Selected newspaper articles related to Dolph Briscoe

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Entries marked with are biographical in nature.

Headline Newspaper Columnist Date
Caprock Chronicles: Preston Smith served as 'the education governor' Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Walker, D. 08/13/23
CORRECTIONS Houston Chronicle  Staff 02/24/22
Frances ‘Sissy’ Farenthold, lodestar for Texas liberals, dies at 94 Dallas Morning News  Holley, J. 09/27/21
'Breathtaking audacity' - Former Gov. Dolph Briscoe's children fight over family fortune. Hundreds of millions are stake San Antonio Express News  Danner, P. 03/08/21
Gerrymandering on trial in S.A. federal court San Antonio Express News  Garcia, G. 07/14/17
Briscoe family lawsuit challenges hefty taxes for ‘unconstitutional’ road funding San Antonio Express News  Hiller, J. 06/04/17
Perry planning farewell speech to Legislators Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Satija, N. 12/16/14
Rivals make an issue of GOP ag race hopeful’s Democratic votes, donations Dallas Morning News  Barer, D. 02/05/14
Briscoe museum a Western treasure San Antonio Express News  Editorial 10/30/13
Legacy of energy crisis from 1970s still lingers Houston Chronicle  Galbraith, K. 10/17/13
Gravel plan seen by some as a road to ruin San Antonio Express News  Hiller, J. 09/11/13
Dewhurst takes tougher tone in Senate race San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 05/21/12
Ex-governor remembered for love of Texas Austin American Statesman  Khan, N. 08/02/10
Briscoe service set for Capitol Austin American Statesman  Staff 07/23/10
'70s scandal opened the door for Briscoe Houston Chronicle  Holley, J. 07/05/10
Recalling a quiet, no-frills governor Austin American Statesman  Mann, B. 07/04/10
A South Texas icon generous in spirit and in deed San Antonio Express News  Rivard, R. 07/04/10
Dolph Briscoe believed in fiscal responsibility Waco Tribune Herald  Perryman, M. 07/04/10
At memorial, former gov. Briscoe remembered for service to state, integrity Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Roberts, M. 07/02/10
Briscoe boosted Texas agriculture San Angelo Standard Times  Editorial 07/02/10
Texans of all types honor Briscoe San Antonio Express News  Ayala, E. 07/02/10
Eagerness to share is Briscoe's legacy Austin American Statesman  Editorial 07/01/10
Briscoe shed light on power Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 06/30/10
Gov. Dolph Briscoe: former governor was a true son of Texas and a good steward for the state he loved Houston Chronicle  Editorial 06/30/10
The late Gov. Dolph Briscoe dedicated life to public service; he will be missed Laredo Morning Times  Editorial 06/30/10
Briscoe's style, leadership refreshing and unique San Antonio Express News  Krueger, B. 06/30/10
Briscoe services set for Thursday Austin American Statesman  Wire Reports 06/29/10
Dolph Briscoe boosted open government in Texas Beaumont Enterprise  Editorial 06/29/10
Former Gov. Briscoe championed farms, ranches San Angelo Standard Times  Lackey, J. 06/29/10
Briscoe served Texas until the end San Antonio Express News  Editorial 06/29/10
Stories about Briscoe abound San Antonio Express News  Bragg, R. 06/29/10
Dolph Briscoe followed basic beliefs in limited, ethical, transparent government Waco Tribune Herald  Editorial 06/29/10
Deep Texas ties made politics a 'natural' fit Austin American Statesman  Ward, M. 06/28/10
Perry calls Briscoe friend, mentor, inspiration Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 06/28/10
Former Texas Gov. Dolph Briscoe dies Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Castro, A. 06/28/10
Former Gov. Brisco dies at his home in Uvalde San Antonio Express News  Danini, C. 06/28/10
Speaker, local lawmakers voice concerns over mansion Austin American Statesman  Ward, M. 01/14/10
Big oil, a convict, past leaders donate to revive landmark Austin American Statesman  Ward, M. 01/30/09
Governor further secures place in Texas history Austin American Statesman  Editorial 12/03/08
Ex-governor to give UT $15 million Austin American Statesman  Haurwitz, R. 12/02/08
Briscoe to donate $5 million to UTHSC San Antonio Express News  Zielinski, G. 09/21/08
Ex-governor helping restoration has long history with mansion Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 07/20/08
Governor's Mansion should be restored San Angelo Standard Times  Editorial 07/20/08
Mansion restoration a ( first) family effort Austin American Statesman  Ward, M. 07/18/08
Former Gov. Briscoe gives $100,000 Dallas Morning News  Staff 07/18/08
Ex-Texas governor gives six-figure sum to mansion's restoration fund Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 07/18/08
After fire, DPS is investing in change San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 07/18/08
Dolph Briscoe chips in $100,000 toward Governor's Mansion restoration San Antonio Express News  Robison, C. 07/18/08
Former governor releases new memoir San Antonio Express News  Bennett, S. 04/25/08
Ronnie Earle on Ronnie Earle Austin Chronicle  King, M. 04/10/08
McNeely/Friday Midland Reporter Telegram  McNeely, D. 02/01/08
Montford has money in district attorney's race Austin American Statesman  Wear, B. 01/16/08
Governor's office stokes intelligence gathering in state Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 09/07/07
Ex-governor: military service essential for Senate hopefuls Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 08/28/07
Money offers peek into Perry's plans Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 07/23/07
Get behind cancer research and push, folks Fort Worth Star-Telegram  White, M. 06/20/07
Important cancer bill heads to voters San Antonio Express News  White, M. 06/04/07
State could lead world in research on cancer Austin American Statesman  White, M. 05/26/07
High-stakes Texas hold 'em Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/18/07
Briscoe invests $3 million in Texas' past Austin American Statesman  Campbell, E. 05/17/07
A doozy of a May election ... in May 1972 Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 05/10/07
A life of service Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Chapman, A. 03/14/07
Highlights Houston Chronicle  Staff 03/01/07
Writing history - and living it Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 02/25/07
What will state government look like now? Abilene Reporter-News  McNeely, D. 01/21/07
Perry set to enter top three in tenure as Texas governor Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 12/26/06
Richards shattered politics' glass ceiling in Texas and beyond Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 09/15/06
Renovation project attracts donors Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Austin, L. 06/10/06
Primary advise? Look elsewhere Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Douglas Jr., J. 06/12/05
Our leaders in Austin are failing in their duty to our childern San Antonio Express News  Rivard, R. 05/22/05
Under the dome Dallas Morning News  Staff 04/29/05
Texas sings praises of arts stars Austin American Statesman  Van Ryzin, J. 04/06/05
Leaders salute Smith as star of Texas politics Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 10/22/03
Ex-governors say 2nd special session on map is wrong direction for Perry Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 07/16/03
Value of openness immeasurable Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Sanders, R. 03/30/03
Museum honors a Texas legend Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 04/28/01
Campaign notebook Houston Chronicle    08/21/98
Term Limits Dallas Morning News    07/12/98
Keeping Texas government open Bryan Eagle  Editorial 05/12/98
Former governor honored for backing open records law Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 05/11/98
Liquid investment Fort Worth Star-Telegram    03/08/98
Briscoe receives Goodnight Award tonight during gala at Worthington Fort Worth Star-Telegram    12/10/97
Texas' biggest landowner Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Chapman, A. 12/07/97
Co-chairs named as UTHSC kicks off celebration San Antonio Express News  Finley, D. 10/10/97
Ex-governor receives Golden Spur Lubbock Avalanche Journal    09/27/97
Former Gov. Briscoe to be presented National Golden Spur Award Lubbock Avalanche Journal    07/20/97
Texans put on Demos' fast-cash list San Antonio Express News  Ne. 02/27/97
Briscoe, Mauro visit Angelo's Mathis Field San Angelo Standard Times  Jones, R. 11/03/96
4 former governors endorse Clinton Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 10/30/96
Texas Democrats plan 'victory lap' as Republicans play wait and see Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 10/30/96
Demos bring out the big guns in Texas Corpus Christi Caller Times  Ray, S. 10/30/96
Texas not sure bet for Dole Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Recio, M. 10/30/96
Laney's war chest fills faster than challenger's Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 07/19/96
Dolph Briscoe endorses Clinton during first lady's visit to Texas Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Sanchez, C. 03/06/96
First lady making three stops today on brief Texas campaign trip Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Recio, M. 03/05/96
Grover made GOP history, and now he's back Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 02/06/96
Next thing you know you'll be seeing Bambi all over the walls here Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Ivins, M. 12/21/95
Laney to receive Outstanding Texas Leader award Lubbock Avalanche Journal    10/07/95
Richards, Bush finish with a flurry Dallas Morning News  Loe, V. 11/08/94
Bush the Businessman Houston Post  Davis, M. 10/09/94
Richards battles history in re-election bid San Antonio Express News  Scott, S. 06/06/94
Chamber to honor Briscoe for ag efforts San Antonio Express News  Fohn, J. 01/14/94
Four former governors support Perry on ag finance amendment Abilene Reporter-News  Smith, J. 09/04/93
Texas pays last respects to former governor Houston Post  Lenz, M. 06/18/93
Hundreds line up to offer respects San Antonio Express News  Scott, S. 06/18/93
Clayton honored at A&M Bryan Eagle  Puckett, D. 03/28/84
