Legislation authored by Harold V. Dutton, Jr.

Includes legislation with Harold V. Dutton, Jr. as the primary author for the 69th through 87th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System. Author information is not available for the 87th Legislature.

87th Regular Session
HB 353 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the consideration of certain student differentials based on racial and ethnic groups and sex under the public school accountability system.
HB 354 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
HB 572 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the inclusion of students enrolled in a dropout recovery school as students at risk of dropping out of school for purposes of compensatory, intensive, and accelerated instruction and to a study by the Texas Education Agency on competency-based educational programs.
HB 579 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the administration and deployment of special weapons and tactics teams.
HB 616 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the criminal penalties for possession of two grams or less of marihuana.
HB 617 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to an allotment under the public school finance system for certain students whose parent or legal guardian has been incarcerated.
HB 618 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the participation of open-enrollment charter schools in the Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Program.
HB 667 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
HB 688 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in a capital murder case.
HB 704 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures.
HB 747 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to spoliation of evidence held for use in a criminal proceeding.
HB 748 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to the restoration of civil rights to a criminal defendant.
HB 756 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a suit for possession of or access to a child by a grandparent.
HB 757 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the consequences of receiving a grant of deferred adjudication community supervision and successfully completing the period of supervision.
HB 758 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to the creation of a commission to review certain laws of this state that restrict the rights or activities of persons convicted of a felony offense and to make certain recommendations regarding those laws.
HB 814 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for certain lower-division students enrolled in a general academic teaching institution who maintain a high grade point average.
HB 826 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to an affirmative defense available to certain students enrolled in grade level nine or above who engage in prohibited sexual contact with another student at or above that grade level.
HB 836 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the charging instrument in the prosecution of the offense of resisting arrest.
HB 858 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.
HB 889 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant.
HB 913 Last Action: Received from the House
Caption: Relating to an award of costs and attorney's fees and the imposition of sanctions in certain suits for the dissolution of a marriage or affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 954 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to certain contract and notice requirements applicable to certain facilities used to house inmates or releasees from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to the transfer of certain real property held by the department.
HB 955 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the release on bail of a person charged with a violation of parole or mandatory supervision.
HB 956 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the places where certain knives are prohibited.
HB 967 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the age of criminal responsibility and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to that age.
HB 968 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to public comments on matters subject to a hearing under the jurisdiction of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
HB 969 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the definition of "affected person" for purposes of a contested case hearing held by or for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding certain environmental permit applications.
HB 970 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to prosecutorial transparency.
HB 975 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the notice of intent to obtain a permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
HB 981 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to a study by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board on the feasibility of establishing a religious studies program at Texas Southern University.
HB 998 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the qualifications for designation as a dropout recovery school.
HB 1003 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the private child care task force.
HB 1012 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to access to a residence or former residence to retrieve certain personal property.
HB 1013 Last Action: Removed from local & uncontested calendar
Caption: Relating to a requirement that a decree of divorce include the date of the marriage.
HB 1035 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the use of force by peace officers and certain other persons to make an arrest or search or prevent an escape from custody.
HB 1112 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the mandatory transfer of certain protective orders that affect a party's right to possession of or access to a child.
HB 1121 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the regulation of sports betting; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee; imposing a tax; creating criminal offenses; providing a civil penalty.
HB 1183 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to eligibility requirements for public office and to the form of an application for a place on the ballot.
HB 1184 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to eligibility requirements for public office for persons finally convicted of a felony.
HB 1185 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the deadline for filing a petition for the termination of the parent-child relationship in circumstances involving mistaken paternity.
HB 1187 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the eligibility of a person to serve as a relative or other designated caregiver for a child.
HB 1188 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to requiring certain open-enrollment charter schools to comply with historically underutilized business provisions.
HB 1189 Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Relating to the expansion of eligibility for Medicaid to certain working parents for whom federal matching money is available.
HB 1235 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the power of associate judges to render and sign certain ancillary orders in suits affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 1335 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to a periodic review and expiration dates of state and local tax preferences.
HB 1390 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to convictions considered for purposes of enhancing the punishment for certain intoxication offenses.
HB 1422 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the child support obligation of an obligor during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 1430 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child, to the age of criminal responsibility, and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to those ages.
HB 1448 Last Action: Referred to Redistricting
Caption: Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration.
HB 1495 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the award of court costs and attorney's fees in certain actions challenging certain local laws or the failure of an officer of certain political subdivisions to perform certain acts.
HB 1517 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the hours for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at certain licensed or permitted premises during special events.
HB 1518 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the hours for selling alcoholic beverages in certain establishments.
HB 1546 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to electronic voter registration.
HB 1549 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of hearsay evidence in a hearing for a person charged with a violation of a condition of release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
HB 1605 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the inmate legal services office and to the appointment and compensation of certain legal counsel for certain indigent inmates and other persons in secure correctional facilities.
HB 1716 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the personal liability of the attorney general for certain frivolous lawsuits.
HB 1868 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the powers of associate judges in suits affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 1933 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to qualifications and registration of certain voters on parole or mandatory supervision.
HB 1954 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the penalty for certain offenders for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
HB 1955 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the use of deadly force to make an arrest.
HB 2105 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to failure to identify to a peace officer while carrying certain firearms; creating a criminal offense.
HB 2153 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the definition of abuse of a child.
HB 2154 Last Action: Referred to House Administration
Caption: Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee.
HB 2260 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to the name used by a candidate on an application for a place on the ballot and the form of a candidate's name on a ballot; creating a civil penalty.
HB 2291 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to eligibility requirements for public office and to the form of an application for a place on the ballot.
HB 2549 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to suits against certain governmental employees.
HB 2550 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to services provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services.
HB 2551 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain placements for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services.
HB 2552 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain Department of Family and Protective Services procedures during an investigation of child abuse or neglect.
HB 2634 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to standing in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 2712 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 2908 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to the address of a candidate on an application for a place on the ballot; creating a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.
HB 2923 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain persons who are disqualified from serving as the personal representative of a decedent's estate.
HB 2924 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to procedures in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 2925 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to affidavits concerning cost and necessity of services in civil actions.
HB 2932 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to certain procedures in suits affecting the parent-child relationship filed by the Department of Family and Protective Services.
HB 2935 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to suits affecting the parent-child relationship filed by the Department of Family and Protective Services without taking possession of the child.
HB 3203 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the standard possession order and alternative possession times in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 3204 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the methods to achieve a college, career, or military outcomes bonus under the Foundation School Program.
HB 3245 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to eliminating the court appointed advocates.
HB 3270 Last Action: Returned to committee
Caption: Relating to public school organization, accountability, and fiscal management.
HB 3279 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the approval of open-enrollment charter schools and the applicability of certain state and local laws to open-enrollment charter schools.
HB 3284 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to de novo review of certain juvenile matters referred to juvenile court masters in Harris County.
HB 3731 Last Action: Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
Caption: Relating to public school accountability ratings, including interventions and sanctions administered to a school district, open-enrollment charter school, or district or school campus assigned an unacceptable performance rating.
HB 3870 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the program requiring dyslexia screening and testing in public schools.
HB 3872 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to local school health advisory councils and health education provided by school districts, including requirements regarding human sexuality instruction.
HB 3876 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the permissible uses of the compensatory education allotment under the Foundation School Program.
HB 3880 Last Action: House appoints conferees-reported
Caption: Relating to a student's eligibility for special education services provided by a school district, including services for dyslexia and related disorders.
HB 4097 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the ownership, control, or operation of certain used motor vehicle dealers by certain motor vehicle manufacturers and distributors.
HB 4465 Last Action: Committee report printed and distributed
Caption: Relating to grants and federal disaster relief funds available to school districts, open-enrollment charter schools, and regional education service centers to provide services to students after a disaster in the state of Texas.
HB 4545 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the assessment of public school students, the establishment of a strong foundations grant program, and providing accelerated instruction for students who fail to achieve satisfactory performance on certain assessment instruments.
HB 4547 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to a Texas school accountability Internet website; posting of accountability information; release of distinction designations.
HB 4604 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/21
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Barrett Management District to finance an improvement project or service.
HCR 10 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Designating the second Tuesday in October as Legislators in Schools Day for a 10-year period beginning in 2021.
HCR 11 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Directing the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to conduct a study on the creation of a divinity program at Texas Southern University.
HJR 68 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to legalize wagering on professional and collegiate sporting events in this state.
HJR 74 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the periodic review of state and local tax preferences and the expiration of certain tax preferences if not reauthorized by law.
HR 39 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Dr. Albert L. Lemons on his retirement as principal of Atherton Elementary School in Houston.
HR 47 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Shirley Baines of Houston.
HR 84 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Darryl S. Johnson on his graduation from American Public University.
HR 745 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Robert Warren McGowan of Houston.
HR 768 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring 100 Black Men of America for its service to African American youth.
HR 1201 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating James Joe Joseph of Houston on his receipt of a 2021 Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 1202 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Gerald Morris Jr. of Houston.
HR 1203 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Earl B. Middleton Sr. of Houston.
HR 1452 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Herma Glynn of Houston on her 99th birthday.
HR 1723 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Eddie Marie Bailey Virgil of Freeport.
HR 1745 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Mary D. Fontenot on being named the Outstanding Texan for House District 142 at the 2021 Texas Legislative Black Caucus Summit.
HR 1746 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Judy A. Guidry of Houston.
HR 1810 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Marlin Independent School District for its service to the community.
HR 1968 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the importance of school nutrition programs in providing meals to children who have faced food insecurity, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
87th 2nd Called Session
HB 134 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Relating to the name used by a candidate on an application for a place on the ballot and the form of a candidate's name on a ballot; creating a civil penalty.
HB 164 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a policy requiring the use of face coverings in public schools.
HR 177 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of William Walter Davis Jr. of Houston.
87th 3rd Called Session
HB 126 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Relating to a policy requiring the use of face coverings in public schools.
86th Regular Session
HB 335 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the criminal penalties for possession of two grams or less of marihuana.
HB 336 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
HB 344 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the age of criminal responsibility and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to that age.
HB 472 Last Action: Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in a capital murder case.
HB 479 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
HB 504 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/19
Caption: Relating to employment protections for a person serving as a grand juror.
HB 520 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to spoliation of evidence held for use in a criminal proceeding.
HB 521 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the charging instrument in the prosecution of the offense of resisting arrest.
HB 528 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to including students enrolled in open-enrollment charter schools in the determination of a district's weighted average daily attendance for purposes of complying with equalized wealth level requirements.
HB 573 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
HB 574 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 575 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to a suit for possession of or access to a child by a grandparent.
HB 635 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/19
Caption: Relating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 59 in Harris County as the Commissioner El Franco Lee Memorial Highway.
HB 654 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the definition of "affected person" for purposes of a contested case hearing held by or for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding certain environmental permit applications.
HB 655 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee.
HB 656 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures.
HB 657 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to electronic voter registration.
HB 658 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child, to the age of criminal responsibility, and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to those ages.
HB 808 Last Action: Not again placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the consideration of certain student differentials based on sex under the public school accountability system.
HB 825 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the notice of intent to obtain an environmental permit sent to certain state legislators.
HB 893 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the carcinogenic risk level used in the development of certain environmental remediation benchmarks.
HB 943 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an offense report prepared in the investigation of a criminal case.
HB 944 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the posting of notice of intent to obtain a permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality at the site of the facility or proposed facility for which the permit is sought.
HB 966 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to providing a sales and use tax refund or franchise tax credit for businesses that employ certain apprentices.
HB 1154 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Relating to the hours for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at certain licensed or permitted premises during special events.
HB 1193 Last Action: Referred to Human Services
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the private child care task force.
HB 1194 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district of certain property used to build low-income housing.
HB 1309 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the issuance of a standard permit for certain concrete plants.
HB 1310 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant.
HB 1377 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the creation of a commission to review certain laws of this state that restrict the rights or activities of persons convicted of a felony offense and to make certain recommendations regarding those laws.
HB 1560 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to a tax on title insurance policies written by title insurance companies to fund housing programs and services; imposing a tax.
HB 1804 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to public comments on matters subject to a hearing under the jurisdiction of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
HB 1807 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to alternative times of possession under a standard possession order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 1854 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/19
Caption: Relating to loss of continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of a court in certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 1954 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for lower-division students enrolled in a general academic teaching institution who maintain a high grade point average.
HB 1955 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the eligibility of certain defendants for release on personal bond.
HB 1956 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain contract and notice requirements applicable to certain facilities used to house inmates or releasees from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
HB 1957 Last Action: Referred to Business & Industry
Caption: Relating to a provision of a contract that conflicts with state law.
HB 1967 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Relating to the hours for selling alcoholic beverages in certain establishments.
HB 2015 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to searches, seizures and raids by Special Weapons and Tactics teams.
HB 2147 Last Action: Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the availability of financial information of nonprofit corporations for public inspection.
HB 2264 Last Action: Reported favorably as substituted
Caption: Relating to suits affecting the parent-child relationship and the enforcement of child support.
HB 2265 Last Action: Reported favorably as substituted
Caption: Relating to the duties of the Title IV-D agency regarding the collection, modification, and enforcement of child support.
HB 2342 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the places where certain knives are prohibited.
HB 2343 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an affirmative defense available to certain students enrolled in grade level nine or above who engage in prohibited sexual contact with another student at or above that grade level.
HB 2344 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to evidence sufficient for the issuance of a stalking protective order.
HB 2381 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the release on bail of a person charged with a violation of parole or mandatory supervision.
HB 2382 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the classification of certain conduct by juveniles constituting the offense of evading detention.
HB 2383 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law as an independent public institution of higher education; granting a power of eminent domain.
HB 2391 Last Action: Referred to Business & Industry
Caption: Relating to the classification of workers for purposes of the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act; providing an administrative penalty.
HB 2487 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools.
HB 2488 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring certain open-enrollment charter schools to comply with historically underutilized business provisions.
HB 2489 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of hearsay evidence in a hearing for a person charged with a violation of a condition of release from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
HB 2852 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Relating to the consideration of a criminal conviction to determine an applicant's eligibility for certain barbering certificates and licenses.
HB 3085 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to an award of costs and attorney's fees and the imposition of sanctions in certain suits for the dissolution of a marriage or affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 3298 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to a periodic review and expiration dates of state and local tax preferences.
HB 3452 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to evaluating the performance of dropout recovery schools for purposes of the public school accountability system.
HB 3458 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the administration of an immunization or vaccination by a pharmacist.
HB 3683 Last Action: Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to authorizing a dropout recovery competency-based educational pilot program provided through a campus or campus program charter or open-enrollment charter school.
HB 3691 Last Action: Referred to Human Services
Caption: Relating to the eligibility of a person to serve as a relative or other designated caregiver for a child.
HB 3764 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the period for redeeming the residence homestead of an elderly person sold at an ad valorem tax sale.
HB 3765 Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Relating to the expansion of eligibility for Medicaid to certain working parents for whom federal matching funds are available.
HB 3918 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to suits against certain governmental employees.
HB 3919 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to prosecutorial transparency.
HB 3920 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the inmate legal services office and to the appointment and compensation of certain legal counsel for certain indigent inmates and other persons in secure correctional facilities.
HB 4035 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to technical corrections for certain children.
HB 4143 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the amount of a fine and costs discharged by a defendant while confined in jail or engaged in labor.
HB 4310 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to a school district's scope and sequence for subjects in the required curriculum for public school students.
HB 4311 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to an allotment under the public school finance system for certain students whose parent or legal guardian has been incarcerated.
HB 4551 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the award of court costs and attorney's fees in certain actions challenging certain local laws or the failure of an officer of certain political subdivisions to perform certain actions.
HB 4748 Last Action: Senate passage as amended reported
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Near Northside Management District to impose a sales and use tax and finance a project or service.
HB 4752 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/19
Caption: Relating to the territory of the Barrett Management District.
HCR 20 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Establishing the Complete Count Census Committee.
HCR 133 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Directing the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to conduct a study on the creation of a divinity program at Texas Southern University.
HCR 134 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Designating the second Tuesday in October as Legislators in Schools Day for a 10-year period beginning in 2019.
HJR 49 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the operation of five casinos in this state by licensed persons in certain counties that have approved casino gaming to provide funding for prekindergarten programs; providing for the requirement of occupational licenses, the authorization of fees, the imposition of a tax, and the provision of criminal penalties.
HJR 58 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by one or more political subdivisions of this state property located near a public school or within a municipal management district that is owned for the purpose of building low-income housing.
HJR 106 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the periodic review of state and local tax preferences and the expiration of certain tax preferences if not reauthorized by law.
HJR 116 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to lengthen the period for redeeming the residence homestead of an elderly person sold at an ad valorem tax sale.
HR 74 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lillian Bryant of Houston on her 75th birthday.
HR 82 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Walter Yates Sr.
HR 95 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Reverend Charles H. Taylor Sr. for his 30-year tenure with Grace Cathedral Church in Houston.
HR 134 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing February 25, 2019, as Greater Houston Black Chamber Legislative Day at the State Capitol.
HR 259 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Samuel Lee Sherman.
HR 475 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Granting permission for use of the chamber of the Texas House of Representatives by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus on February 25, 2019, from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
HR 477 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Galena Park North Shore Senior High School football team on winning the 2018 6A Division 1 state championship.
HR 479 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing September 2019 as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
HR 599 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Walter Lee Rogers Nauling of Houston on her 100th birthday.
HR 600 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Alveretta Theresa Frilot Ledet of Houston.
HR 632 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Millie Johnson Washington of Houston on her 92nd birthday.
HR 764 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Bertha M. Dorian of Houston on her 85th birthday.
HR 779 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the members of the MacGregor Metropolitan 4-H Club on the occasion of their visit to the State Capitol.
HR 804 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Freeda George Foreman of Houston.
HR 880 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Greater Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on the 53rd anniversary of its founding.
HR 925 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Reverend Samuel Compton Sr. on his 29th anniversary as pastor of Mt. Canaan Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 938 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Maryland Whitaker on her receipt of a 2019 Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 979 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lester Howard on his receipt of a 2019 Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 980 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Reverend Dr. Johnny W. Gambrell Jr. on his installation as pastor of Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 1061 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the charter ceremony of the East Harris Chambers Liberty County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
HR 1123 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Dr. Zeb F. Poindexter III of Houston on his 60th birthday.
HR 1174 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jewell McDade McGowen of Houston on her 90th birthday.
HR 1200 Last Action: Filed
Caption: In memory of Judge Charles Ronald Rose Sr. of Dallas.
HR 1220 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Alexander James Guidry Sr. of Rayne, Louisiana.
HR 1291 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Mamie Frank Lewis of Barrett Station on her 102nd birthday.
HR 1301 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Reverend Anthony Jerrod Moten on his installation as pastor of East Park Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 1531 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the grand opening of the Barbara Jordan Career Center on May 15, 2019.
HR 1559 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Gamma Sigma Philo Affiliate of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority on its 70th anniversary.
HR 1646 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Maurice Earl Toliver of Houston.
HR 1770 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Rowena Calfee of Austin.
HR 1796 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing June 7, 2019, as National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
HR 1817 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital in Houston.
HR 2083 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Betty J. Hoffman for her career in education on the occasion of her 70th birthday.
85th Regular Session
HB 64 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
HB 82 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marihuana and eligibility for placement on community supervision or on deferred adjudication community supervision for that offense.
HB 94 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to the basic allotment and the equalized wealth level under the public school finance system.
HB 103 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain body cavity searches conducted by a peace officer.
HB 112 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to a limitation on the amount of tuition charged by public institutions of higher education.
HB 122 Last Action: Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the age of criminal responsibility and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to that age.
HB 130 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalty for certain offenders for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
HB 134 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee.
HB 137 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to filling certain vacancies in nomination by special primary election.
HB 140 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to convictions considered for purposes of enhancing the punishment for certain intoxication offenses.
HB 145 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to public school students evaluated for purposes of accountability ratings in certain school districts.
HB 147 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in certain felony cases.
HB 152 Last Action: Motion to reconsider spread on the Journal
Caption: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
HB 158 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the recording and disclosure of certain grand jury proceedings that involve a peace officer.
HB 159 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to electronic voter registration.
HB 161 Last Action: Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the child support obligation of an obligor during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 163 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter.
HB 171 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain facilities transactions between school districts and charter schools.
HB 183 Last Action: Received from the House
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 187 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to provide notice to certain persons of the right to vote.
HB 190 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to qualifications and registration of certain voters on parole or mandatory supervision.
HB 608 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the eligibility of certain defendants for release on personal bond.
HB 609 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the representation of a defendant in certain criminal proceedings in populous counties.
HB 1015 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the age of a child at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over the child, to the age of criminal responsibility, and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to those ages.
HB 1115 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the definition of "affected person" for purposes of a contested case hearing held by or for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality regarding certain environmental permit applications.
HB 1219 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the charging instrument in the prosecution of the offense of resisting arrest.
HB 1220 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to spoliation of evidence held for use in a criminal proceeding.
HB 1259 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to requirements relating to an application for a place on the ballot.
HB 1278 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to availability of personal information of certain current and former prosecutors.
HB 1301 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure.
