Selected newspaper articles related to Teel Bivins

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Entries marked with are biographical in nature.

Headline Newspaper Columnist Date
Region dodges a bullet? Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 05/07/11
Redistricting battle fraught with headaches, possible suits Amarillo Globe-News  Seliger, K. 01/09/11
Let non-pols draw the lines Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 12/29/10
Let grownups run the Senate Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 11/14/10
No time for political pleasantries Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 07/11/10
Bloodbath awaits Texas legislators Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 12/20/09
Man, that was some initial meeting Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 11/01/09
Teel Bivins served Texas with class and skill Dallas Morning News  Editorial 10/31/09
Rove eulogizes a friend Amarillo Globe-News  Welch, K. 10/30/09
Death of Teel Bivins brings sadness to West Texas Midland Reporter Telegram  Staff 10/29/09
Miles Teel Bivins Austin American Statesman  Staff 10/28/09
Miles 'Teel' Bivins dies: influence far reaching Amarillo Globe-News  Staff 10/27/09
Ex-state senator led GOP's education, finance efforts Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 10/27/09
Former Texas lawmaker, U.S. ambassador Teel Bivins dies at 61 Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 10/27/09
WT, Bivins team up Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 10/15/08
Redistricting gets attention Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 09/27/08
As day's governor, Carona to choose charity over gala Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 01/11/08
Redistricting effort targeted Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 12/24/06
Legislators look back at terrorist attacks Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, R. 09/10/06
Craddick, West host armory opening Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, B. 08/22/06
Marriage will unite Bivins, Ryan families Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 08/20/06
West, Craddick urge Bivins in '03 to get armory funding passed Midland Reporter Telegram  Campbell, B. 03/26/06
Let new home agency build momentum Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Montelongo, R. 02/06/06
Board of education seeks to broaden textbook control Houston Chronicle  A.P. Wire 02/01/06
No one likes tangling with taxes Austin American Statesman  Selby, W. 05/05/05
Graduating to a higher degree Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 06/02/04
World War II veterans receive honorary diplomas Amarillo Globe-News  Dickerson, P. 05/30/04
Senate gives OK to Bivins Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 05/22/04
School finance emerges as top priority for new state senator Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 04/08/04
Bivins' nomination looks assured Austin American Statesman  Lindell, C. 03/26/04
Teel Bivins' fill-in takes early lead Houston Chronicle  Staff 03/10/04
King Miller: Seliger, Edwards not only horses in SD 31 race Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 03/08/04
Obi-Wan speaks Austin American Statesman  Editorial 03/06/04
Seliger's coffers swell Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 03/03/04
Now Amarillo senator 'ready to go to work' Houston Chronicle  Staff 03/03/04
Seliger's victory not part of the plan Amarillo Globe-News  Henry, D. 02/19/04
District deserves large turnout for state senate race Midland Reporter Telegram  Editorial 02/17/04
State Senate seat will be filled tonight Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 02/17/04
Runoffs today will fill seats vacated by Sens. Ratliff, Bivins San Antonio Express News  Falkenberg, L. 02/17/04
Lawmakers report school options during campaign tour Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 02/12/04
Texas Senate race heats up in Amarillo Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 02/10/04
Kirk Edwards best choice in runoff race Midland Reporter Telegram  Editorial 02/08/04
Office location becomes a big deal Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 02/01/04
Perry sets Senate runoffs Austin American Statesman  Staff 01/31/04
Barnes to remain in March 9 primary Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 01/30/04
Odgen to chair finance committee Bryan Eagle  Staff 01/22/04
Duncan named chair of Senate Committee on State Affairs Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 01/22/04
Candidates forge ahead to primary Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 01/22/04
Voters picking successors to Bivins, Ratliff Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 01/21/04
Special elections heating up Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 01/19/04
Election pits Panhandle against Midland-Odessa San Antonio Express News  Reins, C. 01/19/04
Pair's exit comes at key point for school funding San Antonio Express News    01/19/04
Bivins left Senate before job was done Amarillo Globe-News  Routon, R. 01/18/04
Democrat uses grassroots effort to appeal to voters Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 01/17/04
Bivins' move left 31st seat wide open Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 01/15/04
Neutral gear best for Bivins Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 01/14/04
Reports give look inside campaigns Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 01/14/04
Odessans lead candidates in expenditures Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 01/14/04
Final furor Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 01/13/04
District 31 constituents still have voice in Austin Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 01/13/04
Amarillo trails voting race Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 01/13/04
'Transition mode' Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 01/13/04
Senate is losing two bright lights Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 01/11/04
'Balancing act' Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 01/11/04
Time to look past surface to substance Amarillo Globe-News  Routon, R. 01/11/04
Don Sparks best choice for Senate Midland Reporter Telegram  Editorial 01/11/04
School finance experts will be greatly missed Corpus Christi Caller Times  Meighan, T. 01/10/04
School finance Wichita Falls Record News  Meighan, T. 01/10/04
Officials ready for 'hectic' special election Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 01/04/04
Several topics worthy of watchful eye in 2004 Amarillo Globe-News  Routon, R. 01/04/04
Senate has big shoes to fill Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 01/04/04
Legislature has many important battles ahead Midland Reporter Telegram  Bivins, T. 01/04/04
7 file to succeed Bivins in Senate Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 01/03/04
Dozens file for legislative seats Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 01/03/04
Politics top '03 headlines Midland Reporter Telegram  Ott, G. 12/31/03
Bivins' new role Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 12/29/03
Republicans struggle with challenges of new leadership; Midlanders see new opportunities Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/25/03
Students lose advocate as Bivins leaves Legislature Austin American Statesman  Schroder, R. 12/23/03
Finance big issue for District 31 candidates Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/22/03
Sparks proves he has grassroots appeal for District 31 Senate seat Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/20/03
Revamping the lineup Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 12/19/03
Quackenbush to run for Bivins' seat Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 12/18/03
Decision still out on new Texas Senate candidate Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/18/03
Odessan Barnes visits Midland to announce District 31 candidacy Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/17/03
Midland oilman touts bid for Bivins' seat Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 12/12/03
Midlander announces candidacy for Bivins' seat Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/12/03
Perry sets Jan. 20 election date Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 12/09/03
The sooner the better for special election Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 12/09/03
Gov. Perry announces special election for empty District 31 seat Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/09/03
Lawmakers leave big shoes to fill Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 12/08/03
Hitting the books Amarillo Globe-News  Wilson, B. 12/06/03
Panhandle area will miss Bivins Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 12/05/03
Austin's vacuum Dallas Morning News  Editorial 12/05/03
Barnes announces candidacy for Bivins' Texas Senate seat Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/05/03
Bivins to resign seat in Senate Amarillo Globe-News  Wilson, B. 12/04/03
Shuffle starts for state seats Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 12/04/03
Wolens says he won't seek re-election Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 12/04/03
Candidates statewide gearing up for '04 Houston Chronicle  A.P. Wire 12/04/03
Bivins excellent choice to be new ambassador Midland Reporter Telegram  Editorial 12/04/03
Sen. Bivins announces plans to resign Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/04/03
Bivins nomination to impact area Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 12/03/03
Vacant seat by Bivins could cause numbers game Midland Reporter Telegram  Doreen, S. 12/03/03
President nominates Bivins Amarillo Globe-News  Chapman, J. 12/02/03
Bivins might be emmissary to Sweden Austin American Statesman  Lindell, C. 12/02/03
Bush to nominate Bivins for Swedish ambassador Dallas Morning News  Jackson, D. 12/02/03
Bush taps senator to be ambassador Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 12/02/03
Bush nominates Sen. Bivins as ambassador Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 12/02/03
Bush taps Texan to be diplomat San Antonio Express News  Martin, G. 12/02/03
Redistricting to establish new precincts Valley Morning Star  Trevino, M. 12/01/03
Some Odessans getting early start on filing for March 9 primaries Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 11/25/03
Bivins focuses on school finance Amarillo Globe-News  Albright, M. 11/23/03
Possible candidates biding time on Teel Bivin's seat Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 11/16/03
Bivins calls possible nomination rumor Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 10/31/03
Bivins may be nominated ambassador to Sweden Amarillo Globe-News  Staff 10/24/03
Bush may name Texan ambassador to Sweden Dallas Morning News  Staff 10/24/03
Report: Bivins could be headed to Sweden Midland Reporter Telegram  Chandler, C. 10/24/03
Bivins might go to Sweden Austin American Statesman  Staff 10/23/03
Put redistricting out of our misery Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 10/14/03
Senate OKs redistricting Amarillo Globe-News  Staff 10/13/03
Averitt's vote may break tie Waco Tribune Herald  Liscano, M. 10/12/03
Panhandle legislators not happy with new map Amarillo Globe-News  Albright, M. 10/10/03
Craddick stands firm on redistricting Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Kitchen, S. 09/28/03
Senate Demos prepare to fight fractured GOP El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 09/23/03
Perry reveals map of his own Wichita Falls Record News  Wolfson, M. 09/23/03
Bivins' decision to seek re-election is welcome Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 08/31/03
Bivins: 'I fully intend to seek re-election to the Texas Senate' Amarillo Globe-News  Wilson, B. 08/26/03
Second special session grinding toward an end Houston Chronicle  Graves, R. 08/23/03
