Selected newspaper articles related to Frank Tejeda

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Entries marked with are biographical in nature.

Headline Newspaper Columnist Date
The meteoric rise, and fall, of indicted Texas state Sen. Carlos Uresti San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 05/21/17
Relatively speaking, all is quiet on the South Side political front San Antonio Express News  Castillo, J. 01/31/08
Child sex abuse bill is wrong solution San Antonio Express News  Millsap, S. 03/08/07
Politician followed his heart San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 12/01/06
Madla is remembered at Mass San Antonio Express News  Danini, C. 12/01/06
In Austin, he usually worked behind the scenes San Antonio Express News  Jefferson, G. 11/25/06
Madla gave valuable service to S.A., Texas San Antonio Express News  Editorial 11/25/06
Dist. 118 Republican has Demo backing San Antonio Express News  Jefferson, G. 07/27/06
Madla's fall is end of South Side trio San Antonio Express News  Jefferson, G. 03/09/06
Area bases now lack clout in D.C. San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 01/28/05
Standing proud forever San Antonio Express News  Rodriguez, R. 12/18/04
Lawyers plotting to unseat Villarreal should recall Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Casey, R. 04/02/03
Investigation casts shadow over Madla San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 09/02/00
Political landscape forever changed in '97 San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 12/25/97
Race for Henry B.'s congressional seat off and running behind the scenes San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 11/29/97
Gonzalez departure will be end of era Dallas Morning News  Camia, C. 09/05/97
Post office is named for Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Hoholik, S. 08/24/97
Tejeda to be remembered in ceremonies San Antonio Express News    08/21/97
Mistaken identity puts wrong lawmaker on front page El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 04/28/97
House bill would name portion of U.S. 281 in honor of Tejeda San Antonio Express News    04/23/97
D.C. remembers Tejeda with Capitol memorial San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 03/06/97
Ceremony to honor Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 03/05/97
Congress names post office for Tejeda San Antonio Express News    02/27/97
Demos outnumber GOP in race for Tejeda's slot San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 02/23/97
Fellow Marine recalls 'grunt' as hero Houston Chronicle    02/09/97
Tribute paid to a quiet warrior Houston Chronicle  McDonald, G. 02/09/97
Tejeda's life a fable of will, soul San Antonio Express News  Landa, V. 02/08/97
Tejeda unwavering in his goals San Antonio Express News  Smith, L. 02/07/97
Tejeda positive as leader, Marine, man San Antonio Express News  Gonzalez, H. 02/07/97
Duncan mulls run for Tejeda's job San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 02/06/97
Clinton honors memory of Rep. Tejeda Austin American Statesman  Harlan, C. 02/05/97
House, Senate honor Tejeda for representing spirit of Texas San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 02/05/97
From the South Side to Washington, Frank Tejeda will be missed Austin American Statesman  Guerra, C. 02/04/97
Tejeda mourned Dallas Morning News  McLemore, D. 02/04/97
Congressman Tejeda buried in San Antonio Houston Chronicle    02/04/97
Farewell to a San Antonio hero San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 02/04/97
Tejeda' funeral draws peple from all walks San Antonio Express News  Tumiel, C. 02/04/97
Rosary sends prayers for naitive son Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 02/03/97
Tejeda death imperils South Side condition San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 02/02/97
Friends, neighbors recall native son San Antonio Express News  Garza, T. 02/02/97
Historic law part of legacy left by Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Richelieu, D. 02/02/97
Hundreds flock to pay respects San Antonio Express News  Tumiel, C. 02/02/97
Tejeda combined Ivy degrees with fast fists San Antonio Express News  Casey, R. 02/02/97
Tejeda to be remembered as a fighter Austin American Statesman  Eskenazi, S. 02/01/97
Tejeda recalled as courageous Dallas Morning News  McLemore, D. 02/01/97
Peers mourn San Antonio congressman Fort Worth Star-Telegram    02/01/97
Election for Tejeda's seat likely in March Houston Chronicle  McDonald, G. 02/01/97
Salute to F. Tejeda; thumbs up to Stubbs San Antonio Express News  Stinson, R. 02/01/97
Death of Frank Tejeda major loss for this city San Antonio Express News    02/01/97
March election called to fill position San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 02/01/97
Celebrate his accomplishments and his legacy San Antonio Express News  Guerra, C. 02/01/97
Navy to honor valor of Tejeda with silver star San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 02/01/97
Saddened South Side mourns loss of friend San Antonio Express News  Ramos, C. 02/01/97
Friends, colleagues voice praise for Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Tumiel, C. 02/01/97
U.S. Rep. Tejeda, 51 dies of tumor complications Austin American Statesman    01/31/97
Congressman from San Antonio battles debilitating brain tumor Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Hutcheson, R. 01/12/97
Tejeda returns home from stay in hospital San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 01/10/97
Congressman takes oath in hospital Dallas Morning News    01/09/97
Push for security review Houston Chronicle  Staff 01/09/97
Tejeda takes oath of office from judge at hospital here San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 01/09/97
Lawmaker's speech worsens as tumor grows Fort Worth Star-Telegram    01/04/97
Gonzalez heads S.A.'s repeat parade San Antonio Express News  Gonzalez, S. 11/06/96
Hispanic group gives Stenholm poor grade Abilene Reporter-News    10/11/96
Henry B not leading Demo fantasy figure San Antonio Express News  Casey, R. 09/27/96
Tejeda takes side against EPA San Antonio Express News  Drenowatz, C. 04/22/96
De la Garza decides to end House career San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 12/19/95
Taking constituent service seriously Dallas Morning News  Rodrigue, G. 12/14/95
Rep. Tejeda home after brain surgery Austin American Statesman    10/10/95
Tejeda recuperating from brain surgery San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 10/10/95
House OKs shutting down 79 bases, including Kelly Dallas Morning News  Camia, C. 09/09/95
Kelly hopes die as House approves base closure plan San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 09/09/95
Hispanic lawmakers decry judge's ruling Austin American Statesman  Mittelstadt, M. 09/08/95
'Lonestar initiative' Wichita Falls Record News  Garland, W. 08/09/95
City loses fight for Kelly San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 06/23/95
Bullock and Laney claim continuances aren't mishandled San Antonio Express News  Scott, S. 04/13/95
Austin takes popular initiative San Antonio Express News  Diehl, K. 04/09/95
Prison for drug abusers opens San Antonio Express News  Flores, M. 02/21/95
Give government a chance at the job Fort Worth Star-Telegram    02/05/95
Legislator backs bill to build Valley hospital San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 01/06/95
Defense cutbacks hit Texas with force Austin American Statesman  Mittelstadt, M. 12/09/94
GOP surge seen as boost for Kelly San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 11/15/94
Perot group backs GOP in S. Texas San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 11/05/94
Tejeda, Madla select water board member San Antonio Express News  Casey, R. 09/22/94
Understanding splintered city after divisive Applewhite vote San Antonio Express News  Burkett, L. 08/21/94
Reservoir foes unleash barrage San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 08/11/94
2 legislative chiefs buoy city's proposed reservoir San Antonio Express News  Templeton, R. 08/06/94
Partisan politics fly over military losses San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 07/28/94
S.A. lawmakers to battle military plan San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 07/21/94
House bill targets Fort Sam training San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 06/11/94
City told to remove landfill or legalize it San Antonio Express News  Thomas, L. 05/10/94
Pentagon set to boost Alamo City San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 05/04/94
Longtime friendship of Gonzalez, Sinkin fraying San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 04/10/94
Two S.A. justices confirmed to sit on federal bench San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 03/12/94
Clinton's proposed cuts could hurt Texas schools San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 02/05/94
Mattox call for border troops has some people on edge San Antonio Express News  Davidson, B. 01/09/94
State must monitor private water firms San Antonio Express News    12/31/93
South Texas to get lion's share of military construction projects San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 10/14/93
Power, money spin corrupt web San Antonio Express News    07/24/93
Psych-care bills signed San Antonio Express News  Hendricks, B. 07/14/93
Officials disagree about impact of court's ruling on Texas districts Austin American Statesman  Graves, D. 06/29/93
Military-base construction funds get nod San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 06/24/93
Texans present their pleas to save 6 military facilities Houston Chronicle  Mathis, N. 06/17/93
Panel hears pleas to save bases in Texas San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 06/17/93
Gonzalez to shun base-panel meeting for 'terrorizing S.A.' San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 06/11/93
Senate race not expected to affect base closings Dallas Morning News    06/09/93
Save-Kelly rally draws thousands San Antonio Express News  Pesquera, A. 06/06/93
S. Texas officials fear base closings San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 05/19/93
South Texas bases may join U.S. list for possible closure Dallas Morning News    05/17/93
Kelly called safe from 'hit list' review San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 04/28/93
San Antonio banker Dalton nominated to top Navy post San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 04/22/93
S. Texas bases get boost San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 04/16/93
Tejeda says Kelly not on closure list San Antonio Express News  Coburn, J. 04/09/93
35% increase for S. Texas bases urged San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 04/04/93
Senate passes redistricting plan Austin American Statesman  Staff 01/07/92
Federal judges uphold Texas congressional plan Victoria Advocate  A.P. Wire 12/26/91
Special Session II ready to premiere San Antonio Light    09/07/86
Bonilla, Tejeda set to take congressional oaths today San Antonio Express News  Martin, Gary  01/05/93
