Legislation authored by Helmuth H. Schuenemann

Includes legislation with Helmuth H. Schuenemann as the primary author for the 45th through 46th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

46th Regular Session
HB 415 Caption: Relating to amending certain Articles of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that it shall be the duty of the Attorney General to prosecute violations under said articles for the penal offense committed or to prevent the violation of same by writ of injunction and by further providing in said Article that the terms of same shall apply to all officers of municipal and private corporations; providing a penalty.
HB 432 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal code; adding Wilson County to the provisions of certain Article relating to the sale of certain fish.
HB 443 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to reproduce or forge any archaeological or other object, representing same to be original, selling or exchanging the same; providing for a penalty.
HB 571 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 45th Legislature (1st C.S.); reallocating funds that are specifically set aside for the 1938-1939 year of the present biennium.
HB 738 Caption: Relating to providing for the closing and sealing of sewerage bypasses which permit sewerage to enter into any stream or river; providing that such bypasses shall not be opened nor seals broken except in an emergency; declaring the violation of any part of this Act to be a misdemeanor and providing the penalty for the violation.
HB 918 Caption: Relating to providing a more adequate and equitable salary for the County Superintendents of public instruction in certain counties.
HCR 39 Caption: Granting Lourene Woodruff permission to sue the State of Texas.
HR 57 Caption: Naming Harvey Shell Newton Mascot of the House.
45th Regular Session
HB 453 Caption: Relating to providing relief for the Pandora Rural High Common School District No. 18 of Wilson County, Texas, in replacing buildings and equipment destroyed by a disastrous electrical storm occurring in the Spring of 1936.
HB 460 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 42nd Legislature (R.S.); providing for the sale of public free school lands under preference right to include a provision providing for the purchase of lands surveyed under said statute, in cases where the field notes have been filed in the General Land Office and approved, but the applicant has failed to file his application to purchase within the time prescribed by law.
HB 607 Caption: Relating to creating a special road law for Karnes County, Texas, providing that said County may fund or refund the indebtedness outstanding against its Road and Bridge Fund as of February 8, 1937, setting forth the method of operation.
45th 1st Called Session
HB 37 Caption: Relating to validating, ratifying, confirming and legalizing all bonds heretofore authorized by the necessary vote of the qualified voters of all cities and towns having less than two thousand six hundred and thirty-two (2,632) population and more than twenty-six hundred and one (2,601) population according to the last preceding Federal Census, and all bond elections held in such cities and towns for the purpose of voting such bonds insofar as any irregularities in following the requirements of the General Law governing the form of election order, notice, ballot and canvassing of returns of such elections are concerned.
45th 2nd Called Session
HB 106 Caption: Relating to providing a more adequate and equitable salary for the County Superintendents of Public Instruction in certain counties.