Executive documents-Search results

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Results: {data.filteredRows} document(s)   [  Author= Oran M. Roberts  Document type= Proclamation  ]

Date Session Title Author Type Document number
03/01/1882 (17th 1st C.S.) 17th 1st C.S. Calling a special session of the 17th Legislature to convene April 6, 1882, for the following purposes: apportionment of the State into congressional, senatorial, and representative districts, State Capitol fire and supplying the place of the capitol that has been burned and all books and furniture, provision for everything deemed necessary to facilitate erection of the new State Capitol, supplying water and other necessary improvements to the Lunatic Asylum and other public buildings, further improvements and regulation for the State penitentiaries in anticipation of the expiration of the present lease, University of Texas funding and support and maintenance of Prairie View Normal School, lands belonging to public free schools and to the university and asylums, railroad conditions, reduction of taxes, both ad valorem and occupation Oran M. Roberts Legislative proclamation
05/12/1879 (16th 1st C.S.) 16th 1st C.S. Calling a special session of the 16th Legislature to convene June 10, 1879, to pass such laws and they may deem for the public good upon the following subjects of legislation to wit [see body of message 6/10/1879] Oran M. Roberts Legislative proclamation