Legislation authored by James H. Waggoner

Includes legislation with James H. Waggoner as the primary author for the 44th through 46th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

46th Regular Session
HR 338 Caption: Wishing "Uncle Gus" Atkinson a speedy recovery from illness.
45th Regular Session
HB 380 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; enlarging the scope of the meaning of said statute captioned "Employe", and defining the same.
HB 618 Caption: Relating to regulating and fixing the rights of Parties to contracts or conveyances executed by persons at the time who are of unsound mind or otherwise incompetent, where no adjudication of incompetency has been made by a court of competent jurisdiction, and also, where such adjudication has been made but no lawful guardian of the estate of such incompetent has been appointed.
HB 795 Caption: Relating to making appropriations to pay numerous miscellaneous claims out of the General Fund of the State of Texas.
HR 14 Caption: Extending good wishes to State Rep. Joe A. Keith as he recovers from illness.
45th 1st Called Session
HCR 26 Caption: Declaring legislative intent regarding the passage of H. B. No. 8 of the third called session of the 44th Legislature.