HB 1538 Last Action: Received from the House
Caption: Relating to jury service; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 1548 Last Action: Meeting cancelled
Caption: Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district of certain property used to build low-income or moderate-income housing.
HB 1663 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain statutory changes to reflect and address same-sex marriages and parenting relationships.
HB 1833 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the exemption of real property from ad valorem taxation during the period between the issuance of a judgment foreclosing a tax lien on the property and the sale of the property at a tax sale conducted under that judgment or the payment by the property owner of that judgment before the sale, as applicable.
HB 1834 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the payment of application fees for a commitment of low income housing tax credits.
HB 1897 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures.
HB 1965 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to liability insurance for career schools and colleges.
HB 2030 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to an offense report prepared in the investigation of a criminal case.
HB 2048 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Caption: Relating to certain procedures for cases and orders relating to the Title IV-D agency.
HB 2049 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to automatic expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted.
HB 2109 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the evaluation of applications for certain financial assistance administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
HB 2260 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to discovery procedures for a claim against a governmental entity under the Texas Tort Claims Act.
HB 2261 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the amendment of an application for an allocation of low income housing tax credits.
HB 2336 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the participation by certain state and local elected officials during the process for evaluating an application for a low income housing tax credit.
HB 2337 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to funding for an open-enrollment charter school based on the guaranteed level of state and local funds provided to school districts through the existing debt allotment.
HB 2496 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the mailing of a notice of intent to obtain an environmental permit to certain state legislators.
HB 2497 Last Action: Corrected committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the posting of notice of intent to obtain a permit from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality at the site of the facility or proposed facility for which the permit is sought.
HB 2498 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for lower-division students enrolled in a general academic teaching institution who maintain a high grade point average.
HB 2631 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the remedies available to a person to abate a public nuisance in a municipality.
HB 2632 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to an allotment under the foundation school program for students without disabilities residing in care and treatment facilities or state schools.
HB 2633 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the evaluation of applications for certain financial assistance administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
HB 2634 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to enforcement of child support obligations.
HB 2635 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the authority of a property owner to pay certain deferred ad valorem taxes and interest in installments.
HB 2636 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to court-ordered financial support by parents of an adult with a medically determinable disability.
HB 2687 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Lago Bello Municipal Utility District No. 1 of Harris County; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.
HB 2879 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to treatment and registration of juveniles adjudicated for a sexual offense.
HB 2880 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/17
Caption: Relating to the criminal punishment for the threatened exhibition or use of a firearm in or on school property or on a school bus.
HB 2939 Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Caption: Relating to contracts with private entities to operate state hospitals for persons with mental illness.
HB 2940 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to citations and participation in pretrial diversion for misdemeanor possession of marihuana.
HB 2941 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to improving the quality of teachers employed by a school district, teacher performance appraisals, and the hiring of mentor teachers.
HB 3139 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the expunction of arrest records for and issuance of orders of nondisclosure for certain persons without the necessity of filing a petition; imposing a fee.
HB 3140 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the accommodation of a deaf or hard of hearing student in driver education; authorizing a fee.
HB 3594 Last Action: Posting rule suspended
Caption: Relating to procedures related to juvenile justice proceedings; increasing the punishment for certain delinquent conduct.
HB 3795 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to including students enrolled in open-enrollment charter schools in the determination of a district's weighted average daily attendance for purposes of complying with equalized wealth level requirements.
HB 3800 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools.
HB 3802 Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Caption: Relating to the suspension of a driver's license issued to a person who fails to pay an administrative penalty imposed by the Texas Funeral Service Commission.
HB 3806 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a suit for possession of or access to a child by a grandparent.
HB 4155 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Relating to the regulation of athlete agents.
HB 4158 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to prohibited denial of a stay of proceedings for a contested case for which an interlocutory appeal has been filed.
HCR 96 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to lead a study by several Texas public universities to examine how young black males in Texas are affected by the benefits and detriments of living in Texas.
HCR 97 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Establishing the Complete Count Census Committee.
HJR 20 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the governor from appointing certain prosecuting attorneys to fill a vacancy of a district judge.
HJR 66 Last Action: Meeting cancelled
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by one or more political subdivisions of this state property located near a public school that is owned for the purpose of building low-income or moderate-income housing.
HR 323 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Xavier Culver Lemond of Katy.
HR 368 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing February 27, 2017, as Southwest Region of National Black Law Students Association Day at the State Capitol.
HR 384 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Andrew M. Landry Sr. of Oak Hill Missionary Baptist Church on his 10th pastoral anniversary.
HR 447 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the Jasper Pillars of the Community Black History Award Program.
HR 448 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Sam Carl Guess of Houston.
HR 451 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Dr. Melvyn E. Huckaby for his years of service as an oral surgeon.
HR 636 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Pastor L. D. Lee Sr., founder of Greater Vision Church in Houston, on his 30th pastoral anniversary.
HR 637 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Ursula Rachel Cedillo-Johnson of Prairie View on her graduation from Barnard College.
HR 672 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating James Prince on his receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 673 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 100th anniversary of New Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 687 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Rushion McDonald for his achievements in the entertainment industry.
HR 779 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Ira Beruix Scott of Houston on his 100th birthday.
HR 784 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 76th Southwestern Regional Conference of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.
HR 846 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Lorugene Young of Houston for her service to the community.
HR 854 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Laymond Wilburn on being named a 2017 Law Student of the Year by the National Jurist magazine.
HR 855 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Ray and Kathy Wilburn of Missouri City on their 35th wedding anniversary and on the occasion of Mrs. Wilburn's 55th birthday.
HR 856 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Jim Lincoln of Houston.
HR 1232 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Olubukola Abubakar Saraki for his service as president of the Nigerian senate.
HR 1379 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Masjid At-Tawhid of Houston on its fifth anniversary.
HR 1380 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Charles Ray Wilder Sr.
HR 1465 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Paul Harasim for his outstanding career in journalism.
HR 1505 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing May 16, 2017, as Cobb Sixth Grade Campus Day at the State Capitol.
HR 1594 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Dr. David Kirk Wittenburg of El Paso.
HR 1647 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Paul Harasim for his outstanding career in journalism.
HR 1851 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jessica Fountain on the occasion of her 59th birthday.
HR 1952 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating LaTreshia Hamilton on her graduation from the Loyola University New Orleans College of Law.
HR 1957 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Richard "Racehorse" Haynes.
HR 2086 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Ja'Nae Elyse Hammond of Missouri City on attaining the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 2087 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lucy Kellison on her graduation from The University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.
HR 2143 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Reverend Matthew R. Alix Sr. of Houston on his 60 years in the ministry.
HR 2144 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Honorable Monique D. Davis for her outstanding service as a member of the Illinois House of Representatives.
HR 2304 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Earlmond Hammond III on his graduation from Prairie View A&M University.
HR 2512 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Shirlane Wilkerson on her retirement from the U.S. Social Security Administration.
85th 1st Called Session
HB 170 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to single-occupancy bathroom and changing facilities in public buildings; authorizing a civil penalty.
HB 316 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the age of criminal responsibility and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to that age.
HB 324 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to public school students evaluated for purposes of accountability ratings in certain school districts.
HB 325 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to including students enrolled in open-enrollment charter schools in the determination of a district's weighted average daily attendance for purposes of complying with equalized wealth level requirements.
HR 223 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Evelyn Wagner Wright on being honored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas--Mother of Love Court No. 2092.
HR 224 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Beta Upsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
HR 265 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating José Griñán on being honored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas--Mother of Love Court No. 2092.
HR 270 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Bishop Lester E. Blount Sr. and First Lady Juanita Blount for their seven-year tenure with Good Samaritan Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 271 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Amanda K. Edwards on being honored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas--Mother of Love Court No. 2092.
HR 274 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Rosalie Karstedt on being honored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas--Mother of Love Court No. 2092.
HR 293 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lillian Kozel on being honored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas--Mother of Love Court No. 2092.
HR 363 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Gerald Wayne Joseph on being honored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas--Mother of Love Court No. 2092.
HR 364 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Felix Ramos on being honored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas--Mother of Love Court No. 2092.
HR 472 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 90th anniversary of Phillis Wheatley High School in Houston.
HR 517 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of John E. Codwell Jr.
84th Regular Session
HB 192 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to convictions considered for purposes of enhancing the punishment for certain intoxication offenses.
HB 282 Last Action: Postponed
Caption: Relating to the organization of a grand jury.
HB 305 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures.
HB 324 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to a requirement that a peace officer obtain a search warrant before conducting a body cavity search during a traffic stop.
HB 340 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the receipt of an exemption or waiver for a school district or campus that is academically unacceptable.
HB 341 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in certain felony cases.
HB 342 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to periodic reauthorization of municipal building permit fees.
HB 347 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to equal opportunity for access by home-schooled students to University Interscholastic League sponsored activities; authorizing a fee.
HB 348 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the punishment for certain conduct constituting the offense of official oppression and to the statute of limitation on prosecution of that conduct.
HB 354 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a suit for legal separation in a marriage.
HB 364 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the child support obligation of an obligor during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 403 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalty for certain offenders for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
HB 414 Last Action: Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marihuana or a synthetic cannabinoid.
HB 424 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to providing free full-day prekindergarten for certain children.
HB 475 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an affirmative defense available to certain students enrolled in grade level nine or above who engage in prohibited sexual contact with another student at or above that grade level.
HB 476 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 477 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring notice and the dissemination of criminal history record information to the subject of the information in certain circumstances.
HB 478 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
HB 543 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a specialty court for certain first-time DWI offenders; imposing fees for participation and alcohol monitoring.
HB 544 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to payment by a school district of the costs of developmental coursework provided by an institution of higher education under the success initiative.
HB 545 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the enforcement of an order to pay child support by contempt.
HB 560 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the qualifications for service as a grand juror.
HB 561 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 563 Last Action: Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offense of official oppression.
HB 564 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in capital cases in which the state seeks the death penalty.
HB 662 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to public school students evaluated for purposes of accountability ratings.
HB 674 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to permitting a residency requirement for police officers in certain municipalities.
HB 749 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the dismissal of a case within the jurisdiction of a municipal court if a peace officer fails to appear for trial.
HB 752 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the eligibility of property used for affordable housing for ad valorem tax benefits under the Texas Economic Development Act.
HB 816 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to creating a criminal offense for a candidate for public office who misrepresents the candidate's residency.
HB 865 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the recording of certain grand jury proceedings that involve a peace officer.
HB 1024 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to an offense report prepared in the investigation of a criminal case.
HB 1025 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the approval of law enforcement training materials by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.
HB 1032 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
HB 1204 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to provide notice to certain persons of the right to vote.
HB 1205 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the age of criminal responsibility and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to that age.
HB 1253 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to appointment of a grand jury.
HB 1369 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a special prosecution division in the office of the attorney general to investigate and prosecute peace officer misconduct.
HB 1371 Last Action: Referred to Administration
Caption: Relating to the creation of an independent ombudsman for children and youth in foster care.
HB 1536 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to state interventions and sanctions against public school campuses with unacceptable performance and the establishment of the Texas Opportunity School District.
HB 1537 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the sunset review of the authority of the governing bodies of taxing units to contract with attorneys to represent the taxing units in enforcing the collection of delinquent ad valorem taxes on property in the taxing units.
HB 1727 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to petitions by parents of students for the repurposing, alternative management, or closure of low-performing public school campuses.
HB 1728 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to certain facilities transactions between school districts and charter schools.
HB 1763 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Education Agency and to the abolition of the State Board for Educator Certification and the transfer of its functions to the Texas Education Agency; providing for the ad valorem tax rate to be imposed after annexation of an insolvent or inoperative school district.
HB 1785 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to reducing the amount of a fee imposed on certain sexually oriented businesses.
HB 1786 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to the transfer of driver and traffic safety education from the Texas Education Agency and the Department of Public Safety to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; changing the amounts of certain fees.
HB 1805 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to abolishing a fee imposed on certain sexually oriented businesses.
HB 1917 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Relating to the hours for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at certain licensed or permitted premises during special events.
HB 2154 Last Action: See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to the functions and operation of the State Office of Administrative Hearings.
HB 2343 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the Generation Park Management District.
HB 2344 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to filing requirements applicable to administrative writs of withholding for child support.
HB 2345 Last Action: Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the boundaries and territory of the Near Northside Management District.
HB 2371 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to qualifications and registration of certain voters on parole or mandatory supervision.
HB 2372 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/15
Caption: Relating to training requirements for juvenile correctional officers employed by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
HB 2373 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the creation of a task force to conduct a study and develop recommendations to alleviate the incidence of gun violence in this state.
HB 2374 Last Action: Referred to Government Transparency & Operation
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement, corrections, and prosecutorial records under the public information law.
HB 2375 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to liability of a governmental unit for personal injury and death caused by the governmental unit's negligence.
HB 2378 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to a periodic review and expiration dates of state and local tax preferences.
HB 2613 Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Caption: Relating to the suspension of occupational and driver's licenses issued to persons who fail to pay an administrative penalty imposed by the Texas Funeral Service Commission.
HB 2614 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a peace officer training advisory committee.
HB 2615 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the office of independent ombudsman for the Department of Family and Protective Services.
HB 2616 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to procedures related to juvenile justice proceedings; increasing the punishment for certain delinquent conduct.
HB 2617 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to reorganizing the grand jury as the probable cause jury.
HB 2632 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to removing a criminal penalty and authorizing a civil penalty for truancy.
HB 3275 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to prohibited denial of a stay of proceedings for a contested case for which an interlocutory appeal has been filed.
HB 3276 Last Action: Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to automatic expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted.
HB 3277 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to the authority of the office of independent ombudsman with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department in regard to juveniles in custody in certain facilities.
HB 3392 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to funding for an open-enrollment charter school based on certain ad valorem taxes collected by school districts.
HB 3660 Last Action: Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to low income housing tax credits awarded to at-risk developments.
HB 3884 Last Action: Committee report printed and distributed
Caption: Relating to the carrying of knives; creating a criminal offense.
HB 3887 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the office of early learning within the Texas Education Agency.
HB 3888 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Barrett Management District.
HB 3889 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to adding certain substances to Penalty Group 2 of the Texas Controlled Substances Act for purposes of criminal prosecutions involving those substances, increasing penalties for the manufacture of, delivery of, or possession with the intent to deliver certain controlled substances, and a pilot program for field testing for controlled substances.
HB 4110 Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Caption: Relating to implementation of a workplace violence prevention plan in certain hospitals; providing an administrative penalty.
HB 4190 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 546; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes.
HCR 115 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Requesting the Texas Supreme Court to study ways to eliminate court filing fees.
HJR 47 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a court to partition the community property and to characterize future earnings of spouses as separate property on legal separation of the spouses.
HJR 107 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the periodic review of state and local tax preferences and the expiration of certain tax preferences if not reauthorized by law.
HJR 112 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to change the composition of the grand jury.
HR 599 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Northeast Cultural Arts Council of Houston on the 30th anniversary of its founding.
HR 784 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring William Bates Jr. of Houston for his public service.
HR 807 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the dedication of a Texas Historical Marker at First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 808 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing March 3, 2015, as the Day of Innocence and honoring Sabrina Butler, Gary Drinkard, and Shujaa Graham for their efforts to effect reforms in the criminal justice system.
HR 811 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Sister Faye Marie Johnson for 50 years of service to Lyons Unity Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 856 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Marguerite Latson of Houston on the occasion of her 80th birthday.
HR 2263 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Vicky Pink of Houston on her 50th birthday.
HR 2264 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the 2015 recipients of a Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2265 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the 2015 honorees of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2280 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Michael Donald Neely of Houston on his 75th birthday.
HR 2286 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Carlton Earl Land of Houston.
HR 2729 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the KEW Learning Academy in Houston on the occasion of its Profiles of Prominence Awards Banquet and Dinner Dance.
HR 2784 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Emma Primas of Houston for her contributions to her community.
HR 2785 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 65th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Houston.
HR 2821 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of LaRone Therion Perry.
HR 2822 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Oris G. Green of Houston.
HR 2951 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Emma Primas of Houston for her contributions to her community.
HR 2953 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of Pinecrest Presbyterian Church in Houston.
HR 3057 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Lillie Beatrice Thomas of Houston.
HR 3365 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Johnny and Loretta Williams of Houston on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 3366 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating John Jesse Balthazar of Houston on his 100th birthday.
HR 3367 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Dr. Sophia Davis-Fields on being named an honoree at the KEW Learning Academy Profiles of Prominence Awards Banquet.
HR 3480 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Houston Food Bank on being named the 2015 Member of the Year by the Feeding America network.
HR 3644 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Phillis Wheatley High School Class of 1965 on the occasion of its 50-year reunion.
83rd Regular Session
HB 164 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
HB 182 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the penalty for certain offenders for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
HB 183 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offense of official oppression.
HB 184 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the penalties for possession of one ounce or less of marihuana or a synthetic cannabinoid by certain defendants.
HB 185 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to liability of a governmental unit for personal injury and death caused by the governmental unit's negligence.
HB 186 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the closure of a school campus by the board of trustees of a school district.
HB 187 Last Action: Recommendations filed with the Speaker
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Near Northside Management District to undertake tax increment financing.
HB 188 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to an affirmative defense available to certain students enrolled in grade level nine or above who engage in prohibited sexual contact with another student at or above that grade level.
HB 189 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in capital cases in which the state seeks the death penalty.
HB 190 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a suit for legal separation in a marriage.
HB 191 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 192 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the receipt of an exemption or waiver for a school district or campus that is academically unacceptable.
HB 193 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement, corrections, and prosecutorial records under the public information law.
HB 319 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in certain felony cases.
HB 320 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain confessions in capital cases.
HB 321 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 322 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to procedures for management of certain public school campuses and school districts that do not satisfy certain performance standards.
HB 323 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to reports to the legislature on certain administrative hearings regarding the automatic suspension of a person's driver's license.
HB 324 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain facilities and service provider transactions between school districts and charter schools.
HB 325 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the boundaries of public beaches.
HB 326 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to eligibility to serve on the appraisal review board of an appraisal district.
HB 327 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring notice and the dissemination of criminal history record information to the subject of the information in certain circumstances.
HB 328 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the punishment for certain conduct constituting the offense of official oppression and to the statute of limitation on prosecution of that conduct.
HB 329 Last Action: Referred to Redistricting
Caption: Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration.
HB 370 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to registering to vote and voting while in custody at certain county jails and related procedures.
HB 438 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/13
Caption: Relating to the courts authorized to issue an occupational driver's license.
HB 439 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
HB 653 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to the frequency with which certain parolees are required to report to their supervision officer.
HB 821 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the punishment for the offense of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
HB 936 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a switchblade knife.
HB 1374 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to equal opportunity for access by home-schooled students to University Interscholastic League sponsored activities; authorizing a fee.
HB 1375 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to an exemption for certain solo practitioner attorneys from electronic filing fees.
HB 1378 Last Action: Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to the creation of Harris County Improvement District No. 23; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes.
HB 1643 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to equal opportunity for access by private and parochial school students to certain University Interscholastic League sponsored activities.
HB 1644 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to filing requirements applicable to administrative writs of withholding for child support.
HB 1861 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to service of process on certain public officials.
HB 1862 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/13
Caption: Relating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a switchblade knife.
HB 1885 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the functions and operation of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.
HB 1957 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the recovery school district.
HB 2050 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a task force to conduct a study and develop recommendations to alleviate the incidence of gun violence in this state.
HB 2077 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to municipal fees in certain populous municipalities.
HB 2104 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to charter schools and accurately accounting for workforce development statistics.
HB 2107 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Facilities Commission; authorizing fees.
HB 2131 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a specialty court for certain first-time DWI offenders; imposing fees for participation and alcohol monitoring.
HB 2138 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the board of directors of the Near Northside Management District and to the district's boundaries and territory.
HB 2139 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Near Northside Management District to undertake tax increment financing.
HB 2496 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Department of Public Safety to allow blood pressure machines to be located in driver's license offices.
HB 2908 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to authority of a municipality to adopt certain ordinances.
HB 2909 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to access to public alternative high schools and high-school-level disciplinary alternative education programs for advising concerning postsecondary educational and training opportunities.
HB 2983 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Education Agency and to the abolition of the State Board for Educator Certification and the transfer of its functions to the Texas Education Agency; changing the amounts of certain fees.
HB 2984 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/13
Caption: Relating to lobbying expenditures that are made jointly.
HB 3358 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to an open-enrollment charter high school designed to prevent students from dropping out of school.
HB 3359 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to imposing a tax on the gross receipts from certain admissions fees charged by sexually oriented businesses.
HB 3360 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to periodic reauthorization of municipal building permit fees.
HB 3361 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/13
Caption: Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs; authorizing and otherwise affecting the application of certain fees.
HB 3408 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to reports to the legislature on administrative hearings conducted by the State Office of Administrative Hearings.
HB 3409 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to a periodic review and expiration dates of state and local tax preferences.
HB 3524 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to payment by a school district of the costs of developmental coursework provided by an institution of higher education under the success initiative.
HB 3860 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Generation Park Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes.
HB 3947 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 402 regarding road projects.
