Executive documents-Search results

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Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Mark W. White, Jr.  Document type= Executive order    ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
01/06/1987 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-40A Establishing procedures for the 1986 allocation of the state ceiling on private activity bonds Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
11/10/1986 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-40 Establishing procedures for the 1986 allocation of the state ceiling on private activity bonds Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
11/10/1986 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-39A Rescinding Executive Order MW-39 and the percentage spending reduction requirement as outlined in paragraph seven of MW-36; leaving in place the provisions of MW-36 relating to agency cost-saving measures Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
08/29/1986 (69th 2nd C.S.) 69th 2nd C.S. Executive order MW-38A Rescinding Executive order MW-38, reserving for housing bonds a portion of the 1986 state ceiling on nonessential function bonds imposed by House Rule 3838 and allocating such portion among certain state agencies and other issuing authorities within the State of Texas Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
07/24/1986 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-39 Establishing a freeze on all employee hiring in state government except when required by federal court order and in emergency situations as determined in advance by the Office of the Governor Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
07/20/1986 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-36S Directing each state agency to immediately implement cost saving measures as part of the State's effort to reduce expenditures to levels commensurate with anticipated revenues - Summary Update Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
06/20/1986 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-38 Reserving for housing bonds a portion of the 1986 State ceiling on nonessential function bonds imposed by H.R. 3838 and allocating such portion among certain State agencies and other issuing authorities within the State of Texas Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
03/18/1986 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-37 Creating the Governor's Victims of Crime Advisory Council Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
02/18/1986 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-36 Directing each state agency to immediately implement cost saving measures as part of the State's effort to reduce expenditures to levels commensurate with anticipated revenues Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
11/22/1985 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-35 Creating the Governor's Former Prisoners-of-War Advisory Council Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
08/09/1985 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-34 Creating the Texas Conservation Corps Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
03/14/1985 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-33 Establishing the Texas Rapid Response Program Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
01/31/1985 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-25A Establishing interim procedures for the allocation of the state ceiling on certain housing bonds Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
01/29/1985 (69th R.S.) 69th R.S. Executive order MW-32 Establishing the Governor's Advisory Committee on Water Quality Standards for the Colorado River and its tributaries between Austin and Columbus Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
12/05/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-27A Establishing interim procedures for the 1984 allocation of the state ceiling on certain private activity bonds Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
11/29/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-31 Creating and establishing the Governor's Task Force on the Advancement of Labor-Management Relations Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
11/26/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-30 Creating the Texas Commission on Child Support Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
10/15/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-29 Establishing the Interagency Council for Nutrition and Fitness in state-supported facilities Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
08/24/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-27 Establishing interim procedures for the 1984 allocation of the state ceiling on certain private activity bonds Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
08/09/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-26 Establishing the Governor's Advisory Panel on Offshore Oil and Chemical Spill Responses Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
08/02/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-28 Designating Advocacy, Inc. to administer the client assistance program created by Federal Public Law 98-221, and designating the Director of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to chair an advisory committee to the client assistance program Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
07/13/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-25 Establishing interim procedures for the allocation of the state ceiling on certain housing bonds Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
06/21/1984 (68th 2nd C.S.) 68th 2nd C.S. Executive order MW-24 Establishing the Texas Science and Technology Council Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
06/07/1984 (68th 2nd C.S.) 68th 2nd C.S. Executive order MW-23 Establishing the Governor's Executive Development Council Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
05/17/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-22 Establishing a Job Injury Interagency Council to determine the role of the State in preventing work-related injuries and creating an Advisory Committee to assist the Council in its deliberations Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
04/18/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-21 Establishing with Commissioner Jim Hightower, the Texas Family Farm and Ranch Advisory Committee Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
03/29/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-20 Declaring a state of disaster and public calamity continues to exist in Starr, Hidalgo, Cameron, Dimmit, Willacy, and Zavala counties and allocating one million dollars to the Texas Department of Community Affairs from the Disaster Relief Fund to meet needs in the disaster area Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
02/29/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-19 Establishing the Governor's Task Force on Hazardous Waste Management Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
02/24/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-18 Joining the Southern Growth Policies Board Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
02/06/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-17 Developing measures to ensure that children who reside in state facilities receive the maximum possible protection from potential abuse and neglect Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
01/30/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-16 Creating and establishing the Governor's Criminal Justice Education Project Advisory Committee Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
01/24/1984 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-15 Creating the Interagency Council on Economic Development Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
12/22/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-14 Creating the Governor's Task Force on Inhalant Abuse Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
10/12/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-12 Relating to emergency management; reorganizing the Emergency Management Council; reappointing the Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety as Director of the Division of Emergency Management of the Office of the Governor; taking related action pertaining to emergency management and disaster prevention and relief; and repealing Executive order WPC-11A Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
09/30/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-13 Establishing the Governor's Task Force on State Employee Health Insurance Quality and Cost Containment Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
08/08/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-11 Establishing the Governor's State Agency Executives Council Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
07/08/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-10 Restructuring and renaming the Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped as the Governor's Committee for Disabled Persons; repealing Executive order WPC-14A Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
06/03/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-9 Designating service delivery areas for programs created by the Job Training Partnership Act of 1982 Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
05/19/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-8 Goals for awarding contracts to small and minority businesses under Articles 5186a and 5190.3, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
05/19/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-7 Establishing the Governor's Advisory Committee on Minority Business Enterprise Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
05/19/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-6 Establishing goals and objectives for the Governor's Equal Employment Opportunity Office Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
05/12/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-5 Creating and establishing the State Job Training Coordinating Council Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
04/13/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-4 Creating and establishing the Governor's Commission for Women; repealing Executive order DB-32 Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
03/24/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-3 Establishing the Governor's Task Force on Immigration Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
01/27/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-2 Designating the Texas Department of Community Affairs as the implementing agency for the federal Job Training Partnership Program Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order
01/27/1983 (68th R.S.) 68th R.S. Executive order MW-1 Establishing the Governor's Task Force on Emergency Jobs and the Unemployment Trust Fund Mark W. White, Jr. Executive order