Carrillo's career threatened...but he's used to political strife Austin American Statesman  Garcia Jr., A. 07/20/75
Dean of Legislature honored at capitol Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/27/73
Senior Senator Aikin to be honored today Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/26/73
A tribute to 37 years of service Dallas Morning News  Staff 05/24/73
Upshur Voters Follow State-Wide Trends in Saturday's Balloting Gilmer Mirror  Staff 06/08/72
Upshur Turnout Under 7,000; Dolph Briscoe Sweeps All Boxes Gilmer Mirror  Staff 05/11/72
Beware of strangers with gifts Austin American  Staff 04/07/72
Hill says Martin Sharp's front man Austin American  Staff 03/30/72
Hill, Martin continue their battling Dallas Morning News  Staff 03/30/72
Dolph Briscoe hits Barnes' treatment of 2 banking bills Houston Post  Staff 03/21/72
Candidates use Abilene verdict as issue Houston Post  UP. 03/17/72
Tearful Mutscher awaits sentence Austin American  Castlebury, G. 03/16/72
Smith-Yarborough 'deal' seen in third-term bid Dallas Morning News  Davis, S. 12/21/71
Smith hopes to tie Sharp tin can on Barnes Houston Post  Wiese, A. 11/21/71
Barnes accused of breaching trust Houston Post  Staff 11/11/71
Bank bills reviewed by Barnes Dallas Morning News  Staff 10/18/71
Briscoe raps treatment of banking bills Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 10/09/71
Briscoe wants probe enlarged Houston Post  A.P. Wire 10/08/71
Barnes says bank bills not special Houston Post  A.P. Wire 10/08/71
The one that got away? Daily Texan  Editorial 10/04/71
People wonder about stock events Dallas Morning News  Staff 10/02/71
Briscoe joins race, jabs Barnes Austin American  Staff 09/30/71
Briscoe runs for governor Dallas Morning News  Davis, S. 09/30/71
Smith, Mutscher images dimming Austin American Statesman  Belden, J. 08/15/71
Barnes image high, poll shows Houston Post  Belden, J. 08/15/71
Cabell backs chairmen under fire Dallas Morning News  Baskin, R. 01/31/71
Austin Dallas Morning News  Morehead, R. 01/31/71
Road history told by tax Dallas Morning News  Morehead, R. 03/12/67
Solons facing week of work Austin American Statesman  Brooks, R. 01/25/53
First-named would gather in $60 million, solon avers Austin American Statesman  Staff 01/22/53
Where's Gov. Dolph when you need him? Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Ivins, Molly  12/15/92
Briscoe expected to announce for governor's race Houston Chronicle  Robison, Clay  08/19/89
Briscoe's time over, Carr says Houston Post  Gravois, John  02/17/89
Briscoe eyes another run for governor Dallas Morning News  Attlesey, Sam  02/16/89
Briscoe: Demos need middle - of - road candidate Laredo Morning Times  Parish, Jim  09/07/87
Briscoe touts education funding San Angelo Standard Times  McSwain, Ross  03/30/85
Ex - gov. Briscoe urges democratic party to abandon 'elitism' Austin American Statesman  McNeely, Dave  12/06/84
Former governor says democrats must aim at middle america Beaumont Enterprise  Rasp, Gary  12/06/84
Briscoe criticizes top Demos Bryan Eagle  Rosser, Jay  12/06/84
Intrusive image hurts democrats, Briscoe says Dallas Morning News    12/06/84
Democratic policy errs, Briscoe says Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Tiede, Saralee  12/06/84
Briscoe says state democrats are perceived as anti - business Houston Chronicle  Robison, Clay  12/06/84
Briscoe says Cisneros would have been just the ticket San Antonio Light  Sills, Edward  12/06/84
Former governor speaks to Democratic forum Valley Morning Star  Fikac, Peggy  12/06/84
Briscoe: U. S. should borrow state philosophy Waco Tribune Herald  Kreps, Mary Ann  10/07/83
Briscoe won't run for Tower's seat Dallas Times Herald    09/14/83
Briscoe abandons plans to run for Tower seat Houston Chronicle  Kilday, Anne Marie  09/14/83
Word of caution to Briscoe Dallas Morning News  Kuempel, George  11/12/82
Former governor Briscoe considering 1984 senate race Midland Reporter Telegram  Kidd, Bill  11/07/82
Briscoe would face tough row to hoe in senate race San Antonio Light  Kidd, Bill  11/07/82
Dolph: better stick to the screwworm crisis Dallas Times Herald  Porterfield, Bill  10/25/82
Gov. Briscoe surprises San Angelo diners San Angelo Standard Times  Killgore, Le  10/24/82
Briscoe confirms try for comeback in '84 senate race Austin American Statesman    10/20/82
Ex - Gov. Briscoe to run for U. S. senate in 1984 Dallas Times Herald  Hamilton, Arnold  10/20/82
Briscoe may run for senate San Angelo Standard Times  Killgore, Le  10/19/82
Briscoe leftovers go out to lunch Austin American Statesman  Gunnels, Kerry  09/28/82
Janey Briscoe: truths learned on Easter last a lifetime Houston Post  Haase, Lois  04/09/82
Briscoe favoring return to politics within 2 - 4 years Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montgomery, Dave  04/01/82
Briscoe seriously considering race against Tower Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Smith, Jack Z.  03/21/82
Briscoe keeps options open San Antonio Light    09/27/81
Briscoe says he hasn't decided about '82 race Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  09/26/81
Briscoe still mum on political plans for governorship Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Arnold, Ann  09/26/81
Ally: Briscoe still mulling 1982 Dem race for governor Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  09/26/81
Briscoe says he's not ready to join the hat - in - ring group San Angelo Standard Times  Palmer, Dana  09/26/81
Briscoe plans to challenge Gov. Clements Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Arnold, Ann  09/25/81
Home on the range: Briscoe to begin restoration of lanfmark ranch structure Dallas Times Herald    09/23/81
Negro college fund to honor Briscoe Houston Chronicle    09/13/81
For United Way San Antonio Express News  White, Frank  08/07/81
Briscoe submits fund - raising form for '82 campaign Dallas Morning News    05/30/81
Briscoe files to begin raising money for '82 Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/30/81
Briscoe pushing Reagan fiscal lessons Wichita Falls Record News  Rosser, Jay  03/28/81
Briscoe leaning closer to GOP San Antonio Express News  Hendricks, David  01/04/81
Retirement too dull for Briscoe, he's anxious to get back in office Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Arnold, Ann  12/11/80
Briscoe, once a big Carter backer, says president disappointing Austin American Statesman  Montgomery, Dave  09/26/80
Briscoe will vote for Carter, but won't campaign Houston Chronicle    09/26/80
Briscoe won't ride Carter bandwagon Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  09/25/80
Briscoe says little good about Carter this time Corpus Christi Caller Times  Malone, Dan  09/23/80
Briscoe's 'not ruling anything out' San Antonio Light    07/13/80
Briscoe doctrine has changed our politics Dallas Times Herald  Woolley, Bryan  04/06/80
Former Gov. Briscoe hosts fund - raiser San Antonio Light  Olafson, Steve  01/18/80
Funny game Austin American Statesman    10/16/79
Briscoe isn't being considered for Mexico post, official says Dallas Morning News  Freund, Carl  10/15/79
Carter considers Briscoe as Lucey's successor Dallas Times Herald    10/14/79
Briscoe considered for ambassadorship Austin American Statesman  Bell, Brenda  10/13/79
Briscoe gets board post San Antonio Express News    05/18/79
Briscoe misses action, sometimes pleasantly Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kilday, Anne Marie  03/04/79
Briscoe gone; campaigns' debt, appointees stay Houston Chronicle  Fly, Richard  01/28/79
Mrs. Briscoe cries as time runs out Dallas Morning News  Attlesey, Sam  01/17/79
Briscoe was all business Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  01/17/79
Briscoe bids farewell among longtime friends Houston Post    01/17/79
Briscoe keeps tradition in citing Biblical verse Houston Post    01/17/79
Briscoe leaves office a day early Dallas Times Herald    01/16/79
Briscoe's mark Dallas Times Herald  Morehead, Richard M.  01/15/79
He's going.... Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  01/14/79
Briscoe, Janey bid reluctant farewell Corpus Christi Caller Times  Davis, Jim  01/14/79
Non - government what Texans wanted Corpus Christi Caller Times  Harte, Edward  01/14/79
Briscoe support of rights law praised Corpus Christi Caller Times  Mcgonigle, Steve  01/11/79
Briscoe echoes Clements' tax - cut call Dallas Times Herald  Davis, Stewart  01/11/79
Briscoe talk gets mixed reviews Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  01/11/79
Briscoe's adios: let's cut taxes El Paso Times  Swinnea, Tom  01/11/79
Briscoe's last proposals await test in legislature Fort Worth Star-Telegram    01/11/79
Briscoe calls for $1 billion in tax relief Houston Post  Bonavita, Fred  01/11/79
Outgoing governor hopes to bring end to deficit spending Houston Post    01/11/79
Briscoe urges harmony in farewell to legislators San Antonio Express News    01/11/79
Briscoe to Clements: check their pulse Dallas Times Herald    01/10/79
Briscoe budgets 5.1% raises for employees Austin American Statesman  McNeely, Dave  01/09/79
Living within income vital to Gov. Briscoe Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kilday, Anne Marie  01/09/79
Briscoe proud of 6 years as governor Houston Chronicle  Fly, Richard  01/09/79
Briscoe outlines pay increases for teachers, state employees Houston Post  Bonavita, Fred  01/09/79
The Briscoe years Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  01/07/79
Briscoe says $1 billion cut in taxes due for budget Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  12/30/78
Briscoe sets tax - cut plea swan song Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  12/30/78
Debt hangs on after Briscoe loss Dallas Times Herald  Kinch, Sam  12/09/78
Despite setbacks, Briscoe optimistic about his future Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  12/07/78
Briscoe says future open Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  12/01/78
Briscoe to ponder future on vacation Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kilday, Anne Marie  12/01/78
Briscoe considering comeback in 1982 Austin American Statesman  Besaw, Larry  11/11/78
Briscoe considering another gubernatorial bid Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  11/11/78
