Legislation authored by I.D. Fairchild

Includes legislation with I.D. Fairchild as the primary author for the 34th through 40th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

40th Regular Session
SB 66 Caption: Relating to exempting from jury service agents and patrol men engaged in forestry protection work employed by the State Department of Forestry, when engaged in the regular and actual discharge of their duties.
SB 129 Caption: Relating to providing for bail in habeas corpus cases where the defendant is remanded to custody of an officer and the case is appealed.
SB 137 Caption: Relating to fixing the compensation of superintendents of eleemosynary institutions; repealing any and all laws fixing the compensation of said superintendents.
SB 158 Caption: Relating to providing that any interested party who is not willing and does not consent to abide by the final ruling and decision of the Industrial Accident Board, shall, within twenty days after the rendition of the final ruling and decision by said Board, file with said Board notice that he will not abide by said final ruling and decision, eliminating the necessity of giving said notice to the adverse party.
SB 160 Caption: Relating to authorizing the county judge in counties having less than two thousand population to appoint a stenographer and prescribing the duties of such stenographer.
SB 162 Caption: Relating to providing that no law in this State shall prevent any person from vaccinating, inoculating or treating his own hogs or for any person employed as county demonstration agent from vaccinating, inoculating or treating any hogs in the county where he is employed, with hog cholera virus or serum or other remedy.
SB 163 Caption: Relating to requiring that all fees and charges of any kind collected from students, inmate or other persons by educational, eleemosnary or other similar State institutions in this State shall be placed in the State Treasury when collected.
SB 190 Caption: Relating to preventing time warrants from being issued by or for any county or political subdivision of a county; preventing the issuance of bonds to fund or refund .
SB 287 Caption: Relating to providing for the collection, compilation and publishing of information, statistics, and data relating to agriculture; requiring the tax assessor of each county to take certain statistics as herein provided; prescribing penalties.
SB 293 Caption: Relating to granting and donating to Tyler County, Texas, for a period of fifteen years beginning January 1, 1928, that part of the State ad valorem tax which is in excess of ten cents on the one hundred dollars' valuation of property subject to taxation collected upon property and from persons in said county for road and bridge purposes.
SB 305 Caption: Relating to providing for the erection of a building located in the City of Austin with rooms for the use of members of the Legislature for living quarters and offices, and also for offices and space for the courts, departments, officers and employees of the State government.
SB 363 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles of the Penal code so as to increase the penalty from a fine of not less than ten nor more than five hundred dollars, to confinement in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years.
SB 368 Caption: Relating to changing the qualifications of members of boards of managers of county hospitals; providing for alternate appointments so that a portion of the members of such board will expire one year and a portion the next year.
SB 406 Caption: Relating to providing for changing and prescribing terms and times of holding the Courts in the Second Judicial District of Texas.
SB 473 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of $31,409.85, or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable out of the General Revenue not otherwise appropriated, and appropriating all other current revenue, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be derived from the operation of the Texas State Railroad until August 31, 1927, and to be deposited in the State Treasury.
SCR 10 Caption: Providing for the commission of a portrait of Governor Miriam A. Ferguson to be placed in the rotunda of the Capitol.
SCR 28 Caption: Accepting certain captured German world war trophies from the Federal government.
SJR 6 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing legislative authority for the enactment of laws to encourage the conservation of the timber resources of the State, and for the reforestation of deforested lands; making an appropriation.
SR 2 Caption: Providing for seating assignments.
SR 5 Caption: Naming Tomas G. Pollard, Jr. Mascot of the Senate.
SR 7 Caption: Appointing the Senator of the Seventeenth Senatorial District to the Committee on Penitentiaries.
SR 13 Caption: Appointing Senator R.S. Bowers to the Committee on Penitentiaries.
SR 15 Caption: Recommending L.C. Sutton for employment as legislative counselor.
SR 20 Caption: Appointing Senator Parr to the Committee of Criminal Jurisprudence.
SR 30 Caption: Appointing Senator Neal to the Committee on Penitentiaries.
SR 61 Caption: Appointing Representative Lee Satterwhite to the Committee on Penitentiaries so that he might join the inspection trip.
