Senate Committee on Finance - 88th R.S. (2023)

Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Interim Report
Subjects: Broadband infrastructure | Centennial Parks Conservation Fund | Electric Reliability Council of Texas | Electricity transmission and distribution | Film Commission, Texas | Film industry | Foundation School Program | Homestead exemptions | Mental health services | Parks and Wildlife, Texas Department of | Property taxes | Public Utility Commission of Texas | Recapture (School finance) | School enrollment | School finance | State hospitals | State parks | Tax relief | Texas Broadband Infrastructure Fund | Texas Energy Fund | Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program | Texas State Water Plan | Texas Water Fund | Water Development Board, Texas | Water service | Winter Storm Uri | Winter weather |
Library Call Number: L1836.88 F49
Session: 88th R.S. (2023)
Online version: View report [68 pages  File size: 2,276 kb]
Charges: This report should address the charges below.
1. Continue Cutting Property Taxes: Identify the best combination to further increase the amount of homestead exemption and compression to continue cutting Texans' property taxes. Additionally, establish and report on the cost of eliminating:
  • School maintenance and operation property taxes;
  • All school property taxes; and
  • All property taxes.
Determine the fiscal consequences of each action, including whether revenue reallocations would be required for public education funding and local government funding, and impacts on the state's ability to respond to disasters and other urgent priorities. For example, determine the effect on other state programs if general revenue were used to fully replace school property taxes, particularly during economic downturns. Evaluate and report on how much state revenue would need to be generated to replace foregone property tax revenue, and from what source.
2. Mental Health Services and Inpatient Facilities: Monitor the implementation of SB 30, 88th R.S., with regard to appropriations made for expanding mental health services and inpatient facilities across the state. Report on the progress of inpatient facility construction projects. Assess and report on the effectiveness of spending on mental health services.
3. Monitor Property Tax Relief and Infrastructure Funds: Monitor the appropriations supporting, and implementation of, the following legislation passed during the 88th Legislature, Regular or Special Sessions, and approved by voters, amending the Texas Constitution:
  • Property Tax Relief: SB 2, 88th 2nd C.S. and HJR 2, 88th 2nd C.S.;
  • Texas Energy Fund: SB 2627, 88th R.S. and SJR 93, 88th R.S.;
  • Texas Water Fund: SB 28, 88th R.S. and SJR 75, 88th R.S.;
  • Centennial Parks Conservation Fund: SB 1648, 88th R.S. and SJR 74, 88th R.S.; and
  • Broadband Infrastructure Fund: HB 9, 88th R.S. and HJR 125, 88th R.S.
4. School Enrollment Trends: Study post-pandemic student enrollment trends, and examine the possible causes behind the shift in student enrollment, including the rise in homeschooling, micro-schools, and other parental choice options. Make recommendations to ensure parents and educators have the tools and resources needed to respond to the projected enrollment changes and ensure that every child has the best educational options available to learn.
5. Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program: Review the expenditure of funds appropriated to the Texas Film Commission for the Texas Moving Image Industry Incentive Program (TMIIIP) by the 88th Legislature and assess the effectiveness of the program in promoting media production and stimulating local economies through job creation and business growth. Analyze application trends before and after the appropriation, with attention to high- profile or large-budget productions. Additionally, review other states and international incentive programs and evaluate Texas's workforce and educational needs in media production. Provide recommendations to improve the TMIIIP’s transparency and enhance Texas's competitive position.
Supporting documents
Committee: Senate Finance
Title: Rules
Library Catalog Title: Minutes
Library Call Number: L1803.9 F49 88 RULES
Session: 88th R.S. (2023)
Online version: View document [3 pages  File size: 360 kb]

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