Briscoe hints at political comeback, calls for party's reconstruction Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  11/11/78
Briscoe troops hunting cash San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  11/04/78
Briscoe supports tax amendment Dallas Morning News    10/05/78
Briscoe praised by governor Dallas Morning News    09/21/78
Gov. Briscoe has everything Dallas Times Herald  Porterfield, Bill  08/16/78
Photographer earns $43,988 from state Austin American Statesman  Baker, Jim  07/27/78
South Dallas church honors Briscoe Dallas Times Herald    07/24/78
Briscoe not acting like a lameduck Port Arthur News    06/23/78
1,200 attend Briscoe tribute to whittle campaign debts Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  06/17/78
Dinner slated to help pay Briscoe debts Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  05/24/78
Briscoe's influence to remain potent Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kidd, Bill  05/21/78
Uvalde will welcome the Briscoes back Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  05/15/78
Briscoe not always reclusive Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  05/14/78
Briscoe's memory sure to linger on in capital, too Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Neal, Larry  05/14/78
Briscoe greets reporters with smiles Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  05/12/78
The Briscoe years Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  05/09/78
Briscoe and Hill - Drift Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  04/23/78
Briscoe reports '77 income of at least $119,000 Houston Chronicle  Fly, Richard  03/09/78
Governor sitting on 'best little gas field in Texas' Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  02/20/78
Briscoe says investment climate good Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Carreau, Mark  01/27/78
Briscoe to speak in Hondo San Antonio Light    01/15/78
Briscoe inaction may stir local court chaos Port Arthur News  Graham, Jerry  12/29/77
Briscoe no star pupil in environmentalists' classroom Houston Post  Jones, Lee  12/26/77
Teachers hit Briscoe San Antonio Express News    12/15/77
Briscoe knocks U. S. regulations on energy San Antonio Express News  Mccory, Jim  12/15/77
Briscoe told hospitals safe San Antonio Express News    12/06/77
'Political amateur' defies standard mold Dallas Times Herald  Keever, Jack  11/20/77
Briscoe 'enjoys job,' but keeps low profile Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Keever, Jack  11/20/77
Business leaders laud Briscoe's promise Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  11/12/77
Briscoe pledges no income taxes Dallas Times Herald    11/12/77
Briscoe says Texans get a bargain Fort Worth Star-Telegram    11/12/77
Briscoe draws LULAC praise San Antonio Express News    11/06/77
Remember the Dolph! Austin American Statesman  Kelley, Mike  11/02/77
Editorial on Briscoe statement was inappropriate San Angelo Standard Times    10/30/77
Briscoe on Texas: may emerge as industrial - financial center of U. S. Corpus Christi Caller Times  Parks, Scott  10/29/77
Briscoe lauds decontrol try Waco Tribune Herald  Morton, Clay  10/10/77
Briscoe assails education critics Fort Worth Star-Telegram    10/08/77
Gas allocation fight vowed Beaumont Enterprise  Englade, Sharon  10/07/77
Comments delayed in Briscoe's office Houston Post  Scarlett, Harold  10/02/77
'Indirect threat' against Briscoe puts governor, DPS on toes San Angelo Standard Times    09/30/77
Briscoe: finances major issue Beaumont Enterprise  Holland, Danny  09/27/77
Briscoe urges energy action Houston Post    09/24/77
Briscoe offers 'no apologies' for appointment of Yantis Houston Post  Bonavita, Fred  09/15/77
Briscoe cooling off on Carter Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  09/04/77
Briscoe to urge deregulation Austin American Statesman    08/16/77
Briscoe says gas supply hinges on deregulation Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  08/16/77
Briscoe avoids Hill - Bullock fight Houston Chronicle    08/15/77
Briscoe ahead of the field in EP visits El Paso Times  Peters, Steve  08/12/77
Briscoe, southwest leaders to meet Austin American Statesman    08/08/77
Briscoe to open procession of political hopefuls to EP El Paso Times  Peters, Steve  08/07/77
Briscoe says he's not behind Bullock's swipes at Hill Houston Post  Jahn, Ed  08/02/77
Briscoe says donation did not influence him Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  07/29/77
Governor explains property tax rejected on 'judgment decision' Dallas Morning News    07/23/77
The missing items Dallas Times Herald    07/19/77
Sources say Briscoe may submit property, agriculture tax measures Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  07/17/77
Briscoe adds 4 topics to session Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  07/16/77
Legislature adds items for session Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  07/16/77
Session expanded by Briscoe Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  07/16/77
Briscoe opens session to superport, flooding Houston Post  Bonavita, Fred  07/16/77
Briscoe extends session San Antonio Express News    07/16/77
Open session to other issues Austin American Statesman    07/15/77
Briscoe to give session orders San Antonio Express News    07/08/77
Dallasites indicate displeasure with Briscoe Dallas Morning News    06/27/77
Briscoe acted wisely, unwisely Fort Worth Star-Telegram    06/21/77
Easy-going Dolph betting on style to win Austin American Statesman    06/17/77
Special session set for July 11 Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  06/17/77
Briscoe sets special session July 11 Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  06/17/77
Briscoe sets July 11 as start of special legislative session Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  06/17/77
Legislature's call will be for July 11 Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  06/17/77
Briscoe to call special session for July 11 Houston Post  Bonavita, Fred  06/17/77
Briscoe plans July 11 session San Antonio Express News  Merkel, Dick  06/17/77
The three rules of Dolphism Dallas Times Herald  Woolley, Bryan  06/16/77
Two key political decision Dallas Times Herald    06/16/77
Briscoe may call session early in July Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  06/16/77
Another Briscoe term gets negative reaction Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Belden, Joe  06/16/77
July 8 considered for session Houston Post    06/16/77
Briscoe points to July special session dates San Antonio Express News  Merkel, Dick  06/16/77
Briscoe indicates mid-July special session Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  06/15/77
Gov. Briscoe predicts better school bill Dallas Morning News    06/15/77
Briscoe to tell date of session San Antonio Express News    06/15/77
Briscoe goes again for governorship San Antonio Express News    06/14/77
Briscoe plans fall rally San Antonio Light  Lindsey, Roland  06/13/77
Governor plans to add thrid term Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  06/12/77
Briscoe to make bid for third term Beaumont Enterprise  Wallis, Michael  06/12/77
Briscoe to seek 3rd term Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  06/12/77
Briscoe says he'll seek third term Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  06/12/77
Gov. Briscoe is seeking third term Houston Chronicle  Fish, Richard  06/12/77
Officially: Briscoe running San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  06/12/77
Special session won't be until July Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  06/11/77
Property tax bill in special session unlikely - Briscoe Houston Chronicle  Fly, Richard  06/11/77
Tax consideration for special session labeled as unlikely Houston Post    06/11/77
Briscoe smiles through bill-signing marathon San Antonio Express News    06/11/77
Briscoe confident, talking like he's going after a third term Houston Chronicle  Smyser, Craig  06/09/77
Briscoe predicts passage of public education finance bill Houston Post    06/09/77
New Briscoe wows local audiences Corpus Christi Caller Times    06/05/77
Briscoe levels shots at Hill, Carter Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Neal, Larry  06/03/77
Briscoe hedges on session Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  06/01/77
Briscoe optimistic on legislation Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  05/27/77
Briscoe reaffirms belief Dallas Morning News    05/20/77
Briscoe still optimistic Austin American Statesman  Trotter, James  05/19/77
Briscoe confounds his potential foes Corpus Christi Caller Times    05/15/77
Briscoe claims wells show no interest conflict Dallas Morning News    05/14/77
Briscoe scores a few points over Hill in unofficial campaign Houston Chronicle  Smyser, Craig  05/14/77
Many Texans view Briscoe as a Lone Star Jerry Ford Dallas Morning News    05/12/77
Capital talk Highlander  Bode, Winston  05/12/77
Briscoe gaining in popularity Corpus Christi Caller Times  Belden, Joe  05/11/77
Popularity up for Briscoe Dallas Morning News  Belden, Joe  05/11/77
Briscoe assures business friends that he plans to seek reelection Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  05/05/77
Briscoe seeks to revive sales tax cut Austin American Statesman  Trotter, James  05/04/77
Briscoe financial statement shows $136,000 annual income Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  05/04/77
Top priority Houston Post    05/04/77
Briscoe: no new taxes San Antonio Express News    05/03/77
Canagian official calls on Briscoe Austin American Statesman    04/13/77
Black may be named new judge Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  04/13/77
Gov. Dolph Briscoe Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  04/10/77
It looks like Dolph is on campaign trail San Angelo Standard Times  Carpenter, Scott  04/10/77
Briscoe OK given roas, school acts Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  04/09/77
Briscoe sees tax cut as consumer benefit Austin American Statesman    04/06/77
Briscoe stroking press Corpus Christi Caller Times  Carpenter, Scott  04/06/77
Refinery, property tax bills doomed to fail, Briscoe says Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  04/06/77
Briscoe sees no new taxes next few years Houston Chronicle    04/06/77