HJR 53 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a court to partition the community property and to characterize future earnings of spouses as separate property on legal separation of the spouses.
HJR 54 Last Action: Reported favorably as substituted
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing the boundaries of public beaches and declaring that the state holds public beaches in trust for the use of the public.
HJR 100 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the sanctions that may be assessed against a judge or justice following a formal proceeding instituted by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.
HJR 114 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the periodic review of state and local tax preferences and the expiration of certain tax preferences if not reauthorized by law.
HR 73 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Commending Dr. Louis C. Sidney, Sr., for his service to St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 112 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the life of Althea Lewis Renfro of Houston.
HR 113 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Otis Harold King of Houston.
HR 167 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Dr. Louis C. Sidney, Sr., for his service to St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 168 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Ella Mae Eagleton of Crosby.
HR 324 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Reverend George T. Curry, Jr., on his 20th pastoral anniversary at Greater Union Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 477 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Beatrice Lehman Green of Houston on the occasion of her 100th birthday.
HR 637 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 12th annual Black History Program at Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School in Houston.
HR 726 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Houston artist Bert Long, Jr.
HR 846 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Solomon Hagger, Jr., of Houston on his retirement from the United States Postal Service.
HR 847 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 50th anniversary of Faith Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 969 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Agnes Fontenette Green of Houston on the occasion of her 100th birthday.
HR 970 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Julia C. Hester House in Houston on its 70th anniversary.
HR 971 Last Action: Referred to Rules & Resolutions
Caption: Recognizing March 19, 2013, as the Day of Innocence.
HR 1134 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Frank Thompson, Jr., of Houston.
HR 1295 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the groundbreaking ceremony for Oak Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 1296 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Shirley and Lester Howard on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 1297 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Chad Rayshawn Bowden of Houston.
HR 1395 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Pastor Lloyd Crosby of Mt. Corinth Missionary Baptist Church in Hempstead.
HR 1476 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the 2013 recipients of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 1477 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Levetta M. Washington of Houston on her 60th birthday.
HR 1595 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Girl Scout Gold Award recipients of the Sunshine Service Unit of the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council in Houston.
HR 1819 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Dr. W. E. Bosarge, Jr., of Houston on his achievements.
HR 1820 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Marie Taylor Bosarge of Houston on her contributions to her community.
HR 1930 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Kappa Alpha Psi on its 81st Grand Chapter Meeting.
HR 2461 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Cynthia R. Pharms on earning her master's degree in public administration from Texas Southern University.
83rd 1st Called Session
HB 30 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Relating to state interventions and sanctions against public school campuses with unacceptable performance and the establishment of the Texas Achievement School District for educating students at certain low-performing campuses.
HB 46 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration.
HCR 9 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Approving H.B. No. 2138 notwithstanding the objections of the governor.
83rd 2nd Called Session
HB 45 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to a limitation on regulations to restrict abortion.
HB 49 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a requirement that a peace officer obtain a search warrant before conducting a body cavity search.
HR 25 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lela and Vernon Johnson of Houston on their 66th wedding anniversary.
HR 106 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Impeaching and suspending from office Judge Elizabeth Coker, Judge of the 258th Judicial District.
82nd Regular Session
HB 481 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the establishment of paternity.
HB 482 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to agreed orders in family law matters.
HB 483 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to genetic testing in the determination of parentage and to a proceeding to vacate an order of paternity or child support.
HB 484 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to the enforcement by contempt of certain orders in family law proceedings.
HB 485 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to public school disciplinary procedures and the evaluation of disciplinary alternative education programs.
HB 486 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to the application of certain disability payments in connection with a claim for child support arrearages.
HB 487 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to testimony by certain children at a hearing on an application for a protective order.
HB 488 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to standards for judicial review of certain writs of habeas corpus in capital cases.
HB 489 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to discovery in a criminal case.
HB 490 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to single certification in incorporated or annexed areas served by investor-owned water or sewer utilities.
HB 491 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of a water and sewer utility to impose an impact fee.
HB 492 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to procedures for management of certain public school campuses and school districts that do not satisfy certain performance standards.
HB 493 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to evaluation under the public school accountability system of the delivery of library resources.
HB 494 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the recovery of certain rate case expenses by a water and sewer utility.
HB 495 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to competitive bids for water utilities contracts.
HB 496 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the frequency with which water or sewer utilities must file a statement of intent to increase rates.
HB 497 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to competitive bidding by school districts for professional services.
HB 498 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a proceeding to vacate an order of paternity or child support.
HB 511 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the closure of a school campus by the board of trustees of a school district.
HB 512 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the authority of peace officers to conduct certain searches.
HB 513 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to reports to the legislature on certain administrative hearings regarding the automatic suspension of a person's driver's license.
HB 514 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the receipt of an exemption or waiver for a school district or campus that is academically unacceptable.
HB 515 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the determination that certain criminal offenses involve family violence.
HB 516 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the closure of a school campus by the board of trustees of certain school districts.
HB 517 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 518 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to calculation of the net resources of a person ordered to pay child support.
HB 541 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to certain personal information contained in a decree of dissolution of a marriage or an order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 542 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 543 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain confessions in capital cases.
HB 544 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a request for attorney's fees in a family law matter.
HB 545 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an affirmative defense available to certain students who engage in sexual contact with another student at least 13 years of age.
HB 546 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to permitting certain persons placed on deferred adjudication to seek an expunction of arrest records and files.
HB 547 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a suit for legal separation in a marriage.
HB 548 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalties for possession of two ounces or less of marihuana and to the issuance of an occupational driver's license.
HB 549 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the disposition of a decedent's remains.
HB 550 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to an exemption to the requirement for a fishing license for residents of a certain age.
HB 568 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the cost to maintain open ditches in certain populous municipalities.
HB 569 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to the computation of certain supplemental funding for community supervision and corrections departments.
HB 570 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the effect of a dismissal of the underlying criminal charge on the suspension of a person's driver's license for a failure to pass a test for intoxication or a refusal to submit to the taking of a breath or blood specimen.
HB 617 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to discovery procedures for a claim against a governmental entity under the Texas Tort Claims Act.
HB 618 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to circumstances involving extrinsic fraud in establishment of paternity.
HB 619 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the provision of courses in behavioral modification by disciplinary alternative education programs and juvenile justice alternative education programs.
HB 685 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the attorney representing the state to dismiss a criminal action based on the commission of a nonviolent offense.
HB 686 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 687 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to liability of a governmental unit for personal injury and death caused by the governmental unit's negligence.
HB 688 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants; creating an offense.
HB 689 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in capital cases in which the state seeks the death penalty.
HB 728 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
HB 830 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the consideration of the cumulative effects of air contaminant emissions in the emissions permitting process.
HB 852 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to abolishing the death penalty.
HB 853 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalty for certain offenders for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
HB 854 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement, corrections, and prosecutorial records under the public information law.
HB 855 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in certain felony cases.
HB 856 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and other entities regarding water and sewer utilities.
HB 912 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the foreclosure of certain liens on real property.
HB 913 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 974 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to the compensation of an election judge or clerk.
HB 975 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to eligibility to serve on the appraisal review board of an appraisal district.
HB 1022 Last Action: Referred to Natural Resources
Caption: Relating to the exemption of certain property from municipal drainage service charges and from related ordinances, resolutions, and rules.
HB 1023 Last Action: Referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety
Caption: Relating to requiring notice and the dissemination of criminal history record information to the subject of the information in certain circumstances.
HB 1024 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the regulation of metal recycling entities; providing penalties.
HB 1123 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/11
Caption: Relating to the regulation of athlete agents; providing administrative and criminal penalties.
HB 1196 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to foreclosure of a property owners' association's assessment lien.
HB 1226 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the eligibility of certain persons who have received deferred adjudication to vote.
HB 1227 Last Action: Referred to Redistricting
Caption: Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration.
HB 1228 Last Action: See remarks for effective date
Caption: Relating to payment and collection of assessments and other charges owed to a property owners' association and foreclosure of a property owners' association assessment lien.
HB 1511 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a requirement that interviews conducted in connection with school district personnel matters be recorded by a certified shorthand reporter.
HB 1512 Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Caption: Relating to an electronic record of eligibility for Medicaid benefits.
HB 1513 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to hearings on certain public school employee employment decisions before the board of trustees of a school district.
HB 1639 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the recovery of attorney's fees in foreclosure actions by property owners' associations.
HB 1640 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offense of official oppression.
HB 1641 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a commission to study capital punishment in Texas and to a moratorium on executions.
HB 2262 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to municipal fees.
HB 2263 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to requirements for the conduct of Texas Education Agency special education due process hearings.
HB 2511 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the joint or separate prosecution of a capital felony charged against two or more defendants and the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a coconspirator in capital felony cases.
HB 2512 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to the maintenance of a list of voters whose registrations have been recently canceled.
HB 2513 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to developing a list of preferred vendors that provide support to open-enrollment charter schools in using the Public Education Information Management System.
HB 2672 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to safety measures for culverts or other similar flood or drainage systems maintained by governmental entities.
HB 2673 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the calculation of tree mitigation fees charged by a municipality in connection with a permit.
HB 3089 Last Action: Considered in Local & Consent Calendars
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Fresh Water Supply District No. 48; limiting the district's power of eminent domain.
HB 3187 Last Action: Meeting cancelled
Caption: Relating to matters affecting municipalities.
HB 3635 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Caption: Relating to the registration of and taxes and fees imposed on sexually oriented businesses; providing a civil penalty.
HB 3636 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to safety measures for culverts or other similar flood or drainage systems maintained by governmental entities.
HB 3672 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to requiring the comptroller to provide notice to a person who will be regarded as a retailer or seller for purposes of sales and use tax.
HB 3673 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to offers of settlement in civil cases.
HB 3750 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the waiver of sovereign immunity of a school district for certain claims arising from the provision of community education child care services.
HB 3857 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Near Northside Management District.
HCR 30 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to lead a study by several Texas public universities to examine how young black males in Texas are affected by the benefits and detriments of living in Texas.
HCR 31 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Requesting the Texas Education Agency to develop a rating system for the performance of local school boards.
HJR 54 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a court to partition the community property and to characterize future earnings of spouses as separate property on legal separation of the spouses.
HJR 154 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the number of state senators from 31 to 41.
HR 157 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Reverend John E. Fields of Houston as Pastor of the Day for the house of representatives on January 27, 2011.
HR 384 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Misa Watanabe of Japan as an honorary Texan.
HR 511 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Patricia Lindsey on her retirement from the City of Houston Health and Human Services Department.
HR 567 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Robert James Pradia of Houston on the occasion of his 90th birthday.
HR 630 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Mary Etta Berry Delaney of Houston on her receipt of a 2011 Outstanding Community Leader Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 631 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program of Houston on its receipt of the 2011 Outstanding Community Leader Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 700 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Michelle Wittenburg on her 40th birthday.
HR 772 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of James Edward Barrs of Houston.
HR 806 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring John Saunders Chase, Jr., of Houston for his achievements in the field of architecture.
HR 807 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on the 120th anniversary of its founding.
HR 829 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring six former death row inmates who have been exonerated for their tenacity in the pursuit of justice and for their contributions to the debate over criminal justice policy.
HR 947 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Brian Wooten on completing the Men at Work program of Star of Hope in Houston.
HR 948 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Quinton Smith on completing the Motivational Work program of Star of Hope in Houston.
HR 949 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Elvin Adams on completing the Men at Work program of Star of Hope in Houston.
HR 950 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Christopher Rainer on completing the Men at Work program of Star of Hope in Houston.
HR 1060 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 19th annual scholarship luncheon and fashion gala hosted by the Knights of Peter Claver and its ladies auxiliary, Council and Court No. 72.
HR 1073 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Thomas F. Freeman on his 60th anniversary as pastor at Mount Horem Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 1074 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of pro football legend and Trinity native Ollie Matson.
HR 1075 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Felix Derwyn Cook of Houston.
HR 1076 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the 2011 inductees to the Kashmere Alumni Association's Alumni Hall of Fame.
HR 1077 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Huston-Tillotson University Concert Choir on the occasion of its performance at Trinity United Methodist Church in Houston.
HR 1183 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Dr. Jesse Wallace Jackson, Jr.
HR 1342 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the 2011 recipients of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 1343 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the 2011 student honorees of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Academic Achievement Awards Luncheon.
HR 1467 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Mary Elizabeth Dunham of Houston on the occasion of her 80th birthday.
HR 1579 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Laura Nell Oliver Curtis of Houston.
HR 1656 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Porter Renfro, Jr., of Houston.
HR 1700 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the 2011 eighth-grade graduates of Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School in Houston.
HR 1701 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the 2011 honorees of the Sugar Valley Chapter of Top Ladies of Distinction's recognition and scholarship luncheon.
HR 1776 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jailen Malcolm Palmer of Houston on his graduation from Jack Yates High School.
HR 1777 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Tralen Markuss Palmer of Houston on his graduation from Jack Yates High School.
HR 1778 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Reginald Emmanuel Hebert, Sr., Rhenel Yvette Johnson, Aidsand F. Miles, Sr., and Aubry Louis Knight on their graduation from Kingdom Builders Bible Seminary.
HR 1956 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Galveston/Houston Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.
HR 1957 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Cleo Johnson Ashley of Houston on her 100th birthday.
HR 2022 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sharon Nowling Perry on the occasion of her retirement as a teacher at Port Houston Elementary School.
HR 2023 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Michael W. Ashley of Houston on his induction into the Prairie View Interscholastic League Coaches Association Hall of Fame.
HR 2024 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Marjorie Banks Ammons of Houston.
HR 2025 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Georgia Provost of Houston for her achievements and contributions to the community.
HR 2067 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring U.S. Army Colonel Pamela A. DeLancy for her distinguished military service.
HR 2108 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Charles Edward Cheeks, Sr., of Houston.
HR 2423 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the honorees of the 2011 KEW Learning Academy Profiles of Prominence Awards Banquet.
HR 2432 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Terena Tichelle Cloud on her graduation from Klein Collins High School.
82nd 1st Called Session
HB 44 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the consolidation of, or detachment and annexation of territory in, certain school districts and the board of trustees of those districts.
HB 70 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to a financial exigency of a school district.
HCR 12 Last Action: Received from the House
Caption: Congratulating country-pop superstar Kenny Rogers on his achievements.
HR 39 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Gertrude Jack Lewis of Houston on the occasion of her 100th birthday.
HR 44 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating EXPO 2011, hosted by the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council.
HR 219 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 50th anniversary of San Jacinto College and recognizing September 19, 2011, as San Jacinto College Day.
81st Regular Session
HB 287 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalty for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
HB 288 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to authorizing a justice or municipal court to grant an occupational driver's license.
HB 289 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the provision of courses in behavioral modification by disciplinary alternative education programs and juvenile justice alternative education programs.
HB 290 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the consideration of the cumulative effects of air contaminant emissions in the emissions permitting process.
HB 291 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to discovery procedures for a claim against a governmental entity under the Texas Tort Claims Act.
HB 292 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
HB 293 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 294 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to a maximum class size for certain public school students who perform poorly on an assessment instrument.
HB 295 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to requiring a judge to explain certain matters concerning conditions of community supervision before a defendant enters a plea of not guilty or nolo contendere.
HB 296 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 297 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
HB 298 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in capital cases in which the state seeks the death penalty.
HB 299 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to mediation procedures in certain family law suits.
HB 301 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to discovery in a criminal case.
HB 302 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to preferences and designations of certain district courts in Harris County.
HB 303 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to an exemption from the sales tax for labor to install certain tangible personal property in buildings that obtain LEED certification.
HB 304 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the extent of a defendant's criminal responsibility for the conduct of a co-conspirator in certain felony cases.
HB 305 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to circumstances involving extrinsic fraud in establishment of paternity.
HB 306 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the compensation of an election judge or clerk.
HB 307 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the provision of and funding for Saturday classes for elementary school students who fail to pass certain assessment instruments.
HB 308 Last Action: Referred to Technology, Economic Development & Workforce
Caption: Relating to payment of wages to certain employees who miss work to perform jury duty; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 351 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for lower-division students enrolled in a general academic teaching institution who maintain a high grade-point average.
HB 897 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to the effect of a dismissal of the underlying criminal charge on the suspension of a person's driver's license for a failure to pass a test for intoxication or a refusal to submit to the taking of a breath or blood specimen.
HB 898 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to limiting the tuition rates that certain public institutions of higher education may charge to resident students.
HB 899 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the foreclosure of certain liens on real property.
HB 900 Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Caption: Relating to authorizing a justice court to grant an occupational driver's license and providing for an appeal from the justice court.
HB 901 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to referral of public school students to law enforcement officials for violations of an independent school district student code of conduct.
HB 902 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalties for possession of two ounces or less of marihuana and to the issuance of an occupational driver's license.
HB 903 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to termination or suspension without pay of certain public school district employees.
HB 904 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the provision of certain information to public school employees whose employment is terminated.
HB 905 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to procedures for management of certain public school campuses and school districts identified as academically unacceptable.
HB 906 Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Caption: Relating to reports to the legislature on certain administrative hearings regarding the automatic suspension of a person's driver's license.
HB 907 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to liability for and payment of the fees of an attorney ad litem in a suit to collect delinquent ad valorem taxes.
HB 908 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an affirmative defense available to certain students who engage in sexual contact with another student at least 13 years of age.
HB 909 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement, corrections, and prosecutorial records under the public information law.
HB 910 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to notice requirements in certain counties for hearings in suits for dissolution of marriage and suits affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 912 Last Action: Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the enforcement by contempt of certain orders in family law proceedings.
HB 913 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a commission to study capital punishment in Texas and to a moratorium on executions.
HB 914 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain personal information contained in a decree of dissolution of a marriage or an order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 915 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to evaluation under the public school accountability system of the delivery of library resources.
HB 916 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to standards for judicial review of certain writs of habeas corpus in capital cases.
HB 917 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the authority of peace officers to conduct certain searches.
HB 918 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to general fishing license fees for residents 65 years old or over.
HB 919 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the applicability of provisions of the Education Code to certain alternative education programs.
HB 920 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the receipt of an exemption or waiver for a school district or campus that is academically unacceptable.
HB 921 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to jury selection in capital cases.
HB 922 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for lower-division students enrolled in a general academic teaching institution who maintain a high grade-point average.
HB 923 Last Action: Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the disposition of a decedent's remains by a person charged with certain criminal conduct against the decedent.
HB 924 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the periods of possession of a child to which the child's possessory conservator is entitled under a standard possession order.
HB 925 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the handling of or caring for a pit bull breed of dog by certain minors; providing penalties.
HB 926 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to calculation of the net resources of a person ordered to pay child support.
HB 927 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the possession of a child less than three years of age in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 928 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to reports of contributions and expenditures by legislative caucuses.
HB 929 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to rebates of tuition paid by certain freshman students who maintain satisfactory grades at public institutions of higher education.
HB 930 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to a criminal justice policy impact statement attached to certain bills or resolutions.
HB 931 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to requiring minority impact statements for state agency grant applications.
HB 932 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to genetic testing in the determination of parentage and to a proceeding to vacate an order of paternity or child support.
HB 933 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to liability of a governmental unit for personal injury and death caused by the governmental unit's negligence.
HB 934 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to agreed orders in family law matters.
HB 935 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the enforcement of certain violations under a student code of conduct.
HB 936 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the prevention of harassment in public schools.
HB 937 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to public school disciplinary procedures and the evaluation of disciplinary alternative education programs.
HB 938 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain confessions in capital cases.
HB 939 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the application of certain disability payments in connection with a claim for child support arrearages.
HB 940 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 941 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the determination that certain criminal offenses involve family violence.
HB 942 Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the duties of a court granting an occupational license to a person whose driver's license has been suspended.
HB 943 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to disciplinary actions imposed on public school students who disrupt the conduct of class or other school activities.
HB 944 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to in-prison geriatric communities.
HB 945 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to permitting certain persons placed on deferred adjudication to seek an expunction of arrest records and files.
HB 946 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a proceeding to vacate an order of paternity or child support.
HB 947 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the periods of possession of a child to which the child's managing conservator is entitled under a standard possession order.
HB 948 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to investigations and other procedures with respect to allegations of child abuse and neglect.
HB 949 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the attorney representing the state to dismiss a criminal action based on the commission of a nonviolent offense.
HB 950 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 951 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the reduction or termination of the period of community supervision imposed on a defendant convicted of certain intoxication offenses.
HB 952 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to duty-free lunch periods for public school nurses.
HB 953 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the employment of school district peace officers and the enforcement of certain violations under a student code of conduct.
HB 954 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants; creating an offense.
HB 973 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to testimony by certain children at a hearing on an application for a protective order.
HB 974 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to requiring the court to confer with a child before a protective order hearing.
HB 999 Last Action: Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the closure of a school campus by the board of trustees of certain school districts.
HB 1133 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the establishment of paternity.
HB 1167 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the closure of a school campus by the board of trustees of a school district.
HB 1168 Last Action: Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
Caption: Relating to discovery in a criminal case.
HB 1714 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to the repeal of the authority of a county to contract with a private entity for jail facilities.
HB 1887 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to competitive bidding by school districts for professional services.
