Legislation authored by Marvin Albert Bundy

Includes legislation with Marvin Albert Bundy as the primary author for the 46th through 49th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

49th Regular Session
HB 9 Caption: Relating to making appropriation for an increase in salaries for State Eleemosynary and Reformatory officials and State Eleemosynary and Reformatory employees for the period beginning with the effective date of this Act and ending on August 31, 1945, supplementing the salaries designated and/or provided for in House Bill No. 666, Acts of the Forty-Eighth Legislature, Regular Session.
HB 53 Caption: Relating to authorizing and instructing the State Board of Control to sell two (2) tracts of land situated in Wichita County, Texas, aggregating forty-three and twelve one-hundredths (43.12) acres more or less.
HB 100 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners' court of any County having a population of over One Hundred Thousand Inhabitants, to adopt regulations relating to zoning of property, restricting building construction, health and sanitation, and traffic matters, within defined areas of said Counties outside of the limits of Incorporated Cities and providing penalties for violations thereof, subject to certain limitations.
HB 142 Caption: Relating to amending certain bill to extent the time in which the development of projects may be initiated thereunder.
HB 151 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by fixing the maximum compensation to be paid deputies, assistants and clerks and the manner in which the same may be appointed.
HB 152 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by fixing the maximum compensation to be paid deputies, assistants and clerks in certain counties, etc.
HB 153 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act relating to retail fish dealers, etc.
HB 154 Caption: Relating to amending certain article relative to renewal of drivers' licenses of persons in the Armed Forces, etc.
HB 283 Caption: Relating to authorizing the establishment of an agricultural experiment station in Wichita County, Texas, for experimentation in the propagation and cultivation of farm crops without the aid of irrigation; appropriating fifty thousand dollars.
HB 301 Caption: Relating to providing for the construction of two (2) State office buildings and a garage; making an appropriation.
HB 451 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of One Million ($1,000,000.00) Dollars to be used for constructing and equipping an addition to the Texas Memorial Museum.
HB 543 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts to provide in case of refusal of any departmental hand to remove an employee, the method and procedure of removal in the District Court of Travis County, Texas, by the Attorney General, and providing for the filling of a petition for removal for cause, with notice, and temporary removal within the discretion of the court, pending suit, and for trial by jury, and appeal to the Court of Civil Appeals.
HB 818 Caption: Relating to providing for the transfer by the State Treasurer of a certain sum of money from the Oil and Gas Enforcement Fund, to the General Revenue Fund; appropriating said money for the construction and/or purchase of an office building and/or a State Courts Building and equipping same, as well as certain other construction, as provided for by the Legislature.
HB 874 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated to pay the contingent expenses, and to pay the mileage and per diem of members and the per diem of officers and employees of the Regular Session of the Forty-ninth Legislature, and to pay any unpaid accounts or expenses of the Forty-eighth Legislature.
HCR 90 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die.
HR 147 Caption: Congratulating Mike Begun on March 6, 1945 for his 82nd birthday.
HR 178 Caption: Congratulating Mr. Eugene McGlasson and his wife on the birth of their daughter.
48th Regular Session
HB 81 Caption: Relating to providing for the printing of reports of State Officers, Boards, and Agencies of the State Government, Educational Institutions, and departments of the State.
HB 178 Caption: Relating to amending Article so as to define the term "additional leave" as used in said Article, allowing the Superintendents of State Hospitals to give additional leave to patients after a twelve month temporary absence.
HB 204 Caption: Relating to providing for commitment of persons of unsound mind to State Institutions and hospitals.
HB 283 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the State Orphans' Home to be hereafter known as the Corsicana State Home.
HB 284 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the State Colored Orphans' Home to be hereafter known as the Gilmer State Home for Negro Children.
HB 306 Caption: Relating to changing the name of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute for Colored Youths to be hereafter known as the State School for Deaf and Blind Negro Children.
HB 338 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of Nineteen Thousand, Six Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars ($19,625) to the Cigarette Tax Stamp Board for the manufacturing, printing, or purchasing of cigarette tax stamps.
HB 422 Caption: Relating to making appropriations to pay deficiency appropriations granted by the Governor prior to January 1, 1943, and for which no appropriations have heretofore been made.
HB 612 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Gas Utilities Fund, Securities Act Fund, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Fund, State Boiler Inspection Fund, Boxing and Wrestling Enforcement Fund, Real Estate License Fund, Vending Matching Tax Enforcement Fund, Vital Statistics Fund, Citrus Fruit Grading Fund, Recording Agents License Fund, and Citrus Fruit Inspection Fund; declaring the provisions of this Act to be severable.
