Legislation authored by Thomas Walter Deen

Includes legislation with Thomas Walter Deen as the primary author for the 47th through 49th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

49th Regular Session
HB 277 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts relating to travel expenses of certain County Commissioners.
HB 287 Caption: Relating to designating and fixing the last Friday in February of each year as "Texas Temperance Day".
HB 313 Caption: Relating to providing for the extension of corporate limits of cities and towns with population of less than five thousand (5,000) inhabitants; making the provisions of this Act cumulative of all other laws on the subject matter hereof.
HB 609 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing for the reorganization of the Sixty-fourth Judicial District of the State of Texas and to provide that Cochran and Hockley Counties shall be taken from the Seventy-second Judicial District of the State of Texas and transferred to the Sixty-fourth Judicial District of the State of Texas.
HB 799 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any person to employ or hire any female employee to work or render any kind of service in any establishment in this State where intoxicating liquors or intoxicating beverages are sold at retail; fixing penalties; providing for separate offenses; containing a repealing clause.
HB 835 Caption: Relating to amending certain article relating to opening and lengthening streets and alleys, etc., in certain city, etc.
HB 836 Caption: Relating to creating Road District No. 6 of Lamb County, Texas, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating macadamized, graveled or paved roads and turnpikes, or in aid thereof.
HCR 29 Caption: Relating to Texas Regulars.
48th Regular Session
HB 106 Caption: Relating to Articles relating to legislative redistricting, fixing the time of taking effect of this Act.
HB 116 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes relative to the refunding of bonds issued by any town or village incorporated for free school purposes only, or any Common, Independent, or Consolidated Common, or Consolidated Independent Independent County Line, or Consolidated County Line or Rural High School District.
HB 298 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by changing the time and term of holding the One Hundred and Tenth Judicial District Court in Briscoe, Floyd, Motley and Dickens Counties, constituting the One Hundred and Tenth Judicial District of Texas.
HB 365 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to sell liquor, beer, and wine within a radius of ten (10) miles of any United States Military Training Center in Texas, including any school, college, or university designated by the Federal Government to be used in training and schooling soldiers, sailors, or marines; repealing all laws in conflict with this Act.
HB 462 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing that no person released on parole shall be discharged from parole, prior to the expiration of the full maximum term for which he was sentenced, except by clemency granted by the Governor, or for commutation as in hereinafter provided; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HR 28 Caption: In memory of former State Representative T.J. Wilson.
HR 29 Caption: Providing for the singing of "America" each day on the floor.
HR 258 Caption: Providing for a committee investigate conditions in State Eleemosynary and Reformatory Institutions.
47th Regular Session
HB 239 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the General and Special Laws of the 45th Legislature (R.S.); requiring physicians and retail pharmacists located in dry areas to file a weekly report with the County Clerk on prescriptions issued and liquor sold; providing certain penalties.
HB 329 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act creating a Special Road Law for Lamb County, Texas, by adding thereto four new sections; authorizing Lamb County to fund or refund the warrant indebtedness outstanding against its Road and Bridge Fund as of January 21, 1941, by the issuance of refunding bonds, and setting for the method of operation.
HB 706 Caption: Relating to levying a tax upon purchasers and/or consumers of alcoholic beverages in this State; defining the powers and duties of the Texas Liquor Control Board with respect to the collection of said tax; providing for penalties; allocating fees and revenues derived from said tax to the Social Security Program of Texas.
HB 708 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number 4, of Lamb County, Texas; defining its boundaries.
HB 723 Caption: Relating to limiting the tax rate which may be levied in independent school districts in certain counties.
HB 988 Caption: Relating to fixing a maximum rate of tax to be levied for school purposes in certain independent school districts, whether organized under a general or special law; providing for election authorizing tax rate.
HCR 32 Caption: Requesting the Attorney General to institute an investigation of prices on farm implements and machinery.
HCR 70 Caption: Requesting the Board of Control to retain R.L. Nichols in his same or a similar position.
HCR 130 Caption: Granting J. Clyde Cummings permission to sue the State of Texas and the Department of Public Safety.
HR 13 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of mascot.
HR 98 Caption: In memory of R. P. Smythe.
HR 138 Caption: Relating to principles of declaration of independence.
HR 373 Caption: In memory of Mark C. Evans.
47th 1st Called Session
HB 21 Caption: Relating to the refunding of bonds issued by any town or village incorporated for free school purposes only, or any Common, Independent, or Consolidated Common, or Consolidated Independent County Line, or Consolidated County Line or Rural High School District in Floyd County; Giving the right to governing boards of said Districts of said County to refund unmatured bonds into bonds; providing that this act shall apply to bonds owned to held by the State Board of Education and belonging to the Permanent School Fund.