HB 2102 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 403; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting a limited power of eminent domain.
HB 2348 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to a contract between a water district and a municipality for the provision of fire-fighting services in certain counties.
HB 2349 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to reporting certain information on the Internet relating to cases heard by administrative law judges employed by the State Office of Administrative Hearings.
HB 2855 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration.
HB 3466 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the exchange of information among certain governmental entities concerning at-risk youth.
HB 3639 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the composition of the State Board of Education.
HB 3991 Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Relating to a one-time retention bonus for certain classified state employees.
HB 3992 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to the computation of certain supplemental funding for community supervision and corrections departments.
HB 3993 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to lease-option contracts.
HB 4430 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the waiver of sovereign immunity of a school district for certain claims arising from the provision of community education child care services.
HCR 26 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to lead a study by several Texas public universities to examine how young black males in Texas are affected by the benefits and detriments of living in Texas.
HCR 27 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to study the effectiveness of the Texas Education Agency in dealing with low-performing students and other matters.
HCR 81 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Directing the State Preservation Board to initiate an effort to obtain missing photographs of early African American political leaders who are honored in a composite in the Capitol South Lobby and to ensure that the composite is included on Capitol tours.
HCR 94 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Proclaiming April 2009 as Jazz Appreciation Month in Texas.
HCR 113 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Requesting the Texas Education Agency to develop a rating system for the performance of local school boards.
HR 176 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Louis C. Sidney, Sr., on his 25th pastoral anniversary and commending Dr. Sidney and his wife, Darlene, for their service to St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 177 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Ronald Charles McPherson of Houston.
HR 188 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston jazz pianist and composer Joseph Leslie "Joe" Sample.
HR 197 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Missouri City/Houston Metro chapter of the National Women of Achievement, Incorporated, and its 2009 Unsung Heroes.
HR 346 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the black history program at Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School in Houston.
HR 347 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Houston Asian Junior Chamber of Commerce.
HR 348 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Gamma Sigma Chapter of the Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority on the occasion of its 2009 scholarship luncheon.
HR 411 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Association of Black Social Workers of Texas on its 38th Annual Meeting and Luncheon.
HR 437 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing graduates of the Houston Food Bank On the Job Training warehouse certification program.
HR 489 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating April Castro, Elise Hu, and John Moritz on their birthdays.
HR 506 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 24th annual conference of the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators.
HR 580 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Daisy DeLeon Hannah Procter of Houston.
HR 682 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Knights of Peter Claver and its ladies auxiliary on its luncheon and fashion gala on March 7, 2009.
HR 753 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the Iota Phi Lambda Sorority 62nd Southwest Regional Conference in Houston.
HR 888 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Amanda Jane Johnson Dutton of Houston on her 90th birthday.
HR 1177 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Michelle A. Cloud of Spring on receiving her Ph.D. in educational administration from Prairie View A&M University in 2009.
HR 1492 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Byrd Lacey, Jr., and his wife, Marilyn, on their 25 years of service to the Greater Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 1493 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Edward Triem on his 50th pastoral anniversary.
HR 1534 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 2009 National Convention of the Junior Knights and Junior Daughters of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc.
HR 1535 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Bishop Amos York, Sr., of Pillar of Glory Christian Tabernacle in Houston.
HR 1614 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Horace and Mattie Johnson of Houston on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 1751 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Ulysses Jones of Houston.
HR 1830 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the members of the Jack Yates High School Class of 1959 on the occasion of their 50th high school reunion.
HR 1831 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Gloria Jean Gorham of Houston.
HR 1832 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Paul Hansen of Humble on becoming an Eagle Scout.
HR 1903 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program on the occasion of its 2009 Heart of Houston luncheon.
HR 1904 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Fidel and Manuela Nuñez of Houston on their 58th wedding anniversary.
HR 1935 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the dedication of the William Leonard Davis Building at El Rancho Cima Boy Scout Camp.
HR 1946 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Raisha Tierra Smith on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1947 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Rai'Shonna Catrice Powell on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1948 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Chantal Thomas on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1949 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the Three Score and Ten Senior Recognition Program, hosted by the Ella Bouldin Women's Missionary Society.
HR 1950 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Kenyatta Montzel Chandler on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1951 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Ariel Harper on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1952 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Elandrea Dior McMillan on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1953 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Magen Paige Norwood on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1954 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Josslyn Wilson on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1955 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Aundrea Williams on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 1956 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Angelica Elizabeth Washington on earning the Girl Scout Gold Award.
HR 2014 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Breanna Lewis on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2016 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the 2009 graduating class of Kingdom Builders Bible Seminary.
HR 2017 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Karen Flake on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2018 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Krystal Allison Bryant on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2019 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Tasmine Davis on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2020 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Amber Michelle Randall on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2021 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating David Fletcher on his receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2022 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Norrisa Terry on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2023 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jasmine A. Davis on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2080 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Raphael Wilbur Dutton, Jr., of Houston.
HR 2081 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 110th anniversary of the founding of Saint John Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 2088 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Brittany Taylor on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2089 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sadie Chrisasia Brown on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2090 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Priscilla M. Dubose on being named an honoree at the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2091 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Brittney Roche' Garrett on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2092 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Angelique Stubbs of Houston on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2093 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sparkle L. Williams on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2094 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Wynzell T. Lee on his receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2095 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Skyler K. Reynolds of Houston on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2118 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating LaDaJa Woodfork on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2119 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Khristle Flake on her receipt of a 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship.
HR 2120 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jamesia Fransaw on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2121 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Arthur A. Davis III on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2122 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sydney L. Reed on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2123 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Briaa' Iyana Lee on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2289 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Officer Christopher M. Sellers of the Houston PD for receiving the 2008 State of Texas Law Enforcement Achievement Award for Valor.
HR 2290 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Graden E. Taylor for his contributions to young Texans.
HR 2291 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Aviance Kelechi Obie on being named an honoree at the 2009 Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship Luncheon.
HR 2292 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Our Mother of Mercy Parochial School for its service to Houston's Fifth Ward community.
HR 2293 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Helen Araujo Sierra on the occasion of her 90th birthday.
HR 2433 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating EXPO 2009, hosted by the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council.
HR 2829 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 50th reunion of the Class of 1959 of Phillis Wheatley High School in Houston.
HR 2923 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the second annual Health Summit and Business Expo of the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
80th Regular Session
HB 742 Last Action: Referred to Law Enforcement
Caption: Relating to authorizing a justice or municipal court to grant an occupational driver's license.
HB 743 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an offense involving a motor vehicle with an altered or obscured license plate.
HB 744 Last Action: Referred to Transportation & Homeland Sec.
Caption: Relating to notice of discharge of a lien on a motor vehicle.
HB 745 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
HB 746 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of hindering apprehension or prosecution.
HB 747 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to criminal failure to comply with a child custody order; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 748 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to an affirmative defense available to certain students who engage in sexual contact with another student at least 13 years of age.
HB 749 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the foreclosure of certain liens on real property.
HB 750 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the amount of a late fee under a residential lease.
HB 751 Last Action: Referred to Culture, Recreation, and Tourism
Caption: Relating to general fishing license fees for residents 65 years old or over.
HB 752 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to participate in certain school activities of the employee's child.
HB 753 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to meet with certain persons affecting the education of the employee's child.
HB 754 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to payment of wages to certain employees who miss work to perform jury duty; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 755 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to disciplinary action taken against a person required to file a death certificate.
HB 756 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the Commission for Affordable and Accessible Health Benefit Plan Coverage.
HB 757 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to safety measures for culverts or other similar flood or drainage systems maintained by governmental entities.
HB 758 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalties for possession of two ounces or less of marihuana and to the issuance of an occupational driver's license.
HB 759 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalty for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
HB 760 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to the consideration of the cumulative effects of air contaminant emissions in the emissions permitting process.
HB 761 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a person's eligibility to apply for an order of nondisclosure with respect to certain criminal history records.
HB 762 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the recusal of certain persons from a grievance proceeding conducted by a panel of a district grievance committee of the State Bar of Texas.
HB 763 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to in-prison geriatric communities.
HB 764 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the collection of a family protection fee.
HB 765 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants; creating an offense.
HB 766 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the designation of a child support obligee as an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order.
HB 767 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement, corrections, and prosecutorial records under the public information law.
HB 768 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to providing notice regarding certain actions proposed to be taken with respect to a community residential facility.
HB 769 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to the manner in which certain reports of political contributions and expenditures must be filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
HB 770 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to provide notice to certain persons of the right to vote.
HB 771 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the compensation of an election judge or clerk.
HB 772 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to suits affecting the parent-child relationship, including the powers and duties of domestic relations offices and the conducting of social studies.
HB 773 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to consideration of the financial resources of each parent of a child in determining the amount of required periodic child support payments.
HB 774 Last Action: Postponed
Caption: Relating to child support obligations of certain nonbiological fathers and rights of inheritance of those fathers and their nonbiological children.
HB 775 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to reports by certain juvenile court judges on children committed to Texas Youth Commission facilities.
HB 776 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to the delivery of a child taken into custody under the juvenile justice system to a school official.
HB 777 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to fees charged in connection with certain teen courts, the sentencing of juveniles in juvenile court, and the functions of the Texas Youth Commission.
HB 778 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to child support orders for more than one child and the automatic modification of the total amount required as the duty to support each child terminates.
HB 779 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the dismissal of certain enforcement actions alleging the failure to pay child support.
HB 780 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 781 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a credit against arrearages for child support payments made by the obligor directly to the obligee.
HB 782 Last Action: Record vote
Caption: Relating to genetic testing in the determination of parentage and to a proceeding to vacate an order of paternity or child support.
HB 783 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the application of certain disability payments to a child who is the subject of a child support order.
HB 784 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the provision of certain information to public school employees whose employment is terminated.
HB 785 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to termination or suspension without pay of certain public school district employees.
HB 786 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to referral of public school students to law enforcement officials for violations of an independent school district student code of conduct.
HB 787 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to duty-free lunch periods for public school nurses.
HB 788 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a study and report by the commissioner of education concerning the campus and school district assignments and transfers of public school students, operation of public schools, and public school attendance.
HB 789 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the employment of school district peace officers and the enforcement of certain violations under a student code of conduct.
HB 790 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to public school disciplinary procedures and the evaluation of disciplinary alternative education programs.
HB 791 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to evaluation under the public school accountability system of the delivery of library resources.
HB 792 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to a maximum class size for certain public school students who perform poorly on an assessment instrument.
HB 793 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the presence of a teacher during the search of a student at a public school.
HB 794 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to exempting certain general academic teaching institutions from the requirement that certain high school graduates be granted automatic admission.
HB 795 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for lower-division students enrolled in a general academic teaching institution who maintain a high grade-point average.
HB 796 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to property purchased or leased by a charter school using funds other than state funds.
HB 797 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to jury selection in capital cases.
HB 798 Last Action: Referred to Law Enforcement
Caption: Relating to the authority of peace officers to conduct certain searches.
HB 799 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 800 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to permitting certain persons placed on deferred adjudication to seek an expunction of arrest records and files.
HB 801 Last Action: Referred to Law Enforcement
Caption: Relating to dismissal of a complaint of the offense of speeding committed by the holder of a commercial driver's license.
HB 802 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain confessions in capital cases.
HB 803 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 804 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to standards for judicial review of certain writs of habeas corpus in capital cases.
HB 805 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 806 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the admissibility in a trial for capital murder of the identification of a suspect in a pre-trial photographic identification procedure.
HB 807 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the payment and use of a juvenile delinquency prevention fund.
HB 808 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the determination that certain criminal offenses involve family violence.
HB 809 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the creation of a commission to study capital punishment in Texas and to a moratorium on executions.
HB 810 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in capital cases in which the state seeks the death penalty.
HB 811 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to governmental liability.
HB 812 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the remedies available to a person to abate a public nuisance in a municipality.
HB 813 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to discovery procedures for a claim against a governmental entity under the Texas Tort Claims Act.
HB 814 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to certain payments to or on behalf of persons wrongfully imprisoned.
HB 815 Last Action: Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
Caption: Relating to the hours for selling alcoholic beverages in certain establishments.
HB 833 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the prevention of harassment in public schools.
HB 834 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to limiting the tuition rates that certain public institutions of higher education may charge to resident students.
HB 835 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the adoption and enforcement by the board of trustees of a school district of rules relating to student conduct.
HB 909 Last Action: Referred to Financial Institutions
Caption: Relating to a cap on the total amount to be paid by a consumer under a rental-purchase agreement.
HB 910 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to civil penalties for committing the offense of prostitution.
HB 950 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the provision of and funding for Saturday classes for elementary school students who fail to pass certain assessment instruments.
HB 1043 Last Action: Committee report printed and distributed
Caption: Relating to the provision of courses in behavioral modification by disciplinary alternative education programs and juvenile justice alternative education programs.
HB 1044 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to the delivery of voter registration certificates.
HB 1327 Last Action: Referred to Law Enforcement
Caption: Relating to the authority of peace officers to conduct certain searches.
HB 1400 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the issuance by a corporation established by the Texas Public Finance Authority of revenue bonds for open-enrollment charter school facilities.
HB 1401 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 402 regarding road projects; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds.
HB 1402 Last Action: Referred to Business & Industry
Caption: Relating to a tenant's right to terminate a residential lease under certain circumstances; providing a civil penalty.
HB 1404 Last Action: Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
Caption: Relating to sale of certain abandoned real property seized for the payment of delinquent ad valorem taxes.
HB 1537 Last Action: Referred to Financial Institutions
Caption: Relating to the disclosure of the reason for rejecting a check at the time of rejection.
HB 1575 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of a domestic relations office.
HB 1576 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the authority of the attorney representing the state to dismiss a criminal action based on the commission of a nonviolent offense.
HB 1595 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the reduction or termination of the period of community supervision imposed on a defendant convicted of certain intoxication offenses.
HB 1596 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the restoration of certain rights to a criminal defendant.
HB 1616 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the dates for which public school student enrollment information must be submitted under the Public Education Information Management System.
HB 1644 Last Action: Referred to Law Enforcement
Caption: Relating to a requirement that an applicant for an original driver's license complete a course on the laws relating to driving while intoxicated.
HB 1645 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to campus expenditures by public school districts.
HB 1646 Last Action: Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the marital property interest in certain employee benefits.
HB 1647 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the computation of average daily attendance under the Foundation School Program and to participation by charter schools in the Public Education Information Management System for additional purposes, including computation of average daily attendance.
HB 1675 Last Action: Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to the applicability of provisions of the Education Code to certain alternative education programs.
HB 1714 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Admin. Procedures
Caption: Relating to the hours of sale for liquor.
HB 1872 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to possession of or access to a child in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship during military deployment or mobilization of the child's parent.
HB 1893 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring a municipality to notify certain public utilities and telecommunications utilities on receiving an application for a permit to excavate or construct underground facilities.
HB 1961 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the receipt of an exemption or waiver for a school district or campus that is academically unacceptable.
HB 2036 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the provision of certain services and information related to pregnancy, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases; providing penalties.
HB 2344 Last Action: Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to the access charges of certain telecommunications utilities.
HB 2407 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to school district programs to reduce truancy and dropout rates.
HB 2512 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the capacity and location of correctional facilities operated by the Texas Youth Commission and the transfer of correctional facilities from the Texas Youth Commission to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
HB 2525 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Admin. Procedures
Caption: Relating to prohibiting discrimination in the sale of distilled spirits to wholesalers.
HB 2884 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to juvenile delinquency; providing penalties.
HB 3176 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Admin. Procedures
Caption: Relating to petition requirements for ordering a local option election to legalize or prohibit the sale of certain alcoholic beverages.
HB 3455 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to investigations and other procedures with respect to allegations of child abuse and neglect.
HB 3553 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to lease-option contracts.
HB 3679 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Admin. Procedures
Caption: Relating to internships for certain attorneys before engaging in certain trial work in civil matters.
HB 3680 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the marital property interest in certain employee benefits.
HB 3982 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/07
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 494; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain.
HB 4078 Last Action: Recommendations filed with the Speaker
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 402 regarding road projects; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds.
HCR 45 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to lead a study by several Texas public universities to examine how young black males in Texas are affected by the benefits and detriments of living in Texas.
HCR 82 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Directing the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to develop and implement policies and programs to be adopted by Texas universities that address the incidence of discrimination and harassment on campus.
HCR 95 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to study the effectiveness of the Texas Education Agency in dealing with low-performing students and other matters.
HCR 101 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring Deetrice Wallace for being named the 2007 Harris County Teacher of the Year.
HCR 122 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring Charles "Tex" Harrison of the Harlem Globetrotters.
HCR 243 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Encouraging state agencies to consider the diversity rankings of Texas law firms when hiring outside counsel.
HR 78 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Michael D. Griffin for his superlative achievements as NASA Administrator.
HR 79 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Louis C. Sidney, Sr., on his 23rd anniversary as the pastor of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 172 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Rosie Lee Rand of Houston on her 100th birthday.
HR 182 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston native Vince Young for being named the 2006 Associated Press NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year.
HR 183 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Rosa Woodard Rich of Houston on the occasion of her 105th birthday.
HR 289 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating Conference 2007 of Divine Impact Ministries, Inc.
HR 294 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Anthony Gordon of Houston.
HR 353 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating DeMeco Ryans of the Houston Texans on his selection as the 2006 Associated Press Defensive Rookie of the Year.
HR 418 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the Gamma Sigma Charitable and Educational Foundation 2007 Scholarship Luncheon and Fashion Extravaganza in Houston.
HR 446 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring The Houston Citizens Chamber of Commerce for 71 years of service to the city's African American business community.
HR 463 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jessica Kemp of Houston on her acceptance into The University of Texas at Austin School of Law.
HR 492 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Frank W. Ward, Jr., of Houston on his receipt of a 2006 Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award.
HR 498 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the A. Philip Randolph Institute on the occasion of its Texas state convention.
HR 551 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jonathon A. Vogt of San Antonio for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program.
HR 552 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jacinta R. Alvarez of Lubbock for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program.
HR 553 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Shamere Welcome of Houston for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program.
HR 554 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Marcus L. Hereford of Lamesa for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program.
HR 555 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Alvin E. Jordan of Dallas for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program.
HR 556 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Brittny Cantero of Wharton for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program.
HR 557 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Joaquin A. Rodriguez of Edinburg for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program.
HR 558 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Keanna D. Franklin of Gainesville for participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs of America 2007 Youth of the Year program.
HR 559 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Yolanda Adams as an honoree of the Prince Complex, Incorporated, 2007 Gala.
HR 560 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Debbie and Rudy Festari as honorees of the Prince Complex, Incorporated, 2007 Gala.
HR 561 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee as an honoree of the Prince Complex, Incorporated, 2007 Gala.
HR 562 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Karen Eubanks Jackson as an honoree of the Prince Complex, Incorporated, 2007 Gala.
HR 563 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Cheryl McNair as an honoree of the Prince Complex, Incorporated, 2007 Gala.
HR 564 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Bernard Hopkins as an honoree of the Prince Complex, Incorporated, 2007 Gala.
HR 585 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Millie Johnson Washington of Houston on her 80th birthday.
HR 598 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Dalton W. Glenn, Jr., on his fourth anniversary with Morning Star Full Gospel Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 599 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Elmira Cornett of Houston on her 86th birthday and commending her for her community service.
HR 640 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the groundbreaking for a new addition at the Prince Complex in Houston.
HR 658 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Karen Eubanks Jackson on her receipt of the Audrey Lawson Impact Award for service in the community.
HR 659 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Dr. Melonie R. Dutton Lewis on her receipt of the Audrey Lawson Impact Award for service in the community.
HR 660 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Argentina M. James on her receipt of the Audrey Lawson Impact Award for service in the community.
HR 661 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Deavra A. Daughtry on her receipt of the Audrey Lawson Impact Award for service in the community.
HR 668 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating M. Annette Cluff on her receipt of the Audrey Lawson Impact Award for service in the community.
HR 669 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Knights of Peter Claver and its ladies auxiliary on its luncheon and fashion gala on March 24, 2007.
HR 677 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the League of Women Voters of the Houston Area on the 87th anniversary of the organization's founding.
HR 752 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pastor George Foreman for 30 years of evangelistic service.
HR 773 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston Ballet principal Lauren Anderson on the occasion of her retirement.
HR 810 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of Kashmere Gardens Church of Christ in Houston.
HR 811 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Harold C. and Ella M. Robertson of Houston on their 70th wedding anniversary.
HR 870 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the members of City-Wide Beauticians, Inc., in Houston on the organization's 50th anniversary.
HR 911 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston jazz pianist and composer Joseph Leslie "Joe" Sample.
HR 937 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Murphy D. Simon, Jr., and his wife, Sister April Simon, on their fourth anniversary with First St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 1252 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the 75th anniversary of Texas Young Democrats.
HR 1291 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dale Roberts on his retirement from PrimeWay Federal Credit Union.
HR 1301 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Willie Deloise Williams Faine of Houston on her 85th birthday.
HR 1312 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Quinton R. Smith and Delois Smith for 11 years of service to First Christian Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 1318 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring attorney Bobby Caldwell of Houston for his professional achievements.
