Office of House Bill AnalysisS.B. 2
By: Brown, J. E. "Buster"
Natural Resources


Texas currently faces many water challenges.  The 75th Legislature enacted
major water planning legislation in 1997.  Senate Bill 2 addresses the
implementation and financing of the water strategies and recommendations
identified in the last four years by the state's 16 regional water planning


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking
authority is expressly delegated to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission in SECTION 1.01 (Section 9.012, Water Code) and SECTION 2.11
(Section 11.138, Water Code); to the Parks and Wildlife Department in
SECTION 2.19 (Section 15.7031, Water Code) and SECTION 2.20 (Section
15.7032, Water Code); to the Texas Water Development Board in SECTION 2.25
(Section 16.053, Water Code), SECTION 2.43 (Section 36.015, Water Code),
SECTION 4.01 (Sections 15.903 and 15.907, Water Code),  SECTION 4.02
(Section 15.955, Water Code), SECTION 4.09 (Section 15.105, Water Code),
and SECTION 6.02; and to the comptroller of public accounts in SECTION 4.03
(Section 15.013, Water Code) of this bill. 


Senate Bill 2 amends the Water Code to modify provisions relating to the
development and management of the state's water resources. 

Texas Water Advisory Council

S.B. 2 creates the Texas Water Advisory Council (council) and sets forth
provisions regarding council composition requirements, member terms,
council officers and staff, meetings, and member compensation. The council
is charged with the duty to heighten the level of dialogue on significant
water policy issues and to provide focus and guidance on state water policy
initiatives.  The council is required to review, on a fiveyear cycle, the
administrative policies and performance standards of certain water
authorities and sets forth the review schedule.  The council is required to
submit a report, not later than December 1 of each evennumbered year, to
the governor and the legislature regarding the findings from the reviews of
authorities. The bill also establishes provisions regarding the council's
acceptance and use of gifts and grants, council funding, public
participation, and the council's continuing right of supervision over
certain water authorities (SECTIONS 1.01 and 6.02). 

Water Rights

S.B. 2 modifies provisions regarding amendments to water rights, additional
requirements for water conservation plans and drought contingency plans,
and action on an application to appropriate unappropriated state water
(SECTIONS 2.07-2.10).  The bill authorizes the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission (TNRCC) by rule to authorize the beneficial use,
without a permit, of not more than 25 acre-feet of water, for a term not to
exceed one year, if the diversion of water will not affect existing water
right holders and the user of the water registers the use with TNRCC in the
manner required by TNRCC (SECTION 2.11).  
The bill adds provisions regarding permit exemptions for the temporary
storage of water (SECTION 2.12). The bill modifies provisions regarding
forfeitures and cancellations of permits for inaction, the effects of a
permit on bays and estuaries and instream uses, cancellation in whole or in
part of a permit, certified filing, or certificate of adjudication, and
TNRCC findings and action on a permit, certified filing, or certificate of
adjudication (SECTIONS 2.13-2.16).   

Texas Water Trust and Water Trust Account

S.B. 2 requires the Parks and Wildlife Department (department) to establish
the Texas Water Trust (trust) and sets forth provisions regarding water
transfers and conditions of water rights and the waiver of application fees
for instream-use water rights deposited into the trust (SECTIONS 2.19,
2.21, and 4.04). The bill adds provisions regarding the operation of the
trust and the creation of the water trust account (SECTIONS 2.20 and 2.22).
The bill requires the department, in consultation with the Texas Water
Development Board (board) and TNRCC, to adopt rules governing the process
for holding and transferring water rights (SECTION 2.19).  The bill
authorizes the department to adopt rules necessary for implementation of
the trust (SECTION 2.20). 

Surface Water and Groundwater Management

The bill modifies provisions regarding studies, investigations, and surveys
of the state's surface and groundwater, the state water plan, regional
water plans, and local water planning (SECTIONS 2.23-2.28).  The bill
requires the board by rule, not later than January 1, 2002, to require a
holder of a surface water permit, a certified filing, or a certificate of
adjudication for surface water, a holder of a permit for the export of
groundwater from a groundwater conservation district, a retail public water
supplier, a wholesale water provider, an irrigation district, and any other
person who is transporting groundwater or surface water 20 miles or more to
report to the board information on certain water pipelines and other
facilities that can be used for water conveyance (SECTIONS 2.25 and 6.02). 

The bill modifies provisions regarding the designation of groundwater
management areas,  identifying, designating, and delineating priority
groundwater management areas, and TNRCC procedures for the designation of a
priority groundwater management area and for the protection of groundwater
resources (SECTIONS 2.30-2.33 and 2.36).  The bill modifies procedures
regarding the creation of a water district in a priority groundwater
management area and for adding a priority groundwater management area to an
existing water district (SECTIONS 2.32, 2.34, 2.35, and 2.44).   

The bill modifies provisions regarding the ownership of groundwater, the
method of creating a groundwater conservation district, notice and public
meeting on the creation of a groundwater conservation district, composition
of a groundwater conservation district, and a petition to create a
groundwater conservation district (SECTIONS 2.38-2.43).  The bill modifies
provisions regarding the appointment, confirmation and election of
directors of a groundwater conservation district and lawsuits involving a
groundwater conservation district (SECTIONS 2.45, 2.46, 2.48, and 2.49).
The bill adds provisions regarding taxing authority and a director's
election for a groundwater conservation in a priority groundwater
management area (SECTION 2.47). 