Briscoe says he'll back road funds compromise Houston Chronicle  Smyser, Craig  04/01/77
Texas did its part - Briscoe San Antonio Express News    04/01/77
Briscoe's improving relations with press Dallas Morning News    03/31/77
Briscoe power an issue Corpus Christi Caller Times  Carpenter, Scott  03/30/77
Briscoe asks press fair play Austin American Statesman    03/24/77
Briscoe emphasized pledge to support Trinity Project Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  03/18/77
Briscoe feels 'fairly certain' turnpike to become free Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  03/12/77
Briscoe will scrutinize hotel tax, fee increase Fort Worth Star-Telegram    03/12/77
Briscoe calls for offshore drilling Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Vance, James  03/12/77
Briscoe springs no surprises Corpus Christi Caller Times  Carpenter, Scott  03/09/77
Briscoe lets bills languish in subcommittees Austin American Statesman    03/06/77
Office no bar to Briscoe's enrichment San Antonio Light  Sisk, K. Mack  03/06/77
Briscoe hopeful highway bill will sail smoothly in Senate Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  03/04/77
Re-election effort expected Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  03/04/77
Gov. Briscoe remains coy about race Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  03/04/77
Briscoe may speed school bill if near $850 million Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  03/04/77
Governor's empire grows Houston Post    02/27/77
Briscoe ties reiterated Dallas Morning News    02/25/77
Briscoe slated for award San Antonio Light    02/23/77
Gov. Briscoe finds Texas politics finger-lickin' good Dallas Times Herald    02/20/77
Early balloting San Antonio Light    02/20/77
Gas 'Bad Guys' image blasted by Briscoe Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Patrick, Pat  02/09/77
New Briscoe Ranch Waco Tribune Herald    02/02/77
Governor is named 'Texan of the Year' San Antonio Express News    01/28/77
Fat cats fill Briscoe campaign coffers Austin American Statesman    01/23/77
Briscoe's careful 'noncandidacy' Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/23/77
Briscoe paid part of political debt Dallas Morning News    01/20/77
Fundraisers earned Briscoe $500,000 Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  01/19/77
$440,944 raised in '76 for Briscoe, $5,715 for Hill Houston Chronicle  Fish, Richard  01/19/77
It's time to do legislative wash Fort Worth Star-Telegram    01/16/77
Briscoe's pitch for reelection Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/16/77
Briscoe supporters meet, air grass roots tactics Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/14/77
Briscoe again says 'no new taxes' Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  01/13/77
Legislators: Briscoe had no surprises Austin American Statesman  Brown, Becky  01/13/77
South Texans hail Briscoe goals Corpus Christi Caller Times    01/13/77
Briscoe extends no-new-tax vow Dallas Morning News  Kinch, Sam  01/13/77
Proposal to use wiretaps in crime fight draws fire Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  01/13/77
Mauzy named to lead education committee Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  01/13/77
Tarrant unit favors Briscoe plan Fort Worth Star-Telegram    01/13/77
Briscoe goals get praise, pummeling from lawmakers Houston Chronicle  Fly, Richard  01/13/77
Same state problems - how much progress? Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/13/77
. . . The state Houston Post  West, Felton  01/13/77
Briscoe continues promise of no new taxes Lubbock Avalanche Journal    01/13/77
Briscoe says he is against any new taxes San Antonio Express News    01/13/77
Briscoe unveils priorities list Dallas Morning News  Freund, Carl  01/12/77
Briscoe asks streamlining of state government Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  01/12/77
Briscoe renews appeals in State-of-State address Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/12/77
Briscoe to tell Legislative priorities San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  01/12/77
Briscoe raking in support Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  01/11/77
Briscoe tells plans to run again in '78 Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  01/10/77
Briscoe wants top business leaders to pledge support Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/09/77
Briscoe camp's plans Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  12/20/76
Briscoe declines TV date with Raza Unida founder Austin American Statesman    12/18/76
Briscoe favors screening transfers of state banks Dallas Morning News    12/14/76
Briscoe criticizes oil imports San Antonio Express News  Mccory, Jim  12/09/76
Briscoe is backing Vermont governor Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  12/08/76
Briscoe legislative proposals backed San Antonio Express News  Clift, Cecil  12/07/76
Opposes gas tax hike, too San Antonio Light  Watkins, Sharon  12/07/76
Dolph riding high in saddle Corpus Christi Caller Times    12/05/76
Briscoe counts on growth for revenue Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  11/21/76
Briscoe woos city officials Corpus Christi Caller Times  Carpenter, Scott  11/16/76
Briscoe in limelight Corpus Christi Caller Times    11/14/76
Briscoe out of hiding because the questions are flattering San Angelo Standard Times  Davis, Jim  11/14/76
Briscoe argues over tax needs and programs San Antonio Express News    11/13/76
Briscoe pledges cash Austin American Statesman    11/10/76
Carter's texas win boost for Briscoe Corpus Christi Caller Times    11/10/76
Firm stand pledged by Briscoe on roads Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  11/10/76
Briscoe says he enjoys job Daily Texan  Guarino, David  11/08/76
Briscoe mum on candidacy San Antonio Express News    11/07/76
Briscoe won't confirm 'third term' reports Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  11/06/76
Briscoe shuns federal job Dallas Morning News    11/06/76
Briscoe keeps 1978 re - election door open Dallas Morning News    11/06/76
Bullock tells Briscoe he'd back him in race Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  11/06/76
Briscoe lists goals, hints at third term Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  11/06/76
Briscoe gives implication he'll seek reelection Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  11/06/76
Briscoe won't deny he's decided to run Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  11/05/76
Briscoe bid for new term called sure Dallas Morning News    11/05/76
Briscoe lauds President Ford Dallas Morning News    11/04/76
Briscoe hunts in Amarillo Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Vance, James  10/27/76
Erwin says Barnes backed Briscoe health record probe Daily Texan  Mcclain, Mike  10/25/76
Ex - regent tried to get alleged Briscoe files Dallas Morning News    10/24/76
4,000 pay $50 to help Briscoe pay race debts Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  10/23/76
Briscoe backers chop away at governor's campaign debt Dallas Morning News    10/23/76
Briscoe praises state's racial harmony Dallas Times Herald  West, Paul  10/22/76
Briscoe: independent producers play big role in Texas San Angelo Standard Times    10/17/76
Briscoe: Carter to win Texas Austin American Statesman  Brown, Becky  10/15/76
Briscoe to consider releasing his letters Austin American Statesman    10/15/76
Briscoe says Carter 'looking good' in Texas Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  10/15/76
Briscoe will reimburse state for stumping Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  10/15/76
Briscoe will pay on plane politicking Houston Post    10/15/76
Briscoe airs issues during confab San Angelo Standard Times    10/15/76
Briscoe: having a real good time San Antonio Express News    10/15/76
Briscoe funds raiser planned San Antonio Express News  Mccory, Jim  10/14/76
Briscoe proud of job, hints at another term Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  10/08/76
Briscoe's son gets married in NY rites Dallas Morning News    10/03/76
Briscoe will run again, Guest says Dallas Morning News    09/26/76
Briscoe tells plan to cut number of graduates in overcrowded fields Houston Chronicle    09/16/76
Tell students, Briscoe says Houston Post    09/16/76
Briscoe heads bid in Texas for Carter Austin American Statesman    09/11/76
Practicing what he preaches Lubbock Avalanche Journal    08/29/76
Briscoe no - tax pledge cheered Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lewis, Preston  08/27/76
Sponsors want Briscoe in '78 Dallas Morning News    08/22/76
Suggestions of 'disorders' ire Briscoe Dallas Times Herald    08/15/76
Platforms' value termed dubious Dallas Times Herald    08/05/76
Briscoe sees Carter victory in Texas Dallas Morning News    07/30/76
Briscoe outlines 10 - point anticrime plan San Angelo Standard Times  Killgore, Le  07/27/76
Most of crime proposals good Beaumont Enterprise    07/18/76
Hays case criticism Briscoe to review San Antonio Light    07/15/76
Fund-raiser to aid Briscoe Houston Post    07/11/76
Briscoe calls for anticrime bills Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  07/04/76
Briscoe seeks support for anti-crime package Dallas Morning News  Freund, Carl  07/04/76
Briscoe asks Bar aid in crime war Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  07/04/76
Briscoe 'Prosperity' flawed San Angelo Standard Times  Bode, Winston  07/04/76
Government not business Corpus Christi Caller Times  Carpenter, Scott  06/30/76
Briscoe idea raises serious policy question Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  06/20/76
Gov. Briscoe holds another press fest San Angelo Standard Times  Bode, Winston  06/20/76
Briscoe predicts Texas will lead in agriculture Austin American Statesman  Bolt, Clark  06/16/76
'Redirection' of school funds urged Austin American Statesman    06/16/76
Briscoe likes energy plan Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  06/16/76
Master plan for Briscoe Dallas Morning News  Kinch, Sam  06/12/76
Briscoe urges gas decontrol San Antonio Express News  Diehl, Kemper  06/12/76
Governor raps legislature on utility action Lubbock Avalanche Journal    06/11/76
