SB 14, 78th R.S. actions

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Links to scanned House and Senate Journals are automatically generated based on the action date. Some actions are not recorded in the Journals.

Chamber Action Comments  Date 
E See remarks for effective date   06/11/2003
E Signed by the Governor   06/11/2003
E Sent to the Governor   06/05/2003
H Signed in the House   06/02/2003
S Signed in the Senate   06/02/2003
S Reported enrolled   06/02/2003
H House adopts resolution for tech. correction SCR 75  06/02/2003
H House adopts resolution for tech. correction HCR 306  06/02/2003
S Senate adopts resolution for tech. correction SCR 75  06/02/2003
S Senate adopts resolution for tech. correction HCR 306  06/02/2003
S Consideration withdrawn SCR 74  06/02/2003
S Laid before the Senate SCR 74  06/02/2003
S Motion withdrawn SCR 73  06/02/2003
S Vote reconsidered SCR 73  06/02/2003
S Senate adopts resolution for tech. correction SCR 73  06/02/2003
S House adopts conf. comm. report-reported   06/02/2003
H Reason for vote recorded in Journal   06/01/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   06/01/2003
H Statement of Leg. Intent Recorded in Journal   06/01/2003
H Record vote RV#949  06/01/2003
H House adopts conference committee report   06/01/2003
H Rules suspended Rule 13, Sec.10  06/01/2003
H House adopts resolution to go outside bounds HR 1881  06/01/2003
H Senate adopts conf. comm. report-reported   06/01/2003
S Record vote   06/01/2003
S Senate adopts conference committee report   06/01/2003
S Senate adopts resolution to go outside bounds SR 1052  06/01/2003
H Conf. Comm. Report printed and distributed   05/31/2003
S Conference committee report filed   05/31/2003
S House appoints conferees-reported   05/28/2003
S House grants request for conf comm-reported   05/28/2003
H House appoints conferees   05/28/2003
H House grants request for conference committee   05/28/2003
H Senate appoints conferees-reported   05/27/2003
H Senate requests conference committee-reported   05/27/2003
H Senate refuses to concur-reported   05/27/2003
S Senate appoints conferees   05/27/2003
S Senate requests conference committee   05/27/2003
S Senate refuses to concur   05/27/2003
S Read   05/27/2003
S House amendment(s) laid before the Senate   05/27/2003
S House passage as amended reported   05/26/2003
H Passed as amended   05/24/2003
H Amendment adopted as amended 6-McCall  05/24/2003
H Amendment amended 7-E. Jones  05/24/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 6-McCall  05/24/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 4-McCall  05/24/2003
H Amendment to amendment withdrawn 5-E. Jones  05/24/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 4-McCall  05/24/2003
H Amended 3-Wolens  05/24/2003
H Amended 2-Taylor  05/24/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 1-McCall  05/24/2003
H Read 3rd time   05/24/2003
H Nonrecord vote recorded in Journal   05/23/2003
H Passed to 3rd reading as amended   05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 107-Dutton  05/23/2003
H Amended 106-Thompson  05/23/2003
H Amended 105-Thompson  05/23/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/23/2003
H Record vote RV#672  05/23/2003
H Motion to reconsider fails 30-Wolens  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 104-Smithee  05/23/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/23/2003
H Record vote RV#671  05/23/2003
H Amendment fails of adoption 103-Turner  05/23/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/23/2003
H Record vote RV#670  05/23/2003
H Amendment tabled 102-Geren+  05/23/2003
H Amended 101-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Amended 100-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 99-Thompson  05/23/2003
H Amended 98-Villarreal  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 97-Naishtat  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 96-Rose  05/23/2003
H Amended 95-Eiland  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 94-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 93-Thompson  05/23/2003
H Amended 92-Wise, Wolens  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 91-Villarreal  05/23/2003
H Amended 90-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Amended 89-Seaman  05/23/2003
H Motion to table fails   05/23/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 89-Seaman  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 88-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 87-Pena  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 86-Wolens  05/23/2003
H Amended 85-Bohac  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 84-Eiland+  05/23/2003
H Amended 83-Turner  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 82-Villarreal  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 81-Wolens  05/23/2003
H Amendment adopted as amended 79-Eiland+  05/23/2003
H Record vote RV#669  05/23/2003
H Motion to table fails   05/23/2003
H Amendment amended 80-Wolens  05/23/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 79-Eiland+  05/23/2003
H Amended 78-Flores  05/23/2003
H Amended 77-Solomons  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 76-Gallego  05/23/2003
H Amended 75-Gallego  05/23/2003
H Amended 74-Bonnen  05/23/2003
H Amended 73-Bonnen  05/23/2003
H Amended 72-Bonnen  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 71-Geren+  05/23/2003
H Amended 70-Taylor, Rose  05/23/2003
