providing for an extension of time for the payment of franchise tax by certain corporations.
SB 90 Caption: Relating to exempting from taxation all property belonging to Art Leagues and Societies of Fine Arts, whether incorporated or not, which are devoted wholly and without charge to the promotion of education and learning and not for profit.
SB 115 Caption: Relating to preventing fire insurance companies from avoiding liability for loss and damage to personal property by technical or immaterial provisions of the policy or contract of insurance, etc.
SB 116 Caption: Relating to permitting defendants in cases in which requisitions have been issued for them by the Governor and where they appeal their cases to the Court of Criminal Appeals to give bond the same as in other felony cases, etc.
SB 150 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act regarding clauses in wills attempting to prevent contests; which thereof shall be held void.
SB 169 Caption: Relating to proposing the removal of the Court of Civil Appeals of the First Supreme Judicial District from Galveston to Houston, etc.
SB 244 Caption: Relating to amending present law defining the powers of private corporations, so as to permit the increase of directors or trustees of such corporations, etc.
SB 261 Caption: Relating to creating a Bureau of Plumbing, etc.
SB 265 Caption: Relating to amending the local stock law in sub-divisions of Harris County.
SCR 26 Caption: Relating to having a painting made of the Battle of Goliad.
SJR 7 Caption: Relating to proposing an amendment to the Constitution providing for legislation by the initiative and referendum in addition to the present provision.
SJR 8 Caption: Relating to issuing bonds for the purpose of constructing cotton warehouses.
37th 1st Called Session
SB 24 Caption: Relating to citations.
SB 48 Caption: Relating to providing that irrigation districts containing municipalities of over 100,000 population to develop deep water navigation, etc.
SB 52 Caption: Relating to providing for public weighers for counties where there are two or more cities, towns or shipping points receiving commodities in large quantities.
SB 70 Caption: Relating to amending the act creating the La Porte Independent School District in Harris County; providing for the levy and collection of taxes, etc.
SB 88 Caption: Relating to permitting the Henderson-Ames Co. of Kalamazoo, Mich., to sue the State.
SB 93 Caption: Relating to authorizing certain navigation districts to operate and develop all facilities incident to the operation and development of a port.
36th Regular Session
HB 56 Caption: Relating to authorizing certain foreign corporations which more than ten years prior to the passage hereof have been convicted of violation of the provisions of Title 130 of the Revised Statutes of Texas of 1911, and whose right to do business in this State was forfeited thereunder, and the fine against which was not in excess of $3000.00, and who have not violated any of the provisions of the judgment of forfeiture, and who have paid said fine, to revive their permits to do business in Texas.
HB 57 Caption: Relating to requiring every railroad company, interurban car company and street car company doing business during certain months, and when its cars are in use by and for the accommodation of the public or when being propelled by its employees, to keep each of its said cars at said times sufficiently heated at a temperature of not less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit; providing a penalty for violations of the provisions of this Act.
HB 71 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the employment of children under fifteen (15) years of age in certain occupations, and under seventeen (17) years of age in certain other occupations; prescribing certain duties of employers of children, fixing the hours children can be employed, prohibiting employment of children under seventeen (17) years of age at night, providing for one day of rest for children each week, making it a misdemeanor for parents or others having control of children to make false statement or to misrepresent conditions with a view to securing employment for such child or children.
HB 126 Caption: Relating to amending a certain article fixing the amount of fees of certain officers and their deputies that may be retained out of the fees collected, and to empower commissioners courts to supplement out of county funds the fees received by such officers and their deputies when the total fees of their respective offices are insufficient to pay the maximum amount prescribed by law.
HB 127 Caption: Relating to protecting those engaged in the erection or construction of buildings three or more stories in height, from falling through joists, and from falling planks, bricks, rivets or any other substance whereby life and limb is endangered, prescribing the method of protection, and placing the responsibility for carrying out the provision of this Act; prescribing a penalty.
HB 128 Caption: Relating to requiring every railroad company, interurban car company and street car company doing business in this State during certain months, and when its cars are in use by and for the accommodation of the public or when being propelled by its employees, to keep each of its said cars at said times sufficiently heated at a temperature of not less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit for the accommodation and use of its passengers and employees making use of said cars; providing a penalty for violations of the provisions of this Act.
HB 152 Caption: Relating to amending the stock law so as to include Harris county, Texas.
HB 158 Caption: Relating to regulating the employment of women and minors and establishing an Industrial Welfare Commission to investigate and deal with such employment, including and fixing of a minimum wage; providing for an appropriation therefor and fixing penalties for violating this Act.
HB 169 Caption: Relating to providing for the manner of collection of claims of twenty ($20.00) dollars or less against any person, firm or corporation, for labor performed by another, defining past due claims for labor performed in such amounts.
HB 170 Caption: Relating to amending certain chapters of the Revised Civil Statutes relating to wills by providing that clauses in wills attempting to prevent contests thereof shall be void.