11 Democrats face stiffer penalties Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 08/16/03
Panel to weigh tax hikes in schools - finance overhaul Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 08/01/03
Strayhorn wants budget cuts eased Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 07/12/03
Senator says Rove visit was social Dallas Morning News  Gillman, T. 07/08/03
Local leaders speak out on divisive issue McAllen Monitor  Walzer, A. 07/01/03
Area lawmakers deserve high marks Amarillo Globe-News  Kanelis, J. 06/29/03
Texas fares better than some Amarillo Globe-News  Wilson, B. 06/29/03
Locals speak out Laredo Morning Times  Cortez, T. 06/29/03
Redistricting hearing in Laredo, June 27 Laredo Morning Times  Cortez, T. 06/20/03
Strayhorn criticizes proposed budget Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 06/05/03
Senate passes final version of budget Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 06/02/03
Ok'd bill cuts some services; taxes won't rise Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 06/02/03
Contributions to campaign may have led to dump site El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 06/01/03
Plan for radioactive waste dump goes to governor Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/27/03
Deal eases state cuts El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/27/03
Uninsured drivers Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 05/26/03
2 leaders step in to break deadlock Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/24/03
State budget crunch puts negotiators in limbo as talks over proposal stall Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 05/22/03
Conference panel stalls on trim targets San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 05/22/03
Which side will blink first? Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/21/03
No break for House budget writers Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 05/14/03
House to take last shot at closing tax loophole Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/10/03
Lawmakers finally hear 's' words: Special session San Antonio Express News    05/09/03
Waste site plan clears Senate Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/08/03
Committee has work cut out Austin American Statesman  Susswein, G. 05/03/03
Comptroller criticizes Senate's budget plan Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/01/03
Senate OKs budget, cuts services El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 04/30/03
Valley senators split on budget Valley Morning Star  Taylor, S. 04/30/03
Senate's budget OK due today San Antonio Express News    04/29/03
Standing firm San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 04/27/03
Senators take wait and pay attitude Austin American Statesman  Susswein, G. 04/26/03
CHIP cuts eased in House Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 04/26/03
Shapleigh votes against budget plan El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 04/26/03
Senate softens social services hit Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 04/26/03
Bill would allow random checks Austin American Statesman  Staff 04/23/03
Senate OKs insurance crackdown Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/23/03
Bill would make random checks on car insurance Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 04/23/03
Bill eyes driver coverage San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 04/23/03
House works through 'process' to pass budget Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 04/18/03
House budget tightens belt San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 04/18/03
Women's Health: our bodies, their laws Austin Chronicle  Apple, L. 04/10/03
Transfer bill gets mixed reviews Amarillo Globe-News  Ledbetter, K. 04/06/03
Bivins defends delayed payments Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 04/05/03
Senator defends delaying payments to balance budget Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 04/05/03
Lawmaker defends tactic of payment deferral Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 04/05/03
Senate budget chief says accounting trick is safer bet Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 04/05/03
Group tries to knock down House bill limiting lawsuits against manufacturers Amarillo Globe-News  Rohloff, G. 04/04/03
Cowboys' stadium plan gains Senate approval Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 04/04/03
State honors talent with bill, banquet Wichita Falls Record News  Wolfson, M. 03/27/03
Billions more will be needed for essentials, Dewhurst says Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 03/26/03
Perry, Dewhurst clash over deficit solution McAllen Monitor  Taylor, S. 03/26/03
Wentworth names likely picks Austin American Statesman  Staff 03/22/03
No new taxes? Dallas Morning News  Garrett, R. 03/09/03
Site for low-level radioactive waste proposed Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Strassman, N. 03/08/03
More spending is urged San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 03/08/03
Perry promises millions to map cow's genetic code Austin American Statesman  Susswein, G. 03/05/03
Democrats vow battle over cuts in health care El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 03/04/03
T-word avoided in hunt for cash San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 03/02/03
Ice doesn't stop hearings Austin American Statesman  Susswein, G. 02/26/03
Lawmakers argue over funds for sick youngsters Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 02/26/03
Funds for sick children are at issue San Antonio Express News  Stone, R. 02/26/03
State must live within means Amarillo Globe-News  Bivins, T. 02/23/03
Cuts may make colleges less 'special' Dallas Morning News  Wertheimer, L. 02/23/03
State of state? g-rrr-eat Waco Tribune Herald  Young, J. 02/13/03
State puts funding burden on local ISDs Amarillo Globe-News  Abraham, S. 02/12/03
Insurance bill would target scofflaws Amarillo Globe-News  Rohloff, G. 02/12/03
Bivins is on target with bill aimed at motorists Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 02/10/03
'Robin Hood' has forest of Senate friends San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 02/07/03
Upstate meets downstate Valley Morning Star  Taylor, S. 02/06/03
Legislature adjourns in crew's honor Houston Chronicle  Staff 02/04/03
Bill gets real on law, ethics Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 02/03/03
Public safety, budget on Bivin's mind Amarillo Globe-News  Albright, M. 02/01/03
Dallas superintendent supports TAKS review Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Ayala, E. 01/31/03
Lawmakers begin sorting through budget shortfall El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 01/30/03
Panel told of looming cash shortage Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 01/30/03
Senators denounce budget 'bombshell' Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 01/30/03
Spending may face the ax San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 01/30/03
Panel to take on budget shortfall Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 01/29/03
State puts too much stock in test, teachers say El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 01/26/03
They wonder where to begin Austin American Statesman  Susswein, G. 01/24/03
Amarillo's Bivins takes center stage Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 01/21/03
Lone Star milestone El Paso Times  Editorial 01/21/03
Two-year term gives impetus Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 01/19/03
Legislators to work together to cut budget, Bivins says Amarillo Globe-News  Albright, M. 01/18/03
Senators get assignments Abilene Reporter-News  Meighan, T. 01/17/03
GOP shares Senate chairs Austin American Statesman  Susswein, G. 01/17/03
Zaffirini gets a finance post Corpus Christi Caller Times  Meighan, T. 01/17/03
Democrats to lead 6 Senate panels Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 01/17/03
Tarrant senators gain plum committee posts Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 01/17/03
Bivins picked to head finance committee Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 01/17/03
Zaffirini named No. 2 on Senate finance panel San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 01/17/03
Border affairs panel given full status Valley Morning Star  Taylor, S. 01/17/03
Lawmakers have lengthy to-do list Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 01/14/03
Lawmakers undaunted by deficit Amarillo Globe-News  Wilson, B. 01/14/03
Education costs Amarillo Globe-News  Wilson, B. 01/12/03
Griggs promises to push for school-finance reform Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kirsch, J. 01/12/03
Finding the money Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 01/05/03
'Grinch' Rylander sees red ink rising San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 12/23/02
Schools making legislative wish lists Austin American Statesman  Martinez, M. 12/19/02
School finance law: Clearly, no quick fix Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 12/15/02
School Finance Houston Chronicle  Editorial 12/15/02
School funding problem looms Houston Chronicle  Horswell, C. 12/15/02
Teacher health plan gets a shot in the arm Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 12/14/02
UT regents want to let poorer students in free San Antonio Express News  Flores, M. 12/14/02
UT brass pushing for tuition control Austin American Statesman  Jayson, S. 12/12/02
Overhaul of school funding gets boost Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 12/12/02
Bivins: School finance to lead topics Amarillo Globe-News  Wilson, B. 12/03/02
Options offered on school financing Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 11/28/02
School funding report contains no quick answers Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 11/28/02
Expect school money on Legislature agenda Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 11/14/02
Lawmakers, schools chief back test Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 11/14/02
GOP candidates confident, but still working crowd San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 11/03/02
School finance cloud hangs over lawmakers Austin American Statesman  Suydam, J. 10/22/02
Lawmakers' lobbying activities under review Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 10/20/02
Legislator says his plan will cut taxes Austin American Statesman  Suydam, J. 10/19/02
Billion more for schools? San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 10/19/02
Panhandle legislative team deserves voter support Amarillo Globe-News  Editorial 10/12/02
Customers becoming more frustrated Amarillo Globe-News  Werpney, M. 10/10/02
State aid fails to lower teachers' insurance bills Fort Worth Star-Telegram    09/25/02
State senator explains taxes, touts education Amarillo Globe-News  Wilson, B. 09/18/02
Laneys enjoy White House sleepover Amarillo Globe-News  Albright, M. 09/13/02
Educators say system is on brink Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 09/06/02
School groups warn system near collapse San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 09/06/02
School finance: No 'silver bullet' Austin American Statesman  Bivins, T. 09/01/02
State crafting escape hatch for test Austin American Statesman  Suydam, J. 07/02/02
Supreme Court OKs vouchers Houston Chronicle  Cobb, K. 06/28/02
Senators suggest scholarship changes Dallas Morning News  Wertheimer, L. 06/18/02
Voluntary income tax? Don't laugh Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Norman, M. 05/17/02
A voluntary income tax? Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/10/02
Voluntary income tax explored to ease crisis San Antonio Express News  Hood, L. 05/10/02
'Robin Hood' plan unlikely to be changed Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 05/06/02
