House Committee on Ways and Means - 65th R.S. (1977)
Committee Members
Oversight responsibility of agency expenditures and related transactions. This function shall encompass a review and monitoring of all appropriations-related actions of those agencies assigned to this committee for appropriative purposes during the 65th Regular Session of the Legislature, to wit:
Comptroller of Public Accounts
- A study of and evaluation of the Texas tax structure. This study shall include a review of the sources of state revenue, both present and proposed, and an analysis of the effect these sources have and would have on the taxpayers of the state. Specifically, the study should accumulate data dealing with tax dollar sources; per capita tax burdens, and comparisons with other states; forms of taxes; amounts of taxes paid by the business community as opposed to the general public; and the effects of the Texas tax structure on business growth and location.
- A study of the franchise tax and the relative advantages and disadvantages thereto as opposed to other forms of business tax, such as corporate income or profit taxes.
- A study of the implications, advantages and disadvantages to the state as a whole and to industry alone of a refinery tax on petroleum products. This study should review and analyze other energy-oriented taxes, such as a severance tax or first sale tax.
- A study of the State sales tax. This study should include a review of various proposals to broaden or narrow the tax, and weigh the relative advantages and disadvantages of each. The study should also include a review of current and proposed exemptions to the sales tax and provide justifications for the keeping of these exemptions.
- Hold hearings on legislative proposals which have been suggested as means to bring equality and stabilization to the Texas property tax system. The committee should include within the scope of its research tax relief, including, but not limited to: an abolition of the state sales tax on utilities; alternative methods to finance construction at institutions of higher education currently funded by the state ad valorem tax should that tax be abolished; an increase in the heritage tax exemption; and statutory methods to limit taxation and spending of state and local units of government.
Charge regarding equality and stabilization of the Texas property tax system added June 27, 1978. (Memorandum from Bill Clayton, Speaker of the House of Representatives, 6/27/1978)
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