Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 1705
By: McCall


The scope of Texas' criminal justice system is vast: 431,000 Texans are
serving sentences on community supervision, 143,000 offenders are
incarcerated by the state in 107 prisons and state jails, and 80,000 former
inmates are supervised on parole.  Managing this system is the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), the state's largest agency, with an
annual budget of more than $2 billion and some 39,000 employees.  While the
state formerly had separate agencies that operated each part of this
system, in 1989, the Legislature consolidated all state criminal justice
functions into TDCJ. The department runs this system by funding and
overseeing local community supervision and corrections departments;
building and operating prisons, state jails, substance abuse centers, and
other facilities; and directly supervising offenders released on parole and
mandatory supervision. 

TDCJ is subject to the Sunset Act and will be abolished on September 1,
1999, unless continued in existence by the legislature.  As a result of its
review of TDCJ, the Sunset Advisory Commission recommended the continuation
of TDCJ and several statutory modifications that are contained in this

H.B. 1705 continues TDCJ for a 12-year period and makes statutory
modifications recommended by the Sunset Advisory Commission.  This bill
allows the reorganization of divisions within the department; redirects the
parole process to produce more consistent and cohesive parole policies; and
revises funding sources for community supervision and corrections
departments to balance programming flexibility with performance

This bill also expands the capacity of the Private Sector Prison Industries
Oversight Authority to oversee the Texas Correctional Industries program;
improves the placement of inmates in prison work programs to reduce
recidivism; and requires probationers in substance abuse residential
aftercare programs to pay fees. 


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does
not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, department, agency, or institution. 



SECTION 1.01.  Amends Section 492.003, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 492.003.  ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP; REMOVAL.  Defines "texas trade
association" for the purposes of this section.   Updates standard Sunset
language prohibiting conflicts of interest by the Texas Board of Criminal
Justice (board) members and Texas Department of Criminal Justice
(department) employees by applying it to exempt employees instead of
employees identified in the old position classification salary schedule and
clarifying trade associations as operating in Texas.  Updates standard
Sunset language requiring board appointments to be made without bias by
changing "handicap" to "disability."  Updates standard Sunset language
specifying the grounds for removing board members to clarify when they meet
the qualifications to take office, and specifies procedures  for
notification of the board's presiding officer, the governor, and the
attorney general if knowledge that a potential ground for removal exists.
Deletes existing language regarding eligibility criteria  for board
members. Redesignates existing Subsections (d)-(g) to Subsections (e)-(h).
Makes nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.02.  Amends Chapter 492, Government Code, by adding Section
492.0031, as follows: 

Sec. 492.0031.  TRAINING PROGRAM FOR MEMBERS.  Requires the members of the
board to complete training before assuming their duties.  Provides that the
training program must provide the person with information regarding the
creation of the department and the board, programs operated by the
department, and the role and functions of the department, and other
statutory requirements and procedures. Provides that a person appointed to
the board is entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses incurred in
attending the training program. 

SECTION 1.03.  Amends Section 492.004, Government Code, as follows:

standard Sunset language by requiring the executive director, instead of
the board, to inform employees and board members of the qualifications for
office or employment and each person's responsibilities under the law.
Deletes existing text. 

SECTION 1.04.  Amends Section 492.006, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 492.006.  BOARD MEETINGS.  Requires the board to provide the
opportunity for the Board of Pardons and Paroles presiding officer or
designee to present  information relating to the parole system to the
board.  Deletes existing language regarding the requirement that the
chairman of the board provide notice of and facilitate attendance at

SECTION 1.05.  Amends Section 492.012, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 492.012.  SUNSET PROVISION.  Establishes that the board and the
department are abolished September 1, 2011, rather than September 1, 1999. 

SECTION 1.06.  Amends Section 492.013, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 492.013. GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD.  Requires the board to
clearly separate its policymaking responsibilities from the management
responsibilities of the executive director and staff of the department.
Deletes references to outdated standards of conduct.  Redesignates existing
Subsection (g) to Subsection (f). 

SECTION 1.07.  Amends Chapter 492, Government Code, by adding Section
492.0131, as follows: 

Sec. 492.0131.  PAROLE RULES, POLICIES, PROCEDURES.  Requires the board and
the Board of Pardons and Paroles Policy Board to jointly review rules,
polices, and procedures. Requires the two boards to identify areas of
inconsistency and amend rules or change policies and procedures as
necessary for consistent operation of the parole process. 

SECTION 1.08.  Amends Chapter 493, Government Code, by adding Section
493.0021, as follows: 

Sec. 493.0021.  ORGANIZATIONAL FLEXIBILITY.  Allows the executive director,
with board approval, to create and assign powers and duties to new
divisions, to eliminate divisions and assign duties and powers to other
divisions, and to reorganize divisions and the distribution of powers and
duties for proper administration of the department.  Requires the executive
director to request and consider comments from the judiciary advisory
council on the impact or organizational changes that would affect community

SECTION 1.09.  Amends Section 493.007, Government Code, as follows:

 Sec. 493.007.  PERSONNEL.  Updates standard Sunset language on Equal
Employment Opportunity analysis to clarify the content and reporting
requirements of these analyses. Deletes a provision requiring  the division
director to hire division employees.  Redesignates existing Subsections
(c)-(e) to Subsections (b)-(d).  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive

SECTION 1.10.  Amends Section 493.016, Government Code, as follows:

Sunset language requiring the department to maintain information on written
complaints filed with the department by specifying the type of information
to include in files and requiring the department to notify the parties
regarding the department's policies and procedures for complaint
investigation.  Makes nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.11.  Amends Section 497.001(b)(2), Government Code, to provide
that "articles and products" includes services provided through the use of
work program participant labor, rather than inmate labor. 

SECTION 1.12.  Amends Section 497.001(b), Government Code, by adding
Subdivision (3), to define "work program participant." 

SECTION 1.13.  Amends Section 497.002(a), Government Code, to simplify the
goals of the office of Texas Correctional Industries (TCI) for reducing
recidivism by providing participants with marketable job skills and
reducing costs by providing products and articles to the department and
selling products and articles for profit to the public, state agencies, and
political subdivisions. 

SECTION 1.14.  Amends Section 497.003 (c), Government Code, to make a
conforming change. 

SECTION 1.15.  Amends Section 497.004, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 497.004. New title:  LABOR, PAY.  Requires the department to consider
a participants' classification and work availability when assigning job
training positions, and to give priority to participants closest to release
from imprisonment or release.  Deletes existing language regarding the
requirement for the department to use inmate labor. Makes conforming and
nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.16.  Amends Section 497.005, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 497.005.  New title:  INDUSTRIAL RECEIPTS.  Authorizes the TCI
(office) to use money appropriated from the sale of articles and products
by the office.  Deletes existing text regarding an industrial revolving

SECTION 1.17.  Amends Section 497.006, Government Code, to make conforming
and nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.18.  Amends Section 497.007, Government Code, to make conforming
and nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.19.  Amends Section 497.009, Government Code, to make conforming
and nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.20.  Amends Section 497.025(a), Government Code, to require the
department and the General Services Commission (commission) to enter into
an agreement to expedite the process by which agencies are required to
requisition purchases of articles or products through the commission. 

SECTION 1.21.  Amends Section 497.058(a), Government Code, to make
conforming and nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.22.   Amends Section 497.0581, Government Code, as follows:
 Sec. 497.0581. New title:  EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS.  Makes conforming

SECTION 1.23.  Amends Section 497.060, Government Code, to make conforming

SECTION 1.24.  Amends Section 497.061, Government Code, to make conforming

SECTION 1.25. Amends Section 497.062, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 497.062.  New title:  LIMITATION ON NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES.  Makes
conforming changes. 

SECTION 1.26.   Amends Section 497.094 (a), Government Code, to require the
department to create or formalize on-the-job training programs for each job
performed by an inmate, defendant, or releasee in a department facility.
Requires the department to keep records on offender job training and
provide a copy of these records to offenders upon release. 

SECTION 1.27.  Amends Section 497.095, Government Code, to require the
department to keep work records for each participant in a work program in a
department facility. Expands the information in these records to include
performance evaluations, and requires the department to provide a copy of
this work record to offenders upon release.  Makes conforming and
nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.28.  Amends Subchapter E, Chapter 497, Government Code, by adding
Section 497.099, as follows: 

department to require all capable offenders in a department facility to
work in an agricultural, industrial, or other work program.  Clarifies work
requirements for all capable offenders in a department facility. 

SECTION 1.29. Amends Section 509.011, Government Code, by adding
Subsections (g) and (h), to allow  the department to reduce formula funding
for Community Supervision and Corrections Departments (CSCDs) that have
more than two months' basic supervision operating costs in reserves.
Allows the department  to adopt policies and standards permitting CSCDs  to
exceed the two month cap.  Allows the department to distribute unallocated
funds to CSCDs for community supervision and corrections purposes. Allows
CSCDs to return unexpended funds to the department, and allows the
department to redistribute those funds to CSCDs for community supervision
and corrections purposes. 

SECTION 1.30.  Amends Section 2251.001 (8), Government Code, to define the
term "vendor" to include TCI.  

SECTION 1.31.  Amends Section 8(a), Article 42.09, Code of Criminal
Procedure,  to specify that CSCDs must send presentence or postsentence
investigation reports to the department only if one is prepared. Makes
nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 1.32.  Amends Section 9(k), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
Procedure, to authorize, rather than require, a postsentence investigation
report to be prepared when not otherwise required by law. 