SR 64 Caption: Appointing Senator Bledsoe to the Committee on Penitentiaries.
SR 72 Caption: Extending gratitude to contributors to the success of the penitentiary farms trip.
SR 92 Caption: Appointing Senator John H. Bailey to the Committee on Finance.
SR 99 Caption: Authorizing the Appropriations Committee to investigate and survey any department, school, etc. for the purpose of determining amounts to be appropriated for each institution.
40th 1st Called Session
SB 16 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of $31,409.85 or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable out of the General Revenue not otherwise appropriated, and appropriating all other current revenue, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be derived from the operation of the Texas State Railroad until August 31, 1929, and to be deposited in the State Treasury for the traveling, clerical and other expenses of the Board of Managers.
SB 33 Caption: Relating to making better provision for the improvement of lateral roads in this State; making an appropriation for each of the two years ending August 31, 1928, and August 31, 1929, out of the State Highway Fund in the State Treasury for the benefit of lateral roads.
SB 109 Caption: Relating to providing that the Comptroller shall examine each claim or cost bill, giving the Comptroller authority to make an investigation as to the correctness of the same before drawing a warrant, providing that a warrant shall be drawn for only such items that are found to be correct, providing that the action of the district judge in approving cost bills shall not be final, but said bills shall be subject to an audit by the Comptroller.
SR 14 Caption: Favoring a one-dollar tax on prescribed pints of whiskey in order to finance education.
SR 18 Caption: Requesting that the Highway Department furnish the Senate with the names of employees who recovered certain road machinery.
SR 26 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate the condition of the "Alabama Indians" living in Polk and Tyler Counties for the purpose of constructing a primary school building for their use.
SR 29 Caption: Providing for the Insurance Commission to make an investigation into the reasonableness of rates charged for life insurance.
SR 34 Caption: Instructing the Texas Railroad Commission to look into differences in passenger fares between Texas and Louisiana and the possibility of adjusting these rates.
SR 38 Caption: Authorizing the Board of Managers for the State Iron Ore Industries to investigate land in Cherokee and adjacent counties to determine its status as asylum land, mineral land, or neither.
39th Regular Session
SB 62 Caption: Relating to vesting in the State of Texas for the benefit of the Texas State Railroad to the exclusion of all other governmental agencies of the State and the United States, title to all steel rail now upon the roadbed of the Texas State Railroad, and allotted to the State of Texas by the United States from the surplus war materials of the Federal Government at the end of the late war.
SB 82 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes creating the Commission of Appeals of the State of Texas by extending the term of said commission to the last Saturday in June, 1925, and providing for the appointment of judges for said extended term.
SB 104 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to provide that private corporations may be created for, or, after being created, may so amend their charters, as to include two or more of the purposes named in Amended Act.
SB 191 Caption: Relating to authorizing transportation companies to issue free transportation to ministers of religion.
SB 192 Caption: Relating to providing for permanent first grade certificates; providing for the employment of teachers who have been engaged ten years in teaching a special subject, without requiring that they have certificates.
SB 196 Caption: Relating to authorizing railroad companies to construct and operate spur or industrial tracks and to condemn property for right of way therefor.
SB 206 Caption: Relating to creating an Illiteracy Board for Texas, defining the powers and duties of said board, and making an appropriation for the work to be carried on under the direction of said board.
SB 217 Caption: Relating to establishing reciprocity between insurance companies organized under the laws of the State of Texas, and those of other states and foreign countries.
SB 236 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the State penitentiary system; restricting the use of said appropriation and providing that it shall not be used for certain purposes.
SB 280 Caption: Relating to fixing the compensation and place of residence of the Prison Commission, designating the headquarters of the prison system and providing for the establishment of offices and residences at such headquarters.
SB 289 Caption: Relating to requiring insurance companies to file its classification of risks and rates with the Commissioner of Insurance.
SB 295 Caption: Relating to providing additional purposes for which corporations may be formed under the laws of Texas.
SB 315 Caption: Relating to the sale of Shaw Farm located in northeast Texas, which is now owned by the State and is a part of the State penitentiary system; providing that the funds from such sale be placed in the State treasury.
