Legislation authored by Eugene Flowers Harrell

Includes legislation with Eugene Flowers Harrell as the primary author for the 45th through 49th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

49th Regular Session
HB 811 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes concerning the punishment of inmates of the Gatesville State School for Boys.
HCR 55 Caption: Memorializing Congress to make provisions for payment of war debts to the United States.
HR 187 Caption: In memory of Lieutenant Albert S. Broadfoot, Jr.
HR 218 Caption: In memory of Charles R. Floyd of Paris.
HR 220 Caption: In memory of C. A. Martin of Paris.
46th Regular Session
HB 113 Caption: Relating to restricting manner of foreclosure of mortgage under contract of conditional sale of motor vehicles.
HB 114 Caption: Relating to providing that every person operating a motor vehicle which is in any manner involved in an accident shall return to the scene to the accident, etc.
HB 115 Caption: Relating to declaring it unlawful for any prisoner charged with or convicted of felony and confined in any jail or prison to escape or attempt to escape; declaring it to be a felony.
HB 116 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; defining kidnapping as a felony punishable by death.
HB 117 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Acts of the 43rd Legislature; providing that cities, towns and municipalities who purchase motor fuel for use in motor vehicles owned and controlled by such cities, towns and municipalities and used exclusively in the service of same shall be entitled to refund of the gasoline tax paid by it on such fuel.
HB 118 Caption: Relating to requiring registration of firearms; providing a penalty.
HB 119 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (3rd C.S.); providing that each county judge in each county shall be the local administrative officer to carry out the provisions of the Old Age Assistance Law.
HB 219 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Boards of School Trustees of Independent School District and County Boards of School Trustees to employ visiting teachers, setting forth qualifications of visiting teachers, prescribing their duties, defining their status and prescribing how they shall be paid.
HB 310 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Senate Bill of the Acts of the 42nd Legislature (R.S.); providing for the establishment of the State Prison Psychopathic Hospital as a part of the Prison System of the State of Texas.
HB 377 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; establishing the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission of Texas.
HB 533 Caption: Relating to providing for the creation of the office of Criminal District Attorney in certain counties.
HB 693 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Section of the Acts of the 41st Legislature (R.S.); declaring that every applicant for license as a registered Pharmacist shall be not less than twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, and a graduate of a school or college of pharmacy recognized by the Board.
HB 741 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the Girls' Training School to be hereafter known as the Gainesville State School for Girls.
HB 742 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the State Juvenile Training School to be hereafter known as the Gatesville State School for Boys.
HB 743 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the State Orphan Home to be hereafter known as the Corsicana State Home.
HB 849 Caption: Relating to providing that the Commissioners' Court of certain counties may designate the county auditor to act as purchasing agent.
HCR 18 Caption: Requesting the Governor to submit legislation supporting old age assistance.
HCR 87 Caption: Authorizing the Enrolling Clerk to correct typographical errors in HB 310.
HCR 98 Caption: Recalling HB 310 from the Governor.
HCR 119 Caption: Memorializing Congress to refrain from reducing eligibility for public relief programs.
HCR 131 Caption: Memorializing Congress regarding national relief programs.
HCR 132 Caption: Recalling HB 533 from the Governor.
HCR 193 Caption: Granting Mrs. Woodie Spore permission to sue the State.
HR 115 Caption: Instructing the Contingent Expense Committee of the House to examine and repair the floor of the hall of the House.
HR 134 Caption: Requesting the Attorney General to review and interpret HB 8 of the Forty-fourth Legislature.
HR 200 Caption: Wishing Representative T.D. Wells a speedy recovery from illness.
HR 263 Caption: Wishing Representative White, Jr. a speedy recovery from illness.
45th Regular Session
HB 54 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Civil Statutes of Texas; fixing the salaries of the District Judges of the State of Texas.
HB 156 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; making kidnapping a felony, punishable by death.
