Legislation authored by Lee Satterwhite

Includes legislation with Lee Satterwhite as the primary author for the 30th through 42nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

42nd Regular Session
HB 241 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to reimburse persons, firms and corporations for losses sustained during the years of 1929 and 1930 by reason of the establishment by the State of Texas of regulated zones to prevent the spread of the pink boll worm.
HB 401 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts reducing the Texas Prison Board from nine members to three members.
HB 526 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Statutes to provide for holding primary elections of organized political parties for nominating candidates.
HB 663 Caption: Relating to directing the Attorney General of the State of Texas to investigate the facts and authorizing him to file a suit against the State of New Mexico for damages and to secure for the State of Texas its proportionate part of the waters of the Pecos River; appropriating money to pay the expense of such investigation and suit.
HB 664 Caption: Relating to conferring the authority upon the County School Trustees to exercise the right of eminent domain to acquire title to real property for Common School Districts and Independent School Districts having fewer than One Hundred Fifty (150) scholastics.
HB 677 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Act approving a compact entered into on February 10, 1925 by Commissioner of State of Texas with Commissioner of State of New Mexico relating to the storage, division and use of the Waters of the Pecos River in the State of Texas and New Mexico.
HB 766 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to what shall constitute school fund.
HB 771 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article relating to ascertaining tax rate.
HB 987 Caption: Relating to permitting J.J. Norris to bring suit against the State of Texas in the District Court of Travis county for alleged damages resulting from his injuries while working as royalty gauger for the University of Texas.
HB 988 Caption: Relating to authorizing counties and incorporated cities and the Texas State Parks Board, separately, or in cooperation with each other, to acquire by gift or purchase land for public parks, authorizing the issuance of bonds and levy of taxes therefor, providing for control and operation of such parks.
HB 1000 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes relative to the inspection of hides and animals in Presidio County.
HB 1011 Caption: Relating to authorizing Independent School Districts to acquire the title to streets and alleys for certain purposes.
HB 1055 Caption: Relating to authorizing the commissioners court in counties of certain population to allow the county judge certain traveling expenses.
HCR 32 Caption: Memorializing the life of J. T. Robinson.
HJR 46 Caption: Proposing an amendment fixing the terms for convening the Legislature of the State and fixing the per diem of members.
HR 10 Caption: Relating to manifesto issued by the citizens of Austin to their representatives.
HR 23 Caption: Expressing appreciation of L. W. Kemp for his work in the State Cemetery.
HR 53 Caption: Relating to codification of House rules.
42nd 1st Called Session
HB 38 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act relating to an occupation tax on producers of oil.
HCR 2 Caption: Relating to a joint session of the House Committee on Oil and Gas.
HR 10 Caption: Appointing a committee to investigate oil conservation matters.
HR 15 Caption: Inviting members of the Senate to the House.
42nd 2nd Called Session
HB 26 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles so as to provide that any stipulated rate of interest on all written contracts whatsoever shall not exceed eight per cent per annum.
HB 52 Caption: Relating to repealing certain laws by exempting Presidio County from hide and animal inspection laws.
HB 75 Caption: Relating to making appropriations to pay claims against the State of Texas for over-payment of taxes and other miscellaneous claims.
HB 83 Caption: Relating to providing relief for the Valentine Independent School District, in order to aid said District in repairing and rehabilitating its school building which was seriously damaged and rendered untenantable and unsafe by the earthquake of Sunday, August 16, 1931.
HCR 26 Caption: Thanking Harry Benge Crozier for his work within the Legislature and congratulating him on his work promotion.
HR 2 Caption: Recalling S.B. 8 for further consideration.
HR 3 Caption: Providing for daily House Journals.
HR 31 Caption: In memory of Charles K. Walter of Austin.
42nd 3rd Called Session
HB 48 Caption: Relating to providing for the amount of bond required to be given by County Tax Collectors providing for the payment of premium on bonds for special district taxes.
40th Regular Session
HB 58 Caption: Relating to providing for the Board of Directors of the State Prison System to develop plans for a practical concentration and re-organization of the State Prison System.
HB 59 Caption: Relating to defining a policy managing and operating the State Prison System and for the appointment of a Board of Directors appointed by the Governor.
HB 313 Caption: Relating to providing for the reorganization of the 47th Judicial District, naming the counties constituting the same.
HB 351 Caption: Relating to providing for assistants to the district attorney in judicial district composed of more than one county and in which there is a city of certain amount of inhabitants.
HB 449 Caption: Relating to the powers of the County Board of Trustees of the public schools of this State; authorizing them to reduce the area of common school districts when such districts have no bonded indebtedness.