H Amended 69-Talton  05/23/2003
H Amended 68-Villarreal  05/23/2003
H Amendment adopted as amended 66-Ritter  05/23/2003
H Amendment amended 67-Ritter  05/23/2003
H Statement of Leg. Intent Recorded in Journal   05/23/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 66-Ritter  05/23/2003
H Amended 65-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Amendment adopted as amended 63-Wise  05/23/2003
H Amendment amended 64-Wise  05/23/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 63-Wise  05/23/2003
H Amendment adopted as amended 61-Geren  05/23/2003
H Amendment amended 62-Geren  05/23/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 61-Geren  05/23/2003
H Amended 60-Turner  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 59-Flores  05/23/2003
H Amended 58-Nixon  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 57-Eiland  05/23/2003
H Amended 56-Eiland  05/23/2003
H Amendment tabled 55-Elkins  05/23/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/23/2003
H Record vote RV#668  05/23/2003
H Amendment adopted as amended 53-Rose, Geren  05/23/2003
H Amendment amended 54-Eiland+  05/23/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 53-Rose, Geren  05/23/2003
H Record vote RV#667  05/23/2003
H Amendment tabled 52-Wolens  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 51-Rose  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 50-Geren  05/23/2003
H Amended 49-Bonnen  05/23/2003
H Amended 48-E. Jones  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 47-Wolens  05/23/2003
H Point of order sustained (amendment) 46-Solomons  05/23/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 46-Solomons  05/23/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/23/2003
H Record vote RV#666  05/23/2003
H Amendment tabled 45-Wolens+  05/23/2003
H Amended 44-Rodriguez  05/23/2003
H Amended 43-Mabry  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 42-Geren  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 41-Gallego  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 40-Mabry  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 39-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 38-Gallego  05/23/2003
H Amended 37-Bonnen  05/23/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 36-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Amended 35-Taylor  05/23/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/23/2003
H Record vote RV#665  05/23/2003
H Amendment tabled 34-Mabry  05/23/2003
H Laid out as postponed business   05/23/2003
H Postponed 5/23/03 9:00AM  05/22/2003
H Amended 33-Rodriguez  05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#659  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 32-Turner+  05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#658  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 31-Turner+  05/22/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#657  05/22/2003
H Amended 30-Wolens  05/22/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#656  05/22/2003
H Motion to table fails   05/22/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 30-Wolens  05/22/2003
H Reason for vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#655  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 29-Wolens  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 28-Pena  05/22/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#654  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 27-Wolens  05/22/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 26-Taylor  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 25-Hardcastle  05/22/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 24-Wolens  05/22/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 23-Geren+  05/22/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#653  05/22/2003
H Amendment as amended tabled 21-Alonzo  05/22/2003
H Amendment amended 22-Alonzo  05/22/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 21-Alonzo  05/22/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#652  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 20-Geren+  05/22/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#651  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 19-Alonzo  05/22/2003
H Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal   05/22/2003
H Record vote RV#650  05/22/2003
H Amendment tabled 18-Geren+  05/22/2003
H Laid out as postponed business   05/22/2003
H Postponed 5/22/03 9:00AM  05/21/2003
H Record vote RV#644  05/21/2003
H Amendment tabled 17-Geren+  05/21/2003
H Amended 16-Eiland  05/21/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 15-Wolens  05/21/2003
H Amended 14-Gallego  05/21/2003
H Record vote RV#643  05/21/2003
H Amendment tabled 13-Wolens  05/21/2003
H Amendment tabled 12-Dutton  05/21/2003
H Record vote RV#642  05/21/2003
H Amendment tabled 11-Wolens  05/21/2003
H Amended 10-Villarreal  05/21/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 8-Wolens, Wise  05/21/2003
H Amendment to amendment withdrawn 9-Smithee  05/21/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 8-Wolens, Wise  05/21/2003
H Amendment withdrawn 7-Wolens  05/21/2003
H Amendment as amended tabled 5-Hardcastle+  05/21/2003
H Amendment amended 6-Hardcastle  05/21/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 5-Hardcastle+  05/21/2003
H Amended 4-Smithee  05/21/2003
H Amendment adopted as amended 1-Smithee  05/21/2003
H Amendment amended 3-Van Arsdale  05/21/2003