HB 180 Caption: Relating to amending certain Sections of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (3rd C.S.); providing that the County Judge in each county shall be the local administrative officer to carry out the provisions of the Old Age Assistance Law.
HB 248 Caption: Relating to providing that no person, firm, corporation or association of persons, who shall sell a motor vehicle by a contract of conditional sale retaining a vendor's lien thereon or who shall loan money on any such vehicle and retain a mortgage lien thereon shall foreclose such mortgagee's right of redemption only by delivering to the Sheriff of the County where the vehicle is located a copy of sales contract or loan contract together with a sworn statement that the mortgagee has failed in his payments.
HB 327 Caption: Relating to declaring it unlawful to buy pools or otherwise wager anything of value on any dog race to be run at any place in this State or elsewhere or to offer to wager or place any money or anything of value with any other person to be transmitted to any other place to be wagered on any such dog race; providing the penalty for the violation of this Act.
HB 567 Caption: Relating to providing that every person operating a motor vehicle which is in any manner involved in an accident by collision in which any person, animal or other vehicle is injured or damaged shall bring his motor vehicle to a full stop, return to the scene of the accident and give his name, residence, motor vehicle number and driver's license number to a police officer, providing that if no police officer is in the vicinity then such report shall be made at the nearest police station or to the nearest judicial officer.
HB 922 Caption: Relating to providing that any defendant convicted and punished by a fine and who is unable to pay such fine and costs may be imprisoned in jail or put to work for a sufficient length of time to satisfy the amount of fine and costs against him.
HB 923 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure; providing that no person shall receive a suspended sentence until his fingerprints have been taken, sent to the Bureaus of Identification both State and National, and a report has been received from such Bureaus by the trial court.
HB 1073 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; defining the term "delinquent child" and providing that such shall be proceeded against as such in the manner provided by law so as to effect the object of this law, and providing for the bringing of such before a juvenile court upon indictment or information, or before the district court on the petition of any person, or the Humane Society, or an institution of similar purposes or character, and for the commitment of such to the State Juvenile Training School if a boy, and to the Girls' Training School, if a girl, during minority.
HB 1076 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation to the State Board of Pardons and Paroles for the purpose of paying the necessary expenses and operation of said Board from February 1, 1937, to August 31, 1937, defining said duties of said Board and employees, locating said Board members.
HCR 1 Caption: Extending sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mattson. for the kidnapping and death of their son Charles.
HR 35 Caption: Electing the children of a Member of the House to the office of Mascot.
HR 105 Caption: Recommending to the Board of Control that T. E. Darcy be selected as the new head of the Old Age Assistance Commission.
HR 186 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to investigate the State Juvenile Training School.
45th 1st Called Session
HB 11 Caption: Relating to amending certain Articles of the Texas State Penal Code; betting so as to include within the terms and meaning of said Articles any race, speed, skill or endurance of, by, or between dogs; prescribing form of indictment and character of proof.
HB 64 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; exceptions to prohibiting railway companies from granting free passes so as to provide that such companies shall be prevented from granting free transportation to veterans or wives or widows who are serving as officers of a Post or Department in the American Legion.
HCR 5 Caption: Directing the State Highway Department to erect certain highway markers commemorating the deaths of drivers.
HR 36 Caption: In memory of J. W. Wood of Paris.
45th 2nd Called Session
HB 21 Caption: Relating to releasing the interest penalties and costs on all delinquent ad valorem and poll taxes due the State, any county, city, special school district, school district, road district, levy improvement district, water improvement district and water control and improvement district, irrigation district and other defined subdivisions of the State.
HB 60 Caption: Relating to providing that in certain counties convicts, either laying their fines out in jail or working such fines out on the county farm, county roads, or other public works, shall receive a credit therefor of One ($1) Dollar per day for each day worked or spent in jail.
HCR 41 Caption: Declaring legislative intent for H.B. No. 8 of the 44th Legislature, Third Called Session.
HR 28 Caption: Providing the payment of the salary for the Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms.