Office of House Bill AnalysisC.S.H.B. 2138
By: Krusee
Ways & Means
Committee Report (Substituted)


Under current law, metropolitan rapid transit authorities are authorized to
collect a sales and use tax of up to one percent.  Voters in the authority
must authorize the tax to be collected.  In some cases, authorization to
collect the maximum tax rate was approved by the voters at the same
election that created the authority, but the full amount was not collected
initially.  Consequently, the board of such an authority has been able to
increase the tax rate without further approval by the voters.  Currently,
there is no method for the public to force the board to lower the rate.
C.S.H.B. 2138 requires an authority that reduced the sales and use tax of
the authority from the maximum permissible rate but subsequently adopted
the maximum rate to hold a referendum on whether the authority shall
dedicate one-quarter of the sales and use tax revenue for the operation of
a fixed rail transit system and onequarter for state highway and tollway
projects that benefit the authority. 


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does
not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, department, agency, or institution. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Subchapter I, Chapter 451, Transportation Code, by
adding Section 451.4051, as follows: 

AUTHORITIES.  (a)  Makes this section applicable only to a rapid transit
authority in which the governing body of the authority (board) reduced the
sales and use tax of the authority from the maximum permissible rate but
subsequently adopted the maximum rate. 

(b)  Requires the authority to hold on November 2, 1999, a referendum on
whether the authority shall dedicate one-quarter of the sales and use tax
revenue for the operation of a fixed rail transit system and one-quarter
for state highway and tollway projects that benefit the authority.  Sets
forth the required language of the ballots. 

(c)  Authorizes the authority to dedicate and use one-quarter of the sales
and use tax revenue to build and operated a fixed rail transit system if a
majority of the votes cast favor that proposition.  Prohibits the authority
from spending its funds to purchase, acquire, construct, operate, or
maintain any form of a fixed rail transit system if less than majority of
the votes cast favor that proposition unless approved at a subsequent

(d)  Requires the authority to dedicate and use one-quarter of the sales
and use tax revenue for state highway or tollway projects that benefit the
taxpayers of the authority if a majority of the votes cast favor that

(e)  Prohibits the authority from imposing a tax rate that exceeds one
percent, if both propositions are approved, or three-quarters of one
percent if only one proposition is approved, or one-half on one percent, if
neither proposition is approved. 

 (f)  Authorizes the board to call a subsequent referendum if a proposition
is not approved. Provides that the subsequent referendum must be held on
the uniform election date in November.  Authorizes a referendum to be held
under this subsection more than once. 

(g)  Authorizes the authority to use funds dedicated for state highway or
tollway projects under this section only to construct, maintain, or expand
a state highway or tollway project that benefits the taxpayers of the
authority and that is selected by the Texas Department of Transportation or
a regional tollway authority in consultation with the authority and the
local metropolitan planning organization.  Provides that the project is not
required to be in the service area of the authority. 

(h)  Requires the authority to enter into an agreement with the Texas
Department of Transportation or a regional tollway authority to accomplish
Subsection (g). 

(i)  Provides that a change in the sales and use tax that is required by a
referendum held under this section takes effect on the first day of the
fiscal year of the authority that follows the referendum. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Sections 451.3625(b) and (c), Transportation Code, to
make conforming changes. 

SECTION 3.  Repealer:  Section 451.071 (Referendum for Rail Plan; Certain
Authorities), Transportation Code. 

SECTION 4.Emergency clause.
  Effective date: upon passage.


The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 1 by amending the proposed
Section 451.4051, to make nonsubstantive changes in Subsection (a) and
delete Subsections (b)-(d), which provided that a tax rate of
three-quarters of one percent or one percent in effect on September 1,
1999, expired on December 1, 1999, unless the continuation of the tax rate
was approved by a majority of the votes recorded at an election called for
that purpose on the uniform election date in November 1999.  The original
set forth the required language of the ballot and provided that Sections
451.411-451.413 (Results of Election; Notice), (Effective Date of Tax Rate
Change), and (Tax Effective Dates after Election Contest), Transportation
Code, would have applied to an election under this section as if the
election were held to increase or decrease the tax rate.  The original
authorized the board to set the tax rate at one-quarter of one percent or
one-half of one percent if a tax rate expired under this section. 

The substitute adds new Subsections (b)-(i), which require an authority
that reduced the sales and use tax of the authority from the maximum
permissible rate but subsequently adopted the maximum rate to hold a
referendum on whether the authority shall dedicate one-quarter of the sales
and use tax revenue for the operation of a fixed rail transit system and
one-quarter for state highway and tollway projects that benefit the
authority, and sets forth specific procedures for the referendum.  The
substitute adds new SECTION 2 to make conforming changes and new SECTION 3
to repeal Section 451.071 (Referendum for Rail Plan; Certain Authorities),
Transportation Code.  The substitute redesignates proposed SECTION 2 of the
original to SECTION 4.