Legislation authored by Robert Hugo Wood

Includes legislation with Robert Hugo Wood as the primary author for the 44th through 46th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

46th Regular Session
HB 142 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 45th Legislature; requiring certain health certificates for persons employed in public eating places, etc.
HB 494 Caption: Relating to facilitating the cooperation of this State with other units of government and establishing the Texas Commission on Interstate Cooperation.
HB 791 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to take or kill by trap, snare, or deadfall any fur-bearing animals in the Counties of Harrison and Gregg; prescribing a penalty.
HB 803 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that it shall be discretionary with the court to submit a case on special issues.
HB 885 Caption: Relating to authorizing County Commissioners Courts and the City Commission of any incorporated town or city to lease or rent office space for the purpose of aiding and cooperating with the agencies of the State and Federal Governments engaged in the administration of relief of the unemployed and needy people in the State of Texas, and to pay the regular monthly utility bills for such offices, such as lights, gas, and water.
HB 886 Caption: Relating to providing that County Commissioners Court and the municipal government of any incorporated city, town, or village, may appoint, employ, and pay case workers and investigators to make investigations of needy persons to whom may be supplied necessities, furnished by the Texas Relief Commission; providing this Act shall remain in force and effect for a period of two (2) years.
HB 1018 Caption: Relating to designating the waters of Caddo Lake in Marion and Harrison Counties as a part of the public fresh waters of this State and suited for the preservation, protection and propagation of game and fish; regulating and restricting the operation and use of motor boats and water craft on said Caddo Lake; regulating and prohibiting the use and discharge of firearms on said Caddo Lake; making it a misdemeanor and providing a violation of certain provisions of the Act; limiting the provisions of the Act to Marion and Harrison Counties only, and fixing venue of prosecution under this Act in either said counties.
HB 1091 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; providing that the nepotism law shall not apply in cases where the person employed or working has been so engaged and actually serving at least two years prior to the election of any officer related to the person thus affected.
HCR 115 Caption: Inviting the Delegates of the Quadrennial Convention to hold the next convention in the State of Texas.
HR 157 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a delegate to the Southern Interstate Crime Conference.
45th Regular Session
HB 120 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; providing penalty of thirty days to two years imprisonment for driving while intoxicated.
HB 345 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Senate Bill of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (2nd C.S.); the payment of salaries of the various county and district officials.
HB 409 Caption: Relating to providing for the installation of signal units on State highways outside of incorporated cities and towns regulating the crossing of such highways at places where such units are installed by vehicles and pedestrians, fixing a penalty.
HB 410 Caption: Relating to providing that County Commissioners Courts and the municipal government of any incorporated city, town, or village, may appoint, employ, and pay case workers and investigators to make investigation of needy persons to whom may be supplied necessities furnished by the Texas Relief Commission, any proper Federal Agency or by counties or cities or by any one of said agencies, commission, cities, or counties.
HB 521 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 44th Legislature, 3rd (C.S.); providing for a tax of ten cents (10¢) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars or fraction thereof over the first Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars on all notes and obligations given in this State.
HB 588 Caption: Relating to validating all cities of less than five thousand (5,000) heretofore incorporated or attempted in good faith to be incorporated under the General Laws of the State of Texas under the commission form of government.
HB 846 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to take or kill by trap, snare, or deadfall any fur-bearing animals in Harrison County; describing a penalty.
HB 939 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any District Attorney in this State to engage in the private practice of law; prescribing a penalty therefor.
HB 945 Caption: Relating to amending certain Articles of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; election of school trustees.
HB 1039 Caption: Relating to requiring the compulsory inspection of all pipes used for the purpose of piping natural gas into or about any school building within this State.
HB 1077 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any person or persons to take fish from the waters of Caddo Lake of the Counties of Harrison and Marion by use of a trout line on which hooks are less than three (3) feet apart; providing a penalty.
HCR 35 Caption: Requesting the Speaker of the House and the Lt. Governor to not sign H. B. No. 88 until an agreement had been reached with the State of Louisiana regarding Caddo Lake.
HR 22 Caption: Electing the children of a Member of the House to the office of Mascot.
HR 108 Caption: Extending gratitude to Verhalen Nursery Company for their gift of flowers to the House Chamber.
HR 119 Caption: In memory of former State Rep. F. H. Prendergast.
HR 120 Caption: In memory of former State Rep. Daniel Denson Dodd.
45th 1st Called Session
HB 83 Caption: Relating to making it lawful for a person or persons to gig certain fish within the waters of Caddo Lake in Harrison and Marion Counties.
HCR 12 Caption: Authorizing the Legislature to adjourn from June 10 to June 14, 1937.
45th 2nd Called Session
HB 55 Caption: Relating to releasing all penalties and interest on delinquent taxes due on or before December 31st, 1937, offering certain discounts for the payment of delinquent taxes.
HB 125 Caption: Relating to authorizing County Commissioners' Courts or City Commissions to lease or rent office space for the purpose of aiding and cooperating with the agencies of the State and Federal Governments engaged in the administration of relief of the unemployed and needy people in the State of Texas, and to pay the regular monthly utility bills for such offices, such as lights, gas and water, to pay for such leases, rentals, and utilities, out of the County or City General Fund when in the opinion of a majority of the Commissioners' Court or City Commission such is essential to a proper administration of such agencies of either the State or Federal Governments.
HCR 43 Caption: Directing the State Highway Department and other governmental agencies to not compete in the evergreen nursery industry.
44th Regular Session
HB 134 Caption: Relating to creating, in connection with the Department of the Adjutant General, a Bureau of Criminal Identification.
HB 269 Caption: Relating to fixing the salaries of county commissioners in certain counties.
HB 431 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; expense accounts of fee officers, providing that such expense accounts shall include the salaries of assistants or deputies.
HB 432 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; requiring officers to pay their deputies the amount contracted for during the current year or within ten days after the close thereof; providing for payment of excess fees and fees due other officers at the time of filing said sworn statement; providing for interest and attorney's fees for failure to comply herewith.
HB 712 Caption: Relating to declaring a two year closed season on wild fox in certain counties.
HB 742 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 42nd Legislature (R.S.); levying a tax upon all persons, firms, or corporations who produce or distribute cement in this State, providing that the occupation tax on cement shall be five cents (5¢) per one hundredweight, or fractional part thereof.
HB 814 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Article of the Texas Penal Code; lawfulness of catching fish with any device, other than the ordinary pole and line, casting rod and reel, set line, or case net.
HB 940 Caption: Relating to providing for the relief of Darco Common School District of Harrison County, Texas.
HCR 52 Caption: Providing for a joint committee to study the overall situation of the cotton market in the South.
HCR 60 Caption: Directing the Texas Highway Commission manufacture special license plates for the Texas Centennial.
HJR 30 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing for the abolishing the fee method of compensating all district officers of this State and county officers in the counties of this State having a population of twenty thousand (20,000) or more, and providing that all such district and county officers be paid on a salary basis.
HR 62 Caption: Inviting Ben Woodall to address the House.
44th 1st Called Session
HB 43 Caption: Relating to the compensation of district, and certain designated county and precinct offers and providing the method and means by which such officers shall be compensated for their services.
44th 2nd Called Session
HB 48 Caption: Relating to levying a license on all persons, firms, or corporations who own, operate a hotel; providing for certain penalties.
HCR 21 Caption: Granting C.D. and L.S. Scroggins permission to sue the State of Texas.
HR 14 Caption: Providing for a committee to investigate and designate certain State parks to be supported and maintained.
HR 30 Caption: Inviting Christian Joy Peoples to address the Legislature.