Ratliff's proposal has correct focus San Angelo Standard Times  Editorial 04/09/02
Lawmaker proposes state tax for schools Austin American Statesman  Suydam, J. 04/04/02
School financing proposal unveiled Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 04/04/02
What's best over what will simply do Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 03/24/02
School tax reform eyed San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 03/23/02
GOP back-biting might come into play--and soon Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 03/15/02
Accounting of school funding sought Austin American Statesman  Jacobs, J. 03/08/02
UT's giant fee hike results in apology, legal confusion Houston Chronicle  Nissimov, R. 03/06/02
Educators, everyday folk offer solutions for funding schools Austin American Statesman  Jacobs, J. 02/08/02
School funding proposal deflated San Antonio Express News  Hood, L. 02/08/02
Committee to review Robin Hood Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Williams, L. 02/06/02
UT dean will detail Enron's case to House San Antonio Express News  Kennett, J. 02/01/02
Schools expect reforms to pinch Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 01/25/02
The new in laws Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 12/30/01
State house Republicans could be caught in catch-22 Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 12/28/01
State income tax urged to help schools El Paso Times  Crowder, D. 11/15/01
Committee to look into school-funding reform El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 10/28/01
Expert praises equity of state school tax law Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 10/27/01
Panel taking long look at school finance plan Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 10/26/01
School funding focus of meetings San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 10/26/01
Rising taxes renews 'Robin Hood' debate Houston Chronicle  Kliewer, T. 10/22/01
Legislators make bus tour of Panhandle Amarillo Daily News  Albright, M. 10/02/01
Panhandle could benefit from game of dominoes Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 09/19/01
Governor urges calm in wake of attack Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 09/12/01
Work starts on school finance issue Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 09/06/01
Panel to consider schools' financing Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 09/06/01
Panel aims to find new ways to finance schools Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 09/06/01
Putting brakes on gas theft Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 09/03/01
A long march for diplomas Dallas Morning News  Hobbs, T. 08/30/01
New law: Pump gas, drive off, lose license San Antonio Express News  Gott, N. 08/29/01
Teachers groups want lower insurance costs Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 08/21/01
Redistricting vote could make, break lawmakers at next election Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 08/12/01
Senator's mother has right to be mad Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 08/08/01
Bivins to seek re-election Amarillo Daily News  Doyle, T. 08/08/01
Texas insurance commissioner to speak in El Paso El Paso Times  Kolenc, V. 07/28/01
Trio ruffles many feathers with redrawn district maps Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 07/26/01
Laney, Jones lose redistricting battle Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 07/25/01
Judge rules for school finance plan Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 07/12/01
Lawmakers will look at school funds El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 07/08/01
Lawmakers pass test for education funding Amarillo Daily News  Marsh, W. 06/21/01
Ratliff changes mind, won't run Dallas Morning News    06/06/01
Lowering the standards isn't the answer Austin American Statesman  Editorial 06/05/01
School workers counting on help with health care Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 06/05/01
Rising stars Dallas Morning News  Editorial 06/04/01
Dropout study may bring changes San Antonio Express News  Hughes, S. 06/03/01
Teacher health package approved Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/28/01
Agreement limits number of charter schools Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kirsch, J. 05/27/01
Compromise on bill sets limit on number of charter schools Houston Chronicle  Villafranca, A. 05/27/01
Compromise expected to calm storm surrounding charter schools Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/27/01
Bill payback Dallas Morning News  Kilday, A. 05/24/01
A record 82% of Texas students pass TAAS test San Antonio Express News  Gutierrez, B. 05/23/01
Radioactive waste bill snuffed out to relief of environmental activists Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/22/01
Charter schools need more accountability Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/21/01
Tax break act stirs debate over state's school funding Dallas Morning News  Shah, A. 05/21/01
House panel kills bill on dumping of nuclear waste Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Brooks, K. 05/21/01
Children's future cannot wait Austin American Statesman  Bivins, T. 05/20/01
Panel OKs plan for teachers insurance Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 05/20/01
Don't call that reform Waco Tribune Herald  Editorial 05/20/01
Joint panel OKs school insurance plan Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 05/19/01
Lawmakers reach agreement on teachers' health insurance Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/19/01
School tax abatement bill wins Senate OK El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/19/01
Senate OKs 2 education reform bills Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/18/01
Not on the same page on charter school problems Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Norman, M. 05/18/01
Senate OKs bill changing charter schools Houston Chronicle  Wolfe, K. 05/18/01
Joint committee to nail down compromise on charter schools Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/18/01
School plan gets OK, then is yanked Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 05/17/01
Lawmaker asks Texans to express support for bills Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 05/17/01
Charter school freeze staved off in Senate Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/17/01
Senator bows to critics, pulls charter school measure Houston Chronicle  Wolfe, K. 05/17/01
Perry wants charter school bill reworked Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/17/01
Charter schools experiment shows some positive progress Tyler Morning Telegraph  Editorial 05/17/01
Critics say plan would aid rich school districts San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 05/16/01
Legislators may sell us out in waste rush to Texas Houston Chronicle  Hershey, O. 05/15/01
Slaughterhouse jive Waco Tribune Herald  Young, J. 05/15/01
Senate plan helps teachers without hurting others Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/13/01
Senate's ticking clock chimes end for bills Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 05/12/01
Divisions emerge on school tax incentives Austin American Statesman  Grisales, C. 05/12/01
House, Senate must resolve conflicts on charter schools Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 05/12/01
Senate sets aside school measures Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/12/01
DWI, charter schools bills outlive ones on redistricting Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/12/01
Legislators regroup after challenging week Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Aldred, J. 05/12/01
Charter bucks Waco Tribune Herald  Editorial 05/12/01
A tale of 2 teacher insurance bills Waco Tribune Herald  Haschke, D. 05/12/01
One senator vs. 300,000 third-graders Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/11/01
Legislators try to beat deadlines for bills Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/11/01
Senator to block delay of school promotion law Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 05/11/01
Pleas leave Bivins unmoved Houston Chronicle  Wolfe, K. 05/11/01
Charter shell game Waco Tribune Herald  Editorial 05/11/01
Delay unlikely for promotion ban Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 05/10/01
Elected officials could start charter schools under new plan Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 05/10/01
Senate tries to save Bush school plans Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/10/01
House OKs bill delaying ban on social promotions Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 05/10/01
Bivins: social promotions bill not needed Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/10/01
Insurance bill gets approval Amarillo Daily News  A.P. Wire 05/08/01
Senate approves teacher health insurance bill Austin American Statesman  Hight, B. 05/08/01
$1 billion plan gets approval Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/08/01
State insurance for teachers advances Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 05/08/01
Stripped-down insurance measure for teachers clears vote in Senate Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 05/08/01
Say 'No' to other states El Paso Times  Editorial 05/07/01
Debate on hate crimes legislation pays no heed to party politics Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/06/01
Chairman holds back TAAS-alternative bills San Antonio Express News  Inklebarger, T. 05/05/01
Bury the bill, not the waste Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/04/01
Teacher benefits Dallas Morning News  Editorial 05/04/01
Senate backs home loan program for teachers Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/04/01
Lawmakers hope loan program will help attract teachers El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/04/01
Senators approve bill for low-level radioactive waste site Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 05/03/01
Teacher plan gets panel OK Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/03/01
Amended waste dump bill may benefit Simmons firm Dallas Morning News  Kuempel, G. 05/03/01
Senate backs radioactive waste disposal in Texas Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/03/01
Senate approves Texas dump for low-level nuclear waste Houston Chronicle  Wolfe, K. 05/03/01
Senate voices support for nuclear waste sites Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 05/03/01
Senate debates nuclear waste sites proposal San Antonio Express News  Inklebarger, T. 05/03/01
Comes Trojan horseman Waco Tribune Herald  Young, J. 05/03/01
Teachers' group updates members on insurance plan Amarillo Daily News  Wilson, B. 05/02/01
Texas A&M removed from bonfire lawsuit Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Spangler, A. 05/02/01
Aid for teachers' health care could clear House today Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 05/01/01
Teacher insurance plan gains OK from House San Antonio Express News  Richter, B. 05/01/01
Beneficial Wichita Falls Record News  Editorial 04/27/01
Bill targets high school-college partnership Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Mo. 04/21/01
Bivins submits Senate plan to fund health insurance for school employees Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 04/21/01
Bill would make West Texas a leading waste disposal site Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Strassman, N. 04/19/01
Bill flashes a red light at uninsured motorists Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/18/01
Waste disposal bill advances under cloud Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 04/18/01
Texas schoolrooms linked to courtroom for 30 years Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 04/15/01
Schools eager for state insurance help Wichita Falls Record News  Gittings, L. 04/14/01
