Legislation authored by Benjamin Franklin Williams

Includes legislation with Benjamin Franklin Williams as the primary author for the 34th through 34th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

34th Regular Session
HB 59 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act granting of marriage licenses to people of certain ages; requiring consent of the parent or guardian.
HB 60 Caption: Relating to repealing a bill for the establishment of Public High School Districts of Texas and the teaching of agriculture, domestic economy and manual training in high schools.
HB 65 Caption: Relating to providing for the inspection upon petition of all public or private hospitals, reformatories and schools by the County Commissioners or grand jury of the county in which such institutions are situated.
HB 123 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to officers of election assisting a voter in preparing his ballot; providing a penalty.
HB 124 Caption: Relating to making it discretionary with the teacher of the Public schools of Texas as to whether they will attend County Teachers Institutes; forbidding payment from the available school funds for such attendance.
HB 641 Caption: Relating to amending an Act creating Goliad Independent School District.