Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 3593
By: Davis, John
Higher Education
Committee Report (Amended)


Currently, the Texas Chiropractic College (TCC) is operated by a nonprofit
corporation.  H.B. 3593 establishes TCC as a public institution of higher


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking
authority is expressly delegated to the governing board of the institution
of higher education to which Texas Chiropractic College is transferred in
SECTION 3 (Powers and Duties; Rules and Policies) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "governing board," "institution of higher
education," and "new institution." 

SECTION 2.  TRANSFER OF GOVERNANCE.  (a)  Requires the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board (coordinating board) to determine, in
discussion with institutions of higher education, whether one of the
institutions of higher education is sufficiently interested in establishing
the Texas Chiropractic College (TCC), which is currently a nonprofit
corporation, as an institution of higher education. 

(b)  Requires the coordinating board, if there is sufficient interest as
provided by Subsection (a), to assist TCC and the institution in the
transition process. 

(c)  Provides that TCC in its entirety is transferred to the governing
board of the institution selected by the coordinating board under
Subsection (b) if the board of trustees of TCC and the governing board of
the institution both agree to the transfer. Provides that the transfer is
effective on September 1 following the coordinating board's approval, and
is governed by SECTIONS 3 through 8 of this Act. 

(d)  Requires the name of the new institution to be determined by the
governing board of the institution subject to the approval of the
coordinating board. 

governing board of the institution to which TCC is transferred under this
Act to undertake to govern, operate, manage, and control the new
institution in its entirety.  Authorizes the governing board, in
undertaking the new institution, to use powers, duties, and
responsibilities conferred to the board. 

(b)  Authorizes the new institution to continue to award degrees in the
same disciplines and of the same academic standing as TCC, subject to the
continuing review of the coordinating board.  Provides that a proposal for
a new degree program at the new institution is subject to the same approval
process that applies to other state-supported institutions. 

(c)  Provides that the rules and policies adopted by the board of trustees
of TCC that are in effect when the transfer takes effect are continued in
effect until adopted, repealed, or superseded by the governing board of the
institution to which TCC is transferred.  Authorizes the governing board of
the institution to which TCC is transferred, to adopt rules and policies
applicable to the new institution in anticipation of the transfer. 

or other written obligation entered into by the board of trustees of TCC
for the benefit of, or on behalf of, the college is ratified, confirmed,
and validated, and that in such an obligation the governing board of the
institution to which TCC is transferred is substituted for and stands in
the place of the board of trustees to the extent allowed under the law or
the contract. 

SECTION 5.  EFFECT ON EMPLOYEES.   Requires that an employee of TCC, for
purposes of determining employment benefits, be treated in the same manner
as a new employee of the institution upon transfer of TCC to the
institution.  Provides an exemption to require that the employee be given
credit for years of service at TCC for the purpose of accruing annual leave
as a state employee. 

SECTION 6.  TRANSFER OF FUNDING.  Requires funds that on the effective date
of the transfer have been dedicated to or held for transfer to the
governing board of the institution to which TCC is transferred, to be used
for the benefit of the new institution. 

SECTION 7.  EFFECT ON STUDENTS.  (a)  Provides that the transfer of TCC to
the institution does not affect the credit hours earned by a student
enrolled at TCC before the effective date of the transfer. 

(b)  Provides that the tuition rate charged by TCC during the academic year
of the transfer remains in effect following the transfer of TCC under
SECTION 2.  Prohibits the tuition rate from being decreased.  Provides that
the tuition rate is subject to annual increases by the governing board of
the institution. 

SECTION 8.  LEGISLATIVE INTENT.  Sets out legislative intent as follows:

(1)  The effect of this Act is to transfer the governance of TCC to the
governing board of an institution of higher education that entered into an
agreement under SECTION 2 of this Act. 

(2)  This Act does not create an institution of higher education entitled
to funds under Sections 17 (Higher education; appropriations and funding)
or 18 (Texas A&M University System; University of Texas System; bonds and
notes payable out of available university fund), Article VII, Texas

(3)  On or after the effective date of this Act, the new institution is not
eligible to receive funds under Section 17 or 18, Article VII, Texas

SECTION 9.  AMENDMENT.  Amends Subtitle F, Title 3, Education Code, by
adding Chapter 114, as follows: 


Sec. 114.001.  CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE.  (a)  Provides that the chiropractic
college formerly constituting TCC is now a component of the higher
education institution to which TCC was transferred and is under the
management and control of the governing board of that institution. 

(b)  Provides that the governing board has the same powers and duties
concerning the institution as are conferred on it by law a component
institution of the institution of higher education. 

Sec. 114.002.  POWERS OF THE BOARD.  Authorizes the governing board to take
certain specified actions.  Provides that the salary of a person who
received a joint appointment under this section must be apportioned among
the institutions to which the individual is appointed on the basis of the
services rendered. 

SECTION 10.  NOTICE.  Requires the governing board of the institution to
which TCC is transferred to publish notice of the transfer in the Texas
Register, as soon as is practicable after agreeing to the transfer. 

SECTION 11.  CONTINGENT EFFECT.  Provides that the transfer of TCC as
provided by this Act takes effect  and applies beginning on the September 1
date next following the date of the approval  of the transfer.  Provides
that if the transfer is not agreed to and approved under SECTION 2, SECTION
9 has no effect. 

SECTION 12.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  Provides that SECTIONS 1 through 8 and
SECTION 10 take effect immediately. 

SECTION 13.  EMERGENCY.  Emergency clause.


Amendment No. 1:

Deletes proposed Subsection (a) of SECTION 2 of the bill.  That subsection
required the coordinating board to determine, in discussion with
institutions of higher education, whether one of the institutions of higher
education is sufficiently interested in establishing the Texas Chiropractic
College as an institution of higher education. 

Replaces "an institution" with "a particular institution" regarding an
interest between the Texas Chiropractic College (TCC) and a particular
institution of higher education in establishing TCC as an institution of
higher education.   

Includes the requirement to review and the authority to approve the
transition, in addition to the already required assistance, in the duties
of the Texas Education Coordinating Board with respect to the future
establishment of TCC as an institution of higher education. 

Makes changes to conform to the aforementioned changes.