Bivins would gain Odessa under plan Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 04/12/01
Texas Senate panel passes 2-year halt on executions Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 04/12/01
Senate OKs drug plan Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/11/01
Educators oppose bill to delay kindergarten Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Kirsch, J. 04/11/01
Senate ponders teacher insurance Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/10/01
Educators insurance plan outlined Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 04/10/01
Teacher health proposals starting to gel Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 04/09/01
Student standards Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 04/08/01
Suit challenges school funding Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/06/01
Ban on charter schools survives Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 04/05/01
Bill boosts oversight for charter schools Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 04/05/01
Admissions bill clears Senate Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/03/01
Plan calls for $1 billion to insure teachers Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/30/01
Senate opens medical school doors to disadvantaged Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 03/30/01
Committee passes Gov. Perry's initiative to boost math skills Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 03/29/01
Senate backs Dallas university Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/29/01
E-mail attack slows gun bill's momentum Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 03/28/01
10 percent tougher Houston Chronicle  Editorial 03/28/01
Lawmakers look at how to fund insurance Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 03/27/01
Measure advances new oil, gas severance tax Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 03/27/01
Teachers to get health plan, but what kind? Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/26/01
Democrat's outcry reveals budget jitters in Austin San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 03/26/01
Consider migrants: start schools later Austin American Statesman  Editorial 03/25/01
Bivins 'cruising' bill finds favor with local teen-agers Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Williams, B. 03/24/01
State warns of massive test failures Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/23/01
Health plan promised Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 03/21/01
Education bill deserves strong chorus of support Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Sanders, B. 03/21/01
Democrat urges guidance on top funding priorities Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 03/21/01
Bill filed to delay schools program Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/16/01
Teachers' health plans discussed Dallas Morning News  A.P. Wire 03/06/01
Lawmakers set to discuss teacher insurance Houston Chronicle  Elliott, J. 03/06/01
Senate Democrats back teacher health plan Austin American Statesman  Kurtz, M. 03/02/01
Democrats OK health plan Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/02/01
Lt. Gov. Ratliff is exploring run for full term in office Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 03/01/01
Ratliff moves toward race to keep job Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 03/01/01
Bivins bill would help poor students reach medical school Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 02/28/01
SAT's weight would shrink if bill passes Austin American Statesman  Jayson, S. 02/27/01
State lawmakers want to push more students toward college Austin American Statesman  Kurtz, M. 02/26/01
Bivins bill aims to help fill shortage of school principals Amarillo Daily News  Aldred, J. 02/15/01
Counting sheepskins Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 02/15/01
Bill aims to stall charters' growth Austin American Statesman  Kurtz, M. 02/13/01
Higher bar for Texas pupils Waco Tribune Herald  Embry, J. 02/11/01
Educators exploring ways to raise high school graduation rates Austin American Statesman  Reston, M. 02/09/01
Forgoing diplomas to do their duty Austin American Statesman  Kurtz, M. 02/08/01
To their health: helping Texas teachers Austin American Statesman  Editorial 02/01/01
Teacher health plan gaining momentum Austin American Statesman  Kurtz, M. 01/29/01
Bill would push students to take tough curriculum Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 01/26/01
High school curriculum: Bivins aims to up the ante Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 01/26/01
77th Texas Legislature is more than worth the wait Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 01/24/01
Sen. Bivins files bill for basing percentage of tax paid on oil, gas Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 01/24/01
The day in brief Austin American Statesman  Staff 01/24/01
Legislator backs sliding scale for oil, gas tax Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Vertuno, J. 01/24/01
School finance plan to be revisited Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 01/23/01
Drive for school vouchers cooling off Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 01/22/01
Districts set to challenge finance law Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Berard, Y. 01/18/01
The long and the short of Texas prison problem Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 01/17/01
Ratliff off to good start Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 01/12/01
Bivins to remain as education panel chair Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 01/04/01
Ratliff's picks: hits and misses Austin American Statesman  Editorial 01/04/01
Ratliff names Senate leaders Austin American Statesman  Copelin, L. 01/04/01
Voucher support runs low Waco Tribune Herald  Embry, J. 01/02/01
Ratliff weighs choice for finance chair Austin American Statesman  Susswein, G. 12/30/00
Beginning and end Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 12/22/00
Elect Sen. Teel Bivins Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Editorial 12/21/00
Texas Senate decides to hold secret ballot next week to select new leader Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 12/21/00
Perry's Senate successor is far from obvious Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 12/19/00
Sibley touting aid plan for South Texas San Antonio Express News  Selby, W. 12/16/00
Future governor hears of issues facing North Texas Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 12/15/00
Jockeying begins to replace Perry Houston Chronicle  Williams, J. 12/14/00
TEA seeks large share of surplus San Antonio Express News  Gutierrez, B. 12/12/00
Census count is focus of session Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 12/10/00
Texas Strike Force members head to election battleground Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 11/05/00
If Bush wins, Bivins eyes state's number two prize Amarillo Daily News  Daugherty, D. 10/31/00
Bivins wants lieutenant governor spot Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Daugherty, D. 10/29/00
Bivins: small-district concerns will be met Amarillo Daily News  Wilson, B. 10/13/00
Senator backs sliding scale for severance tax on oil, gas Austin American Statesman  Vertuno, J. 07/20/00
Drum glum Dallas Morning News  Maxon, T. 07/20/00
Bivins to be delegate to Republican National Convention Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 06/20/00
Bivins proposes sliding scale tax on oil, natural gas Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 03/28/00
Senator's solicitations raise judgment question Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 11/29/99
Bivins' solicitation letter draws attacks Amarillo Daily News  Snyder, C. 11/20/99
Bush fund-raising effort hits snag Austin American Statesman  Staff 11/20/99
Walking the talk Austin American Statesman  Editorial 11/12/99
River motion filing nears Amarillo Daily News  Wilson, B. 11/05/99
Perry decries growing education gap Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 10/28/99
Bivins' fund-raiser garners $200,000 Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 10/27/99
Bush's $1 billion tax cut plays well on national stage Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 09/30/99
Sibley sizing up No. 2 job Waco Tribune Herald  Davis, L. 09/25/99
Texas to start selling electricity to fund schools Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 09/24/99
Sexual advance on co-worker hurts high-ranking Republican El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 09/19/99
The race for Perry's job - if we need a race Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 09/16/99
Legislators: property tax relief fails to materialize Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 09/08/99
Haywood appointed to resources committee Wichita Falls Record News  Tinsley, A. 09/03/99
Lawmakers push TEA for school financing help Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 09/01/99
Duncan appointed; Bivins off board Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 08/31/99
Moses postpones finance rules on last day as education chief Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 08/31/99
Find a different home for school vouchers Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 08/30/99
Forging the new golden rules San Antonio Express News  Hood, L. 08/24/99
State to use tougher TEKS test to replace TAAS Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 08/22/99
Legislators move to help Palo Pinto district Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 08/21/99
Texas schools set mark Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 08/17/99
Bivins: Bush going all out for Iowa straw poll win Amarillo Daily News  Bohanan, S. 08/11/99
Create young readers Amarillo Daily News  Staff 06/28/99
The Big Players Dallas Morning News  Editorial 06/06/99
Education bill gives teachers best pay raise Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/31/99
Lawmakers strike $3.8 billion school deal Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 05/30/99
Capitol report Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/30/99
Deal on school finances reached Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 05/30/99
Bill would raise truck speed limits Fort Worth Star-Telegram  A.P. Wire 05/30/99
Funding flap could lead to special session San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/30/99
Clash of kids, taxes Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/29/99
Bush pleased with session, despite some setbacks Austin American Statesman  Haurwitz, R. 05/29/99
School bill talks run into night Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/29/99
Committee near education deal San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/29/99
Parties do battle over tax cut plans Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 05/28/99
Lawmakers clash over school funding Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/28/99
Dispute over school finance plan threatens bill Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/28/99
Lawmakers bicker over school funding San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/28/99
Plan resurrected to crack down on uninsured drivers Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/26/99
Capitol notebook Houston Chronicle  A.P. Wire 05/26/99
Bivins resurrects uninsured drivers bill, bypasses panel Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Staff 05/26/99
Bivins marks tenure by establishing scholarship fund for aspiring educators Amarillo Daily News    05/25/99
Annexation changes gain initial House OK Austin American Statesman  Greenberger, S. 05/25/99
Capitol report Austin American Statesman    05/25/99
House committee rejects proposal for crackdown on uninsured drivers Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/25/99
