Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 2069
By: Kitchen
Public Health


The federal Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) allows
states the option of providing Medicaid benefits for children with severe
disabilities who do not qualify for their state's Medicaid program based on
their family's income level. The TEFRA option provides care to disabled
children in their homes, which relieves the financial and emotional stress
of parents of such children and can prevent more costly institutional care.
Texas has not added the TEFRA option to its medical assistance program.
House Bill 2069 requires the commissioner of health and human services to
execute a study regarding the feasibility of incorporating the TEFRA option
into the medical assistance program. 


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does
not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, department, agency, or institution. 


House Bill 2069 requires the commissioner of health and human services
(commissioner) to conduct a study regarding the feasibility of expanding
the medical assistance program to provide assistance to disabled children
in accordance with the Medicaid eligibility option under the federal Tax
Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA). 

In conducting the study, the bill requires the commissioner to evaluate the
number of children who would be eligible for medical assistance under TEFRA
based on the severity of each child's disabilities, as determined by
childhood disability standards and evidence requirements established for
Supplemental Security Income, and a determination of whether each disabled
child requires the level of care provided in a hospital, skilled nursing
facility, or intermediate care facility. The bill requires the
commissioner, in conducting the study, to evaluate the effect of other
health insurance coverage provided for children who would be eligible for
medical assistance under TEFRA on the cost of expanding the medical
assistance program. In conducting the study, the commissioner is also
required to evaluate utilization patterns of similar populations of
disabled children under similar programs in this state and other states,
the cost to the state of inappropriate institutionalization of disabled
children in hospitals, nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities
that results from unavailability of health insurance coverage for those
children, and options for gradual implementation of the medical assistance
program expansion.  

Not later than December 1, 2002, the bill requires the commissioner to
submit a report to the legislature regarding the results of the study,
which must include a recommendation regarding expanding the medical
assistance program. 


September 1, 2001.