Legislation authored by George Jefferson Woodruff II

Includes legislation with George Jefferson Woodruff II as the primary author for the 51st through 52nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

52nd Regular Session
HB 64 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code by providing that the owner of any livestock which is found upon any State highway shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; providing certain defenses; authorizing certain officers to impound and providing fees therefor.
HB 108 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to authorize employment contracts by a corporation for such period of time as the directors may approve and authorize.
HB 582 Caption: Relating to amending Statutes relative to licenses of motor vehicles and farm tractors, limitations as to width, etc.
HB 681 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act providing retirement pensions for certain cities created under the provisions of said Act; providing certain conditions of employment.
HCR 117 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules to consider H. J. R. No. 32.
HJR 22 Caption: Proposing an Amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide for a statewide system of retirement and disability pensions for appointive officers and employees of the several counties of this State; providing that participation therein by counties shall be voluntary.
HJR 32 Caption: Proposing an amendment authorizing the Legislature to enact laws enabling public schools to provide workman's compensation insurance for public school employees.
HR 78 Caption: Naming Joe Brad Bradshaw Mascot of the House.
HR 200 Caption: In memory of Rube S. Wells of Cooper.
51st Regular Session
HB 17 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the selling, offering, exhibiting for sale, or having in possession with intent to sell as food for human consumption horse meat, defining horse meat, prohibiting the transfer of its possession under certain circumstances, setting out facts constituting prima facie evidence of violations of this Act; providing a repealing clause; providing a savings clause.
HB 533 Caption: Relating to providing that no motor fuel used by a municipal corporation for any municipal purpose shall be subject to motor fuel taxes; providing for refund of any tax actually paid.
HB 534 Caption: Relating to providing that the motor fuel taxes paid by each public transportation company and taxicab company in each city, operating under franchise or permit therefrom, shall be paid over by the State Comptroller each year to each such city.
HB 612 Caption: Relating to amending Statutes relating to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas; declaring the Act to be severable.
HCR 41 Caption: Instructing the House Enrolling clerk to make certain corrections in H. B. No. 17.
HJR 14 Caption: Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas amending Article III, Section 51a, providing that the Legislature shall have the power to provide assistance to and provide for the payment of same to bona fide citizens of the State of Texas who are needy aged persons over the age of sixty-five (65) years, needy blind persons over the age of twenty-one (21) years, and needy children under the age of sixteen (16) years; providing for the necessary proclamation, publication, form of ballot and election.
51st 1st Called Session
HB 48 Caption: Relating to amending and clarifying the law relative to issuance of revenue bonds by certain junior colleges and universities.