HB 596 Caption: Relating to establishing and maintaining an agricultural experiment station in the North Plains region of Texas; making an appropriation.
HB 602 Caption: Relating to transferring from the Game, Fish and oyster fund to the available public free school fund all sums of money now remaining unexpended in the State Treasury.
HCR 5 Caption: Directing Adjutant General Dallas J. Matthews to take charge of the Capitol and grounds in preparation for inauguration ceremonies for Governor-elect Dan Moody.
HCR 6 Caption: Inviting Governor Dan Moody to address a joint session of the Legislature.
HCR 7 Caption: Providing for members of the Penitentiary Committee to visit penitentiaries.
HCR 9 Caption: Designating "Hail Texas" by Radie Britain the official State song.
HCR 10 Caption: Recalling HB 52 from the Governor for further consideration.
HCR 11 Caption: Requesting that the chairman of the Prison Board furnish the House with certain information regarding prison system.
HCR 14 Caption: Rescinding action of signing HB 52.
HCR 34 Caption: Suspending certain House rule so that the House might consider additional bills on second reading.
HR 60 Caption: Providing for a public hearing led by the committee to investigate bribery charges.
HR 106 Caption: Providing for the suspension of certain House rule.
40th 1st Called Session
HB 20 Caption: Relating to authorizing the sale of real estate belonging to the State Prison System and the making of oil and mineral leases thereon and prescribing regulations, restrictions and directions relating thereof.
HB 84 Caption: Relating to authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds bearing the same or a lower rate of interest, in lieu of any valid outstanding bonds which have been issued under the authority of Title 22 or Title 71, Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, or provisions of law which have been amended or superseded thereby, and adding Article 725b.
HB 130 Caption: Relating to ratifying and adopting in principle the Canadian River Compact between the State of New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma, executed on the 31st day of December, 1926, by the Commissioners of said States, which ratification and adoption is made subject to certain conditions; making an appropriation.
HCR 7 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die.
HR 9 Caption: Requesting that the tax commission investigate the amount of unpaid taxes due the State.
HR 38 Caption: Suspending House Rule 19.
HR 45 Caption: Expressing love and appreciation for Representative Walter C. Acker.
HR 59 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die.
HR 60 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to notify the Senate that the House has completed its duties and is ready to adjourn sine die.
HR 61 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to notify the Governor that the House has completed its duties and is ready to adjourn sine die.
39th 1st Called Session
HB 298 Caption: Relating to ratifying and validating election heretofore held in and throughout Carson County, Texas, upon the question of authorizing the issuance of one million dollars special road bonds of said county and levying a tax in payment thereof.
38th Regular Session
HB 92 Caption: Relating to extending the term of the Commission of Appeals of the State of Texas to the last Saturday in June, 1923, and providing for the appointment of judges for said extended term, providing for the extension of said term of said commission as a board of arbitration and appeals from the last Saturday in June, 1923, until terminated, and providing the manner of termination.
HB 286 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the Adjutant General of this State, made necessary by emergencies arising in declaring martial law and administering the Open Port Law in this State.
HB 305 Caption: Relating to providing uniformity in ad valorem taxes for State purpose; creating a State tax board.
HB 521 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article of the Penal Code of 1911 so as to provide that any person who knowingly, without the consent of the owner or agent enter the enclosed and posted lands of another and shall, with firearms or dogs, hunt on such lands, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, thereof shall be punished by a fine not more than two hundred dollars.
HB 522 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the discharging of rifles on public highways and railroad right-of-ways in the State; prescribing penalties for the violation hereof.
HB 524 Caption: Relating to conferring upon the State Automatic Tax Board authority to calculate the State tax for public free school purposes.
HB 529 Caption: Relating to creating and establishing the county of Neff out of territory taken from the existing counties of Limestone, Freestone, Navarro and Hill; prescribing its area and boundaries; appointing commissioners to organize said county and prescribing their duties.
HB 575 Caption: Relating to amending statutes which relate to the compensation of County Commissioners.
HCR 1 Caption: Providing for a Joint Session of the Legislature to hear an address by the Governor.
HCR 26 Caption: Adopting the Joint Rules of the Legislature.
HCR 28 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to confer and advise the Board of Regents at the University of Texas regarding the acquisition of a loan in order to construct certain buildings on their campus.
HJR 26 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution so as to provide for uniformity and equalization in taxable values for State purpose through a central State Board.
HR 16 Caption: Inviting the 142nd Infantry Band of the American Legion to perform at the Governor's Inauguration.
HR 17 Caption: Providing for the salary of the Mailing Clerk.
HR 23 Caption: Providing a clerk for the Committee on Contingent Expenses.