SB 322 Caption: Relating to exempting heads of departments and executives from the operation of certain statute, and defining "heads of departments" and "executives" as used in said Act.
SB 348 Caption: Relating to requiring official shorthand reporters of any district court of this State on request of the appellant in any case appealed, to any Court of Civil Appeals of this State, to prepare from his stenographic notes a statement of the facts in such cause in duplicate and narrative form and deliver the same to the appellant or his attorney of record.
SB 351 Caption: Relating to setting aside lands owned by the State of Texas and the Prison Commission of Texas, located in Cherokee County, for reforestization purposes to be used for such purposes by the Agricultural and Mechanical College.
SB 360 Caption: Relating to amending the special road law for Cherokee County, Texas, providing the method of handling funds derived from road district bonds.
SB 415 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute so as to make proper disposition of intoxicating liquor seized and authorized to be destroyed by court order.
SB 416 Caption: Relating to creating the Huntington Independent School District in Angelina County, including within the bounds of said district the present Huntington Independent School District, defining the boundaries of said district, validating certain schoolhouse bonds authorized and issued by the present Huntington Independent School District.
SB 435 Caption: Relating to prescribing the duties of the Board of Control and its auditing division in reference to accounting and auditing; making an appropriation carrying out the provisions of this Act.
SCR 14 Caption: Inviting Mrs. Cora Wilson Stewart to address a joint session February 3, 1925.
SCR 36 Caption: Relating to the extension of the Waco, Beaumont, Trinity, and Sabine Railway to reach their line into Port Arthur.
SJR 11 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing legislative authority for the enactment of laws to encourage the conservation of the timber resources of the State and for the reforestation of deforested lands; making an appropriation to defray expenses of proclamation publication and election.
SR 2 Caption: Relating to draw of seats for new members of the Senate and allowing returning members to maintain their current desks.
SR 7 Caption: Inviting former Senator Cousins to address the Senate.
SR 77 Caption: Authorizing the Forestry Committee created during the 38th Legislature to continue functioning and performing their duties.
SR 80 Caption: Expressing appreciation to the Board of Managers of Texas Railroad.
39th 1st Called Session
SB 43 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Three (3), in San Augustine County, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 44 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Five (5), in San Augustine County, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 45 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Four (4), in San Augustine County, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 46 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number One (1), in San Augustine County, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 183 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Three (3), in Jasper County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 184 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Two (2), in Jasper County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 185 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Four (4), in Jasper County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 186 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Five (5), in Jasper County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 223 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number One (1), in Jasper County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 266 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Two (2), in San Augustine County, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
SB 292 Caption: Relating to approving, validating and adopting all leases, grants or agreements commonly known as oil, gas and sulphur leases, that have been entered into at the direction of the Governor by the Board of Prison Commissioners of the State of Texas as lessors or grantors.
SB 300 Caption: Relating to creating the Buna Independent School District in Jasper County, Texas; defining its boundaries and conferring upon said district and its board of trustees all the rights, powers, privileges and duties now conferred and imposed by the General Laws of Texas upon independent school districts and the board of trustees thereof.
SB 311 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the Stephen F. Austin State Teacher's College.
38th Regular Session
SB 100 Caption: Relating to authorizing the formation of, and the regulation of, corporations for the purpose of accumulating and loaning money.
SB 240 Caption: Relating to amending the Statewide Intoxicating Liquor Prohibition Law so as to provide adequate and proper punishment for the violation of said law.
SB 301 Caption: Relating to requiring the State Insurance Commission to make, establish and promulgate classifications of hazards and rates of premium under the Workmen's Compensation Law of this State and to prescribing standard workmen's compensation policy forms.
SB 307 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute so as to provide for the appointment of county farm and canning demonstration agents, and payment of same out of the county funds after January 1, 1925.
SB 370 Caption: Relating to permitting steam and electric railway transportation companies or sleeping car companies to furnish free transportation to veterans of the Civil War and to their wives or widows.
SB 384 Caption: Relating to making further provision for the establishment of State forests.
