House Committee on Counties - 57th R.S. (1961)
Committee Members
- Joseph Norwin Chapman, Chair
- Lloyd Myron Guffey, Vice Chair
- Marshall Odom Bell
- John E. Blaine
- Jack Willard Connell
- R.H. 'Dick' Cory
- Paul Williams Curington
- Wayne B. Gibbens
- Henry Grover
- George Turner Hinson
- John Andrew Huebner
- William Meshech Jones
- Rufus Underwood Kilpatrick
- Kenneth Williams Kohler
- George F. Korkmas
- Glenn Kothmann
- Peter Joseph La Valle
- Yale Lary
- Lloyd C. Martin
- David Brown Read
- Wade Fetzer Spilman
- Byron M. Tunnell
- William Newton Walker
- James Edgar Wilson
3rd C.S.: Kenneth Kohler, George Korkmas, and Glenn Kothmann (Members) appointed 1/8/1962.
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