HR 27 Caption: Authorizing the usage of the House Chamber for a concert by the 142nd Infantry Band of the American Legion.
HR 40 Caption: Commending the 142nd Infantry Band of the American Legion for their performance.
HR 88 Caption: Urging the citizens of Texas and the world to give aid to those affected by the conflict in the Near East.
HR 98 Caption: In memory of the mother of State Rep. C. H. Rowland.
38th 2nd Called Session
HB 6 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation for the Adjutant General of this State, made necessary by emergencies arising in declaring martial law in this State.
HB 187 Caption: Relating to abolishing special funds in the State Treasury set aside therein for special and particular purposes and placing all moneys that are in such funds in the general revenue fund so that all moneys shall be paid out on general warrants on an equal basis, payable as to order of payment according to serial number.
HB 245 Caption: Relating to placing a closed season of five years on antelope, mountain sheep, wild pheasant, wild woodcock, wild wood-duck, and wild prairie chicken; providing a penalty for the violation of same.
HR 6 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the House Rules.
HR 8 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate the delay in the printing of House Bills.
HR 19 Caption: Expressing sympathy to State Rep. J. O. Merriman as he recovers from illness.
HR 45 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to ascertain certain appropriations.
38th 3rd Called Session
HB 124 Caption: Relating to placing a closed season of five years on antelope, mountain sheep, wild pheasant, wild woodcock, wild wood duck, and wild prairie chicken; and providing open season for killing prairie chickens in certain counties; providing a penalty for the violation of same.
HCR 11 Caption: Authorizing the Comptroller to transfer certain unspent appropriations.
HR 17 Caption: Congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Blount on the birth of their son.
37th Regular Session
HB 29 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding an appropriation to pay off certain bonds of the State.
HB 136 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding the appropriation for the judicial department.
HB 158 Caption: Relating to a certain Act making appropriations to cover authorized deficiencies in appropriations heretofore made for the support of the State Government for the fiscal years, ending August 31, 1920 and August 31, 1921, respectively.
HB 238 Caption: Relating to the appropriation for the removal of the Main University of Texas.
HB 290 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Act regarding oil and gas permits.
HB 336 Caption: Relating to amending the act creating the Dalhart Consolidated Independent School District in Dallam and Hartley Counties.
HB 342 Caption: Relating to the emergency appropriation for the several institutions and departments of the State Government, for the fiscal year.
HB 421 Caption: Relating to appropriations to pay salaries of officers and employees of certain eleemosynary institutions.
HB 476 Caption: Relating to transferring from the Game, Fish and Oyster fund to the available public free school fund all sums of money now remaining unexpended in the State Treasury, heretofore received as royalty from oil and gas leases issued on certain bodies of water and islands therein, bays, inlets, marshes and reefs owned by the State within tide water limits and that portion of the Gulf of Mexico within the jurisdiction of Texas.
HB 534 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Act regarding the inspection of hides and animals so that said Articles shall hereafter apply to Potter County.
HB 550 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Act regarding the duties of the Board of Control and the heads of departments, etc.
HCR 3 Caption: Relating to the Federal Transportation Act of 1920.
HCR 16 Caption: Authorizing the UT Board of Regents relative to new building development.
HCR 17 Caption: Relating to the removal of the University.
HCR 22 Caption: Relating to insurance on State property.
HJR 30 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Board of Prison Commissioners
HR 66 Caption: Providing for a temporary stenographer with pay.
HR 69 Caption: Inviting former State Representative J.W. Crudgington to address the House.
HR 92 Caption: Relating to appropriation bills.
HR 99 Caption: Providing for payment relating to the printing of bills.
37th 1st Called Session
HB 10 Caption: Relating to making appropriation to pay salaries of judges, and the support of the Judicial Department of the State Government for the two years, beginning September 1, 1921, and ending August 31, 1923.
HB 14 Caption: Relating to appropriations to pay salaries of officers and employees of certain education institutions.
HB 37 Caption: Relating to appropriation to pay the salaries of officers and employees of certain State institutions.
HB 125 Caption: Relating to appropriations in support of the State government.
HB 170 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to pay the contingent expenses of the First Called Session of the Thirty-seventh Legislature of the State of Texas, convened July 18, 1921.
HCR 10 Caption: Providing for a committee to investigate certain graft charges.
HCR 11 Caption: Relating to fire insurance for buildings in the State of Texas.
HR 28 Caption: Inviting former State Representative H.P. Hornsby to address the House.
HR 36 Caption: Relating to the days for considering Senate bills in the House.
37th 2nd Called Session
HB 2 Caption: Relating to an appropriation for the State Health Department for the eradication of certain contagious diseases.
