13th Regular Session (1873) – Governor Edmund J. Davis

Bill Caption Document
HB 10 An act to legalize and make valid the recent election in Wilson county.
House Override - House Journal Text
No indication of Senate Override
HB 29 An act to provide for the registration of voters.   Veto
HB 35 An act to be entitled an act to authorize parties in certain cases to sue in the District Courts for headright certificates and bounty and donation warrants, and to provide for the issuance of such certificates and warrants.   Veto
HB 113 An act concerning landlord and tenants.
House Override - House Journal Text
Senate refused to pass over veto - Senate Journal Text
HB 114 An act to amend the first section of an act entitled an act to provide for the creating of two counties out of the territory now embraced within the limits of Refugio county, and to provide for their organization, passed September 18, A.D. 1871.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 211 An act making an appropriation for C.R. Gibson.
This bill has been cited as HB 211 and as HB 411. The current preponderance of evidence points to HB 211 being the correct bill number but future research may indicate HB 411 is the correct number.
HB 236 An act to repeal an act entitled an act to establish a State Police, and provide for the regulation and government of the same, approved July 1, 1870; also to repeal "An act entitled an act to amend an act entitled an act to establish a State Police, and provide for the regulation and government of the same, approved May 2, 1871.
House Override - House Journal Text
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text
HB 259 An act to authorize the county or police courts of Washington and Grimes counties to aid in the construction of the Brazos bridge, near the town of Washington, in Washington county, Texas.   Veto
HB 284 An act for the relief of L.W. Ludlow.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 285 An act to validate the headright land certificate, No. 102, of Walter Campbell, for three hundred and sixt-nine (369) acres of land, instead of three hundred and seventy and one-third (370ยจรท), as now stated in said certificate.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual mssage has not been located.
HB 288 An act for the relief of the heirs or assignees of Earl Stanley Williams, deceased.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 332 An act supplemental to and amendatory of the several acts concerning injunctions.
House Override - House Journal Text
No indication of Senate Override
HB 340 An act to ascertain the amounts due the teachers of the public schools of this State prior to the first day of March, A.D. 1873, and to provide for the payment of the same.
House Override - House Journal Text
No indication of Senate Override; Senate appears to have passed SB 369 in lieu of HB 340 - Senate Journal Text
House passage of SB 369 - House Journal Text
Senate concurs with House Amendments to SB 369 - Senate Journal Text
HB 373 An act supplementary to an act entitled an act to provide for the organization of the State Lunatic Asylum, and for the care and maintenance of the insane, approved February 5, 1858.   Veto
HB 403 An act for the relief of the heirs of John Short, deceased.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 441 An act making appropriations for the support of the State government for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1872, and ending August 31, 1873, and for the fiscal year beginning September 1, 1873, and ending August 31, 1874.
Line-item Veto
HB 557 An act to incorporate the Brazos Santiago and Rio Grande Canal Company.   Veto
HB 589 An act to incorporate the Texas University.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 793 An act for the relief of the heirs of Frederick Rowe, deceased.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 794 An act to amend section seven of an act entitled an act to incorporate the city of Waco, approved April 26, 1871.
House Override - House Journal Text
No indication of Senate Override
HB 826 An act to validate a bounty land warrant issued to the heirs of Wm. Fisbaugh, deceased.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 859 An act to prohibit the sale or giving away of intoxicating liquors within three miles of Prairie Grove Church and Seminary of Learning, situated in Hill county, and Evergreen, Washington county.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 863 An act to amend section three (3) of an act entitled an act supplementary to an act to provide for the payment of the public debt of the State of Texas, approved May 2, 1871.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located
HB 865 An act validating bounty land warrant No. ..., issued to the heirs of Thomas Jackson.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 894 An act to legalize the unconditional certificate of three hundred and twenty (320) acres of land issued to Josiah Powers, and the survey made by virtue of the same.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 906 An act to incorporate the Brazos Santiago and Rio Grande Canal Company.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 914 An act authorizing and requiring the issuance of land certificates to certain parties therein named.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 928 An act to authorize the issuance of land certificates to the heirs of those who were killed in the Dawson massacre, near the Salado, in September, 1842, and of those who were taken prisoners there and died while in prison.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 956 An act to provide for testing and purchasing of James G.G. Garrett his patent right improvement in insect destroyer, No. 133,023, dated November 12, 1872.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 969 An act to create certain county offices, and provide for filling the same.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
HB 972 An act to extend the limits of Marion county so as to include a portion of Marion county, and to define the boundaries thereof
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located
HB 977 An act to create and define Montague land district.
