Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 2204
By: Gutierrez
Public Safety


The population growth of  Texas continues to aggravate the congestion and
dangers inherent in traffic flow within our communities.  Neighborhoods and
existing road systems developed for smaller populations face increasing
pressures from higher traffic density.  Prior to the 77th Legislature,
alternative transportation options were limited, and in many cases they
lacked the proper safeguards necessary to protect a bicyclist or
pedestrian.  Better training and education in traffic safety rules for
motorists and bicyclists is needed to achieve success in an effort to
reduce bicycle safety injuries and fatalities.  House Bill 2204 sets forth
provisions for the enforcement of safety regulations regarding bicyclists
and pedestrians and establishes a bicycling safety course for bicyclists
who elect deferred disposition for traffic offenses.   


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking
authority is expressly delegated to the Department of Public Safety in
SECTION 3 (Section 201.614, Transportation Code) and SECTION 12 (Section
551.106, Transportation Code) of this bill.   


House Bill 2204 amends the Government Code to require accident reports
published by the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to include information
regarding the number of accidents involving injury to, death of, or
property damage to a bicyclist or pedestrian (Sec. 411.0175).   

H.B. 2204 amends the Transportation Code to require DPS to establish and
administer a Safe Routes to School Program to distribute money to political
subdivisions for projects to improve safety in and around school areas.
The bill sets forth provisions regarding eligible projects and criteria DPS
is required to consider in regards to project proposals.  The bill
authorizes DPS to allocate money received from the federal government under
the Hazard Elimination Program to eligible projects.  DPS is required to
adopt rules to implement these provisions (Sec. 201.614).  The bill
provides that the owner of an electric bicycle is not required to register
the electric bicycle (Sec. 502.0075).   

The bill requires a bicyclist to ride as close as practicable to the right
edge of the roadway unless the bicyclist is riding in an outside lane that
is less than 14 feet in width and does not have a designated bicycle lane
adjacent to the lane or is too narrow for a bicycle and a motor vehicle to
safely travel side by side (Sec.  551.103).  The bill requires rather than
authorizes a person using a bicycle at night to equip the bicycle with a
lamp on the rear of the bicycle that emits a red light visible from a
distance of 500 feet (Sec. 551.104).   

The bill provides that neither DPS nor a local authority is authorized to
prohibit the use of an electric bicycle on a highway that is used primarily
by motor vehicles.  DPS or a local authority may prohibit the use of an
electric bicycle on a highway used primarily by pedestrians.  DPS is
required to establish rules for the administration of these provisions
(Sec. 551.106).   


September 1, 2001.