Legislation authored by Clayton Loftis Bray

Includes legislation with Clayton Loftis Bray as the primary author for the 46th through 47th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

47th Regular Session
HB 414 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts regarding the definition and meaning of the term "marginal well".
HB 415 Caption: Relating to defining "Condensate"; declaring the production of condensate in excess of transportation or market facilities or reasonable market demand to be waste and prohibiting such excess production; authorizing the Railroad Commission of Texas to determine such excess production and the reasonable market demand.
HB 490 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the restriction of the daily average production of oil wells in this State below certain amounts, classified according to the producing depths of such wells.
HB 985 Caption: Relating to requiring the Governor to make appointments within ten days of the date of the vacancy.
HB 1062 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act providing for the allocation of funds collected under Article XVIII of House Bill No. 8, Acts of the Forty-seventh Legislature, Regular Session, and to provide for the transfer and allocation of revenue previously collected and now held in suspense by the Insurance Commission.
HB 1098 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act authorizing certain cities, whether incorporated under General or Special Law, to codify and adopt a code of civil and criminal ordinances without the necessity of publication.
HB 1107 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of a certain amount to pay the mileage and per diem of members, officers and employees of the Regular Session of the Forty-seventh Legislature.
HCR 241 Caption: Appointing committee of three representatives of the Legislature to go to Washington and participate in deliberation concerning production and marketing of oil and oil products.
HR 96 Caption: Proposing an amendment to House Rules.
HR 107 Caption: Providing for certain investigation.
HR 206 Caption: In memory of John Lacy Whorton of Arkadelphia, Alabama.
HR 212 Caption: Relating to the privileges of the floor.
HR 245 Caption: Prohibiting the distribution and exhibition of German-made motion pictures.
HR 277 Caption: Endorsing John C. Williams as junior senator in the U.S. Senate.
HR 278 Caption: In memory of Morris Sheppard.
HR 279 Caption: In memory of Morris Sheppard.
HR 280 Caption: Endorsing Guy B. Fisher for the vacancy in the U. S. Senate.
HR 281 Caption: Endorsing John R. Brinkley for the vacancy in the U.S Senate.
HR 282 Caption: In memory of Morris Sheppard.
HR 283 Caption: Endorsing Arlon Barton "Cyclone" Davis for the vacancy in the U.S Senate.
HR 284 Caption: Endorsing A. E. Harding to seek the vacancy in the United States Senate.
HR 285 Caption: Endorsing Edwin Waller, III to seek the vacancy in the United States Senate.
HR 286 Caption: Endorsing Lyndon B. Johnson to seek the vacancy in the United States.
HR 287 Caption: Endorsing Martin Dies to seek the vacancy in the United States Senate.
HR 288 Caption: Endorsing Politte Elvine for the vacancy in the U.S Senate.
HR 289 Caption: Endorsing O. F. Heath for the vacancy in the U.S Senate.
HR 290 Caption: Endorsing Robert Grammer for the vacancy in the United States Senate.
HR 291 Caption: Endorsing Sam Morris for the vacancy in the United States Senate.
HR 292 Caption: Endorsing W.E. Gilliiland to seek the vacancy in the U.S Senate.
HR 293 Caption: Endorsing Gerald C. Mann for the vacancy of the U.S Senate.
HR 294 Caption: Endorsing Bubba Hicks for the vacancy in the U.S Senate.
HR 295 Caption: Relating to the discontinuation of Sunday radio broadcast.
46th Regular Session
HB 262 Caption: Relating to creating the office of Criminal District Attorney in all counties having a population of not less than 48,900, nor more than 49,000, and not containing a city of more than 25,000 as determined by the last preceding Federal Census.
HB 263 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering the Commissioners Court in counties having a population of more than (15,000) and less than sixteen thousand (16,000) inhabitants, according to the last preceding Federal Census, to purchase fire trucks and other firefighting equipment for the protection and preservation of bridges, warehouses, shops, and other property located without the limits of any incorporated municipality or town.
HB 468 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering the Commissioners Courts in certain counties to enter into contracts and agreements with the governing bodies of municipalities within said counties for the purpose of furnishing fire protection in such counties outside of the corporate limits of said municipalities and to make appropriations for paying municipalities for such services.
HB 785 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; relating to motion for new trials.
HB 1096 Caption: Relating to creating the appointive office of Assistant to the County Judge in certain counties; and to provide an equitable and sufficient salary therefor.
HB 1127 Caption: Relating to requiring every office, department, institution, board, etc. to give a percentage preference on all bids submitted for the purchase of supplies, products and materials and bids submitted for the construction of public buildings.
HCR 134 Caption: Recalling HB 1053 from the Senate.
HCR 153 Caption: Recalling HB 1080 from the Senate in order to hold a public hearing.
HCR 165 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to study and recommend a complete tax revision program for the State of Texas.
HJR 42 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing State, District and County officers shall take office on first day of month succeeding month in which general election is held.
HR 138 Caption: Urging the House to focus upon bills of importance to the people of Texas.
HR 170 Caption: Inviting Pat O'Keefe of the Curtain Club of the University of Texas to the Speaker's Stand.
HR 308 Caption: Congratulating Representative Houston McMurry and Clara Vaughn upon their marriage.