Briscoe backs off 6.8 pct. pay hike proposed for workers Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  06/10/76
Utility cut session call seems dead Houston Post  West, Felton  06/10/76
'Special legislative session won't help" San Angelo Standard Times    06/10/76
Briscoe extols fiscal frugality Austin American Statesman    06/09/76
Governor Briscoe hits government spending Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Heinecke, Harry  06/09/76
Briscoe promises no price controls Houston Post    06/09/76
Briscoe blasts government spending at oil meet Lubbock Avalanche Journal    06/09/76
Briscoe: Texas will remain in the black San Antonio Express News    06/09/76
Briscoe pondering 3rd term? Austin American Statesman    05/30/76
Briscoe: it could be Reagan-Carter fight Austin American Statesman    05/16/76
Texas Economy El Paso Times    05/09/76
Briscoe stresses Carter support Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  05/06/76
Briscoe backing Carter all way Dallas Morning News  Kinch, Sam  05/06/76
Briscoe clears 1st hurdle for '79 Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  05/06/76
Briscoe now supporting Carter wholeheartedly Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  05/06/76
Briscoe seeks to ease presidential candidates' path to primary ballot Houston Chronicle  Kuempel, George  05/06/76
Briscoe forecasts big Carter victory Houston Post  West, Felton  05/06/76
Briscoe forecasts surplus in revenue Houston Post    05/06/76
Mrs. Briscoe: We'll run again in 1978 Austin American Statesman    04/30/76
Gov. Briscoe's popularity experiences slight decline Dallas Morning News  Belden, Joe  04/28/76
Briscoe repeats 'no new tax' theme Beaumont Enterprise  Wright, Jim  04/27/76
Gov. Dolph Briscoe wants 10 years? Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  04/25/76
Clayton says he favors third term for Briscoe Dallas Times Herald    04/16/76
Briscoe may seek 3rd term Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  04/15/76
Briscoe will request new anticrime program Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  04/15/76
Briscoe spells out anticrime program Houston Chronicle    04/15/76
Anticrime plans revealed Houston Post    04/15/76
Briscoe is pointing in right direction San Angelo Standard Times    04/10/76
Briscoe wants 'realistic' law to deal with criminals Dallas Morning News    04/08/76
Briscoe for curbing convicts' release Houston Chronicle    04/08/76
Briscoe urges basic skills in education Houston Chronicle    04/04/76
In general, governor prefers to be private Fort Worth Star-Telegram    04/03/76
Briscoe: no new state taxes for funding public education San Angelo Standard Times  Killgore, Le  04/03/76
'New' Briscoe shines at A&M San Angelo Standard Times  Bode, Winston  03/28/76
Carter victory in Texas seen Dallas Morning News    03/26/76
'Spending has gotten out of hand' Houston Chronicle    03/21/76
Governor says he will veto any tax legislation San Antonio Express News  Mccory, Jim  03/17/76
Special session unlikely now San Antonio Light    03/17/76
Briscoe pledges no income tax San Antonio Light  Watkins, Sharon  03/17/76
Briscoe says spending 'has gotten out of hand' Houston Chronicle  Sanders, Janet  03/16/76
Briscoe hits GOP financing Houston Post  Precht, Dave  03/13/76
Briscoe needs exposure - outgoing press man Dallas Times Herald    03/05/76
Briscoe lacks enthusiasm over Jackson's showing Houston Post    03/04/76
Briscoe's endorsement still in Bentsen's hands Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  02/27/76
Briscoe voices support for Carter ticket Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  02/26/76
Briscoe says no new taxes (for highways) Austin American Statesman    02/26/76
Briscoe backs Bentsen despite Carter following Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  02/26/76
Briscoe finds Carter acceptable candidate Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  02/26/76
Carter gets Briscoe's enthusiastic support Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  02/26/76
Briscoe praises Carter in race Houston Post  West, Felton  02/26/76
Dinner here nets about $80,000 for Gov. Briscoe Houston Chronicle  Tutt, Bob  02/19/76
No new taxes pledged Houston Post  Ely, Jane  02/19/76
Briscoe fundraiser in Dallas nets $130, 488 in report Dallas Morning News    01/31/76
Briscoe gala raises $130,000 Austin American Statesman    01/30/76
Editorials Austin American Statesman    01/24/76
Briscoe defends work, travel habits Austin American Statesman    01/20/76
Briscoe outlines anti-crime proposals Austin American Statesman    01/20/76
Briscoe promises no tax increase Houston Chronicle    01/16/76
Briscoe lashes big government Houston Post  Fletcher, Sam  01/16/76
Briscoe cites lack of rural programs Austin American Statesman    01/14/76
Dinner for Briscoe loan repayment set Houston Post    01/04/76
Briscoe gets funds to pay old debt Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  12/30/75
Briscoe to hold big fund raiser Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  12/25/75
Briscoe's analysis Dallas Times Herald    12/23/75
Briscoe's press conference Corpus Christi Caller Times  Favre, Gregory  12/21/75
Briscoe and the Capitol press Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  12/21/75
Briscoe defends his absences Dallas Morning News    12/20/75
Briscoe vows to support all Demo nominees in '76 Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  12/20/75
Briscoe clings to saving goal Austin American Statesman    12/19/75
Briscoe to press: He's not changing shy ways Austin American Statesman    12/19/75
Briscoe vows higher education cut Beaumont Enterprise  Ochoa, Robert  12/19/75
Gov. Briscoe denies he dodges reporters Houston Post    12/19/75
Briscoe says money for schools misspent San Antonio Express News    12/17/75
Briscoe economy found more symbolic than real Dallas Morning News  Kinch, Sam  12/14/75
Jon Ford Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  12/07/75
Dolph's respite could last too long Corpus Christi Caller Times    12/07/75
Briscoe is where he's really needed Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  12/07/75
Gov. Briscoe is in a fuss San Angelo Standard Times  Long, Stuart  12/07/75
The fiscal Briscoe Austin American Statesman    12/06/75
The case of the missing governor Dallas Morning News  Murchison, William  12/06/75
Briscoe is alone against boondoggle San Antonio Express News    12/06/75
Briscoe takes opposing viewpoint on governors' revenue share plan Austin American Statesman  Choyke, William J.  12/04/75
Governor's routing fits power of office San Antonio Express News    12/04/75
Gov. Briscoe out of pocket for reporters Dallas Morning News    12/03/75
Briscoe raps federal bailout, stirs heated debate Dallas Times Herald  Mayer, Margaret  12/03/75
Briscoe disclaimes tag of 'invisible' governor Houston Post    12/03/75
Briscoe to Farm Bureau: Uvalde report false Austin American Statesman  Powell, Cleve  12/02/75
Briscoe says he'll be in Austin less Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Vance, James  12/02/75
The other side of Briscoe ranch Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  11/30/75
Briscoe remains an enigma Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  11/30/75
Our reclusive governor Corpus Christi Caller Times    11/29/75
Briscoe role needed Dallas Times Herald    11/28/75
Briscoe one of nation's most inaccessible governors Houston Post  Jones, Lee  11/27/75
Other governors not as shy as Briscoe in courting press Austin American Statesman  Jones, Lee  11/25/75
Not the neighbor's style Dallas Morning News  Jones, Lee  11/25/75
Senator jokes: Gov. Briscoe runs government 'in absentia' Houston Post  Jones, Lee  11/25/75
Briscoe fails to follow examples set by predecessors Austin American Statesman  Keever, Jack  11/24/75
Absentee governor Austin American Statesman  Jones, Lee  11/23/75
Charting the governor's elusive path Dallas Times Herald  Jones, Lee  11/23/75
Governor eyes moods of the public Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  11/15/75
Briscoe among witnesses giving views on U.S. policy Houston Chronicle    11/11/75
Briscoe first at bat San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  11/11/75
Briscoe holds popularity Dallas Morning News  Belden, Joe  11/09/75
Briscoe tells research unit income tax not needed Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  11/08/75
Briscoe opposes federal aid for New York City Houston Chronicle  Tutt, Bob  10/28/75
Editorials Austin American Statesman    10/22/75
Press too tough on Dolph Briscoe Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  09/28/75
Briscoe hopes interest in charter grows Houston Post    09/09/75
Briscoe 'trickery' claimed Houston Post    08/21/75
Jon Ford Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  08/17/75
Briscoe still keeps rivals off balance Beaumont Enterprise  Guarnere, Fred  08/17/75
Stirrings in '78 governor race Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  08/17/75
Briscoe to visit South America Austin American Statesman    08/14/75
Briscoe reiterates no new taxes goal Austin American Statesman    08/13/75
Briscoe: 'Too early' to tell '76 plans Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  08/13/75
Briscoe looks ahead, pledges 'no new taxes' again Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  08/13/75
Governor to fight off thoughts of new taxes El Paso Times    08/13/75
Briscoe still iffy on third term Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  08/13/75
Briscoe mulling re-election try Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  08/13/75
Texas can hold line on taxes, Briscoe says Houston Post  Bonavita, Fred  08/13/75
Briscoe organizing for '76 campaign Austin American Statesman    08/06/75
Briscoe re-election? Austin American Statesman    07/22/75
Briscoe to run again? Dallas Times Herald    07/22/75
Sharp eye on fed rule cautioned Austin American Statesman    07/03/75
Briscoe proud of 'no new taxes' Austin American Statesman    06/23/75
Governor returns contribution to Manges Austin American Statesman    06/17/75
Briscoe and Success Dallas Morning News  Kinch, Sam  06/08/75
Briscoe's leadership effective Houston Chronicle    06/04/75
Jon Ford Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  06/01/75
