Office of House Bill AnalysisC.S.H.B. 2570
By: Olivo
Public Education
Committee Report (Substituted)


Under current law, students who do not pass the appropriate reading and
mathematics assessment tests in the third, fifth, and eighth grade cannot
be promoted to the next grade. Testing begins in 2002 for third graders,
2004 for fifth graders, and 2007 for eighth graders. This requirement does
not take into consideration the student's overall performance, including
the student's grades.  C.S.H.B. 2570 requires the commissioner of education
to prescribe alternative compensatory grade promotion criteria, and delays
for one year the implementation of the requirement that students pass the
assessment tests to be promoted.     

It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking
authority is expressly delegated to the commissioner of education in
SECTION 1 (Section 28.0212, Education Code) of this bill. 


C.S.H.B. 2570 amends the Education Code to require the commissioner of
education, by rule, to prescribe alternative compensatory promotion
criteria that a student may meet to be promoted to the fourth, sixth, or
ninth grade level without performing satisfactorily on appropriate reading
and mathematics assessment instruments.  The bill provides that the
alternative compensatory promotion criteria must include a student's grades
in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies for the grade
level from which the student seeks promotion and each lower grade level the
student has completed; performance on the individual assessment instruments
administered to the student; the student's highest total scores on the
applicable assessment instruments; and overall academic performance.   

The bill requires a committee composed of the student's teacher, principal,
and a school or district counselor to determine whether a student who has
not performed satisfactorily on the assessment instruments has met the
alternative promotion criteria.  The bill provides that the committee's
decision is final and may not be appealed. The bill requires the committee
to determine whether a student who has not performed satisfactorily on an
applicable assessment instrument has met the alternative compensatory
promotion criteria to advance to the next grade level following each
administration of the assessment instrument. If the committee determines
that the student has met the alternative compensatory promotion criteria,
the student is not subject to the appropriate instrument for the grade
level promotion as to which the determination is made. These provisions do
not create a property right in promotion to the next grade level.  The bill
provides that a student must meet requirements for attendance and academic
proficiency, and any grade or conduct requirements prescribed by school
district policy, other than a requirement that a student perform
satisfactorily on the assessment instruments (Sec. 28.0212).  

The bill delays for one school year the applicability of the provisions
requiring a student to pass the appropriate assessment instruments for
promotion to the fourth, sixth, and ninth grades (Sec. 28.0211). 


September 1, 2001.  This Act applies beginning with the 2003-2004 school

C.S.H.B. 2570 modifies the original bill by changing alternative promotion
criteria to alternative compensatory promotion criteria that a student may
meet to be promoted to a certain grade level. The substitute requires a
committee composed of a student's teacher, principal, and school counselor
to determine grade level promotion for the student based on performance on
a specified assessment instrument and consideration of alternative
compensatory promotion criteria. The substitute delays for one year
provisions relating to the requirement of a student to satisfactorily
perform on a specified assessment instrument for a promotion in grade