Joint House-Senate panel seeks compromise school finance bill Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/25/99
Deadline nears for education finance, tax cut bill El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/25/99
Education bill sent to conference panel Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 05/25/99
Key state senator optimistic about teacher pay-raise bill Houston Chronicle  Gonzalez, J. 05/25/99
Education finances getting a last look San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/25/99
Finance plan includes raise for all teachers Houston Chronicle  Gonzalez, J. 05/24/99
Retired teachers are step closer to classroom again Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/22/99
House panel approves funding bill giving teachers $3,000 raises Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 05/21/99
Capitol notebook Houston Chronicle  Gonzalez, J. 05/21/99
Limited voucher plan falters; new battles promised San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/21/99
Senate passes 2 amendments to constitution Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/20/99
Make highways safe Lubbock Avalanche Journal    05/19/99
Legislators shouldn't rush into changing speed limits Tyler Morning Telegraph    05/19/99
Voucher fight fierce, expensive Dallas Morning News  Kuempel, G. 05/16/99
Senate panel: tell status of teachers Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/15/99
Senate panel OKs rules for HISD board candidates Houston Chronicle  Markley, M. 05/15/99
Bill would speed up trucks Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 05/14/99
Capitol report Austin American Statesman  Staff 05/14/99
Senate OKs 70 mph bill for truckers Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/14/99
Rylander announces surplus Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Parker, P. 05/14/99
Higher highway speed limits sought for tractor-trailer rigs San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 05/14/99
Thompson recognized by Texas House, Senate Amarillo Daily News    05/13/99
Who'd get proposed tax cuts? Not Austin Austin American Statesman  Elizondo Jr., J. 05/13/99
Bill means road rage for uninsured drivers Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 05/08/99
Education priority Abilene Reporter-News  Haywood, T. 05/06/99
Texhoma bill goes to Bush's desk Amarillo Daily News  Staff 05/04/99
Get tough on uninsured drivers El Paso Times  Editorial 05/04/99
Property tax cut is called unlikely Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 05/02/99
Senate OKs crackdown on uninsured drivers Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/01/99
Checks of insurance proposed Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/01/99
Senate OKs surveys on auto coverage Houston Chronicle  A.P. Wire 05/01/99
Bivins gets into bawl on Senate floor Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Parker, P. 05/01/99
Bill weighs motorists with tougher penalties Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/01/99
Senate OKs measure to raise teacher pay, cut property tax Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 04/29/99
Senate expects fight with House over school finance legislation El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 04/29/99
Senate OKs school fund bill; House test awaits Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 04/29/99
Fuel bill may net $26 million Laredo Morning Times    04/28/99
Bill changing motor fuels tax passes Senate Lubbock Avalanche Journal    04/28/99
Bivins' lawsuit bill approved Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 04/27/99
Two-thirds is still magic voting number in state Senate these days Beaumont Enterprise  Bledsoe, D. 04/26/99
Bivins a possible successor Amarillo Daily News  Bohanan, S. 04/25/99
Bivins stresses state teacher pay raises Amarillo Daily News  Sterling, E. 04/24/99
Bivins unveils new plan Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 04/22/99
Games Money Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 04/09/99
Bivins released from hospital Amarillo Daily News  Bohanan, S. 03/17/99
Bivins hospitalized for chest pain Austin American Statesman  Staff 03/16/99
Bivins files bill to create competitive grants Amarillo Daily News    03/06/99
Voucher bill targets six largest counties Austin American Statesman  Prentice, M. 03/05/99
Bill offers recovery to oil-patch districts Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 03/02/99
Legislature reconsiders exam for high school diploma Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 02/25/99
Panel postpones TAAS voting San Antonio Express News  Balli, C. 02/25/99
76th Legislature Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 02/24/99
Capitol report Austin American Statesman  Staff 02/23/99
Dewhurst resurrects proposal for state to supply electricity Austin American Statesman  Hight, B. 02/23/99
76th Legislature Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 02/23/99
Measure would let state sell electricity Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 02/23/99
Tuition bill would give students slack Houston Chronicle  Staff 02/23/99
School voucher debate is heating up Amarillo Daily News  Sterling, E. 02/20/99
Bivins to govern state - for a few minutes San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 02/20/99
Bivins to get his chance Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 02/19/99
Unanimous vote sends bill to House Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 02/19/99
Vote a blow to social promotion Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 02/19/99
Senate moves to curtail social promotion Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 02/19/99
Senate signs off on school promotion bill El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 02/19/99
Social promotion bill backed by Senate Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 02/19/99
Texas Senate tackles social promotions Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 02/19/99
Texas Senate passes social promotion bill Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 02/19/99
Senators OK bill on education San Angelo Standard Times  Tinsley, A. 02/19/99
Senate approves promotion bill San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 02/19/99
No more free pass Valley Morning Star  Dailey, R. 02/19/99
76th Legislature Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Staff 02/18/99
Bill would help students avoid tormentors Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 02/18/99
School voucher supporters gather to push for bill's passage Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 02/17/99
Capitol report Austin American Statesman  Staff 02/16/99
Battle lines shift in school voucher fight Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 02/16/99
Social promotion faces state demotion Amarillo Daily News  Sterling, E. 02/13/99
Perry, Bivins tout school initiatives Amarillo Daily News  Bohanan, S. 02/13/99
Bivins to back bill on college tuition Amarillo Daily News  Staff 02/12/99
Ending social promotion El Paso Times  Editorial 02/12/99
State surplus should aid public education, teachers Amarillo Daily News  Bivins, T. 02/11/99
School promotion bill clears major hurdle Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 02/11/99
Legislative panel OKs plan to curb social promotions Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 02/11/99
Senate committee approves bill tying student promotion to TAAS scores Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 02/11/99
Panel votes to end social promotion Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 02/11/99
Paint pique highlights debate about class-action lawsuits Austin American Statesman  McCarthy, O. 02/10/99
Senate passes oil tax break Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 02/10/99
Bill would allow students to pay lower rates longer Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 02/10/99
Utilities argue they should regain all 'stranded costs' Austin American Statesman  Hight, B. 02/09/99
Blow up the TAAS? Waco Tribune Herald  Young, J. 02/07/99
Voucher program needs test to gauge viability Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 02/03/99
Social promotion must end in Texas Beaumont Enterprise  Editorial 01/31/99
Bell bottom blues make them smile Houston Chronicle  Staff 01/31/99
Bush backs TAAS appeals process Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 01/31/99
Panhandle legislators to chair committees Amarillo Daily News  Parker, P. 01/29/99
Bush expecting opposition to tax cuts Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 01/29/99
Leaders explore ways to expand college diversity Austin American Statesman  Roser, M. 01/29/99
Chisum, Bivins co-sponsor bill to help oil, gas producers Amarillo Daily News  Storm, R. 01/28/99
Bush says education is top priority Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 01/28/99
Teen drivers could have more hurdles to get license Amarillo Daily News  Staff 01/27/99
Bill would allow expulsion of students deemed violent Lubbock Avalanche Journal    01/27/99
Bivins' bill allegedly helps insurance lobby Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 01/27/99
Bivins files 2 education bills Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 01/23/99
Bivins elected Senate's president pro tempore Amarillo Daily News  Followwill, R. 01/13/99
Ceremonial start filled with praise Austin American Statesman  Elizondo, J. 01/13/99
Visiting luminaries boost Bush-watching Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 01/13/99
Bivins to get new title Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 01/12/99
The Powers That Be Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 01/10/99
Schools are '99 priority San Antonio Express News  Russell, J. 01/05/99
Bivins creating bill enabling state to try voucher concept Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 12/20/98
Lawmakers discuss vouchers, deregulation, agriculture Amarillo Daily News  Bohanan, S. 12/19/98
Bivins files bill to strenghten TAAS standard Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 12/16/98
Lawmaker proposes more-frequent TAAS testing Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 12/16/98
TAAS expansion proposed Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Dyer, R. 12/16/98
Senator's proposal will make TAAS harder, add new exams Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 12/16/98
Senator proposes raising TAAS standards San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 12/16/98
Voucher issue resurfaces with strings attached Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 12/14/98
Bivins invades Panhandle town halls Amarillo Daily News  Kanelis, J. 12/09/98
Bivins goes traveling for 'marching orders' Amarillo Daily News  Welch, K. 12/09/98
Bivins expects to face toughest session yet in Texas Legislature Amarillo Daily News  Bohanan, S. 12/02/98
Bivins: 'experiment' with voucher system Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 11/11/98
Colleges say test law may hurt enrollment Waco Tribune Herald  England, M. 10/17/98
College diversity panel backs carefully targeted spending Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Lee, R. 10/16/98
Colleges need more funds to diversify, group says Dallas Morning News  Suhler, J. 10/15/98
Give universities part of surplus, lawmakers say Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 10/09/98
Senate panel report recommends 'B' average student scholarships Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 10/02/98
Teacher pay is rising --- but it's got a long way to go Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Smith, J. 09/27/98
State's schools are suffering Austin American Statesman    09/18/98
Bivins criticizes Mauro proposal to give teachers an annual raise Amarillo Daily News  Rohloff, G. 09/05/98
Teacher pay raise plan is criticized Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 09/05/98