HR 1319 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Tajah Burton, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1320 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Deshawn L. Rodgers, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1321 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Catrina Nicole Guillory, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1322 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Brandon Johnson, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1323 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jonathan-Blake Flemings, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1324 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Maureen Ezekor, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1325 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating De'Andre Ke'Mon Nico, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1326 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Quinton Lewis Clemons, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1327 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Chelsey Marie Clemons, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1328 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Charles Austin Young, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1329 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Ta'Marcus D. Land, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1330 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sarah N. Sapp, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1331 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating A'ysha Williams, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1332 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Rochelle V. Causey, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1333 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jairus Francis, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1334 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Christian Alexander, a 2007 honoree of the Reginald Keith Guillory Scholarship/Academic Awards Luncheon.
HR 1348 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend L. D. Lee of Houston on his 20th pastoral anniversary.
HR 1391 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Cortney Sanders on her first place finish at the Houston ISD Regional History Fair.
HR 1414 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Donita Richell Conner Bessard of Houston on the occasion of her baby shower.
HR 1448 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Olivet Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on the occasion of its 75th anniversary and scholarship awards banquet.
HR 1480 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lorena Aguilar of Houston on her achievement in the Texas History Day art competition.
HR 1501 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Prairie View A&M University on the occasion of the National Alumni Association's national convention, being held in Houston on July 11-15, 2007.
HR 1525 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 39th annual convention of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus.
HR 1532 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 112th anniversary of Greater Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 1580 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Coach Cynthia Cooper-Dyke and the Prairie View A&M University women's basketball team.
HR 1631 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Association of Black Psychologists on the occasion of its 39th Annual International Convention in Houston on August 1-5, 2007.
HR 1633 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Dr. Andrew M. Landry on his appointment as dean of the Conroe Baptist Theological Institute/Houston Extension College.
HR 1665 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the annual bazaar at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church in Houston.
HR 1698 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Linda Davis of Humble ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1699 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Stefanie Giles of Humble ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1700 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Tabitha Madrid of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1727 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating April Molnar of Humble ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1728 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Rian Keegan of Northeast Christian Academy in Kingwood on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1729 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Theresa Nevins of Humble ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1730 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Celia Maria Jenkins of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1731 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Peggy Mensik of Humble ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1732 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Antonia "Peggy" Mangano of Humble ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1733 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Debbie Shaddix of New Caney ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1734 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Courtney Ruff of Humble ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1735 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Cheryl Rucka of Crosby ISD on being named an honoree of the Lake Houston Science Collaborative for Excellence in Science Teaching.
HR 1789 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Ernest McMillan of Houston on his retirement as the CEO and executive director of the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program.
HR 1841 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lisa Phillip of Houston on her selection as the 2007 Small Business Exporter of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1842 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sheila Lee Coates of Katy on her selection as the 2007 Home-Based Business Champion of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1843 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Valerie Boudreaux-Allen of Houston on her selection as the 2007 Women in Business Champion of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1846 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Harold Lloyd Hempstead of Houston on his retirement from Baker Oil Tools.
HR 1866 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Orpah M. Thomas of Houston on her 92nd birthday.
HR 1889 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Ebony M. Jackson on graduating in the top 10 percent of her class at E. L. Furr High School in Houston.
HR 1900 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Fairy "E. J." Moore of Houston.
HR 1901 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Michele Falzon of Friendswood on the selection of F. W. Gartner Thermal Spraying, Ltd. as the 2007 Jeffrey Butland Family-Owned Business of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1902 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Constance Jones on her selection as the 2007 Minority Small Business Champion of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1903 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Bruce Smith on his selection as the 2007 Small Business Person of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1904 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Tom Tucker on his selection as the 2007 Veteran Small Business Champion of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1905 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Rhonda Lewis on her selection as the 2007 Financial Services Champion of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1906 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Alfredo Giraldo of Peru on his selection as the 2007 Small Business Journalist of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1907 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating John Hernandez on his selection as the 2007 Young Entrepreneur of the Year by the Houston District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration.
HR 1939 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the life and achievements of the late artist and activist Paul Robeson.
HR 1971 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association, I.A.F.F. Local 341, on the 75th anniversary of its founding.
HR 1972 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the sixth annual eighth-grade promotion ceremony at Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School.
HR 1973 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Officer Charles Tanksley on his retirement from the Houston Police Department.
HR 1974 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Leonard Joseph Llorens of Houston.
HR 1975 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of the Reverend Father Isaac Onante Francis of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
HR 1989 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Gilberta Delphine Bradford Portley Neblett of Houston on her 90th birthday.
HR 2031 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Caring Communities Home Restoration Project team on the occasion of AmeriCorps Week.
HR 2217 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Monica Segundo-Grosser as a Lake Houston Science Collaborative honoree.
HR 2218 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Holly Miller as a Lake Houston Science Collaborative honoree.
HR 2219 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Alisa Lott as a Lake Houston Science Collaborative honoree.
HR 2220 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Debbie Krenek as a Lake Houston Science Collaborative honoree.
HR 2221 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Tara Brandt as a Lake Houston Science Collaborative honoree.
HR 2222 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sandra Carley as a Lake Houston Science Collaborative honoree.
HR 2223 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Robert Cunningham as a Lake Houston Science Collaborative honoree.
HR 2224 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sara Brent as a Lake Houston Science Collaborative honoree.
HR 2266 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Vernon Cannamore on his retirement as the program director of social studies for Galena Park Independent School District.
HR 2273 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Ismael "Kino" Flores, Jr., on his graduation from The University of Texas School of Law.
HR 2522 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Texas Attorney General's Office--Child Support Division on its receipt of the 2007 Outstanding Program Award from the National Child Support Enforcement Association.
HR 2543 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Shirley Burks Howard on the occasion of her retirement from the Houston Independent School District on May 23, 2007.
HR 2544 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Robert L. Thomas, Jr., on three years of service to the Olivet Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 2545 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring George Thomas, general manager of KTSU-FM in Houston, for his professional achievements.
HR 2578 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Linda and David Brooks of Austin on the birth of their daughter, Julia Hazel Brooks.
HR 2796 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Patricia Collins of Houston on her 65th birthday.
HR 2846 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring attorney E. Eugene Palmer of Austin for his professional achievements.
HR 2978 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 80th anniversary of Phillis Wheatley High School in Houston.
79th Regular Session
HB 254 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the penalties for possession of two ounces or less of marihuana and to the issuance of an occupational driver's license.
HB 382 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the prosecution of the offense of hindering apprehension or prosecution.
HB 383 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/05
Caption: Relating to the right of certain persons to discipline a child.
HB 384 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to placement of a child with a noncustodial parent or relative to further the best interest of the child.
HB 408 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to jury selection in capital cases.
HB 425 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the payment of child support obligations on behalf of persons wrongfully imprisoned.
HB 426 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to participate in certain school activities of the employee's child; providing a penalty.
HB 427 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the remedies available to a person to abate a nuisance in a municipality.
HB 428 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the hours for selling alcoholic beverages in certain establishments.
HB 429 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring the Texas Department of Criminal Justice to provide notice to certain persons of the right to vote.
HB 430 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to meet with certain persons affecting the education of the employee's child.
HB 431 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in capital cases in which the state seeks the death penalty.
HB 432 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the creation of a commission to study capital punishment in Texas and to a moratorium on executions.
HB 433 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the disclosure of certain criminal history records and to the duty of law enforcement agencies regarding records associated with certain defendants.
HB 434 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the punishment for a capital felony committed by a person who is younger than 18 years of age at the time of committing the felony.
HB 435 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 436 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to criminal and civil penalties for committing certain offenses involving prostitution.
HB 437 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to determinations of paternity in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 438 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to termination or suspension without pay of certain public school district employees.
HB 439 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the provision of certain information to public school employees whose employment is terminated.
HB 440 Last Action: Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the modification or enforcement of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 441 Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Caption: Relating to the regulation of barbers and cosmetologists at mobile locations.
HB 442 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the adoption and enforcement by the board of trustees of a school district of rules relating to student conduct.
HB 443 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to duty-free lunch periods for public school nurses.
HB 448 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to in-prison geriatric communities.
HB 449 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to an affirmative defense available to certain students who engage in sexual contact with another student at least 13 years of age.
HB 450 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain confessions in capital cases.
HB 451 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to a study and report by the commissioner of education concerning public school students' campus and school district assignments and transfers, operation of public schools, and public school attendance.
HB 452 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
HB 453 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the use of personal leave by a public school employee.
HB 454 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the punishment for a capital offense.
HB 455 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 456 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the punishment for a capital offense.
HB 457 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement and prosecutorial records under the public information law.
HB 458 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to standards for judicial review of certain writs of habeas corpus in capital cases.
HB 459 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the compensation of an election judge or clerk.
HB 460 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the designation of a child support obligee as an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order.
HB 461 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to referral of public school students to law enforcement officials for violations of an independent school district student code of conduct.
HB 462 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 463 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to evaluation under the public school accountability system of the delivery of library resources.
HB 464 Last Action: Meeting cancelled
Caption: Relating to governmental liability.
HB 465 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the use of the special education allotment to fund Saturday classes for certain students.
HB 569 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to a maximum class size for certain public school students who perform poorly on an assessment instrument.
HB 696 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to jury selection in capital cases.
HB 697 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a person's eligibility to apply for an order of nondisclosure with respect to certain criminal history records.
HB 871 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the provision of and funding for Saturday classes for elementary school students who fail to pass certain assessment instruments.
HB 927 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the foreclosure of certain liens on real property.
HB 928 Last Action: Referred to Law Enforcement
Caption: Relating to an offense involving a motor vehicle with an altered or obscured license plate.
HB 929 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to disciplinary action taken against a person required to file a death certificate.
HB 1014 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to investigations and other procedures with respect to allegations of child abuse or neglect.
HB 1174 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/05
Caption: Relating to attorney's fees and costs in a proceeding to enforce an order for the possession of or access to a child.
HB 1175 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the modification or elimination of spousal maintenance by the parties to a premarital agreement.
HB 1176 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the designation of a former spouse as a survivor or P.O.D. payee of a multiple-party account before a decree of divorce or annulment is rendered.
HB 1177 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an appeal of a protective order.
HB 1178 Last Action: Referred to Regulated Industries
Caption: Relating to disbursements from the universal service fund to telecommunications providers for service to rural areas.
HB 1179 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/05
Caption: Relating to the authority of an associate judge in certain family law cases.
HB 1180 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Caption: Relating to the salaries of state judges.
HB 1181 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/05
Caption: Relating to access to criminal history record information by a domestic relations office.
HB 1182 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/05
Caption: Relating to the issuance of an administrative writ of withholding for the enforcement of a child support obligation.
HB 1183 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to distribution of certain child support payments by the state disbursement unit.
HB 1399 Last Action: Effective on 1/1/06
Caption: Relating to notice of a landlord's motor vehicle towing or parking rules and policies and to liability arising from certain actions of a towing service; providing a civil penalty.
HB 1400 Last Action: Meeting cancelled
Caption: Relating to discovery procedures for a claim against a governmental entity under the Texas Tort Claims Act.
HB 1443 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to exempting certain general academic teaching institutions from the requirement that certain high school graduates be granted automatic admission.
HB 1449 Last Action: Senate appoints conferees-reported
Caption: Relating to suits affecting the parent-child relationship, including proceedings for the establishment, modification, and enforcement of child support; providing a civil penalty.
HB 1575 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/05
Caption: Relating to juvenile delinquency; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 1650 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the sale of fireworks by a person under 18 years of age and to the prosecution of offenses involving fireworks.
HB 1651 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the sale of fireworks by or to a person under 18 years of age and to the prosecution of offenses involving fireworks.
HB 1652 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the sale of fireworks to a person under 18 years of age and to the penalty for the unlawful sale of fireworks to certain persons.
HB 1687 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to fees charged by a juvenile justice alternative education program.
HB 1688 Last Action: Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to the employment of school district peace officers and the enforcement of certain violations under a student code of conduct.
HB 1689 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the burden of proof required to remove or expel a student from public school.
HB 1823 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/05
Caption: Relating to the rights of a purchaser under an executory contract for conveyance of real property.
HB 1824 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to authorizing an alcoholic beverage permit holder to host a card game.
HB 1953 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the manner in which certain reports of political contributions and expenditures must be filed with the Texas Ethics Commission.
HB 2034 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for certain lower-division students enrolled in a general academic teaching institution.
HB 2098 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the penalty for possession of a small amount of certain controlled substances.
HB 2099 Last Action: Referred to Health & Human Services
Caption: Relating to investigations of reports of child abuse and neglect.
HB 2206 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to authorizing a justice or municipal court to grant an occupational driver's license.
HB 2418 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of peace officers to conduct certain searches.
HB 2667 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the election of a director of a municipal utility district.
HB 2668 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the performance by a private entity of the functions of a local child support registry.
HB 2669 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the sentencing of juveniles in juvenile court and the functions of the Texas Youth Commission.
HB 2670 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to service retirement benefits for certain peace officers.
HB 3088 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the evaluation of school district disciplinary alternative education programs.
HB 3089 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to contracts with private entities to finance, design, construct, or operate state hospitals for persons with mental illness.
HCR 90 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: In memory of University of Texas law professor Robert O. Dawson.
HCR 153 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Requesting the Texas Legislative Council to schedule a revision of the Family Code during the 2005-2006 interim.
HCR 228 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Designating the Official State Prayer of Texas.
HCR 229 Last Action: Received from the House
Caption: Designating the day after sine die adjournment of the regular session as Texas Smile Day.
HR 10 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Houston Minority Business Council's EXPO 2005 to be held on September 15, 2005.
HR 29 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Charles E. Butler II on his 14th pastoral anniversary with New Loyalty Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 80 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Oliver Wendell Sprott, Sr., of Beaumont on his 90th birthday.
HR 127 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Sandra Eyvette Humber on the occasion of her 50th birthday.
HR 218 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Birdie Mae Leona Grace Thomas on the occasion of her 70th birthday.
HR 442 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant Dexter S. Kimble of Houston.
HR 495 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Susie Lewis of Houston on her 100th birthday.
HR 682 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Robert Staggers, Jr., on 35 years of pastoral service as he retires from Northside Antioch Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 718 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Knights of Peter Claver and the members of its ladies auxiliary, Council and Court No. 72, and their "Pioneers in the Community" for their remarkable achievements.
HR 736 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Anita Spivey of Houston on her achievements as a minister and educator.
HR 748 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing April 14, 2005, as James Avery Day at the State Capitol.
HR 793 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pastor Victor L. Archer, Sr., on his 33-year career in the ministry and 24 years of leadership with Jesus Way Bible Fellowship Church in Houston.
HR 816 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Murphy Simon on his second pastoral anniversary with First St. Mark Baptist Church of Houston.
HR 958 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Dr. Robert O. Dawson.
HR 1042 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pinecrest Presbyterian Church of Houston on its 80th anniversary.
HR 1043 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. A. Louis Patterson, Jr., for 35 years of leadership with Mount Corinth Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 1044 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring George Bud Easter Johnson of Houston on his professional accomplishments and civic service.
HR 1069 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston Astros great James Rodney "J. R." Richard.
HR 1070 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring George Thomas of Houston for his career accomplishments in public broadcasting.
HR 1183 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Senior Citizens Center of Greater Northside Houston on its 35th anniversary.
HR 1213 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the 2005 inaugural debutantes of the First Annual Buds of Royalty Blue Revue of the Omicron Gamma Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.
HR 1214 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the members of the Omicron Gamma Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta, Inc., for their contributions to their community.
HR 1249 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing May 7, 2005, as Founder's Day for the Houston Chapter of Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.
HR 1292 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Dr. Doris M. Jackson of Houston on her receipt of the Elva K. Steward Alumni of the Year Award.
HR 1293 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Chester Smith of Houston on leading the Wheatley High School boys basketball team to the state tournament for the ninth time.
HR 1294 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Janice Gibson of Houston.
HR 1416 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Arthur C. Lilly of Houston for his accomplishments as an educator and community leader.
HR 1417 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Houston Style Magazine on the occasion of its Thirty Under 30 party celebrating the magazine's 15th anniversary.
HR 1516 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. M. L. Jackson on his 47th pastoral anniversary with Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church of Houston.
HR 1517 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the members of the eighth-grade class of Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School of Houston on the occasion of their graduation.
HR 1551 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., and its Delta Chi Chapter in Houston on the occasion of the groups' Founder's Day observance.
HR 1607 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Daisy Lee Tindall of Friendswood.
HR 1631 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Prairie View Interscholastic League Coaches Association on the occasion of its 26th annual Hall of Honor Awards Banquet.
HR 1795 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Robert Lloyd Parker I of Houston on his 65th birthday and his retirement from Procter & Gamble.
HR 1812 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church of Houston on its church reunion/homecoming and 133rd anniversary.
HR 1908 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Willie Hall of Houston.
HR 2139 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pastor L. A. Kennedy of the New Community Baptist Church of Houston on his 45 years of service as a minister.
HR 2175 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Ella Bouldin Women's Missionary Society's 4th Annual Three Score and Ten Senior Recognition Program in June 2005.
HR 2188 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating KTSU and Texas Southern University on the opening of the Tavis Smiley Center for Professional Media Studies.
HR 2189 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Robert L. Thomas, Jr., of Houston on his first anniversary as pastor of Olivet Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 2210 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the members of the Young Adult Ministry of Blessed Hope Baptist Church in Houston for hosting a walk-a-thon fund-raiser benefiting area residents in June 2005.
HR 2211 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Destiny's Child for their accomplishments in the music industry.
HR 2288 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of journalist Ed Wendt of Houston.
HR 2290 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Father Walter A. Cerbin on his 50th anniversary in the ministry.
HR 2292 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Recognizing a prayer celebrating the spiritual and geographical diversity of Texas.
79th 1st Called Session
HCR 18 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Requesting the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of representatives to create a select committee on education to conduct an interim study on the creation, consolidation, and abolition of school districts in Texas.
HR 194 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Bethany Baptist Church in Houston on its 80th anniversary.
HR 201 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pastor Louis C. Sidney, Sr., and Darlene Sidney for their service to St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 282 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 40th reunion of the Phillis Wheatley High School Class of 1965 of Houston.
HR 351 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Thompson-Craig Family Reunion in Houston on July 22, 2005.
HR 352 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Plum Street United Methodist Church in Abilene on its centennial.
HR 432 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church on its 126th anniversary.
HR 442 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Steve W. Hall, Sr., on his 20th anniversary as pastor of Bethany Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 443 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Commemorating the 50th reunion of Houston's Phillis Wheatley High School Class of 1955.
HR 444 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Recognizing the St. Mary of the Purification Montessori School Founders Day Celebration on September 10, 2005.
79th 2nd Called Session
HB 75 Last Action: Referred to Environmental Regulation
Caption: Relating to safety measures for culverts or other similar flood or drainage systems maintained by governmental entities.
HR 14 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Steve W. Hall, Sr., on his 20th anniversary as pastor of Bethany Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 15 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the St. Mary of the Purification Montessori School Founders Day Celebration on September 10, 2005.
HR 16 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 50th reunion of Houston's Phillis Wheatley High School Class of 1955.
HR 156 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Rev. M. L. Jackson on his retirement as moderator of the South Texas District Association.
HR 160 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Leonard N. Barksdale of Houston for 11 years of service as pastor of Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 176 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 2005 reunion of Houston County schools sponsored by the Houston Chapter of the Crockett Colored High/Ralph J. Bunche High School Alumni, Ex-Students, and Teachers Association.
HR 177 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Reverend S. E. Harris on his 33rd anniversary as pastor of Saint Rest Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 194 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Canaan Baptist Church in Houston on its 99th anniversary.
HR 195 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Julia B. Washington of Houston.
HR 225 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Ernest B. McGowen, Sr., of Houston on his 80th birthday.
HR 226 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Our Mother of Mercy Parish Houston Federal Credit Union.
HR 227 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Logan Daniel Jones of Houston.
HR 261 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Lorraine Williams of Houston for her remarkable career with the Groovey Grill.
HR 262 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Mae Hines of Houston on her 100th birthday.
HR 263 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 30th anniversary reunion of the Phillis Wheatley High School Class of 1975.
HR 264 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Archbishop Joseph A. Fiorenza as he approaches retirement.
79th 3rd Called Session
HCR 24 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Requesting The University of Texas at Austin to lead a study by several Texas public universities to examine how young black males in Texas are affected by the benefits and detriments of living in Texas.
HR 520 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the national convention of the Kwara State Association of Nigeria, North America, in Houston in June 2006.
HR 521 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Richard Henri Punch, Jr., of Houston.
HR 522 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Horace Williams III of Houston.
HR 523 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the members of the eighth-grade class of Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School of Houston on the occasion of their graduation.
HR 654 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Hugh Lee Conner of Houston.
HR 655 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Ella Bouldin Women's Missionary Society's 5th Annual Three Score and Ten Senior Recognition Program in June 2006.
HR 764 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Vealantha Spivey on her receipt of a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Award.
HR 765 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Anthony Murdock on his receipt of a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Award.