Briscoe tactics Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  06/01/75
Putting a governor on press conferences Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/29/75
Governor says weighted-pupil support grows Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  05/23/75
Briscoe ducks reporters' news jabs Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/22/75
Briscoe pushing 'weighted pupil' school plan Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  05/22/75
Dear Gov. Briscoe: thanks for nothing Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/20/75
Texas governor enigma to many Washington Post  Curtis, Tom  05/18/75
Texas 'Big 4' all wealthy Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  05/04/75
Inflamed corneas plague Governor Austin American Statesman    05/01/75
Hill, Hobby disclose how much they are worth Houston Chronicle  Fly, Richard  04/29/75
Old Dolph opposes taxes Dallas Times Herald  Havard, Bronson  04/25/75
Briscoe's program in trouble Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  04/20/75
Knowledge of charges disclaimed Dallas Morning News    04/19/75
Briscoe backing Hathaway Houston Post    04/19/75
Hill aware of allegations TI contributed to Briscoe Dallas Morning News    04/18/75
Information on Texas Instruments contributions to Briscoe furnished Hill Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  04/18/75
Demonstrators jeer Briscoe at A&I talk Corpus Christi Caller Times  Gonzalez, Guile  03/22/75
Briscoe hasn't returned Manges' $15,000 gift yet Corpus Christi Caller Times  Coudert, Joe  03/09/75
Lawsuit 'has no basis' Austin American Statesman    03/07/75
Briscoe charged in suit Austin American Statesman  Sutton, John  03/06/75
Governor on the move Dallas Times Herald  Holmes, Bert  03/02/75
Briscoe says depletion repeal a big mistake Dallas Morning News  Barta, Carolyn  02/28/75
Why did he want to be Governor of Texas? Beaumont Enterprise  Guarnere, Fred  02/23/75
Briscoe: Wallace capable of race San Antonio Express News    02/19/75
Cactus' thorns in Briscoe Dallas Morning News    02/06/75
Briscoe shakes up entourage San Antonio Light  Long, Stuart  02/02/75
Briscoe again disputes tax boost prediction Austin American Statesman    01/31/75
Briscoe replies to slam Houston Post    01/31/75
Lawmaker has dreams of governor's chair Houston Post  Hancock, Darrell  01/27/75
Briscoe to assume long awaited role? Dallas Morning News    01/26/75
Briscoe set for fight Dallas Morning News  Kinch, Sam  01/25/75
Reports 'scared' governor Austin American Statesman    01/24/75
Briscoe program would leave little of surplus Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  01/24/75
Briscoe's plan: good and bad Beaumont Enterprise    01/24/75
Briscoe nixes tax, utility plan Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  01/24/75
Progressive leadership Dallas Times Herald    01/24/75
Sensible and responsive Houston Chronicle    01/24/75
Briscoe sets a sound course Lubbock Avalanche Journal    01/24/75
Briscoe to outline program today Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  01/22/75
Briscoe, Hobby sworn in to state's first 4-year terms Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  01/22/75
Rights stressed at inaugural Houston Post  Bonavita, Fred  01/22/75
Briscoe's a lucky man San Antonio Light    01/22/75
More state aid due San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  01/22/75
Economic proposals irk Briscoe Houston Post    01/16/75
Briscoe keeps ladies in suspense on party Dallas Times Herald    01/12/75
School finance reform, economy boost needed Dallas Times Herald    01/12/75
Capital talk Highlander  Bode, Winston  01/09/75
Governor adopts state party platform Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  01/05/75
Dolph Briscoe's image vital Highlander  Bode, Winston  01/05/75
Jon Ford Austin American Statesman    12/29/74
Governor is leading in 1-2-3 fashion Fort Worth Star-Telegram    12/20/74
News conference surprises media Dallas Morning News  Lindsey, Roland  12/15/74
Briscoe to endorse changes Dallas Times Herald  Tiede, Saralee  12/15/74
Countering the rumors Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  12/15/74
Briscoe quells health rumors with conference Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  12/13/74
Governor Briscoe denies rumors he is mentally ill Houston Chronicle  Kuempel, George  12/13/74
Briscoe denies mental illness rumors Houston Post  Bonavita, Fred  12/13/74
Gov. Briscoe denies mental illness rumor San Antonio Light    12/13/74
Gov. Briscoe denies mental trouble Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  12/12/74
Briscoe rests; tests planned Austin American Statesman    12/11/74
Briscoe was 'very serious' San Antonio Express News    12/11/74
Hospital discharges Governor Austin American Statesman    12/10/74
Briscoe told: rest, have no visitors Houston Chronicle    12/10/74
Briscoe's condition uncertain San Antonio Light    12/07/74
Emergency kidney treatment San Antonio Light    12/06/74
What was on her mind? San Angelo Standard Times  Bode, Winston  11/15/74
Jon Ford Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  11/10/74
Win should strengthen Briscoe's leadership Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  11/07/74
Briscoe campaign loans boosted by $280,000 Houston Chronicle  Kuempel, George  10/30/74
Careful look at Briscoe Dallas Times Herald    08/19/74
Briscoe to pay for Uvalde calls Austin American Statesman    08/17/74
Brisoce paying for calls Houston Post    08/17/74
Check reveals state paid for Briscoe's personal calls Dallas Morning News    08/16/74
Briscoe cool toward data bank Houston Post    08/07/74
Briscoe drew funding of $861,097 in race Austin American Statesman  Ford, Jon  07/03/74
Briscoe outspends chief rival Houston Post    06/05/74
Briscoe rests after victory Houston Post  Ely, Jane  05/06/74
Black legislator praises Briscoe Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  05/02/74
Effort to probe Briscoe finances appears failing Houston Post  Hancock, Darrell  04/09/74
Briscoe to aid Negro college fund Dallas Times Herald  Brisby, Ocie  04/05/74
Most like Governor, poll says Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Belden, Joe  03/24/74
Briscoe undecided on making race for governor in '78 Houston Post    03/08/74
Airline reveals Briscoe has sold stock Dallas Morning News    02/28/74
Tea partygoers happy lot San Antonio Light    02/24/74
Briscoe remains enigma Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  01/13/74
Briscoe believes 'good beginning' made San Antonio Light    01/06/74
Briscoe reviews '73 gains Houston Post    01/01/74
Briscoe holds the advantage Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  12/02/73
Briscoe campaigner promises disclosure Dallas Morning News    11/29/73
Tapes reveal bank loan scheme Dallas Times Herald  Dudney, Bob  11/14/73
Gov. Briscoe accused of 'ducking charges' Dallas Morning News    11/11/73
State GOP charges inaccurate Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  11/11/73
Briscoe urges 'return to God' Dallas Morning News  Parmley, Helen  11/07/73
Briscoe says he may return ticket money Houston Post    11/07/73
Briscoe campaign opener pleases Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  11/01/73
Briscoe supporters show muscle Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  11/01/73
Briscoe has helped restore trust Houston Chronicle    11/01/73
Governor gets a jump on second term plans San Antonio Express News    11/01/73
Briscoe tells funds dinner plans for race Austin American Statesman  Fish, Richard  10/31/73
Gov. Briscoe to seek another term Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  10/31/73
Briscoe to seek 2nd term as governor Houston Post    10/31/73
Thousands cheer 'Candidate Briscoe' San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  10/31/73
Souvenir planned for Briscoe fete Austin American Statesman    10/30/73
6,000 due at tribute to Briscoe Dallas Times Herald    10/30/73
Thoughts on Dolph's fund-raiser Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  10/28/73
Briscoe fund raising dinner has dual purpose Houston Post  Lindsey, Roland  10/28/73
Texas GOP head accuses Briscoe of arm-twisting to recoup funds Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  10/27/73
Briscoe differs with fundraiser Dallas Morning News    10/26/73
Briscoe lists priority for dinner's income San Antonio Express News  Ford, Jon  10/25/73
Briscoe fund-raiser could set a record Austin American Statesman    10/20/73
Contributions goal hoped from gala Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  10/20/73
Underlining Briscoe's strength Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  10/14/73
Briscoe won't bankroll own coffers again San Antonio Express News  Ford, Jon  10/14/73
Briscoe's prospects for 1974 look rosy Dallas Morning News    10/07/73
Briscoe aiming at '74 Dallas Times Herald    10/07/73
Briscoe hints at 2nd term Austin American Statesman    09/12/73
Briscoe edging near 2nd term Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  09/12/73
Ideas of leaving not for Governor San Antonio Express News    09/12/73
Briscoes' lifestyle seeps into political mainstream Dallas Morning News  Parmley, Helen  08/27/73
Briscoe may visit Europe San Antonio Light    08/20/73
Briscoe asks runaways to contact parents Houston Post  Wiese, Art  08/18/73
Briscoe switches stand, backs annual legislative session Houston Post  Fitzgerald, Randy  07/29/73
Wallaceites firm Dallas Morning News  Barta, Carolyn  07/20/73
Briscoe reportedly worth $40 million Austin American Statesman    07/17/73
Many schools depend on Briscoe Dallas Morning News  McNeely, Dave  07/16/73
Briscoe's land, banking interests valued at nearly $40 million Houston Chronicle  Kuempel, George  07/15/73
Briscoe giving more attention to problems in minority areas Houston Post    07/08/73
Gov. Briscoe sees no special session Corpus Christi Caller Times  Mcnett, Roy  06/30/73
Briscoe plans mobile office San Antonio Express News    06/30/73
Briscoe charms Mauzy Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  06/24/73
The Governor's taxes Dallas Morning News    06/22/73
Briscoe 'bit lackluster' in press conference Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  06/22/73
Tax trap for governor baited with ignorance San Antonio Express News    06/22/73
Briscoe defends tax method on his South Texas ranch Austin American Statesman    06/21/73
Briscoe denies break on taxes Dallas Morning News  Kinch, Sam  06/21/73
Briscoe denies tax privileges Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  06/21/73
Briscoe denies tax disagreement Houston Chronicle  Kuempel, George  06/21/73
Tax 'deal' denied San Antonio Express News  Walter, Clyde  06/21/73
Briscoe to speak on land appraisal Austin American Statesman  Shipp, Dixie  06/20/73
Low land value affecting schools Dallas Morning News  Lenz, Mary  06/20/73
Briscoe to explain ranch taxes Dallas Times Herald  Montgomery, Dave  06/20/73
Briscoe land values revealed during testimony in House Houston Post  Hancock, Darrell  06/20/73
Land tax statement untrue, Briscoe says Houston Post  Hancock, Darrell  06/20/73
Briscoe taxes eyed San Antonio Express News  Walter, Clyde  06/20/73
Gov. Briscoe named to executive panel Austin American Statesman  Berry, Jim  06/07/73
Briscoe concurs in Nixon press conference call Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  06/05/73
Gov. Briscoe tells conference 'energy crisis' biggest issue Austin American Statesman  Berry, Jim  06/04/73
Capitol Austin American Statesman  Berry, Jim  06/03/73
Briscoe gave leadership Houston Chronicle    05/30/73
Governor praises Legislators Austin American Statesman    05/29/73
Briscoe audited Dallas Morning News  Raeke, Carolyn  05/25/73
House is willing, but is Briscoe? Dallas Morning News    05/21/73
Joining of forces hinted Dallas Morning News  Barta, Carolyn  05/20/73
Hobby says he asked that Briscoe aide leave Senate Houston Chronicle    05/20/73
Briscoe not anticipating need for special session Abilene Reporter-News  Morehead, Richard M.  05/19/73
Wallace-Briscoe liaisons hinted Dallas Times Herald  Smith, Tracey  05/19/73
Ethics, lobby bills expected Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  05/10/73
Gov. Briscoe issues vote of confidence to legislature Houston Post    05/10/73
The governor and the legislature Dallas Times Herald    04/08/73
Briscoe still faces problems Austin American Statesman  Jones, Garth  04/01/73
Briscoe, party visit Chihuahua governor El Paso Times  Guy, Dorrance  03/26/73
Around the rotunda Houston Chronicle    03/25/73
Briscoe speaks out Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  03/25/73
Briscoe firm on spending Houston Post    03/25/73
Charge of bias spurs lecture from Governor Austin American Statesman    03/24/73
Briscoe promises applauded at cattle raisers meeting Austin American Statesman  Bolt, Clark  03/21/73
Briscoe's salary has its ups and down Dallas Morning News    03/20/73
Gov. Briscoe Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  03/18/73
Uvalde names top man San Antonio Express News    02/17/73
Briscoe ousts Smith secretary Dallas Morning News    01/26/73
Briscoe pleases legislators' ego Dallas Times Herald  Stromberger, Ernest  01/23/73
Police group praises Briscoe Dallas Morning News    01/22/73
Gov. Briscoe's first week largely a success Dallas Morning News  Ford, Jon  01/21/73
Briscoes plan to continue daily luncheon Houston Post    01/21/73
Briscoe, liberals huddle Houston Post  Hancock, Darrell  01/19/73
Briscoe's proposals draw fire Austin American Statesman    01/18/73
Briscoe's talk wins approval Dallas Morning News  Lenz, Mary  01/18/73
Briscoe plans draw some Tarrant praise Fort Worth Star-Telegram    01/18/73
Briscoe address to Legislature hits responsive chord Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/18/73
Briscoe talk draws praise, reservations Houston Post  Wiese, Art  01/18/73
Briscoe tells lawmakers 'cooperation to be theme' Houston Post  West, Felton  01/18/73
Briscoe takes reins as Texas governor Austin American Statesman  Berry, Jim  01/17/73
Our new leadership Dallas Morning News    01/17/73
Briscoe 1 of richest governors Dallas Morning News    01/17/73
History books not clear if Briscoe is 39th or 40th Dallas Morning News    01/17/73
Briscoe attends prayer breakfast Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  01/17/73
Briscoe cites need for ethics Dallas Times Herald  Manross, Lee  01/17/73
Dolph Briscoe: how much has he changed? Houston Chronicle  Kuempel, George  01/16/73
Capitol pace will step up Dallas Times Herald  Stromberger, Ernest  01/14/73
Political unknowns Houston Chronicle  Kuempel, George  01/14/73
Judging Briscoe prematurely Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/14/73
Changing of guard comes amid pledges of reform Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/14/73
Not many are expecting too much of Briscoe San Antonio Express News  Ford, Jon  01/14/73
New officials to be sworn San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  01/14/73
'Dolph oughta' but Briscoe aides want governor-elect's own pace Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  01/11/73
Effectiveness of leadership session's question mark Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  01/07/73
Dolph Briscoe Austin American Statesman  Berry, Jim  12/31/72
Loyalty top Briscoe test Dallas Times Herald  Stromberger, Ernest  12/31/72
Briscoe still drawing legislative plans Houston Post  Wiese, Art  12/30/72
Briscoe to offer anticrime programs Dallas Morning News    12/21/72
Briscoe wants Texas to be top U.S. farmer Dallas Times Herald    12/08/72
Briscoe wants close ties between Dallas and state Dallas Morning News  Barta, Carolyn  12/07/72
A friendly governor Dallas Times Herald  Holmes, Bert  12/07/72
Dolph, facing ticket, wins tow-away race Dallas Morning News    12/06/72
Briscoe gives Dallas olive branch visit Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  12/06/72
Briscoe woos Dallas' affections Dallas Times Herald  Smith, Tracey  12/06/72
Briscoe opposes tax hike Dallas Morning News  Freund, Carl  12/03/72
Texas' new governor San Antonio Express News  Hart, Weldon  11/26/72
Mass transit no. 1 goal of Briscoe administration Houston Chronicle    11/14/72
Briscoe cites role of farming Houston Post    11/14/72
Briscoe hangs hat on transportation San Antonio Express News    11/14/72
Briscoe readies selection of staff Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  11/12/72
Business, civic activities head Briscoe career Dallas Morning News  Lenz, Mary  11/12/72
Dolph seen as effective worker Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  11/12/72
Briscoe sought Garner's advice - and so did LBJ Houston Chronicle  Untermeyer, Charles G. (Chase)  11/12/72
Demo wounds run deep Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  11/09/72
Much of Briscoe's strength comes from Uvalde backers Houston Post  Ambrose, Linda  11/06/72
'Silent majority' Dolph Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  11/05/72
Part-time Briscoe campaign winds down to crawl Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Thornton, Z. Joe  11/05/72
Advisory committees being formed to counsel Briscoe Houston Chronicle    11/05/72
Briscoe: dedicated to problem-solving era Houston Chronicle  Untermeyer, Charles G. (Chase)  11/05/72
Therapy denied by Briscoe Dallas Morning News  Castro, Tony  11/04/72
Briscoe foresees victory Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  11/04/72
Briscoe sloshes through southeast Texas for votes Houston Chronicle  Untermeyer, Charles G. (Chase)  11/04/72
Briscoe denies treatment charge of opponent Houston Post  Crossley, Mimi  11/04/72
Briscoe thanks supporters Houston Post  Ambrose, Linda  11/04/72
Airline finds Briscoe aide very unfunny Houston Chronicle    11/03/72
Briscoe wants state farm production to be number one Houston Chronicle  Untermeyer, Charles G. (Chase)  11/03/72
Briscoe: severest penalty for killers of policemen Houston Chronicle  Untermeyer, Charles G. (Chase)  11/02/72
Briscoe urges reforms in state justice system Houston Post  Ambrose, Linda  11/02/72
For Dolph Briscoe Houston Post    11/02/72
Briscoe campaigns in Fort Worth area Austin American Statesman  Berry, Jim  10/31/72
Briscoe arrives in Fort Worth Dallas Morning News    10/31/72
Briscoe explains his subsidy of $52,000 Houston Chronicle  Untermeyer, Charles G. (Chase)  10/31/72
Briscoe Corpus Christi Caller Times    10/29/72
Briscoe avoids specifics Dallas Morning News  Lenz, Mary  10/29/72
'Exciting' Briscoe campaign lackluster to followers Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  10/29/72
Briscoe stands firm on key mandate of reform Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  10/29/72
Dolph Briscoe San Antonio Light    10/29/72
Briscoe claims Muniz not hurting his race Austin American Statesman    10/27/72
Briscoe sees responsive Legislature Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  10/27/72
Briscoe mulls impact of Raza Unida on his race Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  10/27/72
Briscoe favors competitive rates Dallas Morning News  Lenz, Mary  10/26/72
Briscoe campaigns in chilly Panhandle Houston Chronicle  Mcnutt, Gayle  10/20/72
Briscoe kicks off campaign finale Houston Chronicle  Mcnutt, Gayle  10/17/72
Why Briscoe keeps campaign in low profile Houston Chronicle  Collier, Bill  10/15/72
Briscoe: efforts to tag him liberal 'doomed' Houston Chronicle  Collier, Bill  10/11/72
Briscoe image scarred Dallas Times Herald    09/25/72
Briscoe dropped for Fair Dallas Times Herald    08/27/72
Oak Cliff business leaders pledge support for Briscoe Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  08/03/72
Briscoe acts out Smith prediction Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  07/30/72
Briscoe convention switch angers some conservatives Austin American Statesman    07/29/72
Briscoe says Sen. Eagleton should have spoken earlier Dallas Morning News  Freund, Carl  07/27/72
Straight ticket vowed by Briscoe San Antonio Express News  Price, Jim  07/22/72
Briscoe bids for strong Demo party San Antonio Light  Rust, Joe Carroll  07/22/72
Briscoe facing plenty of woes Dallas Times Herald  Jones, Garth  07/21/72
Convention vacillation may cost Briscoe at election time Fort Worth Star-Telegram    07/21/72
Grover and Muniz critical of Briscoe Houston Chronicle    07/21/72
Briscoe finally speaks up Dallas Morning News  McNeely, Dave  07/20/72