Preparation reviews aimed at improvement Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 09/04/98
Algebra-test failures linked to teachers Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 08/20/98
Governor pays area a visit Amarillo Daily News  Storm, R. 08/15/98
Texas schools scurry to fill thousands of teaching positions Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 08/12/98
A state senator today, the governor in 2001? San Antonio Express News  McNeely, D. 08/11/98
Who might be leading Texas in 2001 Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 08/04/98
John Sharp's criticism of Perry rings hollow Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 08/03/98
Sharp criticizes Perry over trip at taxpayers' expense Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 07/29/98
Board proposes more money for scholarships Austin American Statesman  Roser, M. 07/17/98
Surplus projected for Texas next year Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Sanchez, C. 07/08/98
Caution light for school bus ads Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 07/04/98
Politicians weigh fireworks ban law Amarillo Daily News  George, R. 06/19/98
Hispanic group now anti-voucher Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 06/09/98
Raise age limit for driving privileges Austin American Statesman  Editorial 05/29/98
Ten-percent admission helps minorities enroll Amarillo Daily News  Editorial 05/26/98
Teachers group calls for salary increase Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/23/98
Teachers bid for pay raise Houston Chronicle  Staff 05/23/98
Many more students are passing the TAAS Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/22/98
More minority freshman heading to UT San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 05/21/98
Braking teen driving deaths Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Richardson, G. 05/18/98
Lawmaker says Tech neglects medical campus in El Paso Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 05/17/98
Battle over bilingual ed San Antonio Express News  Nazareno, A. 05/17/98
State lawmakers: they might back plans for laptops Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 05/15/98
Lawmakers cautiously excited about laptop bid for schools Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/15/98
Public school finance returns to court Amarillo Daily News  Williams, L. 05/09/98
A new fight on school wealth Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/08/98
School finance battle returns to courtroom Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 05/08/98
School districts file suit to end funding loopholes Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/08/98
School districts file suit citing erosion of equity standard law Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/08/98
Poor schools take their case to court San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/08/98
Challenge to school financing expected Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 05/07/98
Ogden finds support Bryan Eagle  Brown, K. 05/07/98
Classroom equity may get hearing San Antonio Express News  Fikac, P. 05/07/98
Training programs graded Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/03/98
UTA fee a step to bighter future, many say Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Lee, R. 04/25/98
Uninsured motorists targeted Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/24/98
Supporters continue push for school vouchers Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/23/98
Pros/cons of school vouchers debated at PTA conference Amarillo Daily News  Yeager, M. 04/18/98
Higher speeds, machismo fuel teen death toll San Antonio Express News  Tedesco, J. 04/12/98
Politicians speak at town hall meetings, news conference Amarillo Daily News  Curry, K. 04/11/98
Tobacco money should go to raise teacher pay El Paso Times  Rylander, C. 03/22/98
Med center seeking to build on partnerships Amarillo Globe-News  Clark, M. 03/06/98
Texas business leaders help independent charter schools Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 03/04/98
Panel says rail gridlock not likely to end soon Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 02/26/98
89 apply to open charter schools in state program's second wave; education board chairman says 700 inquired about making a bid Dallas Morning News    02/21/98
Hopwood debate links 50 campuses Amarillo Globe-News  Yeager, M. 02/13/98
Study shows Texas' property values rise San Antonio Express News    02/03/98
New tenure law forces accountability for professors Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 12/21/97
Affirmative action gets scrutiny from panelists Amarillo Globe-News    12/20/97
Senator surprised at interest in utility deregulation Amarillo Globe-News  Burk, K. 12/16/97
Ellis wants to know where policies sold Amarillo Daily News  Williams, L. 12/13/97
Bullock names Bivins, Lanier to new committee Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 12/11/97
State panel to review affirmative action Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 12/11/97
Ballard plans return to board of education Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 12/09/97
Ballard to announce bid for education board seat El Paso Times    12/09/97
Ex-member of education board to run again Houston Chronicle    12/09/97
Public hearing set on electric deregulation Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 12/07/97
Cross-party endorsement matches Bullock's style Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 11/22/97
Obsolete constitution needs to be replaced Amarillo Globe-News    11/02/97
Higher ed planning panel takes show on road Amarillo Globe-News  Marsh, W. 10/29/97
2-year schools grow faster than universities Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 10/10/97
Increased spending on safety pays off for school districts San Antonio Express News    10/01/97
Security expenses surge in urban Texas schools Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 09/30/97
A textbook case of outspokenness Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 09/28/97
Bivins, Chisum receive awards for work as legislators Amarillo Globe-News    09/26/97
Education board member resigns, hints at running against Bivins Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 09/25/97
Board of education member resigns, hints at next office Austin American Statesman  Gamboa, S. 09/25/97
Babin, Bush discuss education post Beaumont Enterprise  Bauerlein, D. 09/25/97
Conservative to quit education panel Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 09/25/97
Ballard resigns education post, hints at run for state senate seat Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 09/25/97
Charter school angers Texas education officials Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 09/11/97
Education board toughens up on teacher background checks Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 09/10/97
Teacher background checks studied Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 09/10/97
TCTA names 'Stars' Valley Morning Star  Staff 09/03/97
Bivins reiterates support for amendment's passage Amarillo Globe-News  Yeager, M. 08/31/97
UT reopens amid troubling racial shift Austin American Statesman  Roser, M. 08/24/97
Bivins one of lawmakers appointed to committee Amarillo Daily News  Mo. 08/22/97
Teachers honor Teel Bivins for recent legislative work Amarillo Globe-News  Yeager, M. 08/20/97
Students face tough new standards Houston Chronicle  Fikac, P. 08/18/97
Demand for charter schools rises Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 08/15/97
Standards right, but they have to count San Antonio Express News  Cole, J. 08/11/97
On the ballot Amarillo Globe-News  Yeager, M. 08/03/97
Bush: don't link new hikes to tax cuts Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 08/01/97
Bush supports proposal for property tax relief, warns against school hikes Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 08/01/97
For some, amendment will raise taxes Amarillo Globe-News  Yeager, M. 07/27/97
Area schools could lose state funds Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 07/24/97
Tenure review starts in January Fort Worth Star-Telegram    07/21/97
Higher-education board picks new commissioner Fort Worth Star-Telegram    07/18/97
Ed board decides to hire in-house Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 07/18/97
No school districts show interest in 'home rule' Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 07/17/97
Some students may transfer from schools Amarillo Globe-News  Yeager, M. 07/16/97
Despite more liberal law, crowded schools will likely limit transfers Houston Chronicle  Markley, M. 07/13/97
School choice San Angelo Standard Times  Martin, T. 07/10/97
School law OKs transfer for 800,000 Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 07/08/97
Changes in college basic skills program strengthen some rules, ease others Fort Worth Star-Telegram    06/30/97
Magazine is correct about Bivins' ranking Amarillo Globe-News    06/23/97
Legislator breakdown rates best of the best, all the rest El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 06/22/97
Governor signs several measures Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 06/21/97
Tech to expand Amarillo Globe-News  McBride, J. 06/19/97
Area lawmakers pleased with recent legislative session Amarillo Globe-News  McBride, J. 06/19/97
Area lawmakers make magazine's list Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 06/19/97
Texas no longer seen as lawsuit 'junkyard' San Antonio Express News  Wayne, R. 06/17/97
Senator looks back on hectic final days of session Amarillo Globe-News  Bivins, T. 06/11/97
Legislature's education work reflects governor's priorities Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 06/06/97
Lawmakers stand on what didn't happen Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 06/03/97
How tax politics bit Bush Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 06/02/97
Bush gets tax bill Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 06/01/97
Safety revision ties our hands, teachers warn Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/31/97
Panel agrees to school choice compromise Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/31/97
Effort to privatize welfare screening sent to Gov. Bush Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 05/31/97
Senator pushing for safe schools San Antonio Express News    05/31/97
Tax-reform backers contemplate what went wrong Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 05/30/97
Legislators reject caps on on tax appraisal spikes Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/30/97
Change in school-discipline law assailed Corpus Christi Caller Times  Meighan, T. 05/30/97
Admissions legislation nears accord Dallas Morning News  Moreno, S. 05/30/97
House approves teleconferencing bill Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 05/29/97
Tort reform bill headed to Bush Amarillo Globe-News    05/28/97
Fort Worth hotel project measure revived in Senate Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/28/97
Senate passes amendment to allow homeowners to borrow against equity Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/27/97
UT's actions spark charges of lobbying Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/27/97
Senate OKs school choice bill Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/27/97
Senate approves bill to facilitate transfers from low-rated schools Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Fikac, P. 05/27/97
Lifetime driver's license proposal scrapped Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/27/97
Senate OK's equity-loan amendment Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/25/97
Property tax reform negotiators call it quits Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/25/97
Tax overhaul is dead, Bush declares Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/25/97