HR 766 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Cleo Glenn Johnson-McLaughlin on her receipt of a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Award.
HR 767 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Sidney Williams on his receipt of a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Award.
HR 769 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating John A. Murray III on his receipt of a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Award.
HR 770 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating James Prince on his receipt of a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Award.
HR 771 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the clergy and members of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on the occasion of the congregation's 50th anniversary.
HR 786 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Wiley Henry on his receipt of a 2006 Phillis Wheatley Award.
HR 800 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Virgil David Sorina and Brenda Lois Register on the occasion of their 44th wedding anniversary.
78th Regular Session
HB 343 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
HB 344 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the modification of a child support order during the obligor's confinement in jail or prison.
HB 345 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
HB 346 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the period during which a person may be confined for contempt of court.
HB 347 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to sanctions imposed on low-performing public schools.
HB 348 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to participation in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas by employees of certain campus or campus program charter schools.
HB 349 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the waiver of jurisdiction and discretionary transfer to criminal court by a juvenile court.
HB 350 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to participation in cooperative career and technology education programs by certain high school students.
HB 351 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain evidence in capital cases in which the state seeks the death penalty.
HB 352 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a legislative continuance of a contested case before a state agency.
HB 353 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a Forensic Science Review Committee within the Department of Public Safety.
HB 354 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement and prosecutorial records under the public information law.
HB 355 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to meet with certain persons affecting the education of the employee's child.
HB 356 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to participate in certain school activities of the employee's child; providing a penalty.
HB 357 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a commission to study capital punishment in Texas and to a moratorium on executions.
HB 358 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to certain information provided to public school employees whose employment is terminated.
HB 359 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a restriction on the mandatory arbitration of certain employment disputes.
HB 360 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of certain confessions in capital cases.
HB 361 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to exemptions from the sales tax.
HB 362 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to in-prison geriatric communities.
HB 363 Last Action: Referred to Law Enforcement
Caption: Relating to peace officers commissioned and employed by public housing authorities.
HB 364 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the payment of child support obligations on behalf of persons wrongfully imprisoned.
HB 365 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for certain lower-division students enrolled at Texas Southern University and Prairie View A&M University.
HB 366 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the punishment for a capital offense.
HB 367 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 368 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the placement of a public school student in an alternative education program.
HB 369 Last Action: Meeting cancelled
Caption: Relating to reducing class size when the students of a certain grade level perform poorly on an assessment instrument.
HB 370 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to an analysis of the application of the death penalty in Texas.
HB 371 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain restrictions on the arbitration of an employment dispute.
HB 372 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the punishment for a capital felony committed by a person who is younger than 18 years of age at the time of committing the felony.
HB 373 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 374 Last Action: Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the right of certain persons to discipline a child.
HB 375 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to limiting the award of attorney's fees by a justice court.
HB 376 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a requirement that retail grocers post a sign listing items that are exempt from the sales and use tax.
HB 377 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to service retirement and death benefits for certain peace officers under the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
HB 378 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the remedies available to a person to abate a public nuisance in a municipality.
HB 379 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to inspect the employee's personnel records.
HB 380 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the imposition of the death penalty in certain cases where the guilt of the defendant may be in doubt.
HB 381 Last Action: Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to the computation of public school dropout and completion rates.
HB 382 Last Action: Failed to receive affirmative vote in comm.
Caption: Relating to the designation of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as a voter registration agency.
HB 383 Last Action: Meeting cancelled
Caption: Relating to citation and arrest for a Class C misdemeanor.
HB 384 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 502 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the compensation of an election judge or clerk.
HB 503 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to determinations of paternity in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 539 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to duty-free lunch periods for school nurses.
HB 540 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to standards for judicial review of certain writs of habeas corpus in capital cases.
HB 590 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the punishment for a capital offense.
HB 715 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the penalty for possession of one ounce or less of marihuana.
HB 774 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to courses offered to public school students placed in alternative education programs.
HB 883 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to the powers of an associate judge under the Family Code.
HB 884 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to alternative dispute resolution statements required in a suit for dissolution of a marriage and a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 885 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to the rights of spouses in relation to separate and community property.
HB 886 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to attorney's fees in a proceeding to enforce an order for the possession of or access to a child.
HB 887 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to the award of attorney's fees and expenses in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 888 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to progressive sanctions programs for juvenile offenders.
HB 889 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to the enforcement of an agreement concerning child support.
HB 933 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the granting of a charter for an open-enrollment charter school by a college or university.
HB 1145 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to discipline management in public schools.
HB 1146 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to a limitation on audits of an open-enrollment charter school.
HB 1147 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the hours for selling alcoholic beverages in certain establishments.
HB 1200 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the consequences of a public school's being considered low-performing.
HB 1202 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to recovery of certain funds received by an open-enrollment charter school and to certain requests to revise student enrollment.
HB 1497 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the adoption of an adult.
HB 1518 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to accountability for public school dropouts and students at risk of dropping out of school and to the evaluation of school campuses.
HB 1571 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship of, certain records regarding, and foster care payments for certain children.
HB 1878 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to the establishment of paternity and the establishment and enforcement of child support and medical support for a child.
HB 1879 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the establishment and adjudication of certain parent-child relationships.
HB 2001 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to notice to an employer of a court order requiring an employee to provide medical support for the employee's child; providing penalties.
HB 2002 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to unexpended proceeds from the sale or license of treatment programs developed by the Texas Youth Commission.
HB 2003 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to the age of a person subject to the juvenile justice system.
HB 2099 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to the determination of the conservatorship of, and the right of possession of or access to, a child by a person who has a history of family violence.
HB 2100 Last Action: Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the disposing of abandoned motor vehicles.
HB 2224 Last Action: Referred to Education
Caption: Relating to open-enrollment charter schools.
HB 2316 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to sentences for certain nonviolent offenders.
HB 2317 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the relocation or replacement of a water or sanitation sewer lateral on private property by a home-rule municipality.
HB 2318 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the enforcement of child support obligations, including interstate enforcement.
HB 2319 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/03
Caption: Relating to juvenile delinquency; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 2435 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the legal representation of county officials by district, county, and private attorneys.
HB 2436 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the operation of public primary and secondary schools.
HB 2437 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the salary of an assistant county auditor.
HB 2503 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to limiting a public school administrator's referral of a student to a law enforcement official for the student's violation of the student code of conduct.
HB 2520 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to limiting the adoption and enforcement of certain rules by the board of trustees of a school district.
HB 2647 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to classroom working conditions for public school teachers.
HB 2648 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to duties outside the regular hours of instruction for public school teachers.
HB 2649 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the recommendation and notice of termination or suspension without pay for certain school employees.
HB 3068 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of peace officers concerning enforcement of compulsory school attendance requirements.
HB 3069 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to teacher personal leave.
HCR 19 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Requesting the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of representatives to create a joint interim committee to study the dropout rate in grades 9-12.
HCR 41 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring Elvin Bethea of the Houston Oilers on his induction into the National Football League Hall of Fame in 2003.
HCR 93 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Memorializing Congress to request that U.S. Department of Justice investigate the Houston Police Department Crime Laboratory and review past criminal cases.
HCR 275 Last Action: Received from the House
Caption: Honoring Coach Rudy Tomjanovich of the Houston Rockets on his retirement as head coach.
HCR 284 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make technical corrections to H.B. No. 2319.
HR 79 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring LaMonica Jones of Houston for her selection as an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 80 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Michael Lawrence Harris of Houston on being named an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 81 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Hector A. Matteer of Houston on being named an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 82 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Constable Victor Trevino of Houston on being named an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 83 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Deryl M. Hurd of Houston as an Outstanding Texan.
HR 84 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring James Lee Muldrow, Jr., of Houston on being named an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 85 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Elmira Cornett of Houston for her selection as an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 86 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Roderick Kennedy of Houston on being named an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 366 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Murphy D. Simon, Jr., on his installation as pastor of First Saint Mark Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 368 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pastor Charles Lewis Jackson of Houston for his commitment to his church and community.
HR 559 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Recognizing March 25, 2003, as a "Day of Innocence" in Texas.
HR 560 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Dr. Gideon Lamar Sanders, Sr., of Houston.
HR 561 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 11th Annual Scholarship Recognition Luncheon and Fashion Gala hosted by the Knights of Peter Claver and the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Council and Court 72 and Our Mother of Mercy Church in Houston.
HR 597 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Dr. Prince Earl W. Bryant, Sr., of Houston for 40 years of service to the gospel ministry.
HR 626 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston's Phillis Wheatley High School Class of 1963 on its 40th reunion.
HR 837 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Dwight Dean Christopher of Austin.
HR 908 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Mollie Taylor Stevenson of Houston.
HR 909 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Michael Donald Neely of Houston for his work with the Lakewood Church Men's Ministry.
HR 939 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Union Memorial United Methodist Church in Houston on the occasion of its 46th anniversary.
HR 1186 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend M. L. Jackson and Clara Belle Bennett Jackson on his 45th pastoral anniversary at Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 1187 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lighthouse Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on its 10th anniversary.
HR 1549 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Wash Allen of Houston on his accomplishments in the field of radio broadcasting.
HR 1550 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of the Reverend Oliver Charlton Johnson, Sr., of Houston.
HR 1551 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Catherine "Candy" Jones-Brooks of Houston for her achievements as principal of Dogan Elementary School.
HR 1552 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Detria Marie Ward of Houston for her extensive service to the community.
HR 1978 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Linda Barbouche Brooks for her legislative service.
78th 1st Called Session
HR 53 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Zarada Rachal Moran of Houston on her 100th birthday.
78th 2nd Called Session
HR 22 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Tavis Smiley for his many outstanding achievements.
HR 76 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pastor James Raynard Miller of Houston for his dedication to his church and his faith.
78th 3rd Called Session
HB 76 Last Action: Referred to Law Enforcement
Caption: Relating to an offense involving a motor vehicle with an altered license plate.
HB 77 Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Relating to an appropriation to Texas Southern University for the purpose of restoring university facilities damaged by Tropical Storm Allison.
HR 46 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Mount Pleasant Baptist Church of Houston on its 127th anniversary and the dedication of a Texas historical marker.
HR 47 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Thelma Jean Carson Taylor of Houston on her 70th birthday.
HR 66 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School of Houston on the third anniversary of its founding as an open enrollment charter school.
HR 68 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, on its 75th anniversary.
HR 69 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Clarence O'Neal "Brad" Bradford on the occasion of his retirement as Houston's chief of police.
HR 99 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the life of Evelyn Victor Woods Robeson of Houston.
HR 254 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Lester A. Roch for 27 years of service as pastor of the Apostolic Tabernacle.
HR 255 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Darrick Eugene of Austin on his 40th birthday.
78th 4th Called Session
HR 11 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Byrd Lacey, Jr., for his 50 years of religious service.
HR 71 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Betty Hamilton Crawford on her retirement from the North Forest Independent School District.
HR 72 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Northwest Preparatory Academy Charter School's third annual Eighth Grade Promotion Exercises.
HR 184 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Houston on its 125th anniversary.
HR 185 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Mamawa M. Moore of Spring for her dedication to education in Texas.
HR 186 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Linda Broussard Mabrie of Houston for her contributions to education.
HR 213 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the life of Ben C. "Captain Benny" Hienemann of Houston.
HR 214 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Pastor Dalton W. Glenn, Jr., of Houston on his installation as senior pastor of Morning Star Full Gospel Baptist Church.
HR 215 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jimmy Wynn for his career achievements in professional baseball.
HR 216 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring A. Jo Baylor for her receipt of the Government Achievement Award from the National Federation of Black Women Business Owners.
HR 217 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Dr. Margaret L. Forde on her recognition by the Acres Home Citizens Chamber of Commerce.
HR 218 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of J. Harold Brooks of Houston.
HR 219 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Phillis Wheatley Class of 1954 of Houston.
HR 220 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the 113th anniversary of First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church of Houston.
HR 221 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program.
HR 222 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Billie Bean Briggs on earning the Milken Family Foundation 2003 National Educator Award.
HR 226 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Lizzie Jackson Hooper of Houston on her 90th birthday.
HR 298 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing Miles Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in Houston on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of its founding.
77th Regular Session
HB 720 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a commission to study capital punishment in Texas and to a moratorium on executions.
HB 740 Last Action: Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to summary judgments issued by a court.
HB 854 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of an interagency work group to evaluate and address hunger and homelessness in this state.
HB 855 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 856 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to participate in certain school activities of the employee's child; providing a penalty.
HB 857 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the commissioners court of a county to establish a commission for the homeless and to require the collection of a fee to finance the commission.
HB 858 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the effect of a deed of conveyance of tax foreclosed property resold by a municipality for urban redevelopment purposes.
HB 859 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to in-prison geriatric communities.
HB 860 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to exemptions from the sales tax.
HB 861 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to encumbrances that may be fixed on homestead property.
HB 862 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the remedies available to a person to abate a public nuisance in a municipality.
HB 863 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a requirement that retail grocers post a sign listing items that are exempt from the sales and use tax.
HB 864 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to postconviction DNA testing.
HB 865 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the establishment of basic skills academies in certain school districts.
HB 866 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement and prosecutorial records under the open records law.
HB 867 Last Action: Referred to Civil Practices
Caption: Relating to a bill of review by a civil court.
HB 868 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to elementary school class size limits.
HB 869 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the punishment for a capital offense.
HB 870 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a legislative continuance of a contested case before a state agency.
HB 871 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a parent's right to discipline the parent's child.
HB 872 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a parent's liability for a personal injury caused by the parent's child.
HB 873 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a settlement offer in a suit for modification of an order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 874 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of a juvenile justice alternative education program to obtain a waiver regarding required days of operation.
HB 879 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to requiring arbitration to establish a property owners' association lien for assessments.
HB 962 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the eligibility for parole of an inmate serving a life sentence in a capital case.
HB 988 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the offense of prostitution.
HB 989 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to inspect the employee's personnel records.
HB 990 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to prohibiting term limits for the members of certain municipal governing bodies.
HB 991 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 1095 Last Action: Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
Caption: Relating to procedures and standards for providing health care services in public schools.
HB 1119 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to tort liability of governmental units.
HB 1142 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to organization of certain school districts.
HB 1249 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to certain information provided to public school employees whose employment is terminated.
HB 1250 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of an offense prohibiting racial or ethnic profiling by peace officers.
HB 1328 Last Action: Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
Caption: Relating to the setting of an execution date in a capital case.
HB 1567 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to limiting the award of attorney's fees by a justice court.
HB 1936 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to referendum elections concerning the first instructional day of a school year for public school students and to the first instructional day of the first term of summer session for students at general academic teaching institutions.
HB 1937 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to prohibiting annexations by populous municipalities until certain municipal services are provided.
HB 1986 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to compensation of a person wrongfully imprisoned.
HB 1987 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to termination or suspension of certain public school employees.
HB 2103 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/01
Caption: Relating to allowing a grandparent to receive financial assistance benefits on behalf of a dependent child in certain situations.
HB 2104 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the placement of a public school student in an alternative education program.
HB 2105 Last Action: Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the operation of the advisory committees of the supreme court.
HB 2106 Last Action: Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to information on the supreme court website relating to proposed rules or forms.
HB 2112 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to rules of civil procedure adopted by the supreme court.
HB 2206 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to prepaid funeral contracts.
HB 2546 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to sanctions imposed on low-performing public schools.
HB 2547 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an exemption from or refund of tuition and fees for certain lower-division students enrolled at Texas Southern University and Prairie View A&M University.
HB 2548 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of automobile insurance rates.
HB 2639 Last Action: Record vote
Caption: Relating to the inclusion of an incarcerated person in the population data used for redistricting according to the person's last residence before incarceration.
HB 2640 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to the regulation of casket sales.
HB 2742 Last Action: Referred to Civil Practices
Caption: Relating to suits against the state for certain claims for breach of contract.
HB 3056 Last Action: Referred to Licensing & Admin. Procedures
Caption: Relating to the violation of an individual's civil rights on premises where alcoholic beverages are sold.
HB 3109 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to judgment debtors.
HB 3110 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 3251 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to requiring a court in a criminal case to enforce duties imposed by the legislature on the defendant, the attorney representing the state, or any other person.
HB 3252 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the composition and appointment of the State Board of Education.
HCR 236 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring Shelton Smith of Houston for his professional contributions.
HJR 48 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment permitting an encumbrance to be fixed on homestead property for an obligation to pay certain property owners' association fees without permitting the forced sale of the homestead.
HJR 51 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize school districts to purchase insurance to cover students who are injured while riding as passengers in a vehicle operated by or for the school district.
HJR 56 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to a moratorium on the execution of persons convicted of capital offenses.
HR 155 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Richie Dell Thomas of Houston.
HR 156 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Anna Washington Curtis of Houston on her retirement.
HR 157 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the retirement of Ovide Duncantell from the Texas Workforce Commission.
HR 177 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Leon Sandles on his retirement from the Houston Fire Department.
HR 251 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Dr. Marvis Louis Jackson and Clara Belle Jackson of Houston on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 252 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Veva L. Wynn of Houston on her 100th birthday.
HR 274 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the grand opening of the Nickel Sandwich Grill in Houston.
HR 343 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Ninth Annual Scholarship Fashion Show and Recognition Luncheon hosted by the Council and Court No. 72 of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary of Our Mother of Mercy Church.
HR 455 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Welcoming members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., to the State Capitol on the occasion of the group's 2001 Legislative Day.
HR 459 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Dr. Marion George Ford, Jr., of Houston.
HR 486 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Twila Rose of Houston on her receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 487 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Timothy Andre Stingley of Houston on receiving an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 488 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Calvin Owens of Houston on his receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award for his achievements in the field of entertainment from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 489 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Officer Howard L.Martin of the Houston Police Department on his receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus for his achievements in the field of public safety.
HR 490 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Fred C. Hoxie, Jr., of Houston on his receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award from the Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 491 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Anna Washington Curtis of Houston on receiving an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 492 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Louis J. Bailey of Houston on her receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus for her achievements in the field of education.
HR 493 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Edward C. Loche of Houston for being selected as an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 533 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Clara Glover Kizzee of Houston on the occasion of her 80th birthday.
HR 534 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the 50th reunion of the Phillis Wheatley High School Class of 1951.
HR 535 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Thomas F. Freeman of Houston on the occasion of his 50th anniversary as pastor of Mt. Horem Baptist Church.
HR 536 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing April 27, 2001, as Autism Awareness Day in Texas.
HR 641 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Alva Chester Nelson, Jr., on his consecration as auxiliary bishop of the Texas South Central Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ.
HR 642 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Reverend Charles Lewis Jackson on his 32nd pastoral anniversary at Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Houston.
HR 727 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Henry A. Guidry, Sr., of Houston for his 31 years of service to the United States Air Force Reserve.
HR 873 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the grand opening of Maxie's Barber and Beauty Mall in Houston.
HR 938 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the Second Annual Third Ward Teen Symposium at Boynton Chapel United Methodist Church.
HR 975 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Nadine Helen Woods as she retires from the Houston Independent School District.
HR 976 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Kimberly Y. Williams for earning her doctor of pharmacy degree from Texas Southern University.
HR 1006 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Houston Gardens Elementary School Parent Teacher Association on its silent auction and awards dinner.
HR 1007 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Marion Elizabeth James Kelly of Houston on her 92nd birthday.
HR 1059 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Wilberforce University on the occasion of its 2001 National Alumni Conference in Houston.
HR 1060 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Allee Winifred James Mitchell of Houston on the occasion of her 90th birthday.
HR 1092 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Marjorie Mae Dutton Perry of Houston for her exemplary service to Mount Ararat Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 1093 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Claude Lelius Cole on his retirement from the Houston Independent School District.
HR 1142 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Mattie Jean DeWalt of Houston.
HR 1167 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing June 15-17, 2001, as the Anderson/Smith Reunion Days in Hitchcock.
HR 1253 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Cleo Ashley of Houston on the occasion of her 90th birthday.
HR 1254 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the retirement of Charles Edward Ashley.
HR 1267 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 536.
HR 1284 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Laura Daniels Medlock of Austin for her outstanding service to the office of the speaker of the house.
HR 1378 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 507.
HR 1382 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Diana Alicia Alonzo on being named Miss Crystal City 2001.
76th Regular Session
HB 757 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the civil consequences of successfully completing a period of deferred adjudication community supervision.
HB 758 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of a person arrested for the offense of public intoxication to request an analysis of the person's blood or breath to determine intoxication.
HB 759 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the recovery of damages for deprivation of a right secured by the state constitution.
HB 760 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the establishment of basic skills academies in certain school districts.
HB 761 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to jury instructions and charges in capital cases.
HB 762 Last Action: Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
Caption: Relating to prohibiting certain personnel in a prosecuting attorney's office or a city attorney's office from running for an elected judicial office.
HB 763 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to encumbrances that may be fixed on homestead property.
HB 764 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of an employee to time off from work to participate in certain school activities of the employee's child; providing a penalty.
HB 795 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 848 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement and prosecutorial records under the open records law.
HB 849 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the salaries of public school teachers, librarians, and administrators.
HB 850 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to minimum salaries for public school teachers and full-time librarians.
