36th 2nd Called Session (1919) – Governor William P. Hobby

Bill Caption Document
HB 4 Relating to making appropriations to pay the salaries of officers and employees of certain eleemosynary institutions of the State, and other expenses of maintaining and conducting them for the two fiscal years beginning September 1st, 1919, and ending August 31, 1921.
Line item veto; Vetoed line items are marked with asterisk in session law text. (Chapter 83)
HB 55 Amending acts relating to the compensation of official shorthand reporters.
Veto message is in the form of handwritten note on official enrolled copy of bill.
HB 91 Relating to making appropriations to pay the salaries of officers and employees of certain Educational Institutions, and other expenses for maintaining and conducting them, for the years beginning September 1st, 1919 and ending August 31st, 1921.
Line item veto; Vetoed line items are marked with asterisk in session law text. (Chapter 85)
HB 161 Amending law providing for State aid for rural schools.
Official veto proclamation has not been located; bill was disapproved on July 28, 1919 according to handwritten note by Governor on last page of enrolled bill.
SB 140 Relating to making appropriations for the State Government for two years beginning September 1, 1919, and ending August 31, 1921, and for other purposes and prescribing certain regulations and restrictions in respect thereto.
Line item veto; The text of the proclamation incorrectly indicates that it is from the 26th 2nd Called Session.
SB 156 Relating to making appropriations to pay miscellaneous claims against the State, authorizing the payment of said miscellaneous items on the taking effect of this Act, making additional appropriations for the support of the State Government, for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1920 and August 31, 1921.
Line item veto; Vetoed line items are marked with asterisk in session law text. (Chapter 86)

Information about Vetoed Bills is unofficial and is provided as a public service by the Texas Legislative Reference Library. The Texas Legislative Reference Library makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy and makes no warranty in regards to its use. Users assume all risk of reliance on the table.