H Amendment amended 2-Bonnen  05/21/2003
H Amendment(s) offered 1-Smithee  05/21/2003
H Laid out as postponed business   05/21/2003
H Postponed   05/21/2003
H Read 2nd time   05/21/2003
H Placed on Major State Calendar   05/21/2003
H Considered in Calendars   05/19/2003
H Committee report sent to Calendars   05/11/2003
H Committee report printed and distributed   05/10/2003
H Comte report filed with Committee Coordinator   05/10/2003
H Reported favorably as substituted   05/09/2003
H Committee substitute considered in committee   05/09/2003
H Vote reconsidered in committee   05/09/2003
H Considered in formal meeting   05/09/2003
H Reported favorably as substituted   05/05/2003
H Amendment(s) considered in committee   05/05/2003
H Committee substitute considered in committee   05/05/2003
H Considered in formal meeting   05/05/2003
H Left pending in committee   05/01/2003
H Amendment(s) considered in committee   05/01/2003
H Committee substitute considered in committee   05/01/2003
H Testimony taken in committee   05/01/2003
H Considered in public hearing   05/01/2003
H Posting rule suspended   04/30/2003
H Left pending in committee   04/28/2003
H Committee substitute considered in committee   04/28/2003
H Testimony taken in committee   04/28/2003
H Considered in public hearing   04/28/2003
H Left pending in committee   04/22/2003
H Committee substitute considered in committee   04/22/2003
H Testimony taken in committee   04/22/2003
H Considered in public hearing   04/22/2003
H Scheduled for public hearing on . . . .   04/22/2003
H Referred to Insurance   04/07/2003
H Read first time   04/07/2003
H Received from the Senate   04/07/2003
S Reported engrossed   04/02/2003
S Record vote   04/02/2003
S Passed   04/02/2003
S Read 3rd time   04/02/2003
S Record vote   04/02/2003
S Three day rule suspended   04/02/2003
S Nonrecord vote recorded in Journal   04/02/2003
S Passed to engrossment as amended   04/02/2003
S Record vote   04/02/2003
S Amendment fails of adoption FA19 Shapleigh  04/02/2003
S Amended FA18 Shapleigh  04/02/2003
S Amended FA17 Averitt  04/02/2003
S Nonrecord vote recorded in Journal   04/02/2003
S Amended FA16 Lucio  04/02/2003
S Record vote   04/02/2003
S Amendment fails of adoption FA15 Gallegos  04/02/2003
S Amended FA14 VandePutte  04/02/2003
S Amendment withdrawn FA13 Ellis  04/02/2003
S Amended FA12 Ellis  04/02/2003
S Amended FA11 Ellis  04/02/2003
S Amended FA10 Ellis  04/02/2003
S Amendment fails of adoption FA9 Ellis  04/02/2003
S Amended FA8 Armbrister  04/02/2003
S Amended FA7 Lucio  04/02/2003
S Amendment adopted as amended   04/02/2003
S Amendment amended FA 6 Fraser  04/02/2003
S Amendment amended FA5 Williams  04/02/2003
S Amendment(s) offered FA4 Williams  04/02/2003
S Amended FA3 Fraser  04/02/2003
S Nonrecord vote recorded in Journal   04/02/2003
S Amended FA2 West  04/02/2003
S Nonrecord vote recorded in Journal   04/02/2003
S Amended FA1 VandePutte  04/02/2003
S Read 2nd time   04/02/2003
S Rules suspended   04/02/2003
S Placed on intent calendar   03/25/2003
S Co-author authorized   03/25/2003
S Committee report printed and distributed   03/24/2003
S Reported favorably as substituted   03/24/2003
S Testimony taken in committee   03/20/2003
S Considered in public hearing   03/20/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   03/20/2003
S Left pending in committee   03/18/2003
S Testimony taken in committee   03/18/2003
S Considered in public hearing   03/18/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   03/18/2003
S No action taken in committee   03/13/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   03/13/2003
S No action taken in committee   03/11/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   03/11/2003
S No action taken in committee   03/06/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   03/06/2003
S No action taken in committee   03/04/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   03/04/2003
S Left pending in committee   02/27/2003
S Testimony taken in committee   02/27/2003
S Considered in public hearing   02/27/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   02/27/2003
S No action taken in committee   02/25/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   02/25/2003
S Left pending in committee   02/20/2003
S Testimony taken in committee   02/20/2003
S Considered in public hearing   02/20/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   02/20/2003
S Left pending in committee   02/18/2003
S Testimony taken in committee   02/18/2003
S Considered in public hearing   02/18/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   02/18/2003
S Co-author authorized   02/17/2003
S Left pending in committee   02/13/2003
S Testimony taken in committee   02/13/2003
S Considered in public hearing   02/13/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   02/13/2003
S Left pending in committee   02/11/2003
S Testimony taken in committee   02/11/2003
S Considered in public hearing   02/11/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   02/11/2003
S Co-author authorized   02/03/2003
S Left pending in committee   01/30/2003
S Testimony taken in committee   01/30/2003
S Considered in public hearing   01/30/2003
S Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . .   01/30/2003
S Referred to Business & Commerce   01/27/2003
S Read first time   01/27/2003
S Filed   11/20/2002
S Received by the Secretary of the Senate   11/20/2002

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