Legislation authored by Samuel Anthony Bryant

Includes legislation with Samuel Anthony Bryant as the primary author for the 36th through 42nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

42nd Regular Session
HB 656 Caption: Relating to repealing the act creating a Road System for Hall County.
HB 963 Caption: Relating to defining unfair discrimination.
HB 1012 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Treasurer to employ four extra clerks instead of three.
HCR 63 Caption: Instructing the Enrolling Clerk to make corrections to H.J.R. 6.
HJR 6 Caption: Proposing an amendment exempting all homesteads from taxation except so much thereof as exceeds two thousand dollars in valuation.
HR 29 Caption: Memorializing Congress in regard to value of money.
42nd 1st Called Session
HCR 6 Caption: Memorializing president Hoover to call an extraordinary session by Congress.
42nd 3rd Called Session
HB 59 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to take or to kill wild doves or quail for a period of three years in Hall County; fixing a penalty.
39th Regular Session
HB 136 Caption: Relating to creating the Flomot Independent School District in Motley County, Texas, defining the boundaries thereof, vesting the management thereof in a board of seven trustees, providing for their election, and for the organization of the board.
HB 137 Caption: Relating to creating the Matador Independent School District, in Motley County, Texas, defining the boundaries thereof, vesting the management thereof in a board of seven trustees, providing for their election for the organization of the board, vesting said district with all the rights, powers, privileges and duties of a town or village incorporated under the laws of the State for free school purposes only.
HB 158 Caption: Relating to creating the Eli Independent School District in Hall County, Texas, defining its metes and bounds, providing a board of trustees therefor, for raising revenue, issuing bonds, vesting it with the rights, powers and duties of districts incorporated for school purpose sonly under the general laws of the State of Texas.
HB 209 Caption: Relating to creating the Letts Common School District No. 10 in Hall County, Texas, including therein territory included in the present Bridle Bits Common School District and Wolfe Flat Common School District in Hall County, Texas; providing board of trustee therefor; vesting said common school district board of trustees with all the rights, powers, privileges and duties conferred upon common school districts organized under the general law of Texas.
HB 294 Caption: Relating to changing the time of holding the terms of the district court in the One Hundredth Judicial District, and providing that all process and writs heretofore issued and all recognizances and bonds heretofore made and executed and returned to existing terms of district court in the counties composing said district, together with jurors heretofore selected are valid and returnable to the first term of such court after this Act takes effect, and providing for the continuation of the existing district courts in said counties in session when this Act takes effect to the end of their terms, repealing all conflicting laws.
HB 346 Caption: Relating to providing for granting pensions to indigent widows of ex-Confederate soldiers, declaring who are entitled thereto and the amount thereof, and repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
HB 493 Caption: Relating to creating the Tell Independent School District in Childress, Hall and Cottle Counties, Texas, including therein the present Common School-Line School District No. 9 of Hall, Childress and Cottle Counties, and the Tell Independent District of Hall and Childress Counties.
HCR 41 Caption: Requesting the United States Congress to select a joint committee for the purpose of investigating monetary system.
39th 1st Called Session
HB 129 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Four (4), in Hall County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
HB 130 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number Five (5), in Hall County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
HB 148 Caption: Relating to creating Road District Number 1, in Brazos County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
38th Regular Session
HB 22 Caption: Relating to providing the items that shall appear upon a poll tax receipt; omitting the age of the poll taxpayer, but requiring the receipt to how that the holder thereof is a citizen of the United States and twenty-one year of age.
HB 74 Caption: Relating to raising revenue to defray the general expenses of the State Government by providing for a tax on the income of persons, corporations, joint stock companies or associations in the State of Texas; prescribing penalties for non-conformance with the provisions of this act and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith.
HB 477 Caption: Relating to taking certain territory from the Estelline Independent School District in Hall County and from Parnell Common School District No. 8 in Hall County and adding same to Hulver Common School District No. 5 in Hall County.
HB 669 Caption: Relating to repealing an act creating the Dumont Independent School District No. 1 in Cottle, Dickens, King and Motley counties.
HJR 1 Caption: Providing for the amendment to Article III of the Constitution of the State of Texas, authorizing the State of Texas to appropriate money from the general revenue and issue bonds and to lend its credit for the purpose of constructing and maintaining terminal fire-proof warehouses and grain elevators at the ports of Texas.
HJR 2 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 1, Article 8 of the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing for a graduated land tax and exempting homestead improvements from taxation.
HJR 3 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 2, Article 6 of the Constitution of the State of Texas abolishing the Poll Tax qualification of electors.
HJR 4 Caption: Proposing to amend Section 50, Article 3 of the Constitution of the State of Texas, so that hereafter the legislature shall have power to give or lend the credit of the state for the purchase and improvement of rural and urban homes.
HJR 5 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 1, Article 8 of the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing for a graduated land tax and exempting homestead improvements from taxation.
HJR 21 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Section 1, Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Texas, reserving to the people the right to propose, reject or to enact measures, and to reject or approve measures enacted by the Legislature and prescribing rules of procedure governing the exercise of such rights.
HR 8 Caption: Electing the children of a member of the House to the office of Mascot.
38th 2nd Called Session
HB 180 Caption: Relating to taking certain territory from Common School District No. 22 in Hall County and transferring the same to Common School District 6 in Hall County.
HB 188 Caption: Relating to creating the Whiteflat Independent School District in Motley County, Texas; defining the boundaries thereof.
HB 225 Caption: Relating to adding to Hulver Common School District No. 5 in Hall County, Section No. 190, B. S. & F., lands detaching the said section from Estelline Independent School District in Hall County, and providing that the adjustment of said school districts and their finances and taxes unto such transfer shall be included in the election provided for.
HB 227 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Act taking certain territory from the Estelline Independent School District in Hall county and from Parnell Common School District No. 18 in Hall county.
HB 235 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Act releasing the inhabitants of and property in Hidalgo county for a period of twenty-five years from the payment of taxes levied for state purposes because of great public calamities in said county.
38th 3rd Called Session
HB 59 Caption: Relating to repealing certain Act releasing the inhabitants of and property in Hidalgo county for a period of twenty-five years from the payment of taxes levied for state purposes because of great public calamities in said county.
37th Regular Session
HB 423 Caption: Relating to defining retail and wholesale dealers in articles of commerce.
HB 524 Caption: Relating to creating the Buffalo Flat Common School District in Hall County, Texas.
HJR 23 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act regarding appropriation to construct and maintain fireproof warehouses and grain elevators at Texas ports.
37th 1st Called Session
HB 129 Caption: Relating to establishing official cotton standards.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 56 Caption: Relating to creating Weatherly Common School District Number 19 in Hall County, Texas.