School tax relief plan falls apart Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Nix, M. 05/25/97
Tax relief plan meets early death Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/25/97
Tax reform chances are looking slim Amarillo Daily News  Williams, L. 05/24/97
Lawmakers demand Bush's help on taxes Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/24/97
Up against the wall Beaumont Enterprise  Bledsoe, D. 05/24/97
Tax cut hinges on debate today El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/24/97
Legislators force the issue in budget talks with Bush Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/24/97
Panel starts compromising on tax bill Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/23/97
Panel moves closer to property-tax deal Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 05/23/97
Lawmakers hint at tax compromise El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/23/97
No-fault automobile insurance: Unworkable system penalizes good drivers Beaumont Enterprise  Lambe, D. 05/22/97
Legislator says tax deal needed soon Dallas Morning News    05/22/97
Frustrated tax negotiators skip meeting El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/22/97
Child molester may not be eligible for castration Houston Chronicle  Gonzalez, J. 05/22/97
Scholarship bill shouldn't mess with just Texas Amarillo Globe-News  Riddle, G. 05/21/97
Lawmaker: tax plan may fail Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/21/97
Surgical castration bill receives approval Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/21/97
Events center bill clears Senate Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/21/97
Uncompromising mood stalls tax bill Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/21/97
Conference committee at impasse on school property taxes Fort Worth Star-Telegram    05/21/97
Tax committee members till deadlocked with deadline nearing San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/21/97
Dedicating lottery funds to education bad move Amarillo Globe-News    05/20/97
Hot debate produces no compromise plan for property taxes Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/20/97
Cheating on the net Corpus Christi Caller Times    05/20/97
Tax-relief conferees at impasse Dallas Morning News    05/20/97
House, Senate talk tax relief, fail to reach a compromise Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/20/97
Conference panel at standstill San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/20/97
Measure would fine sellers of term papers Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/18/97
For term-paper mills, writing may be on wall Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/18/97
Selling term papers would become crime under Senate-approved bill Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Fikac, P. 05/18/97
Crime to cheat Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/18/97
Tax legislation language can be misleading Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/18/97
A crime to cheat Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/18/97
Tax relief plan sent to Texas Senate Amarillo Daily News  Williams, L. 05/17/97
Driver's license will cost more, last longer Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/17/97
Driver fee may go as high as $85 Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/17/97
Senators give a green light to license bill Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/17/97
End run revives athletics bill Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/16/97
Out-of-state suits are clogging up Texas' courts Amarillo Daily News  Bivins, T. 05/15/97
Amendments complicate lottery bill Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/15/97
Coaches rally against athletes bill Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/15/97
Senate OKs bill to put all lottery profits in schools Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/15/97
Lottery dedication approved Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 05/15/97
No-fault automobile insurance would be a bad deal for Texans Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Lambe, D. 05/15/97
Panel works for deal on tax reform El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/14/97
House, Senate conferees roll up sleeves to lower taxes San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/14/97
Senate tax bill clears Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/11/97
Miles apart, tax bills face a showdown Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/11/97
Senate passes its version of tax relief bill Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/11/97
Lawmakers tackle teen topics Dallas Morning News  Minutaglio, B. 05/11/97
Senate moves on tax proposal El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/11/97
Senate stamps tax bill Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/11/97
Meeting tax reform deadline tough Amarillo Daily News  Williams, L. 05/10/97
Deals done, Senate sends tax bill ahead Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/10/97
School fights to set up juvenile crime center Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 05/10/97
State braces for charter school bids Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 05/10/97
Senate backs smaller-scale tax overhaul Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 05/10/97
Senate OKs property tax relief plan El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 05/10/97
Senate gives early nod to tax reform Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/10/97
Ratliff fights tax abatements for billion-dollar firms Texarkana Gazette  Minor, J. 05/10/97
Senate votes to create benefit program for uninsured children Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/09/97
Lessons can be learned as choice forces grow Tyler Morning Telegraph    05/09/97
Tax bill goes to full Senate Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/08/97
Bivins certain tax bill will pass Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/08/97
Senate panel OKs property tax-cut plan Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/08/97
Bill offers surgical castration as option for child molesters Dallas Morning News    05/08/97
Senate panel OKs tax plan at odds with House version Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 05/08/97
Senate panel offers solution to tax enigma Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/08/97
Senate panel favors smaller tax cut Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/08/97
Senate committee approves property tax legislation San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/08/97
House members take aim at Senate property tax legislation Texarkana Gazette  Minor, J. 05/08/97
Tax changes give breaks to business Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/07/97
School finance Dallas Morning News    05/07/97
Many in House feel betrayed by Bush, tax bill sponsor says Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 05/07/97
Proposal would give tax break to large corporations Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Root, J. 05/07/97
Panel puts last touches on tax package Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/07/97
Vouchers' fatal defect Waco Tribune Herald    05/07/97
Taxing partnerships called unfair Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/06/97
Groups want relief from proposed new tax Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 05/06/97
Senate panel to vote on tax relief for homeowners Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/06/97
Senate must move quickly on tax trade-off bill Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 05/05/97
New tort reform efforts largely stymied in committees Houston Chronicle  Gonzalez, J. 05/04/97
House, Senate disagree on business property tax Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/03/97
Bivins reviews bill Amarillo Globe-News  McBride, J. 05/03/97
Legislators reject caps on tax appraisal spikes Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/03/97
Pedophile castration bill OK'd Dallas Morning News  Hoppe, C. 05/03/97
Senate tax bill increases cuts for business Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 05/02/97
Bill providing severance tax relief receives approval Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 05/02/97
Senate plan adds fewer taxes, gives smaller cuts Austin American Statesman  Kay, M. 05/02/97
Senate leaders outline their tax bill Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 05/02/97
No-fault insurance is a bad deal Dallas Morning News  Lambe, D. 05/02/97
Senate tax plan goes half the distance of House bill Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 05/02/97
Business property tax shot down in Senate Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 05/02/97
Senate proposal aims for smaller property tax cut Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 05/02/97
Battle lines being drawn over property tax bills San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 05/02/97
Senate puts skids on helmet measure Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 05/01/97
Senate is chomping at the bit to chomp on tax bill Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 05/01/97
Tax plan Dallas Morning News    05/01/97
Officers should get tough with separatists Amarillo Daily News  Staff 04/30/97
Bivins bill on tuition costs OK'd Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 04/30/97
State senators chewing over scaled-back tax reform plan Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 04/30/97
Bush tries to build support for tax plan Dallas Morning News    04/30/97
House school-funding proposal jolted by incorrect fiscal analysis San Antonio Express News    04/30/97
Senators promise revisions to tax bill Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/29/97
Senate seeks less ambitious tax plan Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 04/29/97
House tax plan faces opposition Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 04/29/97
Tax package wins few fans among Senate leaders El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 04/29/97
Aviation fuel tax unlikely to remain in bill Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 04/29/97
2 key senators say tax boost will be reduced Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 04/29/97
Tax bill may see slashing in Senate San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 04/29/97
Summer-school charade Waco Tribune Herald    04/29/97
Accountability Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Lee, M. 04/28/97
Law mandates standard application form for admission to 4-year Texas universities Dallas Morning News    04/27/97
Legal litter Dallas Morning News  Bivins, T. 04/27/97
School of thought Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/27/97
Teachers complain tax measure violates 1995 law on their raises Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 04/26/97
Proposed bill would dispose of tire fee Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 04/25/97
Senate passes bill penalizing minors for tobacco Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/25/97
Senator helps stall bill son is fighting Austin American Statesman  Herman, K. 04/25/97
Senate OKs tough measure on underage teens' smoking Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 04/25/97
Senate moves to phase out state tire fee Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 04/25/97
Bill would end 'social promotion' of students Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/22/97
Senate removes provision from transportation bill Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/22/97
Lawmakers struggle with minority issue Corpus Christi Caller Times  Strahan, A. 04/22/97
No vouchers Houston Chronicle    04/22/97
Voluntary castration Lubbock Avalanche Journal    04/21/97