SR 64 Caption: Adding Senators Holbrook and Cousins to the committee investigating the state penitentiary farms.
SR 96 Caption: Commending State Senator R. M. Dudley for his service as President Pro Tem.
38th 1st Called Session
SR 1 Caption: Commending the members of the Capitol Press Corps for their service during the session.
38th 2nd Called Session
SB 12 Caption: Relating to abolishing capital punishment for crime committed in this State.
SB 30 Caption: Relating to amending the Statewide Intoxicating Liquor Prohibition Law so as to provide adequate and proper punishment for the violation of said law.
SB 78 Caption: Relating to repealing certain statutes pertaining to the rendition and assessment of property to and by the county tax assessor.
SB 80 Caption: Relating to providing additional compensation for the members of the Railroad Commission of Texas, payable one-half out of the Regulating Pipe Line Fund, and one-half out of the "Gas Utilities Fund," said sums to be paid in monthly installments by warrants drawn by the State Comptroller on the State Treasurer, as provided in said Acts for other salaries and expenses.
SB 81 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering the Railroad Commission of Texas, upon complaint and after hearing, to award damages to shippers of goods, wares and merchandise between points in Texas where the Railroad Commission finds that the railroad, or other common carrier subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission, transporting such freight has charged unjust and unreasonable rates therefor.
SB 88 Caption: Relating to repealing certain statute requiring manufacturers of food and drugs doing business in the State of Texas, and all persons bringing into and offering for sale within this State any article of food or drug, to register their firm names and addresses with the Dairy and Food Commissioner and to pay a fee of one dollar for such registration.
SB 89 Caption: Relating to creating and providing for a Department of Insurance for the State of Texas, separate and distinct from the Department of Banking of this State.
SB 99 Caption: Relating to the registration of bonds and prescribing the duties with reference thereto of the Comptroller, his Chief Clerk and Bond Clerk, and validating the registration of bonds heretofore registered.
SJR 1 Caption: Proposing a resolution in memory of Hon. Thomas Mitchell Campbell, a great Governor of the State of Texas.
SR 20 Caption: In memory of A. D. Mebane.
SR 34 Caption: Inviting George Armistead to address the Senate.
SR 37 Caption: Inviting Jesse Murrell to address the Senate.
SR 43 Caption: Commending the work of the Board of Managers of State Railroad.
38th 3rd Called Session
SCR 8 Caption: Authorizing the legislature to adjourn Sine Die.
SR 13 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a Forestry Committee.
SR 20 Caption: Directing the the Senate prioritize the consideration of appropriations bills.
37th Regular Session
SB 69 Caption: Relating to establishing and maintaining a State School of Correspondence at Austin, Texas.
SB 147 Caption: Relating to damage suits for damage by reason of a motor vehicle; providing that the motor vehicle may be attached by plaintiff, and that as long as the suit is pending on the plaintiff shall have first lien on such vehicle, etc.
SB 152 Caption: Relating to amending the statute providing for the issuance of county bonds to fund or refund bonds or warrants legally issued by a county.
SB 181 Caption: Relating to providing for the creation of road districts, including two or more existing road districts, etc.
SB 218 Caption: Relating to the formation of corporations to act as trustee, agent, or broker, etc.
SB 219 Caption: Relating to holding the bill of sale or sworn affidavit as to the lawful possession of any animal slaughtered, etc.
SB 245 Caption: Relating to creating the Palestine Independent School District in Anderson County, Texas, making its boundaries coextensive with the City of Palestine.
SB 246 Caption: Relating to providing for the giving notice of the killing of live stock by any corporation, or person, by running any engine, car or cars, over or against such livestock; providing failure to give such notice hall bind for double damage, etc.
SB 271 Caption: Relating to attorneys-at-law having certain liens in cases of damage suits, etc.
SB 279 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to pay in-county witness fees due and owned by State by virtue of an existing law that was repealed before said fees were paid.
SCR 2 Caption: Recognizing the Attorney General in his legal efforts against the Cummins-Esch Bill.
SCR 17 Caption: Expressing support toward action to safeguard the Constitutional rights of the States of the Union.