A notation in House Journal indicates Governor vetoed bill, but actual message has not been located.
SB 42 An act conferring the right of suffrage upon such foreign born residents as may have heretofore declared, or may hereafter declare their intention to become citizens before the clerks of the district courts of the several counties in vacation.   Veto
SB 51 An act for the relief of sureties upon official bonds.
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text
House refused to pass over veto - House Journal Text
SB 75 An act to authorize the County Court of Washington county to issue bonds for the purpose of funding the indebtedness of said county contracted for the building of a jail, and to provide for their payment.   Veto
SB 79 An act to provide for the ascertainment and payment of the liabilities of the county of Washington.   Veto
SB 80 An act to provide for the payment of sheriffs for guards employed in conveying prisoners to the Penitentiary of the State in certain cases.
Veto message includes prior letter from Governor discussing this matter.
SB 86 An act supplementary and amendatory of an act to provide for the establishment of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, approved April 17, 1871.
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text
No indication of House Override.
SB 178 An act to incorporate the Texas Library and Publishing Company.   Veto
SB 218 An act to establish and maintain a system of public free schools in the State of Texas.
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text
House Override - House Journal Text
SB 227 An act requiring the Treasurer of the State of Texas to receive all payments due on all notes given by purchasers of university lands sold under the provisions of an act for the disposition and sale of the university lands, approved August 30, 1856, and an act amendatory thereof, approved November 6, 1866, and to require the Commissioner of the General Land Office to issue patents on said lands.   Veto
SB 235 An act for the relief of the heirs and assigns of Joseph Percival, deceased.   Veto
SB 248 An act to empower the Commissioner of the General Land Office to issue to Willett Holmes a headright certificate of one league and labor of land.   Veto
SB 266 An act for the relief of the heirs of Augustus W. Shipley.   Veto
SB 312 An act for the relief of G. Hoffman.   Veto
SB 319 An act for the relief of the heirs of James W. Dickson, deceased.   Veto
SB 326 An act to validate first class land certificate No. 150, issued to Freeman Prewitt by the board of land commissioners of Jasper county, July 5, 1839.   Veto
SB 336 An act to provide for the printing of the general laws of the State in the German and Spanish languages.
Senate Override- Senate Journal Text
No indication of House Override although House did attempt Override of accompanying bill, SB 402
SB 360 An act to establish, organize and define the powers of the Criminal District Court in and for the cities of Dallas, McKinney and Sherman.
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text
House Override - House Journal Text
SB 362 An act to authorize the lessees of the State Penitentiary to delay the payment of certain amounts of money to become due the State until the expiration of their lease.
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text
House Override - House Journal Text
SB 370 An act to provide for the payment of sheriffs for guards employed in carrying prisoners to the penitentiary of the State.   Veto
SB 402 An act supplemental to and explanatory of an act to provide for the printing of the general laws of the State in the German and Spanish languages.
Senate Override- Senate Journal Text
House voted to Override, but did not have a quorum - House Journal Text
HJR 484 Joint resolution in relation to the printing of railroad charters.   Veto
HJR 634 Joint resolution authorizing the Comptroller to employ two additional clerks.   Veto
HJR 944 Joint Resolution requiring County Courts to make settlements with sheriffs and treasurers of school boards.
House Override - House Journal Text
No indication of Senate Override
SJR 22 Joint resolution authorizing the Governor to adjust the matter of difference of the hypothecation of certain bonds with Williams & Guion, in the city of New York.   Veto
SJR 45 Joint resolution for the relief of Mrs. Belle Murray.
Senate Override - Senate Journal Text
House Override - House Journal Text

Information about Vetoed Bills is unofficial and is provided as a public service by the Texas Legislative Reference Library. The Texas Legislative Reference Library makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy and makes no warranty in regards to its use. Users assume all risk of reliance on the table.