HB 899 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the forfeiture of motor vehicles used in the commission of certain offenses involving prostitution.
HB 900 Last Action: Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to a bill of review by a civil court.
HB 901 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to requiring arbitration to establish a property owners' association lien for assessments.
HB 902 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the liability of parties in a suit for false disparagement of a perishable food product.
HB 990 Last Action: Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
Caption: Relating to administrative procedures and criminal convictions for welfare fraud.
HB 1055 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the forfeiture of motor vehicles used in the commission of certain offenses involving prostitution.
HB 1056 Last Action: Withdrawn from intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the authority of a member of the governing board of a public university system or institution of higher education.
HB 1134 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to elementary school class size limits.
HB 1135 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the remedies available to a person to abate a public nuisance in a municipality.
HB 1202 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the commissioners court to establish a commission for the homeless and to require the collection of a fee to finance the commission.
HB 1271 Last Action: Referred to Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the enforcement of an order for the payment of attorney's fees in certain proceedings.
HB 1272 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the specification of venue for actions arising from certain major transactions.
HB 1273 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a requirement that retail grocers post a sign listing items that are exempt from the sales and use tax.
HB 1619 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to the punishment for a capital offense.
HB 1637 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of automobile insurance rates.
HB 1784 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to evaluation and termination of certain public school employees.
HB 1785 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the sales and use tax imposed by certain rapid transit authorities.
HB 1786 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to minimum salaries for full-time registered nurses employed by school districts.
HB 1787 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the ability of an insurer to obtain a release from liability; providing a penalty.
HB 1815 Last Action: Subcommittee members named
Caption: Relating to contracting by court reporters; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 2133 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the provision of kindergarten and prekindergarten programs by school districts on a full-day basis.
HB 2182 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a legislative continuance of a contested case before a state agency.
HB 2183 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 2184 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to a parent's right to discipline a child.
HB 2185 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to a parent's right to discipline a child and a parent's liability for failure to control a child.
HB 2186 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to summary judgments issued by a court.
HB 2280 Last Action: Record vote
Caption: Relating to a sales tax exemption for clothing and footwear.
HB 2525 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to fees paid by school districts for professional services.
HB 2712 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the eligibility of certain persons to take a high school equivalency examination.
HB 2713 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to an accelerated education system for students to complete public education requirements.
HB 2714 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to investigatory and disciplinary interviews for certain fire fighters.
HB 2715 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to settlement offers in a suit for modification of an order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 3024 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to ex parte communications in administrative hearings involving certain fire fighters and police officers.
HB 3025 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to programs for public school students with autism or pervasive development disorder.
HB 3026 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to school district contracts and bonds.
HB 3027 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the uniform regulation and application of water pollution standards in the corporate limits of a municipality.
HB 3028 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to management of property recovered in a suit for the benefit of a minor or incapacitated person.
HB 3280 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to alternative education programs.
HB 3710 Last Action: Referred to Economic Development
Caption: Relating to creation of a homeless employment outreach program by the Texas Workforce Commission
HB 3711 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to creation of a sustainable building education program by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
HCR 8 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Charles Lewis Jackson for his 30 years as pastor of Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church.
HCR 51 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring Dr. Jack Christie for his fine work for the State Board of Education.
HCR 284 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Declaring October 20, 1999, and October 18, 2000, as Legislators in Schools Day.
HJR 37 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment permitting an encumbrance to be fixed on homestead property for an obligation to pay certain property owners' association fees without permitting the forced sale of the homestead.
HJR 59 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize school districts to purchase personal injury protection insurance to cover students who are injured while riding as passengers in a vehicle operated by or for the school district.
HR 229 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Celebrating the marriage of Shanthina Denise Guillory and Matthew Ford III.
HR 491 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the sixth pastoral anniversary of the Reverend Danny Davis at Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church.
HR 492 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Freddie and Daisy Maura on their 40th wedding anniversary.
HR 503 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Gerald Smith on being named the recipient of an Outstanding Texan Award by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 504 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Charles H. Johnson on his receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 515 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Kashmere Senior High School Band and its director, William Portis, for receiving an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 516 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Deandra L. McCullough for her achievements, including her recent receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 517 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Mae Belle Anderson on receiving an Outstanding Texan Award from the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 518 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Larry Easely on his receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 519 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating William L. Russo on being named an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 526 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Gloria J. Gorham on her receipt of an Outstanding Texan Award by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 532 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the 65th birthday of Bertha M. Dorian.
HR 575 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Student Government Association of the University of Houston-Downtown for sponsoring "Community Service Outreach Day."
HR 616 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing April 12, 1999, as Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Legislative Day at the Capitol.
HR 674 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Calvin Owens of Houston on his 70th birthday.
HR 756 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston radio legend Rick Roberts.
HR 757 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston radio legend George "Boo-Ga-Loo" Frazier.
HR 758 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston radio legend Skipper Lee.
HR 759 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Houston radio legend George Nelson.
HR 760 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Mrs.Rose Marie Banks Graham on the 50th anniversary of her graduation.
HR 802 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the members and staff of the Union Memorial United Methodist Church Youth Department.
HR 900 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Helen Ruth Hall on her retirement after 45 years of teaching.
HR 1261 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the centennial of Houston's Mt. Sinai Baptist Church.
75th Regular Session
HB 504 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 505 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to qualification as a self-insurer to satisfy certain evidence of financial responsibility requirements.
HB 506 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to a bill of review by a civil court.
HB 507 Last Action: Committee report printed and distributed
Caption: Relating to educational and employment experience requirements for certain individuals hired as guards in facilities that house inmates; providing a penalty.
HB 508 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the secrecy of grand jury proceedings.
HB 509 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to considering high school ratings in undergraduate admissions and scholarship awards at a public institution of higher education.
HB 642 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a bill of particulars in a criminal case.
HB 643 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to compliance with financial reporting requirements as a qualification for public office.
HB 695 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the forfeiture of motor vehicles used in the commission of certain offenses involving prostitution.
HB 696 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to court reporting firms.
HB 697 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/97
Caption: Relating to contracting by court reporters.
HB 705 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the right of a person arrested for the offense of public intoxication to request an analysis of the person's blood or breath to determine intoxication.
HB 909 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/97
Caption: Relating to amending certain provisions of the Insurance Code, concerning authorized investments of insurers, specifically, Articles 2.10, 3.33, 3.39-1, 3.39-2, 9.18, and 21.39-B.
HB 946 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to administration of medication to public school students for treatment of certain disorders.
HB 988 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to exemptions from state assessment instruments administered to public school students.
HB 989 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to submission of proof of financial responsibility in connection with registration of a transferred motor vehicle.
HB 1001 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/97
Caption: Relating to eligibility requirements for voting by persons convicted of a felony.
HB 1002 Last Action: Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
Caption: Relating to access to certain law enforcement and prosecutorial records under the open records law.
HB 1057 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the punishment for and the jurisdiction over certain traffic offenses committed by minors.
HB 1105 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the establishment of basic skills academies in certain school districts.
HB 1106 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to programs for public school students with autism or pervasive development disorder.
HB 1141 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to termination of employment requirements regarding certain employees; providing a civil penalty.
HB 1504 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/97
Caption: Relating to the reimbursement of jurors.
HB 1505 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to an annual one-week suspension of the sales and use tax.
HB 1506 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the use of program weights under the foundation school program.
HB 1507 Last Action: Effective in 90 days -- 9/01/97
Caption: Relating to limiting the liability of certain persons involved in an issuance of securities by a small business.
HB 1745 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to an intervenor's liability for attorney's fees and costs in certain civil actions.
HB 1746 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the recovery of damages for deprivation of a right secured by the state constitution.
HB 1814 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to personal information about jurors.
HB 1815 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to injunctive proceedings to restrain the use of an insurance business practice.
HB 2024 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to permitting policyholder dividends for multiple lines of insurance.
HB 2136 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to requiring the consent of local governments to place a correctional or rehabilitation facility in certain areas.
HB 2137 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to assignment pay for fire fighters and police officers in certain municipalities.
HB 2237 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the salaries of public school teachers and administrators.
HB 2238 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to evidence of discrimination in a suit involving university admissions.
HB 2536 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to bail, the forfeiture of bail, and the licensing and regulation of bail bondsmen.
HB 2547 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the specification of venue for actions arising from certain major transactions.
HB 2751 Last Action: Referred to Insurance
Caption: Relating to regulation of policy forms for certain lines of insurance.
HB 2885 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to discipline of public school students.
HB 2886 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain rules and regulations adopted by the commissioner of insurance with respect to title insurance.
HB 2887 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to promotional or educational activities of title insurance entities.
HB 3181 Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the classifications of police officers within the Department of Public Safety.
HB 3262 Last Action: Referred to Financial Institutions
Caption: Relating to requiring all state banks to comply with the federal Community Reinvestment Act.
HB 3263 Last Action: Effective in 90 days -- 9/01/97
Caption: Relating to the sale of tax foreclosed property.
HB 3264 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the regulation and policy forms of certain lines of insurance.
HCR 283 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of Donna Ringoringo.
HCR 312 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Designating October 15, 1997, and October 21, 1998, as Legislators in Schools Day.
HJR 55 Last Action: Filed with the Secretary of State
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to a deadline for supreme court action on a motion for rehearing.
HJR 56 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to prescribe compliance with financial reporting requirements as a qualification for public office.
HR 24 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Josephine Radford Edwards.
HR 488 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring David Lattin for his contributions to the legacy of athletic achievement in Texas.
HR 534 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Kristal Gayle Walker on the occasion of her 16th birthday.
HR 569 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Officer Alvin Gills on being named an outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 570 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Gregory Porter.
HR 571 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Leon Sandles on being named an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 572 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Earl "Ben" White on being named an outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 573 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Robert L. Gray.
HR 574 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Calvin McAdams.
HR 594 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jackie Bernard Carr on being named an Outstanding Texan by the Texas Legislative Black Caucus.
HR 713 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing April 28, 1997, as Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Legislative Day at the Capitol.
HR 823 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Viola Beatrice Jackson Bracelet on the occasion of her 90th birthday.
HR 1024 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Loreece Pierreauguste on the occasion of her retirement.
HR 1025 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Glenn Portia McGowan on the occasion of her retirement.
HR 1358 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. 133.
HR 1390 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Connie Kirk on the occasion of her birthday.
74th Regular Session
HB 616 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the waiver of a trial by jury by a defendant in a criminal case.
HB 622 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to protection of an employee in the private sector who reports certain activities; providing a civil penalty.
HB 633 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the admission of a child to first grade.
HB 637 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/95
Caption: Relating to certification of court reporters.
HB 972 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to discovery in a criminal case.
HB 973 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the right of a defendant in a criminal case to a speedy trial.
HB 1067 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a franchise tax credit for a corporation that provides a loaned teacher to a school district.
HB 1068 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to exempting videotapes of court depositions from the sales and use tax.
HB 1069 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the requirements for highway construction in an urban district.
HB 1118 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to eligibility requirements for voting by persons convicted of a felony.
HB 1120 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the performance of law enforcement functions in certain counties.
HB 1121 Last Action: Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
Caption: Relating to the offense of possessing, manufacturing, transporting, repairing, or selling a prohibited weapon.
HB 1135 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the recording of the operations of a grand jury.
HB 1174 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to access to school textbooks.
HB 1175 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to prohibiting the use of nonjudicial methods to exclude residential tenants for nonpayment of rent.
HB 1228 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a bill of particulars in a criminal case.
HB 1306 Last Action: Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to payment for a statement of facts in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship.
HB 1307 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the commissioners court to establish a commission for the homeless and to require the collection of a fee to finance the commission.
HB 1308 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to certain vacant single-family houses in certain municipalities; providing a civil penalty.
HB 1309 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to declination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of certain insurance coverage.
HB 1314 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the use of a motor vehicle by a peace officer in pursuit of a person.
HB 1365 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the reformation of sentences in criminal cases.
HB 1366 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/95
Caption: Relating to information in county records and on death certificates concerning places in which remains are interred; providing civil penalties.
HB 1367 Last Action: Effective in 90 days -- 8/28/95
Caption: Relating to certain acts of unfair discrimination in the business of insurance and certain methods, programs, and mechanisms for providing property and casualty insurance in underserved areas; providing administrative penalties.
HB 1368 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to default judgments entered by justice courts.
HB 1474 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to providing certain tenants the opportunity to cure a default under a lease.
HB 1721 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to abolishing county boards of education, boards of county school trustees, and offices of county school superintendent.
HB 1722 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to placement of motor vehicle insurance in affiliated insurers.
HB 1723 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 1724 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the use of installment payment plans for premiums required for certain motor vehicle insurance.
HB 1725 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to exempting court reporting services from the sales and use tax.
HB 1768 Last Action: No action taken in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the offense of unlawful carrying of a handgun.
HB 1769 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to establishing employee grievance procedures for certain municipalities.
HB 1812 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the authority of law enforcement personnel employed by certain mass transit authorities to enforce traffic laws.
HB 1813 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to eligibility for qualification as a self-insurer to satisfy certain proof of financial responsibility requirements.
HB 1814 Last Action: Referred to Judicial Affairs
Caption: Relating to the Court Reporters Certification Board.
HB 1815 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the application of municipal ordinances in certain areas annexed by a municipality.
HB 1816 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the enforcement of an order for the payment of attorney's fees by contempt in certain proceedings.
HB 1817 Last Action: Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to the retrieval of personal property after the entry of certain temporary orders in a suit for divorce.
HB 2056 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to requiring certain child support obligees to file a monthly income and expense statement.
HB 2057 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the authority of law enforcement personnel employed by certain mass transit authorities to enforce traffic laws.
HB 2058 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of video draw poker; imposing a tax; providing civil and criminal penalties.
HB 2319 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the seizure and sale for delinquent ad valorem taxes of abandoned real property in a municipality.
HB 2320 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of the Texas Real Estate Inspector Board and the regulation of real estate inspectors; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 2557 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to establishing the Harris County Law Enforcement Agency.
HB 2558 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to the right of a person arrested for the offense of public intoxication to request an analysis of the person's blood or breath to determine intoxication.
HB 2559 Last Action: Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
Caption: Relating to the offense of unlawful transfer of certain weapons and to the civil liability of a licensed firearms dealer for damages caused by a firearm unlawfully transferred by the dealer.
HB 2560 Last Action: Referred to Juvenile Justice & Family Issues
Caption: Relating to authorizing a juvenile court to require a child on probation to attend a religious education class.
HB 2561 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the appointment and duties of a jail administrator in certain counties.
HB 2562 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the availability of certain educational programs at certain schools in a school district.
HB 2563 Last Action: Posting rule suspended
Caption: Relating to initiatives for small businesses and rights and remedies under The Securities Act.
HB 2564 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Harris County Hospital District to contract with the Houston Independent School District for the provision of certain health care services.
HB 2647 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the rules for general application of the Texas Department of Insurance.
HB 2829 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to appeals and notices of appeals in criminal cases.
HB 2830 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain forms filed by private foundations.
HB 2831 Last Action: Laid on table subject to call in committee
Caption: Relating to royalty rates applicable to certain oil and gas properties on public lands.
HB 2847 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to venue of suits involving the issue of boxing championships.
HCR 99 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of John Wesley Peavy, Sr.
HCR 123 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Commending Dr. Donald Ray McNeal for his service as pastor of First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church.
HCR 213 Last Action: Referred to Transportation
Caption: Requesting the attorney general to investigate traffic ticket traps.
HCR 251 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Instructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. 1367.
HJR 5 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to regulation by the legislature of a prosecutor's preparation for trial.
HJR 47 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize school districts to purchase personal injury protection insurance to cover students who are injured while riding as passengers in a vehicle operated by or for the school district.
HJR 63 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the office of sheriff in Harris County.
HJR 78 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the qualifications of judges of district courts.
HJR 100 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the offices of constable and sheriff and certain municipal police departments in Harris County and to establish the Harris County Law Enforcement Agency.
HR 77 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Bishop Louis Henry Ford.
HR 431 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commemorating the 70th anniversary of Pine Crest Presbyterian Church of Houston.
HR 485 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Welcoming Kappa Alpha Psi to the State Capitol on the occasion of the organization's second annual Texas Legislative Day.
HR 598 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Frankie Renee Jordan on her 78th birthday.
HR 614 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Frank Beynon.
HR 622 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring John Elliott Westberry.
HR 623 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Amy Hernandez.
HR 643 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring George Foreman.
HR 644 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Reverend Louis Blount.
HR 645 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Helen Wheatley.
HR 648 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Tyrone Dorian.
HR 649 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Harold V. Dutton, Sr.
HR 651 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Bernadette Presley-Selexman.
HR 911 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Philip Lader for his distinguished service.
HR 972 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Mildred Gregory on the occasion of her retirement.
HR 1013 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Felton Lawrence on their 60th wedding anniversary.
HR 1041 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Tonya Hill for her selection as Crawford Elementary School's Student of the Year.
HR 1043 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Michael Carty on his selection as HISD Exceptional Education Teacher of the Year.
HR 1148 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring John Elliott Westberry.
HR 1189 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring St. Mary's United Methodist Church on its 46th anniversary.
HR 1209 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Rose Marie Blount on her retirement.
HR 1218 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, H.B. 1367.
73rd Regular Session
HB 504 Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the regulation of the transfer of handguns and to the inclusion of assault and semiautomatic rifles in the list of prohibited weapons; providing criminal penalties.
HB 505 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Commission on Economically Disadvantaged and Minority Youth.
HB 506 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to fines collected for parking violations at public institutions of higher education.
HB 507 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 508 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the keeping of suspected mentally ill persons in jail.
HB 509 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the availability of certain educational programs at certain schools in a school district.
HB 510 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the waiver of a trial by jury by a defendant in a criminal case.
HB 511 Last Action: Referred to Business & Industry
Caption: Relating to the disclosure of information about certain musical performances; providing civil penalties.
HB 512 Last Action: Coauthor Authorized
Caption: Relating to enhancement of the penalty for adults who commit certain drug offenses while in the presence of minors.
HB 651 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the prohibition of certain discriminatory employment practices.
HB 693 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the election of certain district court judges.
HB 707 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the right of an individual arrested for the offense of public intoxication to request an analysis of the individual's blood to determine intoxication.
HB 708 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the composition, powers, duties, and change of the name of the Interagency Council for Services for the Homeless.
HB 824 Last Action: Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/93
Caption: Relating to the sale or exchange of land by a home-rule municipality.
HB 825 Last Action: Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/93
Caption: Relating to the authority of a municipality to correct certain violations of municipal sanitation regulations.
HB 833 Last Action: Referred to County Affairs
Caption: Relating to the authority of the commissioners court to establish a commission for the homeless and to require the collection of a fee to finance the commission.
HB 927 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to establishing a parole jury in a county with a population of 2.8 million or more to make determinations of parole eligibility for inmates serving sentences for felony offenses committed in the county.
HB 928 Last Action: Committee report sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the licensing and training of peace officers, jailers and reserve law enforcement officers by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.
HB 1110 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to liability for infliction of emotional distress during an employment dispute.
HB 1111 Last Action: Meeting cancelled
Caption: Relating to default judgments entered by justice courts.
HB 1112 Last Action: Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
Caption: Relating to certain vacant single-family houses in certain municipalities; providing a civil penalty.
HB 1409 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the performance of law enforcement functions in certain counties.
HB 1410 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the requirements for highway construction in an urban district.
HB 1411 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the powers of a neighborhood enterprise association.
HB 1412 Last Action: Referred to County Affairs
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the ability of county civil service employees to run for certain elective offices.
HB 1413 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to assistance to disadvantaged businesses in professional services contracts.
HB 1414 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the admission of a child to first grade.
HB 1518 Last Action: Referred to Judicial Affairs
Caption: Relating to authorizing a juvenile court to require a child on probation to attend a religious education class.
HB 1724 Last Action: Referred to Judicial Affairs
Caption: Relating to the taking of depositions.
HB 1725 Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the offense of unlawful transfer of certain weapons and to the civil liability of a licensed firearms dealer for damages caused by a firearm unlawfully transferred by the dealer.
HB 1732 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to municipal civil service.
HB 1872 Last Action: Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/93
Caption: Relating to certain building projects as enterprise zones and the authority of neighborhood enterprise associations in those zones.
HB 2073 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/93
Caption: Relating to the practice of court reporting and taking of depositions.
HB 2074 Last Action: Referred to County Affairs
Caption: Relating to the appointment of a jail administrator in certain counties.
HB 2075 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to procurement of goods and services for the state from certain small or disadvantaged businesses.
HB 2076 Last Action: Considered in Calendars
Caption: Relating to the registration of tow trucks.
HB 2479 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to the right of certain municipalities to maintain local control over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.
HB 2480 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/93
Caption: Relating to provisions in an automobile rental agreement.
HB 2490 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to unfair business practices by a gas utility and its affiliate.
HCM 320 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating Alicia Gooden for receiving the Texas Legislative Black Caucus' "Future African-American Leader" Award.
HCM 321 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating Reverend Edward T. Triem for receiving the Texas Legislative Black Caucus' "Outstanding Texan Award" in community and public service.