SECTION 1.33.  Amends Section 14,  Article 42.12, Code of Criminal
Procedure, as amended by Chapter 321, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular
Session, 1995, by amending Subsection (c) and by adding Subsection (e), to
require defendants on community supervision to pay a fee for residential
aftercare, require judges to consider a defendant's fines, fees, and other
obligations when setting the fee, limit the fee to no greater than 25
percent of the defendant's gross income, and requires that the defendant be
both employed and a participant in residential aftercare while paying the

SECTION 1.34.  Amends Section 171.651 (2), Tax Code, to define "work
program participant" as defined by Section 497.001 (b), Government Code,
and to delete the existing definition for "inmate."  
SECTION  1.35.  Amends Section 171.653, Tax Code, as follows:

PARTICIPANT. Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 1.36. Amends Section 171.654, Tax Code, as follows:

PROGRAM PARTICIPANT. Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 1.37. Amends Subchapter L, Chapter 171, Tax Code, as follows:


SECTION 1.38. Repealer:  Section 497.090 (Work Required), Government Code.
Section 497.090 requires the department to require each inmate to work, to
the extent that the inmate is physically capable of working. 


SECTION 2.01.  Amends Section 497.052, Government Code, by adding
Subsections (c) and (d), to prohibit a person from being a public member of
the Private Sector Prison Industries Oversight Authority (authority) if the
person or the person's spouse is regulated by the authority, conducts
business with the authority, or otherwise has financial ties to the
authority or the regulated industry. Requires appointments to the authority
be made without regard to race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or
national origin. 

SECTION 2.02.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 497, Government Code, by adding
Sections 497.0521-497.0527, as follows: 

Sec. 497.0521.  CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Prohibits authority members or their
spouse and exempt employees or their spouses from being an officer or
employee of a related Texas trade association.  Defines Texas "trade
association."  Prohibits registered lobbyist from serving as a member of
the authority or from being employed as the authority's general counsel. 

Sec. 497.0522.  REMOVAL PROVISIONS.  Specifies the grounds for removing an
authority member and requires notification of the authority's presiding
officer, the governor and the attorney general if knowledge that a
potential ground for removal exists.  Affirms that an action of the
authority is valid even if it is taken when a ground for removal exists for
one of the members. 

Requires the executive director or a designee to inform authority members
and employees of the qualifications of office or employment and each
person's responsibilities under the law. 

Sec. 497.0524.  TRAINING PROGRAM. Requires the members of the authority to
complete training, as described by this section, before assuming their

authority to clearly separate its policymaking responsibilities from the
management responsibilities of the executive director and staff of the
authority.  Deletes outdated standards of conduct. 

Sec.  497.0526.  PUBLIC ACCESS. Requires the authority to give the public
reasonable opportunity to appear before it regarding issues under the
jurisdiction of the authority. 
Sec. 497.0527. COMPLAINTS. Requires the authority to maintain information
on written complaints filed with the authority.  Requires the authority to
notify the parties regarding the authority's policies and procedures for
complaint investigation.  Requires the authority to notify the parties
regarding the status of the complaint quarterly until disposition.  


SECTION 3.01. Amends Section 614.002, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

(c) Prohibits a person from being a public member if the person or the
person's spouse is regulated by the Texas Council on Offenders with Mental
Impairments (council), conducts business with the council, or otherwise has
financial ties to the council or the regulated industry. 

(d) Prohibits registered lobbyist from serving as a member of the council
or from being employed as the council's general counsel. 

 (e)  Redesignated from existing Subsection (c).

(f) Redesignated from existing Subsection (d). Requires appointments to the
council be made without regard to race, color, disability, sex, religion,
age, or national origin. 

(g) Specifies the grounds for removing a council member.

(h) Establishes that an action of the council is valid even if it is taken
when a ground for removal exists for one of the members.  

(i) Requires notification of the council's presiding officer, the governor,
and the attorney general if knowledge that a potential ground for removal

SECTION 3.02.  Amends Chapter 614, Health and Safety Code, by adding
Sections 614.003 and 614.0031, as follows: 

Requires the executive director or a designee to inform council members and
employees of the qualifications of office or employment and each person's
responsibilities under the law. 

Sec. 614.0031.  TRAINING PROGRAM. Requires the members of the council to
complete the training, as described by this section, before assuming their

SECTION 3.03.  Amends Section 614.005 (a), Health and Safety Code, to
require the governor to designate the presiding officer of the council.
Deletes existing language regarding the requirement for the council to
elect a presiding officer at the first meeting of each calendar year. 

SECTION 3.04.  Amends Section 614.007, Health and Safety Code, to require
the council to clearly separate its policymaking responsibilities from the
management responsibilities of the staff of the council.   

SECTION 3.05.  Amends Chapter 614, Health and Safety Code, by adding
Sections 614.010, 614.0101, and 614.0102, as follows: 

Sec. 614.010. PERSONNEL. Requires the executive director or designee to
develop an equal employment opportunity policy that is annually updated,
reviewed by the state Commission on Human Rights, and filed with the
governor's office. 

Sec. 614.0101. PUBLIC ACCESS. Requires the council to give the public
reasonable opportunity to appear before it regarding issues under the
jurisdiction of the council. 

Sec. 614.0102.  COMPLAINTS.  Requires the council to maintain information
on written  complaints filed with the council.  Requires the council to
notify the parties regarding the council's policies and procedures for
complaint investigation.  Requires the council to notify the parties
regarding the status of the complaint quarterly until disposition.  


SECTION 4.01.  Effective date: September 1, 1999.

SECTION 4.02.  Emergency clause.