36th Regular Session
HB 298 Caption: Relating to authorizing corporations incorporated to guarantee land titles and indemnify the holders thereof against loss by reason of defects in title, under the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, to invest their capital stock, surplus and undivided profits in Federal, State, county, municipal and independent school district bonds, and to buy and sell such bonds and notes secured by first liens on real estate of approved values and to lend money on approved real estate securities.
HB 413 Caption: Relating to creating an independent school district to be known as the "White Deer Independent School District"; providing that the present board of trustees of the Common School District No. 7 of Carson county shall have full control and management of said independent school district until next regular trustees' election.
HB 420 Caption: Relating to creating an Independent School District to be known as "Texhoma Independent School District," and to provide for the creation of a board of trustees and authorizing the board of trustees to levy, assess and collect special taxes and to issue bonds for buildings, and to pay current expenses for the maintenance and support of said school, and to have full control and management of said school district.
HB 532 Caption: Relating to requiring every person, firm, or co-partnership managing, controlling or leasing any pipe line within this State for the transportation of crude petroleum, natural or artificial gas for any purpose to make quarterly report, under oath of some duly authorized officer or representative of such, to the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas, on the first days certain months of the year; prescribing the contents of said report; prescribing a penalty for failure to make report as herein provided for.
HB 626 Caption: Relating to authorizing the purchase of the Chas. Goodnight ranch consisting of 3453 acres of land located in Armstrong county, Texas, together with 160 head of native buffalo, 24 head of cattalo and 136 head of karakule sheep, and other live stock located on said land; establishing a live stock breeding and feeding experiment station under the direction of the director of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas; making out an appropriation to carry out the provisions of the Act.
HB 639 Caption: Relating to creating an independent school district to be known as Groom Independent School District and to provide for the creation of a board of trustees thereof and authorizing the board of trustees to levy, assess, and collect special taxes, and to pay current expenses for the maintenance and support of said schools and providing that the present board of trustees of the Common School District No. 10 of Carson county shall have full control and management of said independent school district until next regular trustee's election, and providing a method for filling vacancies occurring in said board.
HR 88 Caption: Inviting Colonel Charles Goodnight to be the guest of the House on his eighty-third birthday.
HR 113 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to visit and inspect the Goodnight Buffalo Ranch and to report on the feasibility of placing the ranch under the jurisdiction of the Agricultural and Mechanical College.
HR 168 Caption: Requesting that Texas congressmen procure necessary appropriations for national military highway from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Bliss.
36th 1st Called Session
HCR 8 Caption: Relating to purchase of Blue Ridge Farm.
HR 34 Caption: Directing the Secretary of State to print and deliver laws from the Thirty-sixth Regular Session as soon as possible.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 85 Caption: Relating to authorizing corporations incorporated to guarantee land titles to invest their capital stock, surplus and undivided profits in government bonds.
HB 179 Caption: Relating to creating the Texline Independent School District in Dallam County, Texas.
HB 198 Caption: Relating to restoring and conferring upon the county court of Carson County the Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction belonging to said court under the Constitution and General Statutes of Texas.
HR 10 Caption: In memory of former Representative W.S. Bell.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 58 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the State Insurance Board; providing conditions upon which fire insurance companies may hereafter transact business in the State; creating a State Fire Insurance Commission.
HB 59 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the support of the State Fire Insurance Commission for the year beginning September 1, 1920; repealing the appropriation for such purpose passed by the Second Called Session of the 36th Legislature.
HB 67 Caption: Relating to creating the Dalhart Consolidated Independent School District in Dallam and Hartley Counties, Texas.
HB 70 Caption: Relating to creating an independent school district to be known as Spearman Independent School District in Hansford County, and to provide for the creation of the board of trustees thereof.
HB 80 Caption: Relating to creating the Dumas Independent School District in Moore County, Texas.
HB 120 Caption: Relating to creating the Channing Independent School District in Hartley County, Texas.
HB 123 Caption: Relating to creating the Hartley Independent School District situated in Hartley County, Texas, defining its metes and bounds, vesting it with all the rights, powers, duties of districts incorporated for school purposes only under the general laws.
HB 180 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to oil and gas permits.
36th 4th Called Session
HB 32 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles so as to provide that county executive committees shall be composed of one man and one woman from each voting or justice precinct.
27th Regular Session
HB 86 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to county warrants and the payment of taxes.
HB 318 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to the record of instruments of writing permitted to be recorded, requiring a comparison of such record with the original, and providing a right of recovery of loss incurred by failure to correctly record and compares such instruments.
HB 452 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to usury.
27th 1st Called Session
HB 10 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Act relating to congressional districts.