Inspect Capitol - 34th R.S. (1915)
Committee Members
Public members
- Dr. W.B. Collins
- R.H. Hoffman
- Inspection of the Capitol building and all its departments, including the basement of the Capitol building, and the Land Office building to report a general plan for a thorough-going system of cleaning, sanitation, and inspection of the Capitol building, together with its offices, apartments, basement, and the Land Office Building and to recommend such repairs and alterations as may be necessary to bring the said building into a thoroughly sanitary condition.
Appointed by Speaker on 2/8/1915 pursuant to HCR 3 by Nordhaus. Appointed by Lieutenant Governor 2/2/1915. Senate appointments also found at H.J. of Tex., 34th Leg., R.S. 303 (1915). Report of committee not printed in House journal per motion by Rep. Savage on 2/17/1915 since report was printed in Senate journal (H.J. of Tex., 34th Leg., R.S. 523 (1915)). Resolution called for committee to include State Health Officer, W.B. Collins, and Dairy and Food Commissioner, R.H. Hoffman. Committee divided into subcommittees with members of subcommittees listed in report. Final report includes individual signed reports of the various subcommittees.
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