S.B. 2 modifies provisions regarding rulemaking power and the enforcement
of rules in a groundwater conservation district, a groundwater conservation
district's comprehensive management plan, the board's review and
certification of a groundwater conservation district's comprehensive
management plan, and joint planning between groundwater conservation
districts in a groundwater management area (SECTIONS 2.50-2.54).  The bill
adds provisions regarding the failure of a groundwater conservation
district to conduct joint planning and the appointment of a receiver for a
groundwater conservation district (SECTIONS 2.61 and 2.63).  The bill also
modifies provisions regarding TNRCC action on the failure of a groundwater
district to conduct joint planning, the failure of a groundwater district
to submit a comprehensive management plan, or the determination by the
state auditor that a groundwater district is not operational (SECTION

 The bill amends provisions regarding permits for water wells, regulation
of spacing and production of water wells, and exemptions from, exceptions
for, or limitations to water well permit requirements  (SECTIONS
2.55-2.57).  The bill modifies provisions regarding the transfer of
groundwater out of a groundwater conservation district, the authority of a
groundwater conservation district to set fees, and groundwater fees and the
purchase of groundwater rights (SECTIONS 2.58-2.60).  The bill also amends
provisions regarding contracts between a water control and improvement
district and a municipality (SECTION 2.64).  
Ratification of Groundwater Conservation Districts

S.B. 2 ratifies the following groundwater conservation districts created in
1999 by the 76th Legislature: 

 _Cow Creek Groundwater Conservation District;
 _Crossroads Groundwater Conservation District;

 _Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District;

 _Lone Wolf Groundwater Conservation District;

 _Lost Pines Groundwater Conservation District;

 _McMullen Groundwater Conservation District;

 _Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District;

 _Red Sands Groundwater Conservation District;

 _Refugio Groundwater Conservation District;

 _Southeast Trinity Groundwater Conservation District;

 _Texana Groundwater Conservation District; and

 _Tri-County Groundwater Conservation District (SECTIONS 3.0101-3.1209).

Water Infrastructure Funding

S.B. 2 creates the Water Infrastructure Fund (infrastructure fund), to be
administered by the board, to fund water development projects that will
encourage the conservation and development of water resources of the state.
The bill sets forth provisions regarding the approval of applications for
assistance by the board, applicable financial assistance provisions, and
the sale of political subdivision bonds.  The bill requires the board to
adopt rules necessary to carry out provisions regarding the infrastructure
fund, including rules establishing procedures for application for and the
award of financial assistance, for the investment of funds, and for the
administration of the infrastructure fund not later than January 1, 2002.
The bill modifies provisions regarding the transfer of money from the Texas
water resource fund to include the provision of funds to the infrastructure
fund.  The bill also sets forth provisions regarding the funding for local
economic development, the authority to establish economic development
programs, and obligations for funding an economic development program
(SECTIONS 4.01, 4.19, 4.24, and 6.02).  

Rural Water Assistance Fund

The bill sets forth provisions regarding the creation, purpose, and use of
the rural water assistance fund (rural fund), procedures for financially
assisting rural political subdivisions, and the transfer of money from the
water assistance fund and the financial assistance account to the rural
fund.  The bill requires the board to adopt rules necessary to administer
provisions regarding the rural fund, including rules establishing
procedures for the application for and award of loans, the distribution of
loans, the investment of funds, and the administration of loans and the
rural fund not later than January 1, 2002 (SECTIONS 4.02, 4.07, 4.23, and

S.B. 2 establishes a bottled water surcharge and provides for the
assessment of a five cent surcharge from each manufacturer of bottled water
in the state for each container of water bottled for retail in the state.
The bill requires the comptroller of public accounts to adopt any rules
necessary for the administration, payment, collection, and enforcement of
the surcharge (SECTION 4.03).  The bill modifies provisions regarding the
purpose of the Texas water assistance program, provision of financial
assistance through the water loan assistance fund, considerations in
passing on an application for financial assistance from the water loan
assistance fund, approval of such an application, and the method of making
financial assistance available from the water loan assistance fund
(SECTIONS 4.06 and 4.08-4.11).   

The bill modifies provisions regarding the use of money in the agricultural
soil and water conservation fund and grants to groundwater conservation
districts and political subdivisions for equipment purchases,  the creation
and administration of the state water pollution control revolving fund
(revolving fund), financial assistance under the revolving fund, and
approval of applications for financial assistance for water pollution
control (SECTIONS 4.12, 4.13, and 4.15-4.17).   

S.B. 2 sets forth provisions regarding the collection of instream flow
data, procedures for conducting studies of the state's rivers and streams,
and conservation loans for brush control and precipitation enhancement
(SECTIONS 4.18 and 4.22).  The bill modifies provisions regarding
conservation loans (SECTION 4.21). 

The bill amends the Tax Code to modify provisions regarding certain water
conservation initiatives and to add provisions regarding water-related
exemptions from limited sales, excise, and use taxes (SECTIONS 4.25 and

Joint Committee on Water Infrastructure

S.B. 2 creates the Joint Committee on Water Infrastructure (committee) to
conduct an interim study and make recommendations regarding water
marketing, water financing, and water conveyance systems (SECTIONS 5.01 and
5.02).  The bill sets forth provisions regarding committee member
composition requirements, meetings and hearings, reporting requirements,
authorization to and assistance in performing committee duties, committee
staff, and committee budget (SECTIONS 5.03-5.10).  The bill specifies that
provisions regarding the committee expire and the committee is abolished on
January 1, 2003 (SECTION 5.11). 

S.B. 2 repeals law relating to a petition to designate a groundwater
management area, notice for designation of a groundwater management area,
limitation on rulemaking power of groundwater conservation districts over
water wells in certain counties, and the inclusion of a request to create a
management area in a petition to create a groundwater conservation district
(SECTION 6.01).  The bill sets forth findings related to procedural
requirements (SECTION 6.03).  


September 1, 2001.