Legislation authored by Doyle Pevehouse

Includes legislation with Doyle Pevehouse as the primary author for the 46th through 47th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

47th Regular Session
HB 215 Caption: Relating to prescribing a privilege tax for the use of public highways by owners and drivers of motor vehicles by imposing a certain privilege tax upon the use of liquefied gases and other liquid fuels; providing certain penalties.
HB 313 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code relative to making it lawful to kill as a public enemy an instigator of any Un-American activity within this State.
HB 472 Caption: Relating to raising revenue for the support of the State Government by imposing and providing an occupation tax upon the production of magnesium metal and its alloys of one cent (1) per pound; providing for the keeping of reports and for the method of remitting said tax to the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the State Treasurer.
HB 702 Caption: Relating to exempting busses owned and operated by churches from the payment of registration fees.
HB 797 Caption: Relating to making permanent Roane Independent School District No. 93, situated in Navarro County, without regard to number of scholastics therein.
HB 798 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners Court in certain counties to allow each County Commissioner and County Judge certain traveling expenses while traveling on official business.
HB 799 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners Court in certain counties to purchase pickup trucks to be paid for out of Road and Bridge Fund, and to be used by the County Commissioners in the discharge of their official business.
HB 894 Caption: Relating to defining the jurisdiction of the County Court of Navarro County and diminishing its civil jurisdiction.
HB 1035 Caption: Relating to defining the jurisdiction of the County Court of Hill county and diminishing its civil and criminal jurisdiction.
HCR 22 Caption: In memory of W. E. Jackson of Hillsboro.
HCR 221 Caption: Granting the Highway Department an easement through property of State Orphans Home at Corsicana.
HR 28 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of mascot.
HR 200 Caption: Relating to employees of the census division.
46th Regular Session
HB 186 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing for notice in writing of any sales that may be made under deeds of trust or other written instruments, to be given to the person or persons then owning or claiming such real estate or in possession of said real estate.
HB 187 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Title of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; giving trial courts discretionary power to submit special issues.
HB 658 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that as to all future sales of real estate, whether made under deeds of trust or through court proceedings for purpose of satisfying liens that may hereafter be created, that any part of the indebtedness for which said lien is lien that may not remain unpaid shall not be used for purpose of securing a deficiency judgment.
HB 904 Caption: Relating to providing that certain counties may, upon an order being made by their Commissioners Courts for this purpose, provide for and maintain a county law library.
HB 987 Caption: Relating to creating and establishing a perpetual, public charitable, nonprofit Body Corporate, to be denominated "Navarro Community Foundation," domiciled at Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas, of which Frank Neal Drane, now deceased, was the initial patron-donor.
HCR 118 Caption: Granting Judge J.D. Stephenson permission to be absent from Texas for not more than two weeks during any one year.
HR 90 Caption: Naming R. Temple Dickson, III Mascot of the House.