SCR 22 Caption: Inviting Sam H. Cowan to address the Legislature.
SCR 27 Caption: Relating to the conversion of certain buildings into dormitories.
SJR 9 Caption: Relating to proposing an amendment permitting the Legislature to levy a tax of 7 cents for the purpose of pensions for the Confederate veterans and widows of Confederate veterans.
37th 1st Called Session
SB 64 Caption: Relating to proposing to give authority to use natural gas for the manufacture of Carbon Black.
37th 2nd Called Session
SB 13 Caption: Relating to confirming and ratifying the contract between the Board of Managers of the Texas State Railroad and the Texas & New Orleans Railroad Company.
SB 14 Caption: Relating to amending the act giving additional powers to the Board of Managers of the Texas State Railroad.
36th Regular Session
HB 21 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles so as to increase the salaries of the judges of the district courts of this State from three thousand dollars a year to three thousand, six hundred dollars a year.
HB 22 Caption: Relating to increasing the salaries of District Attorneys in all Judicial Districts in this State, composed of two or more counties.
HB 24 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes concerning the marital rights of parties; defining the separate and community property of the husband and wife; conferring upon the wife the power to make contracts; authorizing suits on such contracts.
HB 394 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles providing that the capital stock of State banks, organized in this State, shall be fully paid up, and providing for the organization of State banks in cities and towns of this State in amounts in proportion to the population of said cities and towns.
HB 438 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the public treasury of the State, not otherwise appropriated, to pay off and satisfy all lawful claims for witnesses in felony cases who were residing in the county of prosecution when such fees accrued, when said fees were then authorized and fixed by law.
HB 629 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Angelina county, making county commissioners ex officio road commissioners, require additional bond; providing for the improvement and building of roads and bridges by contract; providing hours of labor for road hands; providing for the working of county convicts on the roads; prescribing the duties of road overseers; providing for the payment of a specified sum of money in lieu of road work; providing a penalty for overseers who rail or refuse to perform their duties under this law; providing a penalty for road hands who fail or refuse summons or to do good work.
HJR 35 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 51 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the State of Texas to provide that the Legislature may grant pensions to Confederate soldiers, sailors and their widows, who have been citizens of Texas since January 1, 1912, providing that all soldiers, sailors and their widows eligible under the provisions hereof shall be entitled to be placed upon the rolls and participate in the pension fund created hereunder; making an appropriation for an election.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 8 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation out of the public Treasury to pay off and satisfy all lawful claims for witness in felony cases who were residing in the county of prosecution when such fees accrued.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 43 Caption: Relating to amending the Angelina County Road Law, providing for the issuance of bonds by said county, or any political subdivision or defined district thereof, validating bond elections heretofore held.
HR 9 Caption: Relating to the hire of additional Pages.
HR 16 Caption: Relating to use of the hall for the purpose of discussing proposition regarding school funds.
36th 4th Called Session
HB 36 Caption: Relating to levying an annual occupation tax upon emigrant agents engaged in or pursuing said business in the State of Texas; prescribing a penalty for failure to pay said tax before engaging in or pursuing such business.
HB 37 Caption: Relating to regulating the business of emigrant agents.
HCR 2 Caption: Relating to Eastern Texas Railroad application.
35th Regular Session
HB 249 Caption: Relating to rendering a verified plea of privilege prima facie proof of the right of the defendant to change of venue.
HB 654 Caption: Relating to creating a special road law for Angelina county.
HB 671 Caption: Relating to authorizing the investment of fiduciary and trust funds in Federal farm loan bonds and authorizing insurance companies to hold said bonds as "Texas securities".
HB 754 Caption: Relating to conferring upon the State Superintendent of the Public Instruction the authority upon satisfactory evidence being presented to reinstate a teacher's certificate theretofore canceled by him and giving right of appeal to State Board of Education.
35th 1st Called Session
HB 40 Caption: Relating to defining Loan and Investment companies and providing for their incorporation, powers and supervision.
35th 4th Called Session
HB 102 Caption: Relating to amending the law relating to passenger fare on railroads.
HB 150 Caption: Relating to fixing the salaries of judges in the district courts.