Briscoe met loyalty test Austin American Statesman  Berry, Jim  07/16/72
Briscoe, the gambler Dallas Times Herald    07/16/72
Briscoe arrives for convention Dallas Morning News    07/08/72
Houston isn't just an overgrown Uvalde, Mr. B. Houston Post  Holcomb, Henry  06/11/72
Comfortable man in an uncomfortable era San Antonio Express News  Ford, Jon  06/11/72
Barnes hails Briscoe win, vows election aid Houston Chronicle    06/06/72
Briscoe Corpus Christi Caller Times    06/05/72
What kind of Governor would Briscoe make? Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  06/05/72
Briscoe promises responsive office Austin American Statesman  Berry, Jim  06/04/72
Briscoe denies all affiliation with Rep. Heatly Dallas Morning News    06/02/72
Border patrol agent denies wetback charge Houston Chronicle    06/02/72
State furor mounts on alien charges Lubbock Avalanche Journal    06/02/72
Briscoe: a new campaign image San Antonio Express News  Ford, Jon  06/02/72
Briscoe trying to shake wetback labor charges San Antonio Light    06/02/72
Briscoe denies wetback use Austin American Statesman    06/01/72
Briscoe winds up campaign in Big D Dallas Times Herald  Stromberger, Ernest  06/01/72
Briscoe farm payment $52,544 Houston Post    06/01/72
Briscoe sounds appeal for 'unity, harmony' Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Flippin, Perry  06/01/72
Briscoe pledges party-healing effort Dallas Times Herald  Stromberger, Ernest  05/31/72
Briscoe details plan Houston Post  West, Felton  05/31/72
Briscoe gets Orr's support as race shifts to high gear Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  05/30/72
Briscoe gets endorsement from Roy Orr Houston Chronicle  Kuempel, George  05/30/72
Orr backing Briscoe; criticizes Farenthold Houston Post  West, Felton  05/30/72
Briscoe denies being 'shielded' San Antonio Express News    05/30/72
Briscoe for No. 1 Beaumont Enterprise    05/28/72
Briscoe strategy barring full coverage by press Dallas Morning News  Atterberry, Ann  05/28/72
Runoff: Dolph Briscoe Dallas Morning News    05/28/72
Briscoe hits harder at Sissy Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Summers, Roger  05/28/72
Briscoe our choice in primary runoff Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/28/72
Briscoe proposes transit planning Dallas Morning News  Atterberry, Ann  05/26/72
Briscoe counts on small vote Houston Post  Hancock, Darrell  05/26/72
Briscoe got corporation gift San Antonio Express News    05/26/72
Briscoe wins endorsement from Sabine Trades group Austin American Statesman    05/25/72
Briscoe working in Harris County Dallas Morning News  Atterberry, Ann  05/25/72
Briscoe set for tough run-off race Dallas Times Herald    05/24/72
DPS man departs Briscoe campaign Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/24/72
Briscoe gets DPS guard Dallas Morning News  Atterberry, Ann  05/23/72
Briscoe sees call to action Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/23/72
Briscoe asks, gets special police guard Houston Chronicle    05/21/72
Briscoe for governor Houston Chronicle    05/21/72
Ex-Barnes backers toast Briscoe here San Antonio Express News  McCrory, Jim  05/21/72
Lee hits Briscoe claim of support Beaumont Enterprise    05/20/72
Dolph campaigns for votes here Beaumont Enterprise  Lusignan, Phil  05/19/72
Briscoe says city officials backing him Houston Post    05/19/72
'Burning desire' to be governor motivates Dolph Briscoe Houston Post  Holcomb, Henry  05/14/72
Briscoe runoff to be 'repeat' Austin American Statesman    05/08/72
Briscoe odds-on favorite Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  05/08/72
Briscoe hoping for supporters of Smith, Barnes Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  05/08/72
Briscoe workers celebrate victory Austin American Statesman  Castlebury, Glen  05/07/72
Briscoe shifts campaign from country to the city Dallas Times Herald  Reinert, Al  05/05/72
Briscoe makes final appeal Houston Post  Holcomb, Henry  05/05/72
Briscoe planning on support of Bexar County campaign Austin American Statesman  Sargent, Ben  05/04/72
Events confirm Briscoe Austin American Statesman    04/30/72
Briscoe's style recalls O'Daniel Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  04/30/72
Briscoe: soft sell swells Dallas Times Herald  Stromberger, Ernest  04/30/72
Briscoe Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Martinets, Patrick  04/30/72
Briscoe backers fee Houston is key area Austin American Statesman  Castlebury, Glen  04/26/72
Briscoe centers attack on Barnes Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  04/23/72
Briscoe Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Thornton, Joe  04/23/72
Briscoe calls health rumors amusing Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  04/21/72
Senator demands more data about road serving Briscoe Corpus Christi Caller Times    04/18/72
Small campaign held in Houston Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  04/18/72
Senators criticize Briscoe over building of FM 2688 Austin American Statesman    04/14/72
Two claim Briscoe got 'private' road Corpus Christi Caller Times  Ford, Jon  04/14/72
Briscoe road charged Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  04/14/72
Briscoe-road link critized Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  04/14/72
Senators claim Briscoe road improprieties Houston Post  Wiese, Art  04/14/72
Solons cite Briscoe ranch road San Antonio Light    04/14/72
Briscoe campaign swings eastward Austin American Statesman  Anderson, Tom  04/04/72
New funds fuel Briscoe's drive Dallas Times Herald    04/02/72
Briscoe has filed statement Austin American Statesman    04/01/72
Partial financial statement filed by candidate Briscoe Houston Post    04/01/72
Briscoe opposes using tolls to fund Turnpike Dallas Morning News    03/31/72
Briscoe believes Barnes slipping Dallas Times Herald  Calhoun, Ron  03/17/72
Briscoe campaign coming to centex Austin American Statesman    03/09/72
Briscoe's campaign putting banker in unfamiliar role Dallas Times Herald    02/27/72
Briscoe opens Houston campaign office Houston Post    02/22/72
Briscoe pays fee to enter Texas governor's race Houston Post    02/08/72
Briscoe campaign advisor brings impressive record Dallas Morning News  Hines, Cragg  01/30/72
S.A. office to open for Briscoe San Antonio Light  Castillo, Ed  01/20/72
Briscoe calls Dallas 'key' to governorship victory Dallas Times Herald    01/19/72
Briscoe will open headquarters here Austin American Statesman    01/16/72
Briscoe headquarters opens doors in Austin Austin American Statesman    01/05/72
Briscoe offers leadership Austin American Statesman    01/02/72
Papers endorse Dolph Briscoe Dallas Times Herald    01/02/72
Campaign stirs at Briscoe ranch Dallas Morning News    12/23/71
Briscoe promises he'll stick with his boots in race Houston Chronicle  Byers, Bo  12/08/71
Briscoe's spiel vague, hesitant Dallas Morning News  Johnson, Tom  10/21/71
Dolph Briscoe denies pressure from LBJ Austin American Statesman    10/04/71
Amid gala setting Briscoe 'officially' in race for Governor San Antonio Light  Robison, Clay  10/03/71
Briscoe joins race, jabs Barnes Austin American Statesman    09/30/71
Briscoe runs for Governor Dallas Morning News  Davis, Stewart  09/30/71
Briscoe proclaims reform theme Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Bain, Bob  09/30/71
Briscoe: Barnes involved in bank bills Houston Chronicle  Beveridge, Reid  09/30/71
Briscoe officially in governor race Houston Post  West, Felton  09/30/71
Dolph Briscoe keeps a promise Lubbock Avalanche Journal    09/30/71
Briscoe running for governor Houston Chronicle  Beveridge, Reid  09/29/71
Briscoe tops in East Texas survey San Antonio Light    09/29/71
Briscoe calls for reforms Houston Post  Durham, Bill  09/28/71
Briscoe readies formal candidacy Austin American Statesman    09/11/71
Briscoe reception held San Antonio Light    09/02/71
Briscoe to run for governor San Antonio Express News    08/05/71
Dolph Briscoe gets ready to campaign for Governor Dallas Times Herald  Hampton, Ot  08/04/71
Fish fry launches Briscoe state bid Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  07/23/71
'Briscoe' convention to be held in Uvalde San Antonio Express News    07/23/71
Dolph Briscoe announces candidacy for governor Houston Chronicle  Beveridge, Reid  07/22/71
Briscoe backers to meet San Antonio Express News    07/21/71
Briscoe off and running for Governor's post San Antonio Express News  Ford, Jon  07/18/71
Briscoe won't quit top race Corpus Christi Caller Times  Diehl, Kemper  06/29/71
Dolph Briscoe may go for powerful lt. governor post Houston Chronicle  Mcnutt, Gayle  06/20/71
Briscoe's announcement may be near San Antonio Light  Rust, Joe Carroll  06/11/71
Briscoe sticks to guns Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  06/09/71
Briscoe stands pat on governor's race San Antonio Express News  McCrory, Jim  06/02/71
Johnson heft felt in Briscoe camp Austin American Statesman    05/28/71
Briscoe renews plans to run for Governor Dallas Morning News    12/06/70
Briscoe political deal denied Houston Post    12/05/70
Dolph Briscoe stakes his claim San Antonio Express News    11/11/70
Briscoe 'definitely' to run for governor again in 1972 Dallas Morning News  Kinch, Sam  11/10/70
Briscoe running for governorship Dallas Times Herald  Stromberger, Ernest  11/10/70
Rancher Briscoe holds strategy session for '72 governor's race Houston Chronicle    11/10/70
Dolph Briscoe definitely in 1972 governor's race San Antonio Express News  Ford, Jon  11/10/70
Briscoe asks opinion here, gets 2 kinds Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Vachule, Jim  01/10/70
Briscoe to speak at Poteet bankquet San Antonio Express News    01/09/70
Briscoe thinking of running again Dallas Morning News  Johnson, Tom  10/15/69
Dolph Briscoe sets sights on governor's race in '72 Dallas Morning News  Morehead, Richard M.  08/12/69
Briscoe gets set for '72 San Antonio Express News  Ford, Jon  06/29/69
Briscoe fishing for 1972 race? Corpus Christi Caller Times  Long, Stuart  06/01/69
Dolph Briscoe candidate for governor Abilene Reporter-News    01/01/68
Scanned from microfilm - 324.23 roll 1 (1968-1978) Microfilm    11/30/67
Dolph Briscoe, Mr. South Texas, sees area progress San Antonio Express News  Laroche, Clarence  02/19/67