Office of House Bill AnalysisC.S.S.B. 342
By: Shapiro
Committee Report (Substituted)


Under current law, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is
authorized to expend money from any source available for the cost of
turnpikes, toll roads, or toll bridges of the Texas Turnpike Authority
provided that money expended out of the state highway fund is repaid from
tolls or other turnpike revenue. TxDOT and the Texas Transportation
Commission are also authorized to participate in the cost, construction,
maintenance, and operation of toll facilities of various entities provided
that funds expended are repaid.  TxDOT is precluded from advancing funds
for turnpike project development without an obligation of repayment.
Entities that construct toll facilities seek federal and state highway
funds to leverage their own funds and complete financing for high-cost
facilities, but repayment obligations may make construction infeasible.
C.S.S.B. 342 removes the requirement for repayment from public entities and
authorizes TxDOT to expend funds for the cost of toll projects of public
and private entities. 


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking
authority is expressly delegated to the Texas Transportation Commission in
SECTION 1 (Section 222.103, Transportation Code) of this bill. 


C.S.S.B. 342 amends the Transportation Code to authorize the Texas
Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to participate in the cost of the
acquisition of a toll facility of a public or private entity by spending
money from any available source on terms established by the Texas
Transportation Commission (commission).  The bill sets forth provisions
relating to repayment of any money spent by TxDOT for a toll facility of a
public or private entity.  The bill requires the commission to adopt rules
for the spending and repayment of money for such toll facilities.  The bill
specifies that a bond or other debt obligation to finance a toll facility
is an obligation of the issuing entity and not of the state.  The bill
prohibits the money granted by TxDOT each federal fiscal year for cost
participation in toll facilities from exceeding 30 percent of the
obligation authority under the federal-aid highway program that is
distributed to this state in that year.  The bill provides that any toll
project that uses money that is granted or loaned from constitutionally
dedicated funds for the construction or maintenance of a project must be
let by a competitive bidding procedure in which the contract is awarded to
the lowest responsible bidder.  The Texas Turnpike Authority (authority) is
authorized to enter into exclusive development agreements on four projects
before March 1, 2004 (Sec. 222.103). 

The bill authorizes TxDOT to expend money for the cost of the acquisition,
construction, maintenance, or operation of a turnpike project by the
authority.  The bill authorizes  TxDOT to require the authority to repay
the money from toll revenue or other sources (Sec. 361.191). 

If TxDOT spends money for a joint venture agreement with the authority, the
bill authorizes the commission to require the authority to repay the money
from toll revenue or other sources.  If the commission finds that the
mobility of the traveling public will be enhanced, the bill authorizes the
commission to enter into an agreement with the authority for the
contribution of money to the authority for any purpose of the Texas
Turnpike Authority Project Revolving Fund.  The bill authorizes TxDOT or
the commission to require the  repayment of money contributed to a regional
tollway authority from toll revenue and other sources (Sec. 362.004). 

The bill requires that money repaid as required by TxDOT or the commission
under these provisions be credited to the fund from which the contribution
was made (Sec. 366.301). 

The bill provides that the powers and duties of the board of directors of
the regional authority under the provisions relating to the authority or
other law are transferred to the commission on September 1, 2001 (Sec.
361.005 and SECTION 11).          

The bill authorizes the commission, on the request of a district office of
TxDOT, to create a regional tollway authority (regional authority) for
turnpike projects located in that district if a tollway authority does not
exist in that area.  If the commission establishes a regional tollway
authority, the regional authority is subject to and has the powers of the
authority.  Each year, a regional authority established under the bill is
required to transfer to the Texas Mobility Fund any revenue that exceeds
the sum of the authority's debt service and coverage requirements of any
bond indenture and costs necessary to operate and maintain turnpike
projects of the regional authority, unless that revenue is to be used for
the expansion of a turnpike project or system (Sec. 361.003). 

The bill repeals the provisions pertaining to a successor agency to the
authority (SECTION 8). 


The bill takes effect on the date on which the constitutional amendment
relating to the creation of the Texas Mobility Fund takes effect and only
if the Act relating to the administration and use of the Texas Mobility
Fund takes effect.  The provisions relating to the transfer of the powers
and duties of the board of directors of the Texas Turnpike Authority to the
Texas Transportation Commission take effect September 1, 2001. 


C.S.S.B. 342 modifies the original bill by adding the provision that the
money granted by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for cost
participation in toll facilities is prohibited from exceeding 30 percent of
the obligation authority under the federal-aid highway program that is
distributed to this state in that year rather than in the biennium.  The
substitute specifies that any toll project that uses money that is granted
or loaned from constitutionally dedicated funds for the construction or
maintenance of a project must be let by a competitive bidding procedure in
which the contract is awarded to the lowest responsible bidder rather than
being subject to procedures for bids and contracts for highway projects
under the Transportation Code.  The substitute authorizes the Texas
Turnpike Authority to enter into exclusive development agreements on four
projects before March 1, 2004 (Sec. 222.105).  The substitute adds
provisions for the creation of a regional tollway authority by the Texas
Transportation Commission in a TxDOT district if a regional tollway
authority does not exist (Sec. 361.003).  The substitute provides for the
transfer of powers and duties from the board of directors  of the Texas
Turnpike Authority to the Texas Transportation Commission (Sec. 361.005 and
SECTION 11).  The substitute modifies the effective date.