HCM 322 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating William L. Allee, Jr., for receiving the Texas Legislative Black Caucus' "Outstanding Texan Award" in business.
HCM 323 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating Perry Wooten for receiving the Texas Legislative Black Caucus' "Outstanding Texan Award" in law enforcement.
HCM 324 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating Lloyd C.A. Wells for receiving the Texas Legislative Black Caucus' "Outstanding Texan Award" in sports.
HCM 325 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating Kevin Jackson for receiving the Texas Legislative Black Caucus' "Future African-American Leader" award.
HCM 326 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating Theaola Grimble Robinson for receiving the Texas Legislative Black Caucus' "Outstanding Texan Award" in education.
HCM 327 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating Anna Washington Curtis for receiving the Texas Legislative Black Caucus' "Outstanding Texan Award" in the professional field.
HCM 1182 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating the Eighth Grade Class of John Marshall Middle School for their promotion program "Cherish the Moment".
HCR 116 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Requesting the speaker of the house of representatives and the lieutenant governor to direct the House Committee on Insurance and the Senate Committee on Economic Development to conduct a joint study of the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan.
HCR 131 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Designating the day after sine die adjournment of the regular session as Texas Smile Day.
HJR 30 Last Action: Coauthor Authorized
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to a right of privacy.
HJR 31 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize school districts to purchase personal injury protection insurance to cover students who are injured while riding as passengers in a vehicle operated by or for the school district.
HJR 71 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the office of sheriff in Harris County.
HR 272 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Frettie Jones on being named the Region 11 Outstanding Employee of the Year for the Texas Department of Human Services.
HR 285 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Mary E. Dawson for her outstanding community service efforts in the fight against cancer.
HR 322 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Erma Kocurek for her contributions to the field of cosmetology.
HR 332 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending honorees of the Missouri City/Houston Metro Chapter of National Women of Achievement, Incorporated.
HR 391 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Reverend Charles L. Jackson.
HR 416 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Reverend Edward T. Triem for his 25 years of service to Pine Crest Presbyterian Church.
HR 476 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity on the occasion of their first annual Texas Legislative Day and welcoming them to the State Capitol.
HR 506 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jason Crabtree on his attainment of the rank of Eagle Scout.
HR 533 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending J. Ray Wilson on the occasion of his retirement.
HR 570 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Elder Prince Earl Bryant, Sr., for his 30 years of exceptional service to the Church of God in Christ and the city of Houston.
HR 880 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the eighth grade class of John Marshall Middle School.
72nd Regular Session
HB 440 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the availability of certain educational programs at certain schools in a school district.
HB 441 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the subpoena or attachment of certain witnesses by a grand jury.
HB 442 Last Action: Posting rule suspended
Caption: Relating to compensatory education funds.
HB 443 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the admissibility of hearsay evidence in an examining trial.
HB 444 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the duties of a grand jury and the manner in which subpoenas relating to the grand jury process are issued.
HB 791 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the age requirements for compulsory attendance at public schools.
HB 792 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to certain information to be included in a utility's notice of its intent to change rates.
HB 793 Last Action: Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
Caption: Relating to the imposition of a surcharge on credit sales.
HB 794 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of debt collectors; providing a penalty.
HB 795 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the amount of paid premiums an insurer may retain on cancellation of a motor vehicle insurance policy within a certain time.
HB 796 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of an equity participation investment program and state investment in certain franchises.
HB 797 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the waiver of a trial by jury by a defendant in a criminal case.
HB 798 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the disclosure of information about certain musical performances; providing civil penalties.
HB 799 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/91
Caption: Relating to disadvantaged businesses owned by minorities or women in relation to state purchasing and public works contracts; providing a criminal penalty.
HB 800 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to enhancement of the penalty for adults who commit certain drug offenses while in the presence of minors.
HB 801 Last Action: Referred to Judicial Affairs
Caption: Relating to the right to counsel of a person called to testify before a grand jury; providing penalties.
HB 802 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a subcontractor's lien for labor or materials.
HB 803 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of the transfer of handguns and to the inclusion of assault and semiautomatic rifles in the list of prohibited weapons; providing criminal penalties.
HB 804 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the imposition, collection, administration, civil and criminal enforcement, and allocation of taxes on aviation fuels and the use of aviation fuel tax revenues.
HB 945 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.
HB 946 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the commissioners court to establish a commission for the homeless and to require the collection of a fee to finance the commission.
HB 972 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to certain vacant single-family houses in certain municipalities; providing a civil penalty.
HB 973 Last Action: Referred to Transportation
Caption: Relating to fees for state railroad safety inspections.
HB 974 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to sales and use tax and franchise tax relief for certain businesses located in an enterprise zone.
HB 975 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to elimination of the runoff primary election and to modification of related procedures, dates, and deadlines.
HB 1032 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to certain commercial transactions.
HB 1067 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to notification to the public utility commission of rate increases by a television cable system.
HB 1068 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to fines collected for parking violations at public institutions of higher education.
HB 1157 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the automatic expunction of criminal records.
HB 1233 Last Action: Placed on intent calendar
Caption: Relating to release of claims by a judgment creditor after satisfaction of judgment; providing for a civil penalty.
HB 1434 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to establishing a parole jury in a county with a population of 2.4 million or more to make determinations of parole eligibility for inmates serving sentences for felony offenses committed in the county.
HB 1516 Last Action: Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
Caption: Relating to an annual tax on newspaper subscriptions; providing a penalty.
HB 1517 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the cost of obtaining a birth certificate for certain persons applying for food stamps or emergency health or welfare assistance.
HB 1580 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to certain interest and fees that may be charged under certain premium finance agreements for insurance policies.
HB 1624 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the keeping of suspected mentally ill persons in jail.
HB 1764 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Commission on Economically Disadvantaged and Minority Youth.
HB 1765 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to an area that may be designated as an enterprise zone.
HB 1766 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the cancellation of a permit to sell prepaid funeral services or merchandise.
HB 1767 Last Action: Effective in 90 days -- 8/26/91
Caption: Relating to the retention of business records.
HB 2177 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the offenses of aggravated assault and deadly assault on an employee of a county, municipal, or private jail, an employee of the institutional division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, or a member of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice.
HB 2178 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to discrimination in employment.
HB 2179 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the minority recruitment and mentorship program for engineering research in superconductivity administered by the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission.
HB 2180 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of the transfer of handguns and to the inclusion of assault and semiautomatic rifles in the list of prohibited weapons; providing criminal penalties.
HB 2286 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the sale of certain mixtures of gasoline and alcohol.
HB 2452 Last Action: Referred to Judicial Affairs
Caption: Relating to limiting the period in which suit may be brought on a contract and requiring notice of a claim under a contract.
HB 2631 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to historically underutilized businesses; providing penalties.
HB 2632 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation and operation of a Texas workers' compensation insurance fund and the creation of the Texas Workers' Compensation Insurance Fund Board; providing an appropriation.
HB 2633 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the provision by the state of surety bonds for historically underutilized businesses.
HB 2634 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to a capital growth and start-up fund for historically underutilized businesses.
HB 2692 Last Action: Referred to Labor & Employment Relations
Caption: Relating to the administration and operation of certain job training programs by the Texas Employment Commission.
HB 2693 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to liability of subscribers and shareholders of Texas business corporations.
HB 2694 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to easements granted by the Board of Criminal Justice.
HB 2821 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to a requirement that an operator service make a live operator available.
HCR 97 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring Pastor Charles Lewis Jackson on his exemplary record of achievement.
HCR 145 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring Dr. Thomas F. Freeman on the occasion of his 40th anniversary as minister of the Mt. Horem Baptist Church.
HJR 48 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of a constitutional revision commission and the convening of a constitutional convention.
HJR 56 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Calendars
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize school districts to purchase personal injury protection insurance to cover students who are injured while riding as passengers in a vehicle operated by or for the school district.
HJR 97 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the issuance of general revenue bonds to provide surety bonds for historically underutilized businesses.
HJR 112 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to a right of privacy.
HR 3 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the participants in the District 142 Capitol Scholars Program.
HR 328 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the First Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church of Houston on the occasion of its 100th anniversary.
HR 329 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Charles D. Walton.
HR 352 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the participants in the Legislative District 142 Capitol Scholars Program.
HR 483 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Congressman Craig Washington.
HR 1039 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Army Sergeant First Class Walter Don Garner for his many years of service to his country.
HR 1074 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Captain Mark Curran and Officer C.C. Tanksley of the Houston Police Department for their outstanding contributions to the betterment of their community.
72nd 1st Called Session
HB 69 Last Action: Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to a neighborhood enterprise association providing services or carrying out projects in an enterprise zone.
HB 147 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to the administration of juvenile probation and parole programs.
HB 148 Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Caption: Relating to the licensing and training of peace officers, jailers and reserve law enforcement officers by the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education and to a college loan program for peace officers; imposing additional court costs on criminal offenders.
HB 234 Last Action: Referred to Retirement & Aging
Caption: Relating to credit in, contributions to, and benefits and administration of retirement systems for police officers in certain municipalities.
HR 38 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Desso Douglas on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 44 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jacquelyn Gates for her many contributions as a business leader and humanitarian.
HR 225 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Constance Houston Thompson.
HR 236 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the organizers of the Teen Health Symposium.
72nd 2nd Called Session
HR 24 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Jesse and Vernice Balthazar on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.
71st Regular Session
HB 335 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal.
Caption: Relating to the authority of the commissioners court to establish a commission for the homeless and to require the collection of a fee to finance the commission.
HB 388 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the waiver of a trial by jury by a defendant in a criminal case.
HB 389 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the establishment, enforcement, and collection of child support, and to the establishment of paternity.
HB 394 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in s/c
Caption: Relating to the punishment for an offense in regard to which the defendant is criminally responsible for the conduct of a person younger than 17 years of age.
HB 434 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the deposit of school district funds.
HB 435 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to financing surplus lines insurance premiums.
HB 436 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the authority of certain counties to establish programs to improve the extent to which women and minority businesses are awarded county contracts.
HB 437 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to estimates for automobile repairs.
HB 445 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to changing the name of the Railroad Commission of Texas.
HB 500 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to compensatory education funds.
HB 523 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to tuition rates for certain students enrolled at general academic teaching institutions.
HB 999 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the availability of certain educational programs at certain schools in a school district.
HB 1000 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the employment of nurses in certain school districts.
HB 1001 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to a public school teacher's planning and preparation time.
HB 1003 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to an indictment for aggravated perjury committed before a grand jury.
HB 1004 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the presence in the grand jury room of the attorney representing the state.
HB 1005 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the subpoena or attachment of certain witnesses by a grand jury.
HB 1006 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the examination of witnesses and statements made before a grand jury.
HB 1007 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the duties of a grand jury and the manner in which subpoenas relating to the grand jury process are issued.
HB 1008 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to state purchasing contracts, state public works contracts, and contractors who are women or who belong to certain disadvantaged minority groups; providing a penalty.
HB 1129 Last Action: Referred to Insurance
Caption: Relating to the division of consumer protection and the public counsel for matters relating to insurance.
HB 1209 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to acceptance of a check by certain businesses.
HB 1210 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to a notice concerning subcontractors given to a property owner.
HB 1386 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in comm.
Caption: Relating to the administration and coordination of job training and related employment programs in the state.
HB 1436 Last Action: Referred to Higher Education
Caption: Relating to the exemption of certain students from taking the academic skills test required of students enrolled in public institutions of higher education.
HB 1559 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to the imposition, collection, administration, civil and criminal enforcement, and allocation of taxes on aviation fuels and the use of aviation fuel tax revenues.
HB 1735 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of persons who practice public accountancy; providing penalties.
HB 1744 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of the transfer of handguns and to the inclusion of assault and semiautomatic rifles in the list of prohibited weapons; providing criminal penalties.
HB 1874 Last Action: Effective in 90 days-8/28/89
Caption: Relating to issuance of municipal certificates of obligation for the demolition of dangerous structures.
HB 1875 Last Action: Referred to Economic Development
Caption: Relating to the amount of paid premiums an insurer may retain on cancellation of motor vehicle insurance policies within a certain time.
HB 1933 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to sales and use tax relief for certain businesses located in an enterprise zone.
HB 2055 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of perpetual care cemeteries; providing a penalty.
HB 2087 Last Action: Pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the creation of an equity participation investment program and state investment in certain franchises.
HB 2182 Last Action: Pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of a home-rule municipality to require that substandard buildings be repaired, demolished, or secured.
HB 2570 Last Action: Pending in committee
Caption: Relating to medical professional liability insurance policies or renewals.
HB 2571 Last Action: Pending in committee
Caption: Relating to liability of subscribers and shareholders of Texas business corporations.
HB 2587 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in comm.
Caption: Relating to limitation of liability of directors of certain corporations, associations or other organizations.
HB 3201 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/89
Caption: Relating to the offense of retaliation committed because a person reported a crime.
HCR 83 Last Action: Referred to Public Health
Caption: Directing the Department of Health to study the closings of inner city hospitals.
HCR 115 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Requesting the speaker and lieutenant governor to create a special joint interim committee to study state regulation of proprietary schools.
HCR 211 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring the Delegates to the 85th National Baptist Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Congress.
HR 95 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Elston M. Howard.
HR 96 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Authorizing the Legislative Black Caucus to use the house chamber on Friday, March 24, 1989.
HR 108 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Artice "C Boy" Vaughn.
HR 284 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Lyons Unity Missionary Baptist Church on its 25th anniversary.
HR 285 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Patricia Heileman.
HR 701 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Team of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law.
71st 1st Called Session
HCR 32 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Requesting Congress to require that American flags be manufactured using fire-retardant materials.
HR 69 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Deloise and Raleigh Faine.
71st 2nd Called Session
HB 119 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Relating to the powers and duties of the Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.
HCR 21 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Rozell Harmon.
HR 159 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Ernest Ray Reese.
HR 160 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Yolanda Alvarado.
71st 3rd Called Session
HCR 16 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Commemorating the life of Emily West, "The Yellow Rose of Texas."
HR 99 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Dr. A. Louis Patterson.
71st 4th Called Session
HB 83 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the salaries of certain public school personnel.
HR 63 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring visiting students from Phillis Wheatley High School in Houston.
71st 5th Called Session
HR 52 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Christia Daniel Adair.
HR 53 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Moses LeRoy.
HR 74 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Law Memorial Church of God in Christ on its 65th anniversary.
HR 128 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Dr. Milton Wilson.
HR 129 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Robert Lee Gray.
HR 141 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Kevin Pruitt.
HR 159 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Jewel McGowen.
HR 172 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Zoia Lemelle Jones.
70th Regular Session
HB 282 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the authorization of a public hearing to discuss the abatement of public nuisances on premises in certain municipalities.
HB 602 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to tuition rates for certain students enrolled at general academic teaching institutions.
HB 610 Last Action: Reported favorably with substitute
Caption: Relating to state public works contracts and contractors who belong to certain minority groups.
HB 620 Last Action: Effective in 90 days-8/31/87
Caption: Relating to certain types of discrimination by insurers.
HB 660 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the expenditure of funds by the Harris County Adult Probation Department.
HB 690 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to certain information to be included in a utility's notice of its intent to change rates.
HB 740 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the imposition and rate of motor fuel taxes and the allocation of revenue from motor fuel taxes.
HB 743 Last Action: Testimony received in committee
Caption: Relating to financing surplus lines of insurance premiums.
HB 744 Last Action: Effective in 90 days-8/31/87
Caption: Relating to the regulation of prepaid funeral services.
HB 754 Last Action: Referred to Judiciary
Caption: Relating to the liability of a parent for damages caused by the conduct of the parent's child.
HB 873 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to authorizing the Texas Department of Corrections to conduct tests on inmates before their release from the department for acquired immune deficiency syndrome and related disorders.
HB 994 Last Action: Effective in 90 days-8/31/87
Caption: Relating to purchasing requirements by certain navigation districts and port authorities; providing criminal penalties.
HB 1016 Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Relating to the compensation of a retired judge assigned as a vistiting judge.
HB 1017 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to estimates for automobile repairs.
HB 1073 Last Action: Pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the imposition of a surcharge on credit sales.
HB 1242 Last Action: Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the authority of certain counties to establish programs to improve the extent to which women and minority businesses are awarded county contracts.
HB 1252 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to polygraph examinations of certain police officers and fire fighters.
HB 1375 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the election of grand jurors and the manner in which indictments are returned in a felony case.
HB 2589 Last Action: Placed on General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the deposit of school district funds.
HCR 11 Last Action: Filed
Caption: Providing for canvass of votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor and appointing a committee to arrange for a joint session and inauguration ceremony.
HJR 45 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment permitting the use of certain motor fuel tax revenues for general governmental purposes.
HJR 51 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to determine the manner in which indictments are presented to courts.
HR 208 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Fifth Ward Enrichment Program.
HR 213 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Frank P. Walker, Jr.
HR 343 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Kashmere High School of Houston.
HR 374 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Wheatley High School of Houston on its 60th anniversary.
HR 472 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend R. Solomon Rose.
HR 592 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Mount Ararat Missionary Baptist Church of Houston.
HR 598 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Alcus Greer for his service on the Commission on Fire Protection Personnel Standards and Education.
HR 599 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Althea Lewis Renfro.
HR 741 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend C. D. Daniels, Jr.
70th 2nd Called Session
HB 25 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the imposition of a surcharge on credit sales.
HB 132 Last Action: Referred to Judicial Affairs
Caption: Relating to retired judges assigned as visiting judges.
HB 149 Last Action: Referred to Public Education
Caption: Relating to the deposit of certain school district funds.
HB 160 Last Action: Referred to Energy
Caption: Relating to changing the name of the Railroad Commission of Texas.
HR 8 Caption: Establishing a special interim committee to identify state alternatives for providing assistance to women- and minority-owned businesses.
HR 87 Caption: Honoring the Reverend Edwin A. Davis.
69th Regular Session
HB 472 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to prohibiting issuance of permits for certain solid waste facilities to be used for commercial processing, storing, or disposing of Class I industrial solid waste or hazardous waste.
HB 612 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in comm.
Caption: Relating to the rights of employees of the state and its political subdivisions.
HB 661 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to the location of and notice required for the establishment of restitution centers in Harris County.
HB 885 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the questioning of witnesses before a grand jury.
HB 886 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the person authorized to issue process in the name of a grand jury.
HB 887 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to a requirement that a hearing be held prior to an exercise of prosecutorial discretion made in exchange for the testimony of a person in the prosecution of another and to the availability of a record of that hearing to certain persons.
HB 888 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the selection of a grand jury and to procedures before the grand jury.
HB 889 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to an indictment for aggravated perjury if the offense is alleged to have been committed before a grand jury.
HB 890 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the right to counsel of a person called to testify before a grand jury.
HB 891 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to requiring financial assurance as a condition to the issuance, amendment, extension, or renewal of a permit for a solid waste facility for disposal of hazardous waste.
HB 892 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to uncompensated duty for certain fire fighters and police officers.
HB 893 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in s/c
Caption: Relating to certain information to be included in a utility's notice of its intent to change rates.
HB 969 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in s/c
Caption: Relating to state public work contracts and contractors who belong to certain minority groups.
HB 1172 Last Action: Record vote
Caption: Relating to the authorizing of a public hearing to discuss the abatement of nuisances on premises in certain cities.
HB 1548 Last Action: Considered in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the authority of certain counties to construct, improve, maintain, or repair city streets and alleys with the consent of the city.
HB 1740 Last Action: Referred to Energy
Caption: Relating to regulation of certain refinery equipment; providing penalties.
HB 2206 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to certain types of discrimination by insurers.
HR 97 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Mr. Newell W. Evans, Sr. of Houston.
HR 98 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending our Mother of Mercy School on 55 years of operation.
HR 99 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Extending congratulations to the coaches and players of the Canyon High School Football Team.
HR 102 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Congressman George "Mickey" Leland on being named chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus.
HR 179 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Pine Crest Presbyterian Church of Houston.
HR 258 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Honorable El Franco Lee on being elected Harris County Commissioner.
HR 259 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring E. O. Smith Junior High School in Houston.
HR 260 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Lorane and Cleo Ashley on their 50th wedding anniversary.
HR 284 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the Reverend Hugh Pope of Houston.
HR 331 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Welcoming the senior citizens of the Julia C. Hester House in Houston.
HR 349 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Houston on its 50th anniversary.
HR 418 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the Reverend C. Raye West and his wife, Billie West.
69th 2nd Called Session
HB 48 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the imposition and rate of motor fuel taxes and the allocation of revenue from motor fuel taxes.
HJR 9 Last Action: Referred to Ways & Means
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment permitting the use of certain motor fuel tax revenues for general governmental purposes.
HR 72 Caption: Congratulating Johnnie and Frankie Jordan on their 50th wedding anniversary.
69th 3rd Called Session
HB 35 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to the imposition and rate of motor fuel taxes and the allocation of revenue from motor fuel taxes.
HJR 8 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment permitting the use of certain motor fuel tax revenues for general governmental purposes.
HR 4 Caption: Requesting the Public Utility Commission to conduct a study of state regulation of the cable television industry.
HR 22 Caption: In memory of Ronald Flagg.