HB 613 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Special Game Fund, Sand, Shell and Gravel Fund, Fish Propagation and Protection Fund, and Fish and Oyster Fund; declaring the provisions of this Act to be severable.
HB 614 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Barber Examiners' Fund, Board of Cosmetology Fund, Dental Registration Fund, Medical Registration Fund, Engineers' Registration Fund, and Architects' Registration Fund; declaring the provisions of this Act to be severable.
HB 615 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Motor Vehicle Insurance Fund, Fire Insurance Fund, Compensation Insurance Division Fund, Insurance Examination Fund, Insurance Agents' License Fund, Mutual Assessment Insurance Fund, and Insurance Fees' Fund; declaring the provisions of this Act to be severable.
HB 616 Caption: Relating to abolishing the State Highway Fund, Headlight Test Fund, and Operators' and Chauffeurs' License Fund; declaring the provisions of this Act to be severable.
HB 634 Caption: Relating to repealing law relating to the protection of fish in the waters of Big Wichita River in Wichita, Archer, and Baylor Counties.
HB 665 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the support and maintenance of the judiciary of the State of Texas for the biennium beginning September 1, 1943, and ending August 31, 1945.
HB 666 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for the support, maintenance and improvement of the Eleemosynary and Reformatory Institutions of the State of Texas for the two-year period beginning September 1, 1943 and ending August 31, 1945.
HB 700 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by providing the amount to be set aside from the per capita apportionment for the county school administration expense fund in each county in the State of Texas shall not exceed the amount levied for the scholastic year beginning September 1, 1942, by the respective counties of the State.
HB 723 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for the support and maintenance of the executive and administrative departments and agencies of the State Government for the two year period beginning September 1, 1944, and ending August 31, 1945, and for payment of other specified claims and items.
HB 743 Caption: Relating to making certain appropriation for the support of State educational institutions.
47th Regular Session
HB 300 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners Court in certain counties to allow each County Commissioner in such counties certain expenses for traveling and in connection with the use of his automobile of official business, to be paid out of Road and Bridge Fund.
HB 533 Caption: Relating to imposing an occupational tax or excise tax upon the first sale, distribution or use of motor fuel in this State with certain exceptions, exemptions and deductions; providing for penalties.
HB 772 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act excepting wild geese and ducks from the provisions thereof.
HB 923 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes regarding the Waco State Home, by changing the maximum number of children that may be boarded, at any given time, to twenty (20) such children.
HB 928 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act to provide for a separate board of trustees for all municipal colleges in the State of Texas, organized prior to the year 1923, and providing the method of electing said board of trustees and providing for the powers and duties of said board.
HCR 27 Caption: Authorizing the lending by State Highway Department of guard wire to Burkburnett Independent School District.
HCR 188 Caption: Urging Congress to designate the second Sunday in May as Mother's and Father's day.
HR 198 Caption: Advocating for Homer Leonard for the United States Senate.
47th 1st Called Session
HR 34 Caption: In memory of Frank Kell of Clifton.
46th Regular Session
HB 404 Caption: Relating to creating a State Department of Public Welfare and transferring thereto all the rights, powers and duties heretofore conferred by law on the Division of Child Welfare of the Board of Control.
HB 539 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; the Waco State Home, formerly known as the Home for Dependent and Neglected Children, so as to facilitate the administration of said Home and to provide for more effective training and care of children in need of it and for the placement of certain children of said Home in children's boarding homes at a rate not to exceed One Dollar ($1) per day for each child so boarded.
HB 559 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners Court in any county having a population of not less than seventy-four thousand (74,000) and not more than seventy-six thousand (76,000) according to the last preceding United States Census and not less than Forty-one Million Dollars ($41,000,000) and not more than Forty-five Million Dollars ($45,000,000) taxable valuation according to the last available tax roll to allow each County Commissioner in such counties certain expenses for traveling and in connection with the use of his automobile on official business.
HB 935 Caption: Relating to providing additional revenues for the State of Texas by imposing a tax upon the sale, rental or lease of articles of luxury; defining and denouncing violations of the provisions of this Act; prescribing penalties.
HCR 69 Caption: Memorializing Congress to appropriate $2,500,000 authorized under the Norris-Doxey Cooperative Farm Forestry Act for the purpose of creating windbreaks and shelter belts from trees.