HB 227 Caption: Relating to granting permission to Charles Peterson to bring suit against the State of Texas in the district court of Anderson county, Texas, or in the district court of Travis county, Texas, for damages for personal injuries received by him while on duty as a bridge carpenter in the employ of the Texas State Railroad; providing that such suit may be filed within two years after this act takes effect; and providing that such cause of action shall not be barred until two years after this act takes effect.
HB 239 Caption: Relating to permitting defendants, in cases in which requisitions have been issued for them by the Governor and where they appeal their cases to the Court of Criminal Appeals, to give bond the same as defendants in other felony cases.
HB 240 Caption: Relating to providing that all judgments for pecuniary fines in misdemeanor cases shall be suspended for a period of thirty days after the date of said judgment after which date only capias pro fine may issue thereon if not satisfied.
HB 277 Caption: Relating to creating and incorporating Harrisburg Independent School District in Harris county, Texas, out of the territory now composing Common School District No. 20 of said county, providing that the title of the school property vested in said Common School District No. 20 shall vest in said Harrisburg Independent School District, and that said independent school district assume the debts of said Common School District No. 20.
HB 302 Caption: Relating to increasing and fixing the salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Harris county.
HB 316 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article of the Code of Criminal Procedure so as to make bail bonds good in all criminal cases until verdict or judgment and until the defendant is taken in custody by the sheriff, and extending the same for a period of thirty days after the date of overruling of the motion for a new trial.
HB 351 Caption: Relating to creating the Goose Creek Independent School District in the County of Harris, State of Texas.
HB 363 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws by allowing an extra compensation to the deputy clerk of the Supreme Court for additional services rendered in the discharge of the increased duties of the office occasioned by the creation of the Commission of Appeals.
HB 426 Caption: Relating to providing that all trial courts in this State before being authorized and empowered to impose any punishment or fine against another party for any alleged constructive contempt of said courts covering any alleged acts or conduct of said party arising outside of and not in the presence of said courts, shall submit the issues of fact involved in such alleged constructive contempt to a jury of said courts as in civil cases, and the findings of said jury shall adjudge the party guilty of contempt as alleged.
HB 459 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization of a corporation composed of not less than three persons who shall be resident citizens of the State of Texas, for the purpose of insuring personal property against loss or damage by fire, lightning, hail and storms, and for all or either of such purpose.
HB 481 Caption: Relating to re-organizing the Eightieth Judicial District of Texas, and fixing the time of holding courts therein, by amending certain statute, and making all process issued or served before this Act takes effect returnable to the first term of said court held as fixed by this Act, and validating all such process.
HB 484 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute referring to the credit to be allowed to county convicts upon his fine for his manual labor.
HB 640 Caption: Relating to providing that there be, and there is, hereby appropriated out of the funds of the State treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $35,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the fiscal year ending the 31st day of August, 1919, with which to pay the expenses of the Employment Department of the State Council of Defense; providing the manner of payment of same.
HJR 17 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 1, Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Texas; providing the oath of office to be taken by all members of the Legislature and all officers before they enter upon the duties of their office.
HR 95 Caption: Instructing the Speaker of the House to ask the Director General of the US Railroad Administration if he has given authority to officials and employees of the Railroad Administration to attend sessions of the Texas Legislature.
HR 135 Caption: Setting aside March 4 as suspension day for the consideration of bills by unanimous consent.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 67 Caption: Relating to amending the law creating the La Porte Independent School District, defining the boundaries thereof, providing the method of levying, assessing and collecting the taxes therein, legalizing levies, assessments and equalizations heretofore made.
HB 68 Caption: Relating to creating the Crosby Independent School District in Harris County.
HB 100 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the collection of delinquent taxes; providing for the time of mailing out notices and filing suits.
HB 101 Caption: Relating to amending the law creating the Cedar Bayou Independent School District in Harris and Chambers Counties.
HB 119 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to maximum amount of fees to be retained by district and county officers.
HB 138 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws providing a manner of marking bales of cotton ginned; providing that marking thereon will remain intact and visible and providing for the closing of any cut made in the bale.
HB 160 Caption: Relating to fixing the salary of the State Inspector of Masonry, Public Buildings and Works.
HCR 8 Caption: Urging Congress to built and maintain a system of national highways.
HR 22 Caption: In memory of former Representative and Senator George B. Griggs.
35th 4th Called Session
HB 94 Caption: Relating to the protection of the health, safety and comfort of employees in factories, mills, workshops, mercantile establishments, laundries or other establishments where females are employed; fixing penalties for violation of provisions of the Act.
HB 95 Caption: Relating to the selection of depositories for State Funds.
HB 98 Caption: Relating to delinquent children so as to include and further prescribe the procedure in cases of boys and girls; fixing penalties.
HB 168 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the appointment of certain officers or assistants by officers in certain counties.