Improve failing schools Austin American Statesman    04/20/97
Bivins' bills strengthen insurance law Amarillo Globe-News    04/19/97
Abilene officials dislike measure Abilene Reporter-News  Bruce, B. 04/18/97
Public's ideas can become part of Texas' laws Amarillo Globe-News  Bivins, T. 04/18/97
Senate wants schools to start in September - Well, sort of Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/18/97
Poll: Democrats oppose school voucher measure Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/18/97
Bill would push back first day of school Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 04/18/97
School voucher foes threaten to block bill Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/18/97
Bill would create a 'no-fault' insurance system Fort Worth Star-Telegram    04/18/97
Democrats may block bill for school vouchers Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 04/18/97
Senate OKs bill to delay start of public school year Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 04/18/97
Senate backs later school year start San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 04/18/97
School start bill gets OK'd Valley Morning Star  Dailey, R. 04/18/97
Panel approves bill on school vouchers Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/17/97
Panel supports school vouchers Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 04/17/97
Senate panel OKs bill for school choice Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/17/97
Senate committee passes pilot program for school vouchers Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Sanchez, C. 04/17/97
School voucher bill passes Senate committee Houston Chronicle  Ratcliffe, R. 04/17/97
Private school voucher bill's scope narrows San Antonio Express News    04/17/97
Lottery fund targeted for division Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Nelson, D. 04/16/97
Senate OKs bill to allow castration of child molesters Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/15/97
Senate passes sex-offender castration bill Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/15/97
Senate passes measure on molester castration Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Moritz, J. 04/15/97
Senate passes bill allowing voluntary, state-paid surgical castration San Antonio Express News    04/15/97
Moving along Dallas Morning News    04/14/97
Senate approves measure to aid minority admissions in college Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/11/97
Senate OKs bill on college admissions Dallas Morning News  Moreno, S. 04/11/97
State Senate adopts school safety measure Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 04/10/97
Education panel OKs September school start date San Antonio Express News  Poling, T. 04/10/97
School starting date bill moves Valley Morning Star  Dailey, R. 04/10/97
Bill: TEA could OK groups to establish charter schools Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/09/97
Senate passes bill to increase number of charter schools Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 04/09/97
Senate approves bill authorizing 60 charter schools Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 04/09/97
Senators excited by new schools Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 04/09/97
The poster boy for legal castration Corpus Christi Caller Times  Ray, S. 04/08/97
Equity bill clears hurdle Amarillo Globe-News    04/06/97
Fraser: merger threatens TSTC Abilene Reporter-News  Tinsley, A. 04/05/97
Let McQuay get his wish, but what about others? San Antonio Express News    04/05/97
TSTC supports bill limiting mission Waco Tribune Herald    04/05/97
Senate Republicans back House tax bill; some confident tax relief bill will pass Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 04/04/97
Lawmakers consider castration measure Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 04/04/97
Castration bill likely to reach Senate for vote Austin American Statesman  Fikac, P. 04/04/97
Water law reform rips through Senate Austin American Statesman  Haurwitz, R. 04/04/97
Senators like House tax plan Dallas Morning News  Slater, W. 04/04/97
Water plan clears Senate San Antonio Express News  Foy, N. 04/04/97
Educator blasts proposed legislation during speech Amarillo Globe-News  Burton, M. 04/03/97
Morales to fight U.S. on Hopwood Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 04/03/97
Supervision Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Editorial 03/31/97
School board courts obsolesence Austin American Statesman  McNeely, D. 03/30/97
Debt-ridden school districts may get relief from the state Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/28/97
Texas needs to find truth about vouchers Corpus Christi Caller Times  Bivins, T. 03/28/97
Bill seeks more from state for school facilities San Antonio Express News    03/28/97
Vouchers are no cure Austin American Statesman    03/27/97
Democrats challenge school voucher plan Amarillo Daily News  Robbins, M. 03/26/97
Bill would give students better understanding of costs Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/26/97
Voucher opponents say they can block bill in Senate Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 03/26/97
Truan vows all-out war against private-school vouchers Corpus Christi Caller Times  Tinsley, A. 03/26/97
Senators attack proposal for private school vouchers Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Packer, J. 03/26/97
Seven Dem senators vow to fight voucher proposal Houston Chronicle  Robison, C. 03/26/97
Education board's Ballard accuses Bullock of meddling Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 03/26/97
Senator attacks public funding for private schools San Antonio Express News  Tolley, L. 03/26/97
Texas bills would provide free college tuition Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 03/24/97
Bivins touts voucher plan Amarillo Globe-News  Steinhauser, E. 03/22/97
Unknotting phony liens Austin American Statesman    03/22/97
Can tuition vouchers improve education? Amarillo Globe-News    03/21/97
Bill would make state buildings smokeless Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/21/97
A limit to remediation Austin American Statesman    03/21/97
Education agency weighs in on affirmative action ruling Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 03/21/97
Senate votes to repeal helmet law Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/21/97
Anti-smoking bill's nod gives more to chew on Houston Chronicle  Walt, K. 03/21/97
Senate passes bill to snuff out smoking inside state buildings San Antonio Express News    03/21/97
TAAS isn't the answer to children's learning Amarillo Globe-News  Kuhlman, D. 03/20/97
Democrats predict school closings under voucher plan Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/20/97
Senate committee considers stretching school choice system San Antonio Express News    03/20/97
Senate OKs bill on fraudulent liens, records Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/19/97
Senate OKs bill about out-of-state lawsuits Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/19/97
Texas Senate passes bill to limit lawsuits by -out-of state plantiffs Austin American Statesman  Brown, C. 03/19/97
Wording of Senate water bill makes waves Austin American Statesman  Haurwitz, R. 03/19/97
Senate passes bill to fight false liens Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/19/97
Admissions changes could benefit many San Antonio Express News    03/19/97
Opponents say legislation waters down pollution controls San Antonio Express News  Foy, N. 03/19/97
In Texas' likeness Waco Tribune Herald    03/19/97
No-fault not likely, but it's worth a try Fort Worth Star-Telegram  Mason, T. 03/18/97
Keep education opportunities San Angelo Standard Times  Ray, S. 03/18/97
Haywood quietly earning respect Wichita Falls Record News  Strahan, A. 03/18/97
Bill would allow limited tuition voucher system Texarkana Gazette  Minor, J. 03/17/97
Finding remedy for remedial education Abilene Reporter-News  Ray, S. 03/16/97
Bills propose ways to stop state's uninsured motorists Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/16/97
Move to 'outlaw being a teen' assailed Houston Chronicle  Hughes, P. 03/16/97
'Blue warrants' use up county space, money Amarillo Globe-News    03/15/97
Bill would raise tuition for career students Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/15/97
Funding-limit bill worries educators El Paso Times    03/15/97
State university admissions policy proposed Fort Worth Star-Telegram    03/15/97
Bill could reward timely completion of bachelor's Lubbock Avalanche Journal  Robbins, M. 03/15/97
Bill would urge students to say on degree track San Antonio Express News    03/15/97
'Your failure rate must be lowered' San Antonio Express News  Stinson, R. 03/15/97
House supports a plan to prohibit false liens Amarillo Globe-News    03/14/97
Legislation would limit college remedial work Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/14/97
Lawmakers hope to maintain diversity Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, M. 03/14/97
Bill seeks to balance court ruling, diversity Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 03/14/97
Senate OKs bill limiting remedial college courses Dallas Morning News    03/14/97
Minority admissions bill filed Dallas Morning News  Moreno, S. 03/14/97
University admissions policy bill filed Houston Chronicle  Fikac, P. 03/14/97
Bill filed in response to Hopwood ruling San Antonio Express News    03/14/97
Bill would increase pool of expelled students Valley Morning Star  Hood, L. 03/14/97
Voucher plans open new battle for schools Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 03/13/97
Bill would let 250,000 students leave bad schools Dallas Morning News  Stutz, T. 03/13/97
Voucher plan offers passage to better schools Houston Chronicle  Fikac, P. 03/13/97
House committee considers moratorium on tenure review Austin American Statesman  Brooks, A. 03/12/97
Official requests water changes El Paso Times  Scharrer, G. 03/12/97
College admissions bill Lubbock Avalanche Journal    03/12/97
Legislature tackles problems Amarillo Globe-News  Bivins, Teel  01/28/93
Bivins makes 2 day tour of district Amarillo Globe-News    12/30/92
State senator honored for support of TSTC Amarillo Globe-News  Nichols, Nicole  04/24/92
Bivins offers to return financial contributions Amarillo Globe-News  Hunt, B. Scott  03/12/92
Bivins wins Chamber of Commerce Leadership Award Amarillo Globe-News    02/08/92
Bivins stops in Amarillo on campaign tour Amarillo Globe-News  Allston, Tom  01/16/92
Bivins files for re-election to Senate District 31 seat Amarillo Globe-News  Robbins, Mary Alice  12/18/91
Bivins named to committee on education Amarillo Globe-News    09/18/91
Bivins appointed to board of Legislative Reference Library Amarillo Globe-News    09/07/91
Appointment to Senate committees good for area Amarillo Globe-News  Bivins, Teel  02/06/91
Slover blasts Bivins on gas royalty 'sweetheart deal' Amarillo Globe-News  Boyd, Danny  08/09/90
A day in the life of Teel Bivins Amarillo Globe-News  Campbell, Kerry  07/15/90
Teel Bivins honored Amarillo Globe-News    05/31/90
Bivins selected as 1990 Toll Fellow Amarillo Globe-News    05/27/90
Sen. Bivins honored Amarillo Globe-News    11/14/89
Bivins recognized by magazine as one of 5 rookies of the year Amarillo Globe-News  Boardman, Amy  06/27/89
A busy beginning for Bivins Amarillo Globe-News  Bivins, Teel  01/31/89
New senator realizes a long-awaited goal on 1st day in Capitol Amarillo Globe-News  Cutbirth, Joe  01/11/89
State senator gets office, prepares for session Amarillo Globe-News  Phelan, Kim  01/08/89
Bivins remains firm on original campaign tax promise Amarillo Globe-News  Phelan, Kim  01/05/89
Bivins has pro-active plan for first session, ready to go to work Amarillo Globe-News  Cutbirth, Joe  12/25/88
Bivins outlines strategy for Senate tenure Amarillo Globe-News  Bivins, Teel  12/18/88