Bonilla wins appropriations job; Tejeda on military panels San Antonio Express News  Martin, Gary  12/11/92
Tejeda lands committee service post San Antonio Express News  Martin, Gary  12/10/92
Tejeda named to key committee post in D.C. San Antonio Light  Paulson, Michael  12/10/92
Bonilla, Tejeda into a maelstrom San Antonio Express News    11/23/92
Tejeda supports a black judge San Antonio Express News  Fuentes, Diana  11/11/92
New ballgame for Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Davidson, Bruce  05/21/92
Tejeda going in high gear San Antonio Express News  Davidson, Bruce  12/05/91
Bustamante seeking switch to Ways and Means Committee San Antonio Express News    09/29/91
Tejeda announces race for Congress San Antonio Express News  Davidson, Bruce  09/05/91
Sen. Tejeda officially bids for new seat in Congress San Antonio Light  Swibold, Denise  09/05/91
Tejeda takes first step for new Congress seat San Antonio Express News    08/29/91
Tejeda is runing for new congressional post San Antonio Light    08/29/91
Tejeda not seeking county judge post San Antonio Light  Sills, Edward  12/19/90
3 Texas lawmakers could face choice betwen reserves, jobs Dallas Times Herald  Dunham, Richard S.  08/23/90
Tejeda witnessed voters braving election day attacks San Antonio Light  Lewis, Mark  03/22/89
Election day events given mixed reaction by U.S. team San Antonio Express News    03/20/89
Tejeda to join delegation at election in El Salvador San Antonio Express News    03/17/89
Tejeda says he did report $5,000 political contribution San Antonio Express News  Hendricks, Bill  08/05/88
Tejeda's sports fund draws $70,370 in 9 years San Antonio Express News  Hendricks, Bill  07/31/88
Round two: Bustamante swinging at Tejeda San Antonio Light  Johnson, Kevin  07/24/88
Legislator called 'pariah' Dallas Morning News    07/18/88
Lawyer Frank Tejeda: legislator's career marked by batles, cash woes San Antonio Express News  Curry, Jerome  07/17/88
Taping could haunt Tejeda San Antonio Light  Johnson, Kevin  07/17/88
Tejeda did himself no good with those tape recordings San Antonio Express News    07/15/88
Heard: Zamarripa 'set' up by Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Parker, J. Michael  07/13/88
Lawyer says Tejeda was 'thirsty' for tax-contract deal San Antonio Light  Johnson, Kevin  07/13/88
Senator says law firm sought to buy influence Austin American Statesman  Phillips, Jim  07/12/88
Law firm offered legislator money in tax case, paper says Dallas Morning News    07/12/88
Tejeda gives tapes to FBI, denies Bustamante rap San Antonio Express News    07/12/88
Tejeda unfazed by Heard charge San Antonio Express News  Bode, Mary Jane  07/12/88
Tejeda gives FBI tapes of cash offer San Antonio Light  Johnson, Kevin  07/12/88
Heard-Tejeda case needs a solid investigation San Antonio Light    07/12/88
Heard: tapes much ado about nothing San Antonio Light  Casey, Rick  07/12/88
Heard: no shady offers to Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Coburn, James  07/11/88
Heard wants to hear tapes on cash offer San Antonio Light  Johnson, Kevin  07/11/88
Heard's tax firm tried to 'buy' Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Johnson, Kevin  07/10/88
Here are the transcripts from the two secret meetings San Antonio Light    07/10/88
Tejeda tapes show risk of privatization San Antonio Light    07/10/88
Tejeda joins drug facility opposition San Antonio Light    11/18/87
Tejeda's studies could have significant impact on Texas San Antonio Express News  Diehl, Kemper  11/08/87
Officials: political enemies started Tejeda vs. HBG tale San Antonio Express News  Smith, Richard  08/01/87
Tejeda says, 'I am not running,' for Gonzalez's job San Antonio Light  Schlather, Steve  08/01/87
Tejeda sued for unpaid loan balance of $7,143 San Antonio Light  Kase, Kathryn  04/22/87
Tejeda rejects $20,000 gift from trial lawyers' group San Antonio Express News  Moulder, John  12/13/86
Tejeda hit with lawsuit over unpaid loan San Antonio Light  Canty, Patrick  05/07/86
Street fighter Dallas Morning News  Mclemore, David  04/27/86
Water firm boss: Tejeda after me San Antonio Express News  Smith, Richard  11/05/85
Tejeda kicks off campaign San Antonio Express News  Davidson, Bruce  07/28/85
Tejeda announces for Senate San Antonio Light  Tackett, John  07/28/85
Tejeda to launch Senate bid San Antonio Express News    07/26/85
Tejeda will announce candidacy San Antonio Express News  Donahue, Terry  07/20/85
Tejeda a top contender San Antonio Express News    06/04/85
Eureste's 'Red' - cultural sideshow draws amused response Dallas Morning News  Richter, Bob  08/30/84
Congressman added to Eureste's hit list Dallas Morning News  Richter, Bob  08/29/84
Frank Tejeda San Antonio Express News  Phelon, Craig  08/12/84
Frankly speaking about South Side politics San Antonio Light  Stone, O'Lene  05/20/84
Tejeda re-election decision rocks country San Antonio Express News    10/16/83
Tejeda's fresh strategy may make him a winner San Antonio Express News  Diehl, Kemper  06/19/83
Horse racing lobby finds joy in Tejeda's departure San Antonio Express News  Mccory, Jim  06/05/83
Los Panchos San Antonio Express News  Merkel, Dick  03/29/79
Rep. Tejeda is late in filing 1978 finances Corpus Christi Caller Times  Malone, Dan  03/15/79
Tejeda suit target San Antonio Light    12/30/77
Police certification probe is proposed San Antonio Express News    11/04/77
Tejeda has proved he's tough San Antonio Express News  Merkel, Dick  04